
    Giggling about arriving in Ireland, long distance issues, and making money

    enDecember 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Mysteries of DreamsDiscovering that dreams can reflect our deepest desires, anxieties, or be entirely random, and how they can influence our thoughts and emotions.

      1800flowers.com is not just a destination for gift-giving, but a place that puts heart and love into every aspect of helping customers celebrate life's special moments. Meanwhile, during a seemingly unrelated conversation, the topic of dreams came up, revealing that our subconscious minds can create vivid and sometimes confusing experiences. Some dreams may reflect our deepest desires or anxieties, while others may be entirely random. The speakers also shared their experiences of having dreams about people they're not attracted to in real life but found attractive in their dreams. Additionally, they discussed the phenomenon of having sex dreams when one has not had sex in a while. Overall, the conversation highlighted the mysterious and intriguing nature of dreams and how they can influence our thoughts and emotions.

    • Self-care routines and travel experiencesSpeakers discuss their dedication to skincare, oral hygiene, and travel, sharing diverse perspectives and experiences, while also finding humor in their shared human condition.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing their various self-care routines and experiences, with some expressing dedication to skincare and oral hygiene, while others admit to neglecting these habits. The conversation also touches on travel experiences and the perception of Europe as offering unique cultural insights. Additionally, there are mentions of technology use, specifically iPads, and the speakers' varying attitudes towards them. The conversation is lighthearted and includes shared humor about personal quirks and mishaps. Overall, the conversation showcases the speakers' diverse perspectives and experiences, as well as their ability to find common ground and amusement in their shared human condition.

    • Unexpected encounters during travelTravel can lead to unexpected experiences and discoveries, even when dealing with anxiety or insomnia. Embrace new experiences, even if they're outside of your comfort zone.

      People handle flight anxiety and insomnia in various ways, sometimes leading to unexpected experiences and discoveries. The speaker shares her struggle with falling asleep on flights and her unexpected encounter with a thick-accented Irish man, leading to her trying Guinness for the first time and exploring the stunning Irish countryside. Despite her initial dislike for beer, she identifies with the sheep in the countryside, finding comfort in their grazing habits. The trip also included a visit to a meditation center and an encounter with a cat, adding to her adventure. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the unpredictability of travel and the importance of embracing new experiences, even if they involve trying something as seemingly unappealing as Guinness.

    • An Unforgettable Encounter with a Stray CatAn unexpected connection with a stray cat brought joy and adventure, but the speaker's hesitation towards shedding and her pet's disapproval hindered her decision to get a cat of her own.

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience with a stray cat in Ireland, which brought her joy and connection despite potential risks and inconveniences. The cat, named Roxy, followed them on their adventures and even rode on the speaker's shoulder. The experience made the speaker consider getting a cat of her own, but she was hesitant due to the shedding issue and her current pet's disapproval. The speaker also shared her plans to travel to France for the first time and try skiing. Overall, the conversation highlighted the speaker's appreciation for unexpected connections and experiences with animals.

    • Apprehension and enjoyment in skiingDes offers support and encouragement for skiing fears, while emphasizing safety and enjoyment. Importance of motivation, consistency, and right resources for fitness and daily routines.

      Despite having different experiences and comfort levels with skiing, both individuals value safety and enjoyment in their activities. The speaker expresses her apprehension towards skiing due to past negative experiences and fear of injury, while Des, on the other hand, enjoys the sport and offers to help the speaker improve. The conversation starts light-heartedly, but it also touches upon aging and the expenses associated with skiing, making it a richer discussion. Another key takeaway is the importance of motivation and consistency in starting and maintaining a fitness journey, as emphasized by the speaker's positive experiences with Peloton. Additionally, the importance of finding the right tools and resources, such as Ouai's anti-frizz cream, to make daily routines easier and more effective was highlighted. Overall, the conversation showcases the importance of support, safety, and finding the right resources to help individuals overcome their fears and enjoy various aspects of life.

    • New Women's Line and RecommendationsRhoback's new women's line provides versatile clothing options for various activities and occasions, while the hosts shared their love for 'Made in Chelsea' and recommended 'Normal People' on Hulu.

