
    About this Episode

    It happens every day. It cannot be stopped. Dread it, run from it, nighttime still arrives. But don't be sad, there are plenty of fun activities to do in the dark and we'll list some of them to you.
    Photo Credit:
    By Gregory H. Revera - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11901243

    Recent Episodes from Comedy Parenting Radio

    Things That Go Bump In The Night

    Things That Go Bump In The Night
    It is a warm summer's night, so you've set up your lawn chair on your porch.

    There isn't a cloud in sight to block your unabated view of the night sky.
    A cool breeze blows from the west, and in the dark, crickets chirp in melodic tones.

    Suddenly, you hear a loud THRASH coming from your hedge! You start upright, fumbling for your flashlight you so carelessly set next to you on the ground.
    Flicking it on, you shine it towards your hedge.

    There's a man there.

    He looks disheveled.

    He reaches behind him.

    He pulls out a stereo.

    He presents you with an offer: listen to what he has to play, or don't.
    You're feeling curious, so you decide to accept.

    But then, he pulls out a tape.

    You recognize it. Its green shell, yellow rubber chicken, and the letters C P R, all spell your doom, as you have become the latest victim of....

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