
    From Fentanyl Poisoning to Action with Mike Bailey

    enFebruary 14, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Mike Bailey and his son Brandon. Brandon lost his life to fentanyl poisoning. Mike tells his story of losing his only child and how it has affected him. The worst part of this story is that Brandon’s death, like so many fentanyl deaths, was accidental and preventable. Mike’s story could not be more timely.

    Key Takeaways

    - You never get over losing a child. You can get through it but not over it. 

    - Don’t hold it inside. Go talk to someone. 

    - If you know your child has addiction problems, fight for your child. 

    - When friends or family lose a child, reach out and be supportive. 

    - There are no rules on mourning. Mourn the loss of a child in whatever way helps get you through it. 

    - No matter what problems you have, someone has bigger ones.

    Check Out Mike's Radio Show - Sip and Chew with Mike & Stu >>>

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    Recent Episodes from Rocket Motivation

    Cancer Sucks with Michelle Rapkin

    Cancer Sucks with Michelle Rapkin

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Michelle Rapkin. Michelle is a three time cancer survivor who was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma for the first time in 2000. She tells her story of battling cancer and navigating her life through this time. Throughout it all, she balanced her career in the publishing industry, self-care, and personal life. She’s written a book entitled “Cancer Sucks, but You Can Get Through It.” A practical guide for those diagnosed with cancer and their friends and family. This is an inspirational and informative episode.


    Key Takeaways

    - Worrying does not change anything. Make an effort to be positive.

    - Be involved in your cancer treatment. Be a CEO of your health. Do your homework and participate in treatment decisions.

    - Put yourself first in your cancer journey. Be selfish. It is all about you.

    - Adversity offers us opportunity. We learn painful lessons that help us become better people.


    Buy Michelle's Book
    Grab your Copy of Cancer Sucks, but You Can Get Through It


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

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    Examine Your Purpose with Jacki Semerau Tait

    Examine Your Purpose with Jacki Semerau Tait

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Jacki Semerau Tait. Jacki was a real estate agent when the great recession hit. She lost all of her sources of income, couldn’t pay her mortgage, and she and her two daughters had to move back into her parents house. It got worse from there. She tells her story about how she had only 4 one dollar bills to her name, her entire net worth, but used that as a catalyst to launch into her dream life.

    Key Takeaways 

    Don’t ignore the reality when things are going wrong. It’s fine to have the breakdown or feeling of being overwhelmed, but limit the time you spend on the bad feelings and address your problems.

    Look up/look ahead. What’s going on in the moment doesn’t last. Use it to move forward.

    Look for helpers when going through adversity.

    Circumstances that seem disastrous at the time can be needed to move forward to live your best life.

    You need greater vision to look past adversity.


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

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    Rod Cate Website

    The Ability To Adapt with Coach Tim Weaver

    The Ability To Adapt with Coach Tim Weaver

    In this week's episode, we learn the story of Coach Tim Weaver. Coach Weaver has been a football coach at the college level for over 30 years, consisting of seven different college jobs. He's presently the defensive coordinator at Brown University. He gives great life advice based upon his years of working in a profession with constant uncertainty.  

    Key Takeaways 

    Before reacting to a sudden bad circumstance, take a pause and figure out where you want to be in the near future and how you are going to get there. 

    For young people, the ability to communicate is most important in every aspect of life. Develop good communication skills. 

    Woe is me doesn't help. 

    Surround yourself with quality people. Develop a great support group. Build new relationships.

    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

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    Seeing The Light With Theresa Contaxis

    Seeing The Light With Theresa Contaxis

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Theresa Contaxis. Theresa had a tough childhood where she was bullied and, as an adult, had feelings of anger, jealousy, and insecurity. After the birth of her third child, she became extremely depressed and was determined to overcome it and begin living her best life. She tells the story about her journey of spiritual enlightenment and gives advice on how to find your place in this world. 

    Key Takeaways

    - True joy comes from within.

    - We are all connected in this life. Life is better when you stay connected with others, yourself and this world.

    - Accept your negative qualities. Learn to live with them.

    - Practice small acts of random kindness. Give someone a smile.

    - Even on a cloudy day, the sun shines above the clouds. The sun is always shining. 

    - Life should be joyous.


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Making A Difference With Olivier Charles

    Making A Difference With Olivier Charles

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Olivier Charles. When Olivier was 10 years old, his family fled Haiti on a boat that was barely seaworthy. They eventually made it to the United States. He tells his story of navigating life and eventually rising to the position of President of Bishop State Community College in Mobile, Alabama.

    Key Episode Takeaways

    - Tough times don’t always last, but embrace the hard times. 

    - Find a purpose. Do something to make a difference in others’ lives.

