
    About this Episode

    “I’m here to prevent the next generation of Big Issue vendors.”

    Homelessness is an example of a wicked problem – a complex, messy problem with many causes, contradictory forces, and no easy solution. Wicked problems are rooted in broken systems.

    It’s estimated that 2% of the world’s population are homeless. But many more – perhaps 1 in 5 people worldwide – may lack adequate and secure housing.

    In this episode we focus on the situation in the UK, where an unprecedented number of people are without a home or living on the streets. That number has doubled since 2010, and continues to trend upward. 

    What will it take to shift the status quo on homelessness? 

    We start with a report from the frontline of care for homeless people during the pandemic, recorded for us by Sara Emerson of Brighton charity Justlife. The coronavirus lockdown has had the short-term benefit of getting people off the streets and into temporary housing. But that’s an emergency measure, not a solution. 

    Peter digs into the roots of homelessness with Dr Elisabeth Garratt from the Sheffield Methods Institute, who leads a research project exploring people’s experiences of homelessness in Oxford. And he talks to the founder of the Big Issue, Lord John Bird, about possible solutions, and how his own lived experience of homelessness helped him to redefine how we think about the problem. 

    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future. Presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Sara Emerson, Justlife, https://www.justlife.org.uk

    Dr Elisabeth Garratt (@eagarratt), lecturer at the Sheffield Methods Institute

    Lord John Bird (@johnbirdswords), https://www.bigissue.com


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford Saïd Business School


    In 2019, Saïd Business School announced a three-year partnership with Homeless Oxfordshire, a charity that provides short-term accommodation to the homeless in the county alongside high-quality support and initiatives to help them regain and maintain independence.

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Recent Episodes from Reimagine

    Tetris in a Minecraft World

    Tetris in a Minecraft World

    “We grew up in a Tetris world of trust. There were rules, top-down enforcement and we looked up to people that we trust. Our kids are growing up in a Minecraft world of trust that is completely distributed.”   

    In this special series we’ve been exploring how we might move from crisis to transformation in an age of pandemics. We’ve been challenged to rethink our place in an entangled world, and to be good ancestors who protect future generations. We’ve explored how to build equitable health systems, inclusive and sustainable economies, and how to address the climate crisis. And we’ve explored new frames to address entrenched inequality and injustice. 

    In the last episode of the current series, Peter explores the two X factors of 2020 – leadership and trust. Ask yourself this question: what differentiates the places around the world that have responded to Covid-19 effectively from those that have seen uncontrolled viral spread, excess mortality and economic devastation? The answer is not the number of ventilators or hospital beds, not the concentration of scientific expertise, not GDP. It’s leadership.

    And trust goes hand in hand with leadership. High-trust societies have, for the most part, banded together with a sense of common purpose. Low-trust societies, or those in which leaders have squandered trust, have fractured and continue to flail.

    Trust is at the heart of what happens in humanity’s next chapter. Global threats call for solidarity, and systemic change can only happen when people with different worldviews come together. Trust is the glue that binds us together, but it seems to be in short supply these days.

    Rachel Botsman is a leading expert on trust in the modern world. She is the author of Who Can You Trust?, which explores how technology is transforming our relationship to trust. She’s the host of the Trust Issues podcast, and as the first Trust Fellow at Saïd Business School, Rachel aims to challenge and change the way people think about trust and related topics such as power, influence, truth and beliefs.

    Rachel also gave us the title for this episode - Tetris in a Minecraft World. It’s a neat metaphor for the profound transformation we’re experiencing in a world that’s moved from hierarchies to distributed networks, a world where the rules of the game are being upended.

    Peter chats to Rachel about trust in the era of Covid-19, especially when it comes to vaccines, the “Cummings Effect” that occurs when leaders flout their own rules, what Rachel calls the “trust leaps” that power reinvention, and the implications for leadership in a world rife with uncertainty.

    Reimagine is presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Rachel Botsman (@rachelbotsman), Trust Fellow @OxfordSBS, author What’s Mine Is Yours; Who Can You Trust.


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    Rachel Botsman

    Rethink Newsletter

    Trust Issues podcast

    Rachel’s TED talks

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out http://www.reimaginepodcast.com

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Social Reset

    Social Reset

    Social Reset: A New Equity Lens with Baljeet Sandhu


    “If we don’t think about the knowledge that is present in all our communities we will continue to privilege the few as knowledge producers and see them as having a larger stake in how we design the future.”   


    In this series we’re meeting people who are shaking up the status quo, people who remind us that, in the words of the late Elijah Cummings, “we are better than this.”

