
    About this Episode

    Curious about achieving financial independence through real estate? Join us in this episode of the Stacking Deeds Podcast for an engaging conversation with Ali Garced.In addition, we dissect a headline featuring five real estate scams and how to avoid them. Stay tuned for a captivating listener question during Ring Ruth’s Rotary and a dose of Doug’s real estate trivia to level up your real estate game.

    Recent Episodes from Stacking Deeds: Strategies, Market Trends, Tools, and education For Real Estate Investors

    Building Your Real Estate Empire with Multi-Seven Figure Investor Steven Andrews

    Building Your Real Estate Empire with Multi-Seven Figure Investor Steven Andrews

    Are you struggling to get your real estate empire moving? Today we'll give you all of the motivation you need and a great mentor to help you get started. Steven Andrews was working as a manager of a big box retailer, making not-great money when he found a mentor of his own and bought his first home using a credit card for the down payment. Before he knew it, he was buying houses as quickly as possible and creating affordable living for many in his community. You'll hear his story and his tips to get rolling on this episode.

    In our headline segment, for more inspiration we'll share some celebrities who also began investing in real estate while pursuing other careers. Taylor Swift, Alex Rodriquez, Shaquille O'Neal, and more provide lessons for us to share some great must-do tips and a few don't-do's as well. But that's not all! We'll also share Doug's property pop quiz AND answer a question from a Deeder who's just buying their first home, at age 72! What an inspiration! We'll help him and hopefully you with some great advice*"

    Have a question for the show? Head to StackingDeeds.net/voicemail

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    The Deed on Due Diligence: Dodging Drama in Real Estate Deals

    The Deed on Due Diligence: Dodging Drama in Real Estate Deals

    4 Ways to Build a $10,000/Month Cash Cow: The Residential Assisted Living Investment Guide with Isabelle Guarino

    4 Ways to Build a $10,000/Month Cash Cow: The Residential Assisted Living Investment Guide with Isabelle Guarino

    Want to grow your real estate empire faster OR are you excited to start? This episode dives deep into the world of assisted living facilities, exploring the potential for financial success while making a positive impact on the lives of seniors. Our guest, Isabelle Guarino, shares her inspiring journey of building a thriving assisted living business, generating a lucrative monthly income of $10,000 per facility.

    In our headlines, we talk about the top things people wish they knew BEFORE pivoting into Real Estate. Plus, we’ll answer a call to Ruth's Rotary phone from Amy on how to police your contractor without torking 'em off. And of course, all things come together in the world AFTER I pop in later with my property pop quiz. Enjoy!

    Grow to 2 Million and Give a Million Away with Randy Molland

    Grow to 2 Million and Give a Million Away with Randy Molland

    Have you heard the term, "Charity begins at home?" Today's guest will tell you just how wrong that quote is. Randy Molland was on the fast track to big bucks, and after two dramatic life events realized that the key to life was to flip from being a TAKER to being a GIVER. Randy now helps real estate investors and companies set up charitable giving inside of their community to (shockingly) grow quicker and help your local area at the same time. He'll detail just how giving more can help you build more houses, help more people, and experience more happiness, all while getting out of the rat race.

    In our headline, insurance rates are skyrocketing. We talk about not just rates, but how homeowners insurance policies work, how to shop them, and what to look for, among many other topics around becoming an expert with insurance. If you've ever said, "My insurance company is ripping me off," you definitely want to listen to today's show! Of course, that's not all. We also take a call from Jamaica (well, kinda) from a Deeder who needs help AND Doug shares his pop quiz trivia question. Enjoy!

    Love & Taxes: An Insight into Cost Segregation and Real Estate Taxes with Joe Viery

    Love & Taxes: An Insight into Cost Segregation and Real Estate Taxes with Joe Viery

    Ever wondered how to use depreciation to your benefit in real estate investing? In today's episode, we bring you an engaging discussion on how tax planning can effectively boost your investment returns. Our guest, Joe Viery, shares his expertise on the importance of assembling a proficient tax team and explains how to use depreciation in real estate as a tax-saving tool. We further explore the strategy of cost segregation, a powerful tax planning tool.

    In our headline segment, the Apple Vision Pro enters the world of real estate.  We'll share how this can help and hurt the industry.  We wrap up the episode with a question on Ring Ruth's Rotary about how your life insurance policy could potentially be leveraged for real estate purchases.


    Dear Ngo Shares the Secret Sauce to Real Estate Syndication Success

    Dear Ngo Shares the Secret Sauce to Real Estate Syndication Success

    Investing in Real Estate Without Owning Property: Scott Carson's Money Making Blueprint of Turning Troubled Loans into Profits

    Investing in Real Estate Without Owning Property: Scott Carson's Money Making Blueprint of Turning Troubled Loans into Profits

    What if there were a way to invest in real estate…without investing in real estate? Scott Carson joins us to share how he buys mortgages. Banks struggle to evaluate loans because of their macro engines, and Scott sneaks into the crevasses to find opportunities to buy the loan from the bank and successfully turn a non-performing loan into a successful investment. He helps people stay in their home while also making money. How does it work? He’ll explain how he identifies the loans that banks struggle with, buys the loans, and then works with the homeowner to get them back on their feet. He also covers what he does if he CAN’T help the homeowner (and sometimes still makes money). We talk about the risks, upside, and mechanics of buying loans on today’s show. Plus, in our headline segment, we dive into a Reddit thread focused on one big name’s child…who says that making money in real estate is super easy. We’ll take a look and share some thoughts on taking advice from influencers on the internet. Plus, we’ll take a question about HELOCs to Ruth’s Rotary Phone AND we’ll also share Doug’s fascinating trivia (which doubles as a pop quiz!). All that and more on today’s show!

    Crunching the Numbers: How to Quickly Determine If a Property is a Deal or No Deal

    Crunching the Numbers: How to Quickly Determine If a Property is a Deal or No Deal

    Today we throw away all of the talk and get our hands dirty. What does a “great deal” really look like? You’ve heard all the talk. You’ve listened to podcasts. We dump all of the theory on the floor and instead evaluate a real deal from one of our Deeders! We’ll apply all the math, show you websites, dive into clues from the listing, and ultimately make a decision about whether Denise’s deal is ultimately one she should pursue or if she should keep looking.

    In our headline segment Rich Dad, Poor Dad guru Robert Kyosaki is in the news, sharing that he’s over a BILLION dollars in debt? While we can’t confirm that number, we can confirm that we talk about leverage on the show and how to use it wisely without being wiped out. We also answer a call to Ruth’s Rotary phone from Pam-a-lama-ding-dong (not her real name) AND we also, like a cherry on top, share Doug’s entirely fun and not-for-credit pop quiz. We’re sure you’ll pass the quiz AND won’t want to pass on all this knowledge and fun.

    Replay! Top 5 Strategies to Build Your Down Payment

    Replay! Top 5 Strategies to Build Your Down Payment

    Are you ready to kickstart your journey towards owning your first investment property? In this episode of Stacking Deeds, we've got our top 5 exciting and creative ways for you to build up your down payment. Join us as we dive deep into these top five strategies and inspire you to take your first step toward financial freedom through real estate investment. Finally, do you think you can correctly answer Doug’s Property Pop Quiz?

    Get the show notes delivered to your inbox at https://www.stackingdeeds.net/p/shownotes/

    The Ultimate Real Estate Q&A with Chat.GPT Versus Crystal and Joe

    The Ultimate Real Estate Q&A with Chat.GPT Versus Crystal and Joe