
    About this Episode

    It is exhausting when all your personal power goes into fighting with your nasty inner critic or the family member challenging your vision… but how do we stop this cycle and reclaim personal power? Let’s go into it!

    Do you feel you are leaking your power away to others or circumstances in your life? Do you feel your past fears are controlling the action you take and the trust (or lack of) you have in life?

    You’re not alone! Many women are leaking their personal power away to their inner critic, toxic inner dialog and to people in their lives! This week’s episode will help you if you are ready to stop giving your power AWAY and reclaim your feminine power so you can live a life of joy, passion and loving relationships!

    What You Will Learn On This Episode:

    · How to Stop Leaking Your Power to Others and Your Fears!
    . How to Reclaim Your Feminine Energy!
    . How to Stop Letting Your Fear Control Your Life!
    . How to Feel Worthy of Your Joy, Confidence and Power!

    Resources Mentioned:

    · See if the School of Soul Wealth is a Good Fit For You! Book a Call with Me:

    . Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.mydoterra.com/krisbritton

    · Join Team Goddess Boss http://krisbritton.net/flow-into-freedom/

    · Your Free Goddess Goodies (like Awaken the Goddess Within Guide + Meditation)! www.krisbritton.net/goddess

    Thanks for listening!
    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast
    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

    Kris Britton is a spiritual life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!

    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.

    Over the last few years years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net
    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan
    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_britton

    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!

    Kris Britton
    Spiritual Life + Business Coach

    Recent Episodes from Feminine Restoration Podcast with Kris Britton

    How to Know Your Absolute Truth As a Woman

    How to Know Your Absolute Truth As a Woman

    If you have been questioning your next steps or your value, today's espidoe will bring clarity.

    Lately I have been feeling a tug on my heart to make some changes and I can feel resistance to them becaues my mind wants to keep me "realistic" and yet my heart, it knows and is whispering what I need... this is where I invite us to play today in this episode!

    What do you really desire? What do you really need?
    What is your heart telling?

    Let's go on a quest to know the language of your heart and also your worth, value and power as a woman!  Your feminine essence gets to be restored.

    To get my best selling mini course: Roommates to Soulmates for $97 join here!

    This course will teach you the 8 steps to apply to fix your relationship today and be a well cared for woman. 

    For possible 1:1 support, email me!


    The Gift In What Is Holding You Back

    The Gift In What Is Holding You Back

    Have you ever been so excited to start something new, like a new business, a wellness routine or fix your relationship and as soon as you step into the BIGGNESS of this new venture you feel like something snaps you back.

    You find yourself meeting every limitation and fear and it almost feels hopeless to get moving forward and to really change your life?!

    In this episode we talk about why this happens on our life and what we can do about it today to ACTUALLY move forward and find the gift in what is holding you back.  Trust me, there are many gifts that will change your life under the stories, beliefs and fears.

    Let's flow!

    Enjoy this episode!




    Join Roommates to Soulmates!
    This is the course to fix your marriage so you can be a well cared for woman.

    (Pssst...your man doesn't even need to know the steps the course outlines, but he will notice it and change will happen! YES even if you've been together for YEARS!)

    >> https://krisbritton.myflodesk.com/roommatestosoulmates


    >>Follow me on Instagram and say HI!

    >> Email me for more details on my 1:1 support.

    3 Reasons Why Your Marriage Has No Passion

    3 Reasons Why Your Marriage Has No Passion

    Where the heck has the passion in your marriage gone?!  

    I bet you've been told that this happens in marriage ;) One moment you are having fun, date nights and a lot of passion and then you're not and believe it will never come back...

    Well, I have good news! 

    It can come back and it is possible, but it does take a couple steps on your part to ignite the passion again! 

    In this episode I share with you the 3 reasons why your marriage has no passion and give you simple steps to take! 

    If you are ready to fix your marriage, have more passion and be a WELL cared for woman, join my new mini course: Roommates to Soulmates! (link below)

    Enjoy this episode!




    Join Roommates to Soulmates!
    This is the course to fix your marriage so you can be a well cared for woman.

    (Pssst...your man doesn't even need to know the steps the course outlines, but he will notice it and change will happen! YES even if you've been together for YEARS!)

    >> https://krisbritton.myflodesk.com/roommatestosoulmates


    >>Follow me on Instagram and say HI!

    >>Send me an email for more details on 1:1 coaching and to see if it is a fit for you

    How To Be Respected More By Your Partner

    How To Be Respected More By Your Partner

    Do you often feel disrespected by your man?  Does your husband say things that hurt your heart and you want to share that with him?

    How you communicate in your relationship is key!
    And sharing your feelings in a healthy way is one part of keeping that communication open.

    In this episode I share a tip with you that you can take an apply today if you are ready for more respect from the masculine :) 

    I'm BACK and it feels good!

    Enjoy this episode!


    As mentioned in this episode:

    Get Access to my new course: Roommates to Soulmates (at the prelaunch price!)

    Learn the steps to fix your relationship and be a well cared for woman!



    Follow me on Instagram!


    How To Trust The Masculine For More Love and Success

    How To Trust The Masculine For More Love and Success

    Are you searching for all the reasons why it is unsafe for you to trust your partner?  Or even the structures of your business and how you make money?  Trusting the masculine feels hard for many women because of wounds we still carry. This is a key piece for the feminine to flow in all areas of her life. 