    - Everybody’s got to do something hard in life. Don’t run away from difficult challenges.

    - Pain doesn’t last forever. Train your mind to understand that.

    - Do that thing in life you’ve always wanted to do. We only get one life. 


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Living A Life Of Purpose With Gerald Jones

    Living A Life Of Purpose With Gerald Jones

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Gerald Jones. At age 25, Gerald had testicular cancer that was misdiagnosed for a year. By the time the correct diagnoses was made, the cancer had spread and Gerald had a mass on his aorta. He had surgery, chemo and now, over 35 years later, he tells his story of faith and gives great advice and life lessons. 

    Key Takeaways

    - Through God’s strength, we can do anything.

    - Life can be frail. We need to appreciate life.

    - Even when life deals you something you believe is insurmountable, there is always hope.

    - When dealing with adversity, look inside yourself and see your worth. Understand what you have to offer.

    - Look at life like this: It’s Christmas everyday!


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Find Your Solution with Brad Schaeffer

    Find Your Solution with Brad Schaeffer

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Brad Schaeffer. Just after his 16th birthday, Brad’s father, a Korean War Veteran, committed suicide. Brad talks about the loss of his father, how it affected him and how it prepared him for life and his career. Brad was a trader on the iconic commodities exchange trading floors and talks about that experience and life lessons. He’s an author who has captured much about what he talks about on this pod cast in his books. This is a great episode.

    Key Episode Takeaways

    - No one owes you a living. Take control of your life.

    - When things don’t go your way in life, don’t complain. Find your solution.

    - Things change. Learn to adapt and find something new.

    - When bad things happen, brush yourself off and move forward.

    - Things can always get worse. But nothing is permanent. You can get through anything. 


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Small Victories With Spinal Cord Injury Survivor Aaron Payne

    Small Victories With Spinal Cord Injury Survivor Aaron Payne

    In this week’s episode, we learn the story of Aaron Payne. Aaron suffered a broken neck and spinal cord injury in a diving accident when he was 19 years old. The injury left him with significant paralysis, and he is wheelchair-bound. He’s 37 years old, has a great job, and has lived a productive life. He tells his story of continuing to move forward in life. 

    Key Takeaways

    - Life can be a rollercoaster of emotion and challenges that you have to deal with. There are always obstacles to overcome.

    - Do what it takes to figure out where you fit in best at work and in life.

    - Bad days happen. Hopefully, the good outnumber the bad. But that’s life. You have to work through the bad days.

    - Go through life with patience.

    - Take small steps in reaching your goals. Small victories are important. 

    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Betting On Yourself: Christina Cook’s Triumph Over Gambling Addiction

    Betting On Yourself: Christina Cook’s Triumph Over Gambling Addiction

    In this episode, we learn the story of Christina Cook. Christina is a former gambling addict. She now is over 1000 days without making any bets. She tells her story of becoming an addict, hitting rock bottom and her recovery. When we think of gambling addicts, we typically think of men. Christina’s story enlightens us on gambling addiction from a female perspective. She gives her advice on overcoming gambling addiction and dealing with and overcoming adversity. Christina hosts her own podcast called The Broke Girl Society created for women struggling with problem gambling. Enjoy this great episode. 

    Key Episode Takeaways

    In dealing with addiction, find help from people who have gone through what you have gone through. Find support.

    It’s okay to share how you feel with others.

    We can change our circumstances. It’s not going to happen overnight or without hard work.

    In dealing with addiction, you need to first accept where you are, accept what’s ahead and start tackling the problem. 

    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website

    Rocket Motivation
    enDecember 20, 2023

    Control What You Can Control with Jordan Patterson

    Control What You Can Control with Jordan Patterson

    In this episode, we learn the story of Jordan Patterson. Jordan played seven years as a professional baseball player, mainly grinding it out in the minors with a brief stint in the major leagues with the Colorado Rockies. In 2020, he realized it was time for a new career and is now finishing his 3rd year of law school. He tells his story of the ups and downs of battling to make it to the major leagues, being so close, making it briefly, and realizing when it was time to move on. He provides great life lessons based on his experiences. 


    Life doesn’t always work out like you think it should. But, keep moving forward.

    Instead of blaming others for not getting what you want, ask yourself what you could have done better.

    Be persistent in trying to reach your goals. Control what you can control. It may be that even if you do all you can, you don’t reach your goals, But that’s okay.

    It’s okay to feel uncomfortable in trying new things. That’s how you grow.

    Be present. Be aware of where you are and the people around you. Be intentional. 


    This episode was made possible by:

    Hand Arendall Harrison Sale 

    Buy Rod's Book "Get Back Up" >>> Buy Here

    Learn more about & contact Rod Cate:
    Rod Cate Website