
    GAYATRI MANTRA: Wisdom and intuition/ Sabiduría e intuición

    enAugust 23, 2020
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    About this Episode


    (Español abajo)
    Gayatri Mantra is one of the most important mantras in India. The prayer of the Sun and Goddess Gayatri, The meaning of this mantra is " Om, That which pervades the physical, Astral and Celestial world. The Divinity worth of adoration. On that Divine Radiance we meditate. May this Divine Light enlighten our intellect and awaken our spiritual wisdom."
    This mantra is used by students, scholars, astrologers and householders in India to develop the intellect, wisdom and intuition which is the highest form of knowledge.
    The Sun in astrology symbolizes our soul which the source of ultimate wisdom. With this mantra we are connecting with the inner wisdom aligning ourselves with the forces of the Universe.


    Gayatri mantra es uno de los mantras más importantes de la India. La oración del Sol y de la Diosa Gayatri. El sigificado del mantra es: "Om, Aquello que impregna el mundo físico, astral y celestial. La Divinidad digna de adoration. En esa Luz Divina meditamos. Que esta Luz Divina ilumine nuestro intelecto y despierte nuestra sabiduría espiritual."

    Este mantra es utilizado en India por estudiantes, eruditos, astrólogos y gente con familia, para desarrollar el intelecto, la sabiduría y la intuición, que es la forma más elevada de conocimiento.

    El sol en la astrologer simboliza nuestra alma, que es la fuente de la máxima sabiduría. Con este mantra estamos conectando con nuestra sabiduría interior y alineandonos con las fuerzas que rigen el Universo.

    Recent Episodes from Sri Swami Purohit

    UNDERSTANDING MEDITATION: a complete guide

    UNDERSTANDING MEDITATION: a complete guide

    (Puedes encontrar este curso con subtítulos en español en nuestro canal de Youtube)
    The definition of meditation in the Indian scriptures is:

    Meaning: Meditation is a mind free from all distraction and disturbance. 
    Meditation is a mind with no subject, no thoughts.

    Why do we need meditation?

    People who don't have a meditative mind don't think, they only have thoughts. 

    Meditation is a training tool for the mind to live consciously. 

    The first thing to understand is that you are not your thoughts. But mind is the tool through which you perceive the world, and if the mind is not developed your worldview might be distorted or unclear.

    Meditation first develops "witnessing": you become aware of yourself, your thoughts, your response...attention turns inwards.  

    Meditation slows down the speed of your thoughts and helps you to declutter your mind and organize your ideas. First it starts giving you more clarity.

    Next step meditation develops is "impulse control", which works like a break, you become stronger than your thoughts. You will learn how not to react, and then you will be able to choose your response consciously.

    And finally mastery of meditation: You have processed all the material of your subconscious mind and no thoughts will enter your mind without your permission. Mind is now free and empty. Innocent like a child. You know and understand yourself at all levels.

    Understanding your mind helps you to understand everyone's mind.

    The Mind is completely developed so now you operate from a higher mind: concentration, detachment and intuition.

    In this Online Seminar Sri Swami Purohit will teach you what meditation is, how meditation works, what are all the benefits and how to practice it, from beginner level to advanced. At the end of the seminar he will do a meditation. "If you sit in meditation with a spiritual master, he has the power to move the energy upwards. Energy which moves upwards has no attachment. In meditation energy should move from the base of the spine to the crown centre, to the nervous system. My voice has the power to move your energy upward. By listening to this video you can meditate with me."

    Make a New Start in life/ Cómo empezar de nuevo y cambiar tu vida

    Make a New Start in life/ Cómo empezar de nuevo y cambiar tu vida

    (Español abajo)Online Course
    We tend to want to make a new start in life for 3 reasons: crisis, choice and chance.Crisis: a life changing event that causes you to re-evaluate. Everything you thought was important, suddenly becomes insignificant. Choice: when you make a life changing conscious decision because you feel it will bring you greater happiness or fulfillment.
    Chance: an unexpected event or situation that inspires you to change your life.
    Why do we want to change our lives? Because we want to give a new meaning to it.  In order to live a great and fulfilling life you need to ask yourself: what meaning do I want to give to my life? what is MY idea of happiness? What truly inspires me?
    When answering these questions, it is important that you don’t limit yourself. Because we always find reasons not to change our life: it's too late for me, I don't have money, I don't have time...but these are just excuses to cover the main reason: fear of failure. 
    First you need to accept yourself as you are and believe in yourself, believe that if anyone can do it you can do it too.

    The bird may feel safe in the cage, but there is no life or freedom in that cage.

    If you choose to live someone else’s idea of success or happiness, then even though you achieve that goal, you are unlikely to feel satisfied. You have to decide what is right for you.

