
    About this Episode

    Paul Mathews grew up with all the advantages of a typical Utah kid: he had a stay-at-home mom, was coached by his dad in various little league sports, and went on to play high school baseball. In spite of his picture-perfect upbringing, he struggled to find himself and when his parents' marriage fell apart, his life started to spiral. His addictive behaviors started young with alcohol being his escape of choice. Eventually turning to hard drugs and dealing, that semblance of a normal life was gone and he dove head first into addiction, dealing, and crime. Hear how his experience in prison did little to curb his direction and how finally, thanks to a parole officer who saw the good in him and gave him a break, he mustered the strength to escape the cycle of hurt and was determined to choose his own destiny.
    • Paul’s early life 2:15
    • No one knew he was falling 14:50
    • Finishing high school 27:00
    • Getting pain pills, opioids, alcohol 35:50
    • Becoming a meth dealer 40:00
    • Prison locations 48:00
    • Getting out 52:00
    • Realizing the power of God 63:00

    “I was a complete liar because I wanted to fit in. I wanted for some reason, I wanted everybody to like me. I wanted to fit in with this group and this group, so I would lie ‘Hey I’m this and I’m this.’ and it was complete BS the whole time. Up until I went to prison and I realized you don’t lie in prison. If you lie, you’re gonna have a rough go. You’re gonna get beat up, be in protective custody, and you're gonna have a long, long, long, long journey in prison and I got to the point where I’d rather have people hate me for who I am than love me for who I’m not, whether I have friends or not.” 42:41

    Recent Episodes from All My Friends Are Felons

    Radical Forgiveness | Power to Transform

    Radical Forgiveness | Power to Transform
    Normal life to Chad Christofferson was anything but normal. His mom was addicted to Meth. He had 9 siblings. His uncle provided his mom meth and on and on and on. Jumped into his gang in his own front yard, his was a life of drugs and crime and violence. Sentenced to 6 yrs to life, his first years in prison were more of the same, gangs and violence. However, he left the drugs behind. He tells his story of finally leaving his gang and the problems that both created and solved. Then thanks to a fellow inmate, he starts working in prison and moves from one job to another gaining valuable work experience and for the first time feeling what it was like to work and feel good about the prospects of another day. Finally, he tells the experience of when his victims mother comes to see him in prison and the feeling in his heart when she said she forgave him. Chad tells an amazing story of transition and change and redemption.

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    The Other Side Academy - theothersideacademy.com

    The Peaceful Prisons Project - peacefulprisonsproject.com

    My Story Matters / Captain Your Story - mystorymatters.org

    To support our cause and learn more, check us out - allmyfriendsarefelons.com

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    (00:00:00) Chad Christoferson

    (00:00:34) Sponsors: The Other Side Academy, Peaceful Prisons Project & My Story Matters

    (00:01:21) Introduction

    (00:02:39) Early Life

    (00:07:01) Early Influences

    (00:10:03) Family Drug Use

    (00:12:09) Kicked Out of 12th Grade

    (00:14:33) Homicide

    (00:17:15) His Prison Experience

    (00:31:51) Working Up

    (00:43:37) The Victim’s Mother

    (00:46:53) Change is Hard

    (00:54:11) Employment

    (00:59:58) Advice for Others

    “Even one person forgiving me for something like that is huge, especially being his mother, ya know?... That’s another reason why I want to better myself and thrive in life and show people that it can be done… She needs to see me doing this...?”

    Feeding the Wolves | The Tale of Paul Pace

    Feeding the Wolves | The Tale of Paul Pace
    Paul Pace’s story is a classic tale of how good and bad choices can change the trajectory of your life. For much of his life, Paul walked the line, teetering between those easy-to-make bad choices, and the difficult-but-worth-it good choices. One day, he decided he was done and he gave in to the temptations surrounding him, feeding the bad wolf which then took over. That led to him becoming known as the Chipped Tooth Bandit. Indicted on 23 counts of armed robbery, he found himself serving first in the Utah prison system, and then afterward flying all over the country on Con Air in the Federal prison system. Listen in as he promises his judge that he is going to spend his time in prison changing. From there on, he started feeding only the good wolf. Listen in as he, in spite of the prison system, transforms his life through determination, education, and a commitment he made to himself and his judge some 20 years ago. Paul tells a powerful story.

