
    From Disobedience to Obedience

    enAugust 21, 2024
    How does the Bible describe children of God?
    What defines our identity as children of God?
    Who are considered children of disobedience?
    What must we do to become children of God?
    What transformation is required to live as children of light?

    Podcast Summary

    • Identity as Children of GodThrough obedience to God's laws and regeneration, we can become children of God and are called to live a godly life, transforming our minds and conforming to Christ's example, rather than the world's.

      According to the Bible, our actions and obedience to God's laws define who we are – either as children of disobedience or children of God. The children of disobedience are characterized by sinful practices and are subject to God's wrath. However, those who turn away from their former lusts and embrace a new life through regeneration or being born-again, can become children of God. This new identity brings with it a great responsibility to live a godly life and walk worthy of the vocation as children of God. We must no longer conform to the world but be transformed by renewing our minds. As children of light, we now have the mind of Christ and the highest calling to live up to. The Bible uses various terms such as obedient children, children of light, children of the day, children of the kingdom, and children of wrath to convey this concept. So, let us strive to live according to our new identity as children of God and not be conformed to the world.

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