    If you're anything like my clients, trusting the masculine does NOT come easy... this always stems back to a wound from childhood.

    In this episode we will cover how you can trust the masculine in physical and non physcial form and fully surrender to be creative, loving and open!  


    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:


    • Why it feels unsafe to trust the masculine in your life!
    • How to live your life with ease as a woman!
    • How to finally re-pattern the beliefs holding you back!


    Resources Mentioned:

    Join our Re-Pattern Program Here: https://ryanyokome.lpages.co/repattern/

    Email me! kris@krisbritton.net

    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.   

    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton 


    How to know and trust when change is needed in your life

    How to know and trust when change is needed in your life

    Do you feel like something new is around the corner for you? If you're anything like me, it can feel kinda scary to trust this new because it may require you letting go something that is no longer for you. 

    In this episode I'm catching up with you.  Sharing where I've been, what's next and how to trust when something needs to change!  


    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:


    • How to trust when to let something go and welcome in the new!
    • How when taking a step back can move your forward!
    • How to let controlling emotions stop taking over and let them go!


    Resources Mentioned:

    Email me! kris@krisbritton.net


    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.   


    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton 


    Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.krisbritton.net/oils.   

    Thanks for listening!


    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.


    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!Subscribe to the podcastIf you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.


    Leave us an iTunes reviewRatings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.


    Kris Britton is a life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!


    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.


    Over the last few years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.


    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net


    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan


    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_britton


    Ready to live magnetic? Download my free Tools For A Radiant You Guide and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your feminine essence and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!





    Kris Britton


    Life + Business Coach

    Knowing, Accepting and Speaking The Truth On Your Heart | GBP211

    Knowing, Accepting and Speaking The Truth On Your Heart | GBP211

    When you are connecting to the truth within your heart, the one that God placed for you to know and understand I believe we heal collectively.  There is a lot of uncertainty and a lot of resistance in the world right now isn’t there?


    What if we all came into our truth and became totally aligned to heal, forgive, take action and truly LIVE!  Let’s talk about this in this episode! 


    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:


    • How to stop the fight within yourself to live your desires!
    • How to break free from weight we can carry during these two wild years
    • How to truly know the truth on your heart and own it.


    Resources Mentioned:


    Fill out this form for more details to work with me and grow a business from home: https://forms.gle/2acojxNvwFaQmtoWA 


    Or Email me! kris@krisbritton.net


    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.   


    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton 


    Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.krisbritton.net/oils.   


    Thanks for listening!


    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.


    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!Subscribe to the podcastIf you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.


    Leave us an iTunes reviewRatings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.


    Kris Britton is a life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!


    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.


    Over the last few years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.


    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net


    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan


    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_britton


    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!





    Kris Britton

    Life + Business Coach

    Stop Shrinking Yourself and Expand To Your Next Level! | GBP 210

    Stop Shrinking Yourself and Expand To Your Next Level! | GBP 210

    Where have you been shrinking yourself to fit into places you’ve already outgrown? It’s time to expand and receive that next level! This could be in your business, income, relationship, whatever and wherever, it is for you now!

    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:

    How to know what your next level actually is!
    How to stop playing small!
    How to grow past your limitations!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Or Email me! kris@krisbritton.net
    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.
    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton .
    Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.krisbritton.net/oils.

    Thanks for listening!
    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast
    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

    Kris Britton is a life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!

    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.

    Over the last few years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net
    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan
    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_brittonz

    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!


    Kris Britton
    Life + Business Coach

    How To Live In Your Heart and Get Into Flow! | GBP 209

    How To Live In Your Heart and Get Into Flow! | GBP 209

    First off, this episode is recorded in my car. It’s raw and open, so listen knowing it is a bit behind the scenes and learn how to come back into your heart where it is safe to trust, choose your desires and receive abundantly!

    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:
    How get into flow in your business!
    How to stop living the same situations over and over!
    How to actually create a flow of abundance!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Or Email me! kris@krisbritton.net
    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.
    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton .
    Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.krisbritton.net/oils.

    Thanks for listening!
    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast
    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

    Kris Britton is a life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!

    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.

    Over the last few years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net
    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan
    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_brittonz

    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!


    Kris Britton
    Life + Business Coach

    Your #1 Tip To Stop Feeling Pushy When Selling! | GBP 208

    Your #1 Tip To Stop Feeling Pushy When Selling! | GBP 208

    You’re a female entrepreneur that wants to crush it at sales, yet your pits still sweat, you feel fear of rejection and you question if you’re going to come across too pushy!! In this episode I want to help you to remember how you can sell authentically as a woman without losing your femininity and close more offers!

    In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:

    How to close more sales authentically!
    How your feminine radiance is important in selling!
    How your sales could be slow and how to ignite them!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Or Email me! kris@krisbritton.net
    Download your Free Tools for a Radiant You Guide now: http://krisbritton.net/tools-for-the-radiant-you/.
    Follow me on Instagram: kris_britton .
    Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.krisbritton.net/oils.

    Thanks for listening!
    Thanks so much for listening to the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others will love it too, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast
    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help the Goddess Boss podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

    Kris Britton is a life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!

    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.

    Over the last few years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net
    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan
    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_brittonz

    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!


    Kris Britton
    Life + Business Coach