    In this Online Seminar Sri Swami Purohit will guide you to discover which path is the best for you and how to create this new beginning in your life step by step. He will also teach you a meditation technique to help you in this process. At the end of the seminar he will do a guided meditation and transmit spiritual energy to the thought in your mind that will transform your life.

    This course is pre-recorded so you can watch whenever you wish and with lifetime access.

    Click this link to watch this Online course!

    Cambiamos nuestra vida en tres ocasiones: crisis, decisión y casualidad.
    Crisis: un gran evento en nuestra vida que crea una situación que marca un antes y un después. Todo lo que antes creíamos que era muy importante pierde todo su significado.
    Decisión: es cuando tomamos una decisión consciente de cambiar nuestra vida porque ya no nos llena.
    Casualidad: un evento que nos inspira a cambiar nuestra vida.

     ¿Por qué queremos cambiar nuestra vida? Porque queremos darle un nuevo significado.

    Para poder crear una gran vida que te llene realmente, tienes que preguntarte a ti mismo: ¿Qué sentido le quiero dar a mi vida? ¿Que es la felicidad para MI? ¿Qué es lo que me inspira realmente?

    Para responder estas preguntas es importante que no te pongas límites,

    porque siempre encontramos razones para no cambiar nuestra vida: ya es demasiado tarde para mi, no tengo tiempo, no tengo dinero...pero esto son solo excusas para esconder el verdadero motivo: miedo al fracaso.

    El problema es que el pájaro está muy seguro en la jaula, pero en la jaula no hay vida.

    Si vives la idea de éxito o de felicidad de otra persona, aunque lo consigas no te sentirás satisfecho, no te hará feliz.

    Primero necesitas aceptarte a ti mismo tal y como eres y creer en ti, si otras personas pueden hacerlo, tú también puedes.

     En este Seminario Online Sri Swami Purohit te guiará para que puedas descubrir qué camino es el mejor para ti y cómo crear este nuevo comienzo en tu vida paso a paso. También te enseñará una técnica de meditación que te ayudará en el proceso. Al final del seminario realizará una meditación guiada en la que transmitirá energía espiritual al pensamiento de tu mente que transformará tu vida.

    Este Curso Online está pre-grabado para que lo puedas ver cuando quieras y todas las veces que quieras.

    ¡Pincha este enlace para verlo



    ( Español abajo)
    Most people’s lives only grow in one area. They sacrifice family for professional success, or health for money, or they sacrifice personal success for the happiness of the family. But ultimately it becomes an unbalanced life. The key of excellence is to have a developed mind which you can apply to every aspect of your life in order to grow in all areas simultaneously, like a tree. Life is organic.

    Sri Swami Purohit’s courses are designed to guide you through a process of personal growth, helping you to navigate and explore all aspects of your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The ultimate aim is to create a state of inner harmony and balance which remains stable, keeping you calm, grounded and positive regardless of what is going on around you. 

    The uniqueness of Swamiji's teachings is the transmission of spiritual energy. First he awakens our soul because only after this our development can begin. The foundation and the goal of this course is to connect with our soul. Our soul heals our mind, our body and our heart. Our soul creates harmony in our being and with our surrounding, helping us to flow with life. Everything is inside us, all the peace, all the love, all the joy and all the wisdom. Everything is in our soul. But nothing can happen if our soul is not awakened. This is the first and most important role of the Spiritual Master. After this, with the transmission of energy, Sri Swami Purohit helps us to experience, every time, a higher level of consciousness and with the practise we make this state a permanent feature of our system.

    This course is not about getting new information or about learning difficult yoga postures. This is an experiential course where we work to develop ourselves completely at all levels with the purpose of having a great fulfilling life using the most simple  yet most effective physical, mental and spiritual tools.

    Sri Swami Purohit’s online courses include yoga exercises, breathing techniques, meditation and mantra as well as his teachings. The physical exercises are suitable for all, regardless of age, health or experience.

    You will have direct and personalised support from Sri Swami Purohit and his team to help you with any queries or questions you may have while completing a course.

    Each monthly course contains sessions of 1 and a half hour, 9 hours in total of pre-recorded video content and a downloadable PDF with a daily practice to do at home.

    Although we recommend following the course each month in order to get maximum benefit, there is no requirement to commit to following months or pay in advance. Each session is available to purchase individually, with lifetime access.

    Online Holistic Yoga Courses from the month of April to September are now available.

    October session coming soon!

