
    Get on a Plan and Get in Control of You Money! (Hour 2)

    en-usAugust 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering a Move for Shorter Commute, Brittany Weighs Pros and ConsBrittany, a school social worker with disability income, was advised to keep searching for cheaper housing options instead of moving closer to work to avoid a significant rent increase despite potential gas savings.

      A commuter named Brittany, currently on Baby Step 2, was considering moving closer to her job to reduce her commute time, but was concerned about the increased rent and potential gas savings. Dave Ramsey and Jade Washam suggested she keep looking for cheaper options, as her current rent of $800 would increase to $1,500, but she could potentially save on gas. Brittany is a school social worker and also works part-time at FedEx and provides counseling through telehealth. Her disability income is her largest source of income, totaling about $3,900 per month. By moving closer, she would be in the same area for her social work job and could continue doing her counseling remotely. Dave and Jade advised her to continue searching for cheaper options to avoid a significant increase in rent.

    • Exploring unconventional solutions to financial and lifestyle challengesInstead of settling for high rent or long commute, consider creative living situations and alternative financial strategies to manage expenses and improve quality of life.

      Instead of accepting the common dilemma of choosing between high rent and long commute or low rent and long distance, one should explore the possibility of finding a reasonable rent in a convenient location. Creativity and networking can lead to unique living situations that may even result in cost savings. Additionally, considering alternative financial strategies, such as using severance pay as a signing bonus for a higher-paying job, can also help manage expenses. Ultimately, the goal is to challenge conventional thinking and explore unconventional solutions to financial and lifestyle challenges.

    • The importance of adaptability and perspective in decision makingAdapt to changing situations and prioritize health while facing challenges, trusting in hard work and determination to make progress towards goals.

      While some decisions may seem permanent, they often aren't. A person's situation can change in a relatively short amount of time, and it's important to remember that. For instance, a long commute might seem unbearable now, but with a little time and perspective, it might not seem so bad. Similarly, while it's important to love what you do professionally, it's also crucial to prioritize physical health. Small changes, like incorporating Balance of Nature's nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable powders into your routine, can make a big difference. And when it comes to student loans, it's essential to face the reality that they won't be forgiven and instead focus on finding ways to pay them off. Creating a budget and using every dollar wisely is a proven method that has helped many people, including Jade and Sam, pay off significant debt. Overall, the key takeaway is to remain adaptable and proactive in the face of challenges, and to trust that with hard work and determination, you can make significant progress towards your goals.

    • Learn to save 9% of income with Every Dollar budgeting webinarAttend the free webinar to find hidden expenses, manage irregular income, and save for education using tools like paycheck planning and the financial roadmap.

      The Every Dollar budgeting webinar, which is free to attend, can help individuals identify and save an average of 9% of their income. This budgeting tool not only helps find hidden expenses, but also provides a solution for dealing with irregular and unpredictable income. The webinar, which is limited in seats, offers a conversation-like environment where attendees can ask questions and learn how to use tools like paycheck planning and the financial roadmap to manage their budgets effectively. The 529 college savings plan is recommended for saving for children's education, but the funds can also be used for other educational expenses or even trade schools if the child decides against college. Overall, the Every Dollar budgeting webinar is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their financial situation.

    • Invest in your future through continuous learningEmphasize the importance of education and invest in learning through various forms, using 529 college savings plans as a potential tool for tax benefits and funding a broad range of educational expenses.

      Continuous learning is essential for personal growth and financial success, regardless of whether one pursues a college degree or not. Education in various forms, including certifications and trade schools, should be viewed as an investment in one's future. 529 college savings plans can be an effective tool for funding this education, with the potential for tax benefits and the ability for the funds to be used for a broad range of educational expenses. The importance of education should be emphasized to children, and savings plans can serve as a tangible reminder of this value. Even if a child does not end up using the funds for college, the savings conversation can still foster a lifelong love of learning.

    • The Importance of Education and Protecting Personal InformationInvesting in education and saving for it is crucial. Protect your personal info to avoid tax refund fraud. Achieving financial freedom is possible, as shown by Mark and Barbara's success story.

      Investing in education, whether it's for a future career or a trade, is valuable and important. The discussion emphasized the significance of saving for higher education and the benefits of various career paths, including the trades. It's crucial not to overlook the importance of protecting personal information, particularly against tax refund fraud, which is increasingly common. Mark and Barbara, guests on the show, shared their success story of paying off $215,600 in debt in just three and a half years, demonstrating that achieving financial freedom is possible regardless of income or background.

