
    Frustrated Man Sells £1.8M of Cars but Can't Get The Right Funding!

    enFebruary 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding a Business: Insights from a Successful EntrepreneurConsidering business expansion? Learn from a successful entrepreneur's experiences on approaching potential sellers, raising capital, and building a strong team.

      Growing a business involves facing a multitude of challenges, from raising capital to convincing sellers to part with their valuable assets. Joe Betty from Bero Motors, with a monthly revenue of £150,000 after trading for 4 to 5 years, shared his experiences in this podcast. He was considering buying a big car site to expand his business but needed guidance on how to proceed. James Sinclair, the host of the podcast, provided insights on these issues, sharing practical advice on how to approach potential sellers and raise the necessary capital. The podcast also touched on the importance of having a strong team. Joe had 9 team members, which was a significant factor in his business. The episode was well-received, with 90% of polled listeners preferring the podcast format with both James and his co-host. Despite some negative feedback, the podcast continues to provide value to its audience by sharing real-life experiences and insights from successful business owners.

    • Challenges in Growing a Car Dealership BusinessTo succeed in a car dealership business, focus on raising capital, managing staff efficiently, and maintaining cash flow. Long-term growth can be achieved through content marketing and building a strong brand.

      Growing a car dealership business comes with significant challenges, including raising capital for stock, managing staff efficiently, and maintaining cash flow. Raising capital is a major hurdle due to the high cost of buying and selling cars and the need for stocking finance. Managing staff efficiently is crucial for maximizing profits and ensuring a smooth operation. Cash flow management is an ongoing challenge due to the need to cover expenses and invest in growth. The interviewee, Joe, aims to sell 30 cars per month, expand his car buying website, and improve his MOT and service center, among other goals. To be successful, he needs to address these challenges head-on and focus on long-term growth through content marketing and building a strong brand.

    • Creating a Thriving Brand: Bexar Motors' Success StoryFocus on content marketing for effective networking. Adapt quickly when a figurehead is removed, as shown by Bexar Motors' competitor.

      Creating a successful brand means establishing a business that is so recognized that people use it as a reference point for similar businesses. Joe Bette, a car dealership owner, has built such a brand with Bexar Motors. He offers car sales, servicing, and vehicle logistics, including car transportation for other dealerships and private customers. They have plans to expand their transportation services with larger vehicles. In addition, they have a car buying website, CarsBoughtFromAll.com, which provides instant valuations for private retail customers. Bette's entrepreneurial journey over the last 4-5 years has led him to create a thriving business, and he advises focusing on content marketing for effective networking. A key lesson from the conversation is the importance of not relying too heavily on one figurehead for a brand, as shown by the quick adaptation required by a competitor when theirs was removed.

    • Buying cars at the right price and quality for profitThe motor trade business aims for a £2,000 profit per car before VAT by purchasing below market value, factoring in costs, and selling around 25-30 cars monthly, generating £50,000-£60,000 in gross profit.

      Buying cars at the right price and quality is crucial in the motor trade for making a profit. The YouTube channel, "Cars Bought for More Dot Com," not only helps in promoting the business but also provides opportunities to buy customers' valued cars. Aiming for a profit of at least £2,000 per car before VAT, the business model involves purchasing cars for less than the intended selling price and factoring in costs such as VAT, forklift staff, and warranties. The business sells around 25 to 30 cars monthly, resulting in a gross profit of approximately £50,000 to £60,000. The rest of the revenue comes from the sales of the cars.

    • Considering cutting MOT and service center due to capacity constraints despite high car sales profitsAwareness of financing costs and effective borrowing limit management are crucial for maintaining profitability in high-turnover industries

      While selling high-value items like cars can lead to significant turnover, the profit margins may be smaller compared to selling services. A car dealership discussed making a large gross profit from selling cars, but was considering cutting their MOT and service center due to capacity constraints. They were using stocking finance with a 4% interest rate, which while allowing for more sales, came with high fees and potentially expensive annual percentage rates. It's crucial for businesses to be aware of these costs and consider the overall impact on their finances. Additionally, the dealership mentioned the importance of managing their borrowing limits effectively to minimize unnecessary finance charges.

    • Transitioning from stocking loans to traditional bank loansAs businesses grow, it's important to consider transitioning from costly stocking loans to traditional bank loans with lower interest rates and longer repayment terms. However, banks may be hesitant to lend to used car dealers, so exploring alternative financing options or working with finance brokers can help secure larger loans from high-end lenders.

      Stocking loans, while providing quick access to funds, can be more profitable for the lenders than the business owners due to high fees and interest rates. As businesses become more profitable and established, it's recommended to transition to traditional bank loans with lower interest rates and longer repayment terms. However, banks can be reluctant to lend to used car dealers, making it essential to explore alternative financing options or work with finance brokers to secure larger loans from high-end lenders. By carefully managing cash flow and paying off debt as quickly as possible, car dealers can eventually become debt-free and run their businesses independently.

    • Exploring financing options for business growthA profitable business with tax payment history can make banks consider it established. Lease options offer upfront payment for property use with future buyback possibility, helping secure loans or financing.

      Expanding your business can be made easier with the right financial advice and creative financing solutions. For instance, if you have a profitable business with a history of paying corporation tax for over five years, banks may consider your business established and easier to work with. One common challenge for business growth is raising capital. In such cases, a lease option could be an effective solution. This involves offering the property owner a lump sum payment upfront, along with a lease agreement that gives you the option to buy the property at a later date. This not only provides you with the space you need to grow your business but also shows banks that you can afford the rent and manage the property, increasing your chances of securing a loan or financing. It's essential to know who to talk to and explore all available financing options to help your business thrive.