      Rhoback's new women's line, including their Sunrise Active Shorts and loungewear sets, offers high-quality, lightweight, and versatile clothing options for various activities and occasions. The hosts also shared their love for the British TV show "Made in Chelsea" and recommended Normal People on Hulu. They discussed the significance of authentic relationships and shared their opinions on putting romantic partners in social media bios. In a lighter moment, they expressed their unpopular opinions about French bulldogs and the importance of accepting differences in preferences. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, from fashion and entertainment to relationships and personal opinions.

    • A man surprises his long-distance girlfriendPeople go to great lengths for love, even sacrificing work commitments and booking multiple flights to make a surprise visit.

      Love knows no bounds, not even when it comes to traveling long distances. A man named Craig went above and beyond to surprise his long-distance girlfriend by flying up to New York for just a few hours to spend time with her, despite having a work commitment that prevented him from coming earlier. He even booked two flights to ensure he could make it back in time for a storm. This heartwarming story reminds us that people will go to great lengths for the ones they love, and that sometimes, the smallest gestures can make the biggest impact. Additionally, the speaker mentioned her experience with bulldogs and their unique sounds, as well as her support for dog adoptions.

    • Maintaining a long-distance relationship: Communication, structure, and setting realistic expectationsCommunicate regularly, set a routine with clear boundaries, and focus on your own well-being in long-distance relationships

      Having a structured routine and setting clear boundaries can help make long-distance relationships more manageable. The speaker shared her personal experience of maintaining a long-distance relationship with her partner by setting a weekly visit and communicating regularly every night. She emphasized the importance of not relying solely on text messages for intimacy and the need for regular in-person interaction. The speaker also advised against trying to control how an ex feels about you and instead focusing on your own well-being. Overall, the discussion highlighted the challenges of long-distance relationships but also the importance of communication, structure, and setting realistic expectations.

    • Maintaining connections in long-distance relationshipsAuthentic connection and open communication are crucial. Texting and sharing thoughts help maintain the relationship. Genuine liking is rooted in deep connection, not just convenience. Prioritize comfort and self-care for personal growth and relationship success.

      Authentic connection and open communication are key in a relationship, regardless of physical proximity. Sending texts or sharing thoughts may help maintain the feeling of being "there" for each other, even when miles apart. The reason for liking someone goes beyond convenience and is rooted in genuine connection. Additionally, investing in comfort and luxury, such as L'Oreal Paris Lash Paradise Mascara and Cozy Earth sheets, can enhance personal experiences and promote self-care. It's essential to prioritize these aspects for both personal growth and relationship success.

    • The importance of financial independence in relationshipsFinancial equality and independence are crucial for a healthy relationship, allowing for mutual respect, decision-making, and appreciation.

      Having a partner with similar motivations and financial independence is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing what someone wants to do in life and having a shared perspective on work. Financial equality is also crucial, as it prevents feelings of indebtedness and allows for mutual respect and decision-making. The speaker shares a personal story about a pivotal moment in her life when she realized the importance of financial independence and has since then bought her own plane tickets for every trip. She also stresses the importance of never staying in an abusive relationship due to financial constraints and encourages women to trust their ability to figure things out. The small, random gifts exchanged in the relationship serve as a reminder of the importance of appreciation and affection.

    • A woman's unique Christmas present: An adopted penguin eggA woman shared her excitement about the unique Christmas present she gave her partner – an adopted penguin egg from Africa, which came with regular updates, pictures, and the eventual release into the wild.

      The speaker in this conversation is extremely excited about the unique Christmas present she gave her partner – an adopted penguin egg from Africa. She was so thrilled about the gift that she couldn't wait to reveal it to him, despite their adult status. The penguin adoption came with regular updates, pictures, and the eventual release of the penguin into the wild. The speaker was so invested in the penguin that she joked about the potential complications if her partner were to have another relationship in the future. She went to great lengths to find a legitimate adoption service and was thrilled with the experience. The conversation also touched on various TV shows and Netflix series they had been watching, including "Sex and the City," "The Sex Life of College Girls," and "Yellowstone." The speaker's enthusiasm for her Christmas present and the various shows they discussed highlights her passion and excitement for unique experiences and connections.

    • Recommended Shows and Upcoming EventsThe group suggests watching three shows and invites fans to attend live events in Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, while also selling Pete Davidson merchandise

      The group strongly recommends watching three specific shows and promises to discuss them in detail during their next episode. They also encourage their audience to attend their live events in various cities, including Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Additionally, they have recently released merchandise featuring Pete Davidson, which has been popular among their fans. They express their gratitude to their audience for their support and invite them to join their upcoming events.