    For more information, please click on the link:


    La vida de la mayoría de las personas crece solo en un área. Normalmente sacrifican la familia por conseguir éxito profesional, sacrifican su salud para ganar dinero o sacrifican su éxito personal por la felicidad de la familia. Pero al final se acaba convirtiendo en una vida desequilibrada que no te llena. La clave para tener una gran vida es tener una mente completamente desarrollada que puedas aplicar en todos los aspectos de tu vida para crecer en todas las áreas a la vez, como un árb

    YOGA NIDRA: Guided Yogic Sleep/ Sueño Yóguico Guiado

    YOGA NIDRA: Guided Yogic Sleep/ Sueño Yóguico Guiado

    (*Español abajo)
    The ultimate exercise for sound sleep is Yoga Nidra, Yogic sleep. Is one the best exercises to create a separation between body and mind. When the body is working, mind should be in rest. When the mind is working, the body should be in rest. The most advanced exercises in Yoga are without movement.
    Yoga Nidra will train your body to enter directly into deep sleep. 30 Minutes of Yogic Sleep are equal to 3 hours of sleep. It's also called sleepless sleep. Your body is perfectly still, but your mind is completetly conscious and relaxed.
    If you can do Yogic sleep everyday for 90 days, you can move the vital energy in each and every pore of your body, and remove all the blockage of energy from your system. Blockages of energy caused by trauma, fears, physical pain...etc. You can removed them with this practice.
    You just have to play this audio and follow the instructions. Practice it in the safe space of your home, and put an alarm because sometimes you can enter in such a deep sleep that you can wake up after 4 or 5 hours. After completing this 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra you will come out full of energy.

    You can see the full Online Seminar "THE SECRET OF SOUND SLEEP" in this link

    * Español
    El mejor ejercicio para el sueño profundo es Yoga Nidra. Es uno de los mejores ejercicios que crea una separación entre el cuerpo y la mente. Cuando el cuerpo está trabajando la mente debe estar descansando, cuando la mente está trabajando el cuerpo debe estar descandando. Los ejercicios más avanzados de yoga son sin movimiento. 
    Yoga Nidra entrena tu cuerpo para entrar directamente en sueño profundo.30 minutos de Sueño Yóguico es igual a 3 horas de sueño normal. Se le llama también "Sueño consciente". Tu cuerpo está perfectamente quieto, pero tu mente está totalmente consciente y relajada.
    Si puedesp racticar el sueño yóguico todos los días durante 90 días, podrás mover la energía vital por todos y cada uno de los poros de tu cuerpo, y podrás quitar todos los bloqueos de energía de tu sistema. Bloqueos energéticos causados por traumas, miedos, dolor físsico...etc. Podrás liberarte de ellos con esta práctica.
    Solo tienes que reproducir este audio y seguir las instrucciones. Debes practicarlo en un lugar seguro, como tu casa. Es mejor ponerte una alarma, porque a veces puedes entrar en un sueño muy profundo y despertarte después de 4 o 5 horas. 
    Después de completar estos 30 minutos de Yoga Nidra estarás lleno de energía.

    Puedes ver el Seminario Online completo sobre "EL SECRETO DEL SUEÑO PROFUNDO" en este enlace:

    GAYATRI MANTRA: Wisdom and intuition/ Sabiduría e intuición

    GAYATRI MANTRA: Wisdom and intuition/ Sabiduría e intuición


    (Español abajo)
    Gayatri Mantra is one of the most important mantras in India. The prayer of the Sun and Goddess Gayatri, The meaning of this mantra is " Om, That which pervades the physical, Astral and Celestial world. The Divinity worth of adoration. On that Divine Radiance we meditate. May this Divine Light enlighten our intellect and awaken our spiritual wisdom."
    This mantra is used by students, scholars, astrologers and householders in India to develop the intellect, wisdom and intuition which is the highest form of knowledge.
    The Sun in astrology symbolizes our soul which the source of ultimate wisdom. With this mantra we are connecting with the inner wisdom aligning ourselves with the forces of the Universe.


    Gayatri mantra es uno de los mantras más importantes de la India. La oración del Sol y de la Diosa Gayatri. El sigificado del mantra es: "Om, Aquello que impregna el mundo físico, astral y celestial. La Divinidad digna de adoration. En esa Luz Divina meditamos. Que esta Luz Divina ilumine nuestro intelecto y despierte nuestra sabiduría espiritual."

    Este mantra es utilizado en India por estudiantes, eruditos, astrólogos y gente con familia, para desarrollar el intelecto, la sabiduría y la intuición, que es la forma más elevada de conocimiento.

    El sol en la astrologer simboliza nuestra alma, que es la fuente de la máxima sabiduría. Con este mantra estamos conectando con nuestra sabiduría interior y alineandonos con las fuerzas que rigen el Universo.


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