    • Paul’s story 1:50
    • Trying drugs for the first time 13:00
    • Drugs, pregnancy, and elopement… 28:00
    • Doing every crime possible 32:50
    • Sentencing 37:45
    • Flying all over the country 55:30
    • Getting out of prison in 2019 63:20

    “After several times going back and forth, getting married, having another kid, a period of sobriety with her for like 9 months while she was pregnant, and for a few months of my son’s life. Then, she and I relapsed again when he was about 6 months old and I threw him away and her away. Just gave both of them up and walked away.” 32:00

    Journey Through Chaos | Colby Bronson's Tale of Survival

    Journey Through Chaos | Colby Bronson's Tale of Survival
    Colby Bronson was born to the ideal home in America, surrounded by loving parents, siblings, and extended family. Everything seemed fine until one day, his father took him to lunch with a woman that wasn’t his mom. Sworn to secrecy, he eventually told his mother about that day and the outwardly-perfect family completely imploded. Carrying the burden of breaking up his family and dealing with the resulting trauma, an open wound was left on Colby's mental health that took him nearly 25 years to address. 14 of those years were spent doing time in the prisons of Colorado and Utah. Listen as Colby describes the chaos that ensued in the wake of that trauma. Now involved in the recovery space, he's committed to helping others.

    • Meeting his father’s mistress 3:00
    • Feeling worthless and seeking the same 11:00
    • His first prison sentence 24:30
    • Getting involved in every program possible 31:30
    • The change process: Holographic Human Theory 45:20

    “Every time I got out of prison, and this is no joke, no lie. Every time I got out of prison, I fully expected to never go back. Like in my mind I’d be replaying this thing ‘Thank goodness I did all this stuff and I’m done now, and I’m gonna go and just live my life and be a father, and all this other stuff.’ and 60 days. It took me 60 days 3 different times to relapse and re-offend. And I re-offended every time.” 32:32

    Finding Normal | A Story of Trust and Transformation

    Finding Normal | A Story of Trust and Transformation
    Like all kids, Mysti Lopez viewed her young life as normal and didn't give the recurring dysfunction in her home a second thought. Surrounded by drugs, fraud, abuse, and alcohol, she had no idea that life didn't have to be consistently unstable and filled with chaos. Sent to live in California's foster care system, her adoptive mom did her best to show Mysti what a good, “normal” life looks like. However, it was so foreign to her younger self that she couldn’t trust her new-found stability and as such, she ran away back to Utah. There, Mysti spent the better part of 16 years in and out of the system. As she was once again being arrested, she realized there must be a better way to live. Listen as she recounts her discovery of a truly normal life through the help of a rehabilitation program. Her story of survival, change, and success is sure to open your eyes.
    • The drug life was normal 2:00
    • When she told on herself 6:15
    • Selling drugs 12:00
    • A toxic marriage and alcoholism 14:45
    • When things changed 19:00
    • House of hope 22:30
    • Manny’s path out 27:00
    • Her boys 35:30

    “It’s OK to ask for help from somebody. Most of my life I was really untrusting of adults because I’ve had a lot of trauma from them in many aspects, so it made me feel like I had to do everything on my own, which eventually led me to trying to fix everybody all the time and ignore myself. So that’s the advice I’d give myself is slow down and ask for help. It’s OK. You don’t have to do it all on your own.” 41:28

    Lost and Found | A Tale of Addiction, Redemption, and Faith

    Lost and Found | A Tale of Addiction, Redemption, and Faith
    James Deluna's parents split when he was two years old, and in spite of their divorce, he actually did very well for himself in school, in his social circles, and in life in general. That all changed when he was 14, his dad remarried his mom, and James was inexplicably kicked out of his parents' house. He started to question his religious belief system, turned away from and even began to hate God as time progressed. Listen as James describes the details of his chaotic life including 29 years in the system where drugs and alcohol became his new forms of worship. Then, one event changed everything for James, reigniting his spiritual beliefs and helping turn away from the drugs and alcohol that were weighing him down. His story is one of redemption and hope where even in the depths of addiction, recovery is possible.