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    • Being inspired by podcasts
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    • Final words of advice
    Social Media
    Instagram @ginajohansen91

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    New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time - Make sure you hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss out. 
    The tough girl podcast is sponsorship and ad free thanks to the monthly financial support of patrons. To find out more about supporting your favourite podcast and becoming a patron please check out www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast.
    Show notes
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    • Final words of advice for women who want to get into ultra running
    Social Media
    Instagram - @_alisonwalker_ 

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    Steph Jagger -  World Record Skier, Claiming Femininity as a Super-Power. Author of “Everything Left to Remember: My Mother, Our Memories, And a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains”.

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    Steph's work, which includes speaking and facilitating, centers around the intersection of loss, the nature of deep remembrance, and the personal journey of re-creation. 

    Her first book, Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery, is not just about setting a world record for skiing, but also about growing up and claiming femininity as a super-power. It is a powerful and inspiring read that everyone should experience.

    Steph's mother has late-stage Alzheimer's, and she wrote a book about their time together on a road-trip, which is called Everything Left to Remember: My Mother, Our Memories, And a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains. 

    This poignant and moving book is about the way we are pulled apart and the way we are re-membered. 

    “It is a story about mothers and daughters— a book about nature, and memory, and loss of all kinds. It’s about transforming our pain into something much larger. This is a book about love.”


    Don't miss out on new episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast that are released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Hit the subscribe button to stay updated.

    By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can help increase the representation of female role models in the media especially in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to contribute. Thank you for your support!


    Show notes

    • Who is Steph
    • Living on Bainbridge Island, Washington State, USA
    • Growing up in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    • Creating a nice life for herself
    • Hitting 26 years old and knowing that something was missing
    • Deciding to quit everything and sell everything
    • A year of emersion in her own joy
    • Deciding to go skiing and travelling
    • How that 1 year away changed her whole life
    • Her first Book: Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery 
    • Her mum being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
    • Her 2nd book: Everything Left to Remember: My Mother, Our Memories, And a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains.  
    • Her early years growing up in an athletic family 
    • Being encouraged to play sports
    • Learning to ski from 3 yrs old
    • Her early 20s and feeling pressure to achieve
    • Being very goal and achievement orientated 
    • Happiness….
    • Doing all the things she was told to do… and now what?
    • Why the journey was stunning, but the finish line was just another ordinary day
    • Making the decision to change her life and build something different and new
    • What was holding her back
    • Turning the dream into a plan
    • Having a year to put it together
    • Financial and logistically planning and getting fit for the challenge
    • The Hero’s Journey - Joseph Campbell 
    • Women, risk taking and gratitude
    • Skiing all around the world
    • The grind of travel  
    • Magical moments - Skiing in Japan
    • Finding love and taking time to physically recover from the trip
    • Her mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2015
    • The relationship with her mum and planning a journey through the Rocky Mountains
    • Are you listening for the call of adventure, and do you have the courage to say yes, when you hear it?
    • How the family is coping with the diagnosis and caring for a loved one
    • The ongoing process of grief
    • Creating memories that won’t be remembered
    • Suffering with depression and managing mental health 
    • How to connect with Steph
    • Words of advice


    Social Media

    Website: stephjagger.com  

    Instagram: @stephjagger 

    Book: Everything Left to Remember: My Mother, Our Memories, And a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains. 

    Book: Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery


    Sophie Tanner - Outdoor Adventure Activity Instructor and Director of Land & Wave, a thriving outdoor company in Dorset, UK. Looking for ways to inspire more females to join the outdoor industry through training, employment and experiences.

    Sophie Tanner - Outdoor Adventure Activity Instructor and Director of Land & Wave, a thriving outdoor company in Dorset, UK. Looking for ways to inspire more females to join the outdoor industry through training, employment and experiences.

    Sophie Tanner is an Outdoor Adventure Activity Instructor and the Director of Land & Wave, a thriving outdoor company based in Dorset, UK. With a passion for inspiring more females to join the outdoor industry, Sophie is dedicated to providing training, employment, and incredible experiences to encourage women to embrace the great outdoors.

