
    Get Your Kids Away From Libs ASAP (Ep 1961)

    enMarch 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mental health crisis among liberal adolescentsDepression and anxiety scores among adolescents, particularly liberal females, have significantly increased since 2010. Prepare for potential societal collapses and emphasize solidarity and fidelity to a common cause.

      There's a growing mental health crisis among American youth, particularly among liberal adolescents, and it's important for families to be prepared for potential emergencies and uncertainties. Dan Bongino, the show's host, argues that this mental health crisis could pose an existential threat to society if left unaddressed. He believes that the crisis is partly due to the influence of liberal ideologies and encourages listeners to ensure their food supplies as part of their emergency preparations. According to a Wall Street Journal article, depression and anxiety scores among adolescents have increased significantly since 2010, with the most pronounced increases among female liberal adolescents. Bongino views this as a concerning trend and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for potential societal collapses and the need for solidarity and fidelity to a common cause.

    • The unintended consequences of liberal discourse on young boysLiberal discourse on toxic masculinity and societal issues can negatively impact young boys, leading to mental health struggles, and potentially sparking a counter-revolution of conservative ideologies. Parents should encourage their children to seek out a balanced understanding of the world.

      The ongoing discourse around toxic masculinity, climate change, and other societal issues, as portrayed by some liberal figures, can have detrimental effects on young people, particularly young liberal boys, leading to depression, anxiety, and potentially suicidal thoughts. The constant messaging that traditional masculinity is toxic can confuse and negatively impact young boys, contributing to their mental health struggles. This is not the intended outcome, but rather a unintended consequence of the current discourse. Instead, it's creating a counter-revolution of conservative ideologies, as young people look for alternative perspectives. It's crucial for parents to be aware of this and encourage their children to seek out a balanced understanding of the world.

    • The future of race relations and young people's mental healthProminent figures' divisive views on race relations and climate change can negatively impact young people's mental health, emphasizing the importance of seeking out diverse perspectives and open dialogue.

      The future of race relations in the United States may seem uncertain and even hopeless according to some prominent figures, leading to anxiety and depression among young people. Ibram X. Kendi, a well-known critic of systemic racism and proponent of Critical Race Theory, has suggested that the only remedy for discrimination is more discrimination. This perspective, which some argue is counterproductive and perpetuates a cycle of division, leaves little room for optimism. Additionally, young people are being exposed to apocalyptic views about climate change and their own existence, further contributing to feelings of despair and hopelessness. These messages from influential figures can have a profound impact on the mental health and well-being of young people, making it crucial for them to seek out diverse perspectives and engage in open and respectful dialogue.

    • Generational divide on climate changeSpeaker criticizes messaging on climate change for creating hopelessness and demonizing certain groups, advocating for positive messaging that highlights human value and potential instead.

      There's a generational divide on the issue of climate change and its impact on society, particularly among younger generations who believe urgent action is needed. The speaker expresses concern over the messaging they perceive from certain political figures and academia, which they believe paints a dire picture of the future and demonizes certain groups, leading to feelings of hopelessness and despair among young people. The speaker also criticizes these figures for profiting off divisive issues like race and climate change. They argue that instead of focusing on the negative, efforts should be made to highlight the inherent value and potential of every human being and the greatness of the United States. The speaker expresses a belief that these messages contribute to a sense of hopelessness among young people and can be damaging.

    • Perception of crises for young people influenced by biased info and fear-mongeringCritically evaluate info, seek facts for clear understanding of complex issues, and prioritize good sleep for overall well-being

      The perception of various issues, such as police racism, mental health, and COVID-19, being crisis levels for young people may be influenced by biased information and fear-mongering. For instance, the number of unarmed black people killed by police is a very small percentage of the total number of African Americans killed each year. Similarly, the impact of COVID-19 on mental health may be overstated due to constant fear-mongering and lockdowns. It's crucial to critically evaluate information and seek out facts to gain a clearer understanding of complex issues. Additionally, prioritizing good sleep through a personalized mattress can significantly improve overall well-being.

    • The pandemic's impact on mental and emotional well-beingThe COVID-19 pandemic and excessive restrictions have left many feeling disconnected, unhappy, and astonished by irrationality and hysteria. Economic freedom and a rational response to crises are essential for mental and emotional well-being. Incorporate Liquid IV's hydration multiplier for overall health.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the public response to it, fueled by fear-mongering and excessive restrictions, have left many people feeling disconnected and unhappy despite economic improvements. This is evident in videos showing extreme examples of regulations, such as the one featuring Nassau County's former executive Laura Curran discussing tennis rules during the pandemic. Future generations may look back on this time with astonishment at the level of irrationality and hysteria displayed by some individuals. It's important to remember that economic freedom and a rational response to crises are crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, the lack of humor in liberal comedians and their persistent negative messaging may further contribute to the current societal malaise. To help stay hydrated and maintain overall health, consider incorporating Liquid IV's hydration multiplier into your daily routine.

    • Liquid IV's Mission to Donate Hydration GloballyLiquid IV is a premium hydration product with essential vitamins and electrolytes, donating over 36 million servings to 50+ countries, while some politicians criticize the economic system but overlook their own benefits and misconstrue public health issues.