    • Determine a commercial property's value through consultations with estate agentsConsult estate agents for average square foot prices, offer value to seller, create win-win situations, secure valuable assets with minimal deposit, potential for significant returns

      When looking to acquire a commercial property through a lease option, it's essential to determine its value by consulting commercial estate agents in your area. This method allows you to estimate the property's worth based on the average square foot price in your location. Additionally, be prepared to offer something of value to the seller while ensuring a beneficial deal for both parties. Remember, the goal is to create a win-win situation where neither party feels hard done by. Face-to-face communication and being honest about the benefits the transaction will bring to your business can increase your chances of securing the property. Ultimately, a lease option can provide an opportunity to acquire a valuable asset without the need for a large deposit, and the potential for significant returns over time.

    • Reducing upfront capital requirementsCapital-intensive businesses can save money by leasing instead of buying, allowing for growth and potential future investment opportunities

      Leveraging opportunities, such as leasing a site instead of buying it outright, can significantly reduce upfront capital requirements for a business. This can be particularly beneficial for capital-intensive businesses like a car buying service. Another key takeaway is the importance of focusing on growing one successful site before expanding to multiple locations. This approach can lead to more effective management and increased revenue, allowing for potential future growth and even the possibility of selling a majority stake in the business to external investors.

    • Exploring Different Funding OptionsDespite initial rejections, entrepreneurs should persist, expand their network, and explore various funding options to overcome obstacles and achieve financial success.

      It's essential for entrepreneurs to persist and explore different funding options when encountering rejection from traditional lenders. Banks and funding organizations may have biases towards certain sectors, but there are always divisions or alternative lenders that cater to those industries. Entrepreneurs should not be discouraged by initial rejections and should instead broaden their network and seek advice from experienced brokers. This approach can lead to better terms and improved financial opportunities. Additionally, focusing on building profits for a few years can make entrepreneurs more attractive to lenders. Joe's experience with the car industry illustrates this point, as some banks may be hesitant to lend to the secondhand motoring trade but are more open to financing bricks and mortar businesses or specific divisions within larger organizations. Overall, the key takeaway is to remain persistent, expand your network, and explore various funding options to overcome potential obstacles and achieve financial success.

    • The Importance of a Good Broker in Securing Favorable Bank DealsA good broker can help navigate complex banking systems, connect you with entrepreneurial banks, and secure favorable terms through strong relationships and compelling pitches.

      Having a good broker is essential for navigating the complex world of banking and securing the best deals for various financial needs. The speaker shares his experience of encountering different bank policies, particularly regarding buy-to-let property investments, and how his broker has been instrumental in connecting him with the most entrepreneurial banks. He emphasizes the importance of knowing each bank's idiosyncrasies and being persistent in advocating for favorable terms. The speaker also shares an instance where he successfully intervened on behalf of a client to secure financing, highlighting the role of the relationship director and the importance of presenting a compelling pitch deck to the bank. Overall, the key takeaway is that having a good broker and building strong relationships with banks can lead to better financial opportunities and success in various ventures.

    • Leveraging Wealth for Business Growth through Investment-Backed LendingEntrepreneurs can use their savings or business proceeds to access large loans, invest in properties or businesses, and generate tax-free income. Wealth management banks offer low interest rates and manage original savings, allowing entrepreneurs to expand their wealth through borrowed funds.

      Entrepreneurs can use their own savings or the proceeds from selling their business to access large amounts of borrowed capital from wealth management banks, which can then be used to invest in commercial properties or other business opportunities. This practice, known as investment-backed lending, allows entrepreneurs to leverage their wealth to build and grow their businesses further. The original savings or business proceeds are managed by the wealth management bank, and the entrepreneur can borrow a significant portion of the total amount, typically between 50% and 70%, at a low interest rate. The income generated from the investments can provide the entrepreneur with a steady stream of tax-free income. This strategy can lead to substantial wealth growth, as the original savings or business proceeds can continue to generate returns while the borrowed funds are used to expand the entrepreneur's business or investment portfolio. To access this type of lending, entrepreneurs typically need to have a significant amount of personal wealth to use as collateral. This strategy can be an effective way for entrepreneurs to maximize their wealth and continue to grow their businesses.

    • Apply to be a guest on the James Sinclair podcastJames Sinclair podcast welcomes applications from diverse and inclusive backgrounds, including female entrepreneurs. Apply for free at jamessinclair.net and grow your business through the platform.

      The James Sinclair podcast welcomes anyone, regardless of gender or cultural background, to apply for free to be a guest on the show. The hosts prioritize diversity and inclusivity and encourage applications from female entrepreneurs, who are underrepresented on the show. To apply, visit jamessinclair.net and fill out the podcast application form. The hosts value authenticity and aim to help guests grow their businesses through the platform. They also encourage listeners to support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing to help reach a wider audience.

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    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Being passionate about your businesses is sometimes the recipe for success, BUT you can passionate about a business model that doesn't make money! My guest is passionate about her business but I just cannot see how it is going to be profitable.

    You would not catch me doing this, I tried and after two years packed it in because I could not make any money. Strap yourselves in and see if we can help this business grow.

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Nathan here: https://www.bgrmodularclassrooms.co.uk


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