    • Couple's Journey to Debt Freedom and Financial IndependenceThrough teamwork, patience, and focus on financial goals, a young couple paid off their house and built retirement accounts, achieving debt-free status before age 40.

      Being debt-free and financially independent is an achievable goal, even for young adults. The couple in the conversation shared their personal journey of paying off their house and building up their retirement accounts, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, patience, and staying focused on their financial goals. They were able to accomplish this feat before the age of 40, which is often considered an impressive achievement. The conversation also highlighted the sense of relief and excitement that comes with being debt-free and having the freedom to travel and enjoy life without financial constraints. Overall, their story serves as an inspiration for others to prioritize their financial well-being and work towards a debt-free future.

    • Overcoming financial obstacles leads to financial freedomStay committed to financial goals and eliminate debt through determination, hard work, and avoiding unnecessary debt.

      Determination and hard work, even during challenging financial situations, can lead to financial freedom. Barbara and Charlie's story illustrates this as they paid off over $200,000 in debt in just three and a half years. Despite taking on a new job that put a strain on their income, Barbara pursued her entrepreneurial dreams, inspiring the family to focus on eliminating their debt. They avoided unnecessary debt and accelerated their payments, ultimately achieving their goal of becoming debt-free. Their journey serves as a reminder that anyone can overcome financial obstacles and build wealth by staying committed to their financial goals.

    • Effective income management leads to wealth accumulationEffective income management can help create millionaires and build wealth for everyone, not just the poor. Paying off student loans early doesn't incur fees or taxes, but check savings account balance beforehand.

      Managing your income effectively can lead to significant wealth accumulation. The example given was of individuals who were on track to become millionaires by simply getting their income back and not giving it away unnecessarily. This concept, as shared on the Ramsey Show, has helped create more millionaires than any other organization currently operating in America. It's disheartening when people try to label this approach as only for the poor or not effective for wealth building. The show emphasizes that everyone has the potential to build wealth and provides practical advice to help people do so. Regarding the specific question from a listener, paying off a federal student loan early will not result in fees or taxes, but be sure to check the impact on your savings account balance before making the payment.

    • Navigating financial challenges with a clear plan and faithCreate a budget, live within means, and trust in God's provision to manage debts and secure a better financial future.

      Having a clear financial plan and trusting in God's provision can help individuals manage their debts and make informed decisions about their financial future. In the discussion, a woman shared her experience of losing her job while pregnant and relying on her husband's income to support their family. They had combined debts, including a car loan, and were considering paying off all their debts to start anew. The woman planned to return to work after her baby turned one year old, and they aimed to buy a house the following year. They were debating whether to pay off their debts immediately or save the money instead. The speaker advised them to have a budget and live within their means, trusting that God would continue to provide for them. The woman agreed and recognized the importance of doing her part to make the scripture "be lenders and not borrowers" a reality in their lives. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of having a solid financial plan and trusting in God's provision to navigate financial challenges.

    • Taking control of finances for a better futureBe disciplined with money, avoid debt, make informed decisions about work, and save for important goals to improve financial situation and confidence.

      Having a clear financial plan and being disciplined with your money can lead to a better financial situation and increased confidence. The speaker encourages Anisha to use every dollar wisely, avoid unnecessary debt, and make informed decisions about where to work based on salary and opportunities. By doing so, Anisha will be able to save up for important goals like buying a house and will ultimately end up in a better financial position than before. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of avoiding desperation in job interviews and maintaining confidence in oneself. The conversation started with a question about avoiding fees for a student loan, but it quickly evolved into a discussion about the importance of taking control of one's finances and making deliberate choices for a better future.

    • Financial planning and living below your meansEffective financial planning can lead to debt freedom, savings, and financial surprises for spouses. Seek resources and advice to achieve financial goals.

      Effective financial planning and living below your means can lead to financial freedom and the ability to pay off debts, save money, and even surprise your spouse. The speaker in this conversation was excited about her upcoming financial milestones and the possibility of using a Ramsey Solutions service to save even more money. She mentioned that the code "slash Dave" could provide listeners with a $15 discount, but the details were not clear without further investigation. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being financially responsible and seeking out resources and advice to help achieve financial goals.

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    Housing is one of the TOP expenses in a person's budget so it's important for us to understand how this is either helping or hurting us in reaching our short or long-term goals.

    Hope you enjoy the episode :)

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