
    About this Episode

    This episode is all about eating out while balancing your blood sugar.
    This is something pretty much all of my clients find challenging, and was highly requested.
    I'm not surprised.
    Having gestational diabetes can feel scary, stressful and lonely enough.
    I can only imagine how deflating it must be to feel like the joy of eating out with friends and family, which is a huge part of our culture and in celebrating this special time in your life, has been taken away from you.
    I want you to know that gestational diabetes isn't a sentence to only eating chicken and broccoli.
    You definitely can still enjoy food and spend this time with loved ones, while balancing your blood sugar and nourishing yourself and your baby.
    There's quite a lot of ground to cover in terms of eating out, as it encompasses a range of different scenarios e.g. restaurants, cafes, gatherings with friends and families, eating at other peoples' houses, takeaway, holidays, weddings, birthdays etc.
    Every situation has its own unique challenges.
    In the episode I outline the mistakes I commonly see women with gestational diabetes making, which includes things like: eliminating carbs, mixing multiple types of carbs, choosing mixed meals, grazing, always going for vegetarian or “healthy” options, and sometimes over-complicating it.
    Of course, I also share my best solutions so that you can sidestep all of those mistakes and put the joy back into your pregnancy.
    Enjoy x


    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


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    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes.

    Recent Episodes from Gestational Diabetes Club

    BLOOD SUGAR | Is hidden sugar causing your blood sugar spikes?

    BLOOD SUGAR | Is hidden sugar causing your blood sugar spikes?
    A practical chat about how to navigate food labels with gestational diabetes. 
    A must listen if you don't know what's causing your blood sugar spikes, find it hard knowing what to buy at the supermarket, or think you always need to buy the expensive sugar-free and low carb products. 
    My goal is to cut through the noise and confusion so that you can get confident knowing what does and what doesn't matter on food labels, and feel empowered about keeping your blood sugar balanced.
    Very limited spaces for 60 minute consults.
    Investment: $250.
    I also offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    Investment: $1000.
    DM me. Let's chat. 

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


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    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    PROTEIN POWDER | Do you need it and is it safe?

    PROTEIN POWDER | Do you need it and is it safe?
    If you're confused about protein powder, don't worry, I've got you. 
    All your questions answered right here. 
    Very limited spaces for 60 minute consults.
    Investment: $250.
    I also offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    Investment: $1000.
    DM me. Let's chat. 

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BIRTH STORY | Kitty. One pregnancy. Gestational diabetes. Caesarean Section.

    BIRTH STORY | Kitty. One pregnancy. Gestational diabetes. Caesarean Section.

    This episode is all about Kitty's journey with gestational diabetes and the birth of her first bub - I know we all love the birth stories and you'll LOVE hearing from Kitty! 

    Kitty was so much fun to work with as a client. 
    She faced heaps of challenges in her gestational diabetes journey, most notably living in a very rural part of Australia (meaning limited and EXPENSIVE food supplies), long days on the road, a hectic full time job and a very full social life. 

    She took it all in her stride, and always with the cheekiest smile. 

    My favourite win is the way we rewired her mindset around food - she went from feeling like so many foods were "naughty" and off-limites (especially with gestational diabetes), to understanding that her body needs way more fuel to thrive and that all foods can fit when you know how to balance them out. 

    If you're feeling stuck with gestational diabetes, thinking it's all just an up-hill battle, I hope Kitty's story gives you the confidence that this journey really can be a positive one, your diet doesn't have to be restrictive, and it can be a fantastic opportunity to learn more about nutrition while building skills to take with you for life. 

    I offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    DM me. Let's chat. 

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BLOOD SUGAR | Why you might not get gestational diabetes straight away if you do an early glucose test (but might get diagnosed on a second test)

    BLOOD SUGAR | Why you might not get gestational diabetes straight away if you do an early glucose test (but might get diagnosed on a second test)
    Questions you might have about gestational diabetes: 
    1. Why did I pass the glucose test at 10 weeks but then get diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks? 
    2. I was only slightly over on the glucose test, was I misdignosed with GD?
    3. Why was my blood sugar easy to keep in range when I was first diagnosed, but now it seems impossible? 
    4. Why has my blood sugar suddenly got a bit easier to manage now that I'm 39 weeks? 
    Today's podcast episode is short and sweet and gives you the information to answer all of these questions. 
    I'll also be sharing a visual on instagram to help make sense of things so keep your eyes peeled for my post.
    Hope it helps! x

    Oh by the way, in case you missed it - I have space to take on new clients! 
    I offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    DM me. Let's chat. 

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    GESTATIONAL DIABETES | What I learned from my car service (PROMISE IT'S RELEVANT)

    GESTATIONAL DIABETES | What I learned from my car service (PROMISE IT'S RELEVANT)
    Have you ever tried to do your own car service? 
    It's never even crossed my mind to try. 
    But I was just reflecting that maybe that's silly of me.
    I drive pretty much every day, so I should be able to figure it out on my own, right?
    Plus, you can find so much info online, so I'm sure I'd be able to get good advice.
    … Can you see where I'm going with this?
    In today's podcast I'm inviting you to reflect on where you might be putting extra pressure on yourself to work out how to handle something really complex.
    Something, perhaps, like balancing your blood sugar and meeting all your nutrient needs for a healthy pregnancy with gestational diabetes …?
    Remember, you're not alone out there.



    Oh by the way, in case you missed it - I have space to take on new clients! 
    I offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    DM me. Let's chat. 