      Liquid IV is a premium hydration product with five essential vitamins, three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks, and is non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free. The company is on a mission to donate hydration globally, with over 36 million servings donated to 50+ countries. Meanwhile, some politicians, like Bernie Sanders, criticize the economic system for issues like starvation wages and lack of retirement savings, yet forget that they themselves have benefited from government programs like Social Security. Contradictorily, they also claim Americans are starving when the real public health crisis is obesity. It's important to critically evaluate information and not fall for misconceptions, such as the belief in overpopulation or the idea that humans are causing irreversible damage to the planet with their existence.

    • Population growth leads to abundance and value creationThe belief that overpopulation causes the world's problems is a misconception. Population growth brings about increased value and innovation.

      The belief in overpopulation being the primary cause of the world's problems is a misconception. The data shows that population growth leads to increased abundance and value creation. Additionally, the mental health of young people, particularly liberals, may be affected by the perception that their existence is a burden on the planet. It's crucial to recognize that every human being is a gift and contributes to innovation and progress. The discussion also touched upon the limitations of population control policies and the importance of providing accurate information for individuals to make informed decisions for themselves and their families.

    • Societal Issues and Mental HealthConcerns about societal issues like political unrest, climate change, and conspiracy theories in media contribute to anxiety and depression among young people. Personal experiences with mental health and owning gold as a protective asset during economic instability were also discussed.

      The speaker expresses concerns about societal issues leading to anxiety and depression among young people, citing political unrest, climate change, and the influence of conspiracy theories in media. He also promotes owning gold as a means to protect assets during economic instability. The speaker criticizes liberal comedians for promoting conspiracy theories and becoming complicit in spreading misinformation. He shares his personal experience with depression and its impact on mental health. Additionally, he discusses a political exchange between a Republican Senator and the Attorney General regarding investigations into parents speaking at school board meetings.

    • Political Groups Use FBI, CIA Against Perceived EnemiesThe FBI and CIA are being used as political weapons against perceived enemies, leading to accusations of lies and unnecessary targeting. However, investigations are focused on threats of violence and protected speech is not targeted.

      The FBI and CIA, once targets of criticism from certain political groups, are now being wielded against perceived political enemies by those same groups. This was discussed in relation to the investigation of parents who were expressing concerns about school policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, was accused of lying about the scope of this investigation, with some claiming that parents were being targeted unnecessarily. However, Garland and others argued that the investigation was focused on threats of violence and that parents' concerns were protected by the First Amendment. A former FBI agent, Kyle Serifen, came forward to clarify that the FBI had indeed opened investigations into threats against school personnel, but only due to a directive from the Department of Justice. Despite this clarification, some individuals and groups continue to criticize the FBI and the use of law enforcement against their political opponents.

    • Protecting Your Home During an EMP AttackSecure water filtration, firearms, means to create fire, charcoal, grill, and bleach for an EMP attack.

      In the event of an EMP attack, it's essential to protect your home and have essential supplies on hand. This includes water filtration, firearms and ammunition, a means to create fire, charcoal, a grill, and bleach. Dan also expressed his belief in the resilience and uniqueness of the United States and encouraged supporting his upcoming book tour in smaller, less-visited areas. Additionally, fans can expect new merchandise from Dan's store, including Zavana shirts, mugs, and hats. Dan mentioned his ongoing elbow injury and shared that his dog Lucy enjoys belly rubs.

    • The importance of negative reps in a workoutNeglecting negative reps during a workout can hinder muscle growth, so it's crucial to give equal attention to both the lifting and lowering portions of an exercise.

      Negative reps or eccentric movements in a workout are just as important as the positive concentric ones. Many people make the mistake of focusing only on lifting the weight up and neglecting the lowering portion. However, the resistance during the negative rep plays a crucial role in muscle growth. Therefore, it's essential to give equal attention to both parts of the exercise. Additionally, Dan Pongino mentioned a few logistical matters, such as viewers tuning in to his Fox show and subscribing to his podcast on Apple Spotify and Rumble.com. He also mentioned a few random thoughts and jokes throughout the discussion. Overall, the importance of negative reps in a workout was the main focus of the conversation.

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    #27, True Resilience is mental, emotional and spiritual, with Dr Jean Renouf

    #27, True Resilience is mental, emotional and spiritual, with Dr Jean Renouf

    The Great Unravelling has started and will be part of our story for the rest of our life. It is an ineluctable dismantling of the fabric of life as we know it, leading to rapid and at times violent, changes to human societies. It is the result of humans pushing the boundaries of our planet beyond sustainable levels, leading among others to climate change, but also rapid loss of biodiversity, pressure on freshwater, and more. We are currently going through an acceleration of the Great Unravelling due to the confluence of the environmental crises with other crises. While the 2020-2030 decade will be affected by disasters of unprecedented scale, it will also be the decade of unprecedented societal transformation as a way to adapt to these. In Australia, there has been an enormous wave of community activities that have sprung since the Black Summer bushfire season and Covid-19. The confluence of crises have led to a realisation that we can’t continue living the way we do. Mindfulness, resilience and regeneration are emerging as key ways to navigate the Great Unravelling. There is a thirst for social and environmental connection and as a result an innumerable amount of grassroots community initiatives are springing.

    About Dr Jean S. Renouf

    Jean is an academic at Southern Cross University, a firefighter and a dad. Prior to this, Jean spent years implementing emergency relief projects in disaster zones and countries at war, including Afghanistan, Congo, Haiti, Iraq, North Korea, etc. All of this informs his passion for climate change, community regeneration & resilience and non-traditional security, and led him to found Resilient Byron.