    The beginning 1:30
    Time in Maryland and finding a wife 12:30
    Married and struggling 19:10
    Losing grandma 30:00
    Going back to meth 35:00
    Arrested for a meth lab 38:00
    Advice to family with someone suffering with addiction 57:25

    “One thing I’ve learned about life, nothing is by chance. It’s by design, and I needed to be extracted from life because I was destroying myself and I was destroying everyone around me. If I had been a cheesecake maker instead of a drug maker, my friends would have all been fat and had cheesecake around their mouth, but I wasn’t a cheesecake maker. I was somebody trying to speed up his time here upon the Earth because I didn’t want to be here. I felt that I had gone and done too much for God to want anything to do with me.” 39:15

    From All-American Dream to Federal Prison | The Wayne Ogden Story

    From All-American Dream to Federal Prison | The Wayne Ogden Story
    Wayne Ogden grew up living the all-American life: outdoors, sports, friends, family, he had it all. Being small for his age, he was bullied by other kids but he grew resilient and turned those experiences into strength and determination to prove himself. After high school, Wayne got married, started a family, and got a gig in real estate where he rose to the top of his game. That’s when the trouble hit. His unquenchable thirst for money and high status was only fueled by his never-ending need to prove himself. Listen as he recounts the heart-shattering moment he contemplated suicide and soon found himself in the prison system where he would rely on a perspective he was taught as a child, which ultimately helped to change the trajectory of his journey.
    • The beginning 1:40
    • The rise and fall of wealth 16:45
    • Considering a dark option 28:00
    • Trial and sentencing 35:20
    • Training service animals 42:00

    “I would tell my son, me, my daughters, ‘Remember all of the basics that you learned and remember how important they are, because whether it was your mom and dad who taught them to you, or your church, or your community, or whoever, they really are fundamentally sound. If you can walk away from a bad decision, you’ll never have to go through something like what I went through.” 54:54

    Surviving Chaos | Maisie King's Tale of Resilience

    Surviving Chaos | Maisie King's Tale of Resilience
    Maisie King’s story is one of survival; her childhood was anything but normal. She remembers accompanying her parents as they broke into the local pharmacy. Living most of her young life in a van, her normal was witnessing crime and drug abuse from a front row seat, something most of us can’t even imagine. Becoming a mother at 16, she set out on her own, living a drug-filled, drug-dealing life that she inhereted from her parents. Her 3 children were headed down the same road, continuing a 4th generation cycle of complete dysfunctionality. You’ll be amazed to hear how Maisie and her children have broken that cycle and have gone on to live truly normal lives. Maisie has traveled an incredibly ugly road and not only survived, but finds herself and her family thriving today.
    • Maisie’s young life 2:00
    • Where money came from 11:30
    • When her mom couldn’t take it anymore 19:35
    • Running amuck 30:30
    • How long she stayed with her husband 43:00
    • Going hard with the drug life 49:30
    • The Feds 51:00
    • Meeting Portia 59:45
    • What her life looks like now 67:40

    “As crazy as it sounds, the kids to some point drew a boundary or set a standard of what I allowed to have happen, or didn’t allow to happen, but once they were gone there was no standard, there was no boundary, I could do whatever I wanted, and I went to the moon with that.” 49:50

    Through the Depths | Aka Tufaga's Path to Spiritual Healing

    Through the Depths | Aka Tufaga's Path to Spiritual Healing
    Growing up in American Samoa, the youngest of seven children, Aka Tufaga found herself at the feet of a devoutly religious mother and a violent, alcoholic father. Confused by the contradicting behaviors, she found herself rebelling. At age 8 her family moved to Hawaii and her rebellion got worse with drinking, then cigarettes, and finally meth. Her life spiraled down a dark path of addiction, teenage pregnancy, and tragedy, leading to a stint in jail in 2003. Homeless and penniless, she found her current husband in the drug trade and 3 years later she was slapped with a 180 month sentence in the Federal system. Aka's heart wrenching story is one of pain, fear, and abuse, but with a silver lining. Listen as she describes her new life as being full of faith, love, and devotion, rather than the darkness it was once controlled by.
    • Aka’s beginning 2:20
    • Facing jail time and losing the husband and kids 12:20
    • Looking at 189 months in prison 18:45
    • Going to a more rowdy prison, homesickness, and losing her dad 28:00
    • Life in Dublin’s female prison 34:30
    • Released to a halfway house in Utah 36:45
    • Her husband’s sentence 42:00
    • Staying away from that life 44:00