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BLOOD SUGAR | One food that is probably a bad idea (sorry!)

    BLOOD SUGAR | One food that is probably a bad idea (sorry!)
    If you've been listening or following me for a while, you'd know that I don't normally say any foods are “off limits", gestational diabetes or not.
    There is one food that seems like it's been everywhere recently, and I'm so sorry, but I'm not a fan. 
    Don't get me wrong - I don't think it's a total no-go and would be very okay to have occasionally. It is kind of problematic that this meal gets a real green light as a “healthy option” though. 
    A lot of the time it would be a calorie bomb and a huge load of sugar for your body to process at once. Neither of these things matter as an occasional thing, but it is important to at least be aware of, rather than going into the meal thinking it's a super healthy choice. 
    I hope I'm making sense! 
    Want to know what food I'm talking about?
    You'll have to listen to the episode ;)
    Plus, I give you an explainer on the difference between glycaemic index and glycaemic LOAD, which trust me, is a concept you need to know about with gestational diabetes.


    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BIRTH STORY | Angela. One pregnancy. Gestational diabetes. Caesarean section.

    BIRTH STORY | Angela. One pregnancy. Gestational diabetes. Caesarean section.
    If you're feeling like gestational diabetes is just exhausting, this episode is for you. Join me as we delve into Angela's story. I know so many of you will relate to all the emotions she went through, and will get so much out of hearing about her journey.
    In this episode:
    • Angela opens up about her initial challenges with meal planning and finding balance in her diet. She felt like her eating was really chaotic and she was ordering ubereats waaay too much.
    • Hear how she learned to love her meals (her husband too!) and balance her blood sugar with confidence and without medication.
    • She has been so generous in sharing her best tips, so you'll get heaps of ideas about how you can enjoy having a social life and feel confident in your diet, without feeling restricted. I mean, she's still using her meal plans with the most delicious haloumi salad, pasta and brownies on high rotation. Proof all food fits!
    • And of course, get all the details on how she brought her beautiful little boy into the world.
    This episode really could change how you view your gestational diabetes journey and help you find some of the silver linings. 


    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    OMEGA 3 | Why you should care and my own shocking blood results

    OMEGA 3 | Why you should care and my own shocking blood results
    Confession time. I've been a bad dietitian. 
    I talk to you all the time about how excellent omega 3 fats are, and I'm constantly nagging reminding my clients to either eat them or supplement them (or ideally both) because the benefits are just ridiculous. Particularly during pregnancy.
    Honestly if you made me pick, I'd say omega 3s are my favourite nutrients.
    BUT - I've been naughty. 
    I recently got my omega 3 levels checked, and the results were notttt good. 
    Which is kind of embarrassing, right? Given the above. 
    In this episode I share all the details of what my results showed, and what I'm doing to fix it. 
    And of course I go over all the info you need about what omega 3s can do for you, and how you can make sure you're getting enough too. 
    Come along this ride with me?



    I offer 6 week coaching programs for women with gestational diabetes (and those postpartum) who want to feel confident in what they're eating, GOOD in their body, develop sustainable healthy habits and have the brain-space to actually enjoy their pregnancy, while achieving balanced blood sugar.
    Key Inclusions:
    Fortnightly meal plans - nothing overwhelming, mostly just tweaks to optimise what you already do - so that you can eat food you love without the stress and pressure of calculating all the carbs etc.
    Weekly zoom calls to take a holistic view of your lifestyle so that all elements are working for your blood sugar and making you feel your best. 
    Daily check-ins to troubleshoot right as things come up (like picking from a menu, a blood sugar spike, or doing your online groceries), and reassure you when you're freaking out, so that you never feel like you're alone in this. 
    If you're ready to come out the other side of your gestational diabetes journey with balanced blood sugar, a better relationship with food (not to mention your loved ones because you're no longer taking your stress out on them !), and feeling healthier, stronger and more confident than before, then head to instagram and DM me. Let's chat. 



    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BLOOD SUGAR | Why your insulin dose keeps going up

    BLOOD SUGAR | Why your insulin dose keeps going up
    If you have gestational diabetes, you may be wondering why your blood sugar feels like a constant moving target. 
    It can be VERY frustrating, especially if you've started insulin and your dose just keeps going up and up and up. 
    If this is you, this episode is a must-listen. 
    I take you through what's going on with your hormones throughout your pregnancy, and why you don't need to freak out if your insulin dose is way higher than what you were started on, or the dose someone else is taking. 


    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes

    BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS | Are smoothies bad for blood sugar?

    BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS | Are smoothies bad for blood sugar?
    Quick question for you:
    Are smoothies or whole fruit for blood sugar?
    You're probably wrong. 
    But you'll have to listen  to find out why ;)



    I'm thrilled to be able to offer you my new guide:

    "I've just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, now what!?"

    I've designed this to be your complete guide to navigating your gestational diabetes journey with confidence. 

    Get it HERE: https://gestational-diabetes-freebie.myflodesk.com/gestational-diabetes-freebie 


    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my free nutrition tips. 

    And if you found this episode helpful, I would be so appreciative of you leaving me a rating and review - it helps this podcast reach other people like you! 

    You can leave a google review here:  https://g.page/r/CT8DWXBPFFFKEAI/review 


    Links and resources:

    Thanks for being here x



    The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for individualised medical and nutrition advice. Please speak to your healthcare team before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle. Helena (and any guests) do not accept liability for any harm or damages that occur from following suggestions in these podcast episodes.