    As one of the four Directors of Land & Wave, Sophie plays a vital role in shaping the company's direction and success. She has a deep understanding of what Land & Wave does and the positive impact it has on people's lives.

    Born and raised in Dorset, Sophie's love for the outdoors began at an early age, she spent countless hours at the beach and by the water, fostering a connection with nature that would shape her future. Encouraged by her family to engage in sports and spend time outdoors, Sophie developed a strong affinity for exploring and trying new things.

    At the age of 16, Sophie contemplated her life's path. She desired to attend university but still yearned for opportunities to spend time outside. Taking a gap year at 18, she embarked on an adventure to Australia and New Zealand, immersing herself in the wonders of the natural world. This experience solidified her passion for outdoor adventure and led her to pursue a degree in Outdoor Adventure Recreation at university.

    During her summer holidays, Sophie made the most of her time by working at kids' holiday clubs and providing sports coaching in schools. She eagerly prepared for life after graduation, taking a nine-month journey to Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Colombia, and Canada. These travels enriched her perspective and further fuelled her desire to make a difference in the outdoor industry.

    Upon joining Land & Wave, Sophie dedicated herself to acquiring additional qualifications necessary for her outdoor pursuits. She obtained her First Aid qualification and completed her Mountain Leader training in Wales, paving the way for her to work full-time in the outdoors. Sophie thrived on the physical challenges of her job while also emphasising the importance of rest and recovery.

    Recognising the barriers that women face in the outdoor industry, Sophie offers valuable advice for other women who aspire to work in this field. She shares her insights on dealing with challenging situations, encourages more women to sign up, and organises Open Days with Land & Wave to provide opportunities for women to explore outdoor career options.

    Throughout her career, Sophie has witnessed significant changes in the outdoor industry over the past 15 years. She discusses these transformations and offers advice to women and girls seeking to gain experience in this dynamic field. Sophie highlights the Outdoor Instructor Fast Track Route and the thrilling activity of Coasteering as pathways for women to connect with Land & Wave.

    To connect with Land & Wave and learn more about their initiatives, Sophie encourages listeners to explore the company's website and social media channels. In her final words of advice, Sophie leaves a lasting message for aspiring outdoor enthusiasts and industry professionals alike.


    Get ready for an exciting month of July on the Tough Girl Podcast, as we shine a spotlight on women working in the outdoors. Join us as we delve into their stories, gain insights, and discover valuable tips from their incredible experiences. Don't miss out on these empowering episodes sponsored by Land & Wave. 


    New episodes released every Tuesday and Thursday throughout July at 7am UK time - hit the subscribe button and be part of the adventure!


    Show notes

    • Being 1 of 4 Directors of Land & Wave
    • What Land & Wave does
    • Living in Swanage
    • Growing up in Dorset and her early years
    • Spending time at the beach and by the water
    • Being encouraged by her family to get into sports and spending time outdoors
    • Working with her older sister Rosie
    • Her love for exploring and trying new things
    • Thinking about what she wanted to do with her life at 16
    • Wanting to go to University but still wanting to spend time outside
    • Taking a gap year at 18 to go to Australia and New Zealand
    • Studying an Outdoor Adventure Recreation Course at University
    • Making use of her summer holidays
    • Working at kids holiday clubs and doing sports coaching in schools 
    • Making plans for after graduation
    • Going travelling for 9 months visiting; Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Columbia & Canada.
    • Starting at Land & Wave
    • Getting additional qualifications needed for the outdoors
    • Doing her First Aid qualification and doing her Mountain Leader training in Wales
    • Wanting to work full time in the outdoors
    • The challenges of working in the outdoor industry 
    • Dealing with the physicality of the job
    • Rest & recovery 
    • Advice for other women who want to work in the outdoor industry 
    • Barriers for women working in the outdoor industry
    • Dealing with challenging situations while at work
    • Encouraging more women to sign up
    • Open Days with Land & Wave
    • What has changed in the industry over the past 15 years 
    • Advice for women and girls who want to gain experience in the outdoor industry
    • Outdoor Instructor Fast Track Route 
    • Coasteering 
    • How to connect with Land & Wave
    • Final words of advice


    Social Media

    Website: www.landandwave.co.uk

    Instagram: @landandwave

    Facebook: @landandwave

    Youtube: @landwave9920