    “There were people smoking and I saw them smoke where I was, the people I hung out with, but I knew that if I started I would never quit again, so I just didn’t start. I didn’t touch it. That was the hardest thing I had in my life to quit. I was not gonna go back to that and I knew if I did, I would have gone back to everything else.” 41:00

    From Chaos to Clarity | From Dark Time to Brighter Days with Ryan Evans

    From Chaos to Clarity | From Dark Time to Brighter Days with Ryan Evans
    Ryan Evans’ early memories were not pleasant and he had a hard time finding any stability moving around the west side of the Salt Lake valley. Finally after finding a trailer park in West Valley, he settled into an 8 year reprieve with friends and football. Then in the ninth grade, tragedy struck as he tried meth for the first time and his life went into a tailspin; the chaos that ensued could hardly be described. In and out of juvenile detention, including a stint in a wilderness program, did little to deter the problems. His experience in federal prison started at 18 where he spent 2 and a half years, which did nothing but make him more angry and volatile. Listen as he describes his life between incarceration, when he did the unthinkable to a lifelong friend. Then everything changed after a pivotal conversation with his 10-year-old niece. Hear how his last prison stint and the intervention of several prison volunteers puts him on the path of redemption.
    • Ryan’s young life 2:00
    • Starting to feel some stability and safety for once 10:00
    • 15 years old, doing meth, and pregnant 11:50
    • Going federal and tried as an adult 18:00
    • A tragic story 21:00
    • The accusations ensued 33:35
    • Getting out for a short period 41:00
    • A bad trip 48:40
    • A very wise 10 year old 53:40
    • A real change of heart 56:30

    “She goes ‘Uncle Ry?’ and I said ‘Yeah?’ and she goes ‘God is not done with you yet.’ and I said ‘What did you say?’ and she said ‘God is not done with you yet.’ I thought somebody was speaking in her ear or she had an earpiece or something, and she says ‘He has some things he needs you to do before you come home.’ and it blew me away that she said that. It hit me and I started tearing up.” 54:50

    From Darkness to Deliverance | Savannah's Triumph Over Addiction

    From Darkness to Deliverance | Savannah's Triumph Over Addiction
    Born to an addict mom, Savannah Bushman spent her early life living with her aunt and uncle and in spite of their care, she was molested by her cousin over several years. Returning to live with her mother for a short time, she couldn’t fathom how her mom could choose drugs over her own daughter, but even so, her mom had her try meth at age 14. Savannah was immediately addicted. In and out of juvenile detention and several foster homes, she found herself in kiddie prison first, and then at age 18 in the state prison and pregnant. Listen in as she tells her story of giving birth as an inmate and being separated from her newborn son. When released from prison, she did all she could to make ends meet and to stay sober for her child. Working several jobs and unable to pay the bills, she decided to start selling drugs again without using; a stint that didn't last long. Finding herself back in jail and pregnant once again, she tells how she turned to God, something she had never been taught nor had she ever done before, and how those feelings propelled her to get out, stay clean, and do incredibly hard things to make her life work for herself and for her kids. Now 12 years clean, listen to how she is living the American dream. Hers is a powerful story of coming from nothing and with God’s help, making a great life.

    Where it all began 2:20
    Dating 35 year old Utah’s most wanted man at 14 years old 10:00
    Using again 23:00
    Pregnant again and praying for 30 straight days 26:45
    It’s often a PO who cares that makes a difference 30:40
    The man who was there for her 37:30

    “On my 13th birthday…she was off the hook and had people there, and I was like ‘Ya know mom, I never understood why you chose drugs over your kids.’ and she’s like ‘Well soon you’ll learn. Here–’ And I smoked meth for the first time with my mother.” 7:00