    Equity is the only way out of this pandemic. That’s true of all the crises we face in this new decade. Usually when we talk about equity it’s through the lens of demographics or identity – race, gender, country of origin or income. In this episode we explore a different kind of lens – knowledge equity.

    Knowledge equity is the idea that expertise comes in many forms. It’s a commitment to elevate the knowledge in communities that have been left out, to value the insights that come from lived experience. Too often we see innovation as needing to come from the top down, from elites and technocrats. Knowledge equity might help us to flip the script.

    Peter talks to Baljeet Sandhu, a pioneer of the lived experience leadership movement who has been awarded an MBE for Services to Equality and Civil Society. She has seen that too often the “changemakers” around the table don’t actually understand the problems they are trying to fix. And that we can’t reform our broken systems without the insights from the communities most disadvantaged by them. To address the big challenges of our time, we need to connect traditional learned and technical knowledge with lived expertise. And that’s what Baljeet does at the Centre for Knowledge Equity, which she recently founded in the UK.

    Says Peter: “I love chatting with Baljeet. In our conversation about equity, inclusion and what she calls “wisdom leadership”, she managed to squeeze in a bit of quantum thinking, at least one Einstein quote and a whole lotta love.”


    Reimagine is presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Baljeet Sandhu, CEO, Centre for Knowledge Equity.


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    Centre for Knowledge Equity

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out http://www.reimaginepodcast.com

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Economic Reset

    Economic Reset

    Economic Reset: With Halla Tómasdóttir

    “The pandemic pause has given us an awakening. Capitalism needs an upgrade. We need an inclusive economy that drives shared prosperity on a healthy planet.”   


    We’re continuing our look at the big existential crises of this new decade, and what it will take to reimagine and reset our broken systems.

    In this episode, we’re talking global economic reset with the woman who was very nearly Iceland’s president, and is now leading a much bigger movement - Halla Tómasdóttir.

    This is not your average discourse on economic reform that you might expect from a top CEO. Halla is such good company and she’s not afraid to bring the personal into the professional – in fact she actively encourages it.

    So she chats to Peter about the perks of her imposter syndrome and the personal motivation behind her presidential campaign in her homeland, as well as the pitfalls of “hubris syndrome”, the “crisis of conformity” in leadership, and the need for feminine values to lead effectively in an entangled world.

    Today she is the CEO and “chief change catalyst” of the B Team, a coalition of heavyweight business and civil society leaders working to shift the culture of accountability in business to include not only numbers and performance, but people and planet. She also co-chairs Imperative 21 and the Reset campaign, both of which advocate for radical reform of our economic systems.


    As Peter concludes: “Halla is a special human.”


    Reimagine comes to you from Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Halla Tómasdóttir (@HallaTomas), CEO @thebteamhq


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    The B Team

    Imperative 21

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out http://www.reimaginepodcast.com

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Climate Reset

    Climate Reset

    In episode 3 Peter Drobac reimagines what our future could be like if we reset how we live with global climate action leader Christiana Figueres.

    “Here we are stuck in the norm, without any reason to be stuck.”   


    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future. And in this episode we’re talking climate change – what’s at stake, the cost of inaction and the opportunities that exist if we harness the sustainability revolution that Al Gore told us about in the last series. We’re in a perilous moment, but it’s not too late to act. This needs to be our decade of action, the decade when we make a climate reset.

    Our guide is the inimitable Christiana Figueres. Christiana has been a force of nature in fostering global awareness and collective action on climate. As head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, she brokered the Paris Agreement of 2015, a landmark international agreement that laid out an ambitious agenda to fight climate change and adapt to its effects.

    Since then, Christiana has continued work to accelerate the global response to climate change. She founded Global Optimism, which is currently persuading CEOs to commit to achieving net zero targets ahead of schedule. She’s also the co-host of the climate change podcast Outrage & Optimism.

    Earlier this year Christiana published a book, The Future We Choose, with her podcast partner Tom Rivett-Carnac. While she doesn’t shy away from the risks we face if we don’t solve the climate crisis, she also gives us an awesome vision of what our future could look like if we do.

    Reimagine is presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Christiana Figueres (@CFigueres), former executive secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Partner Global Optimism; co-host Outrage & Optimism podcast; co-author The Future We Choose.


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Global Optimism

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out http://www.reimaginepodcast.com

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Health Reset

    Health Reset

    Health Reset: With Joia Mukherjee and Paul Farmer

    “There is no contrast between fighting against Covid and fighting for black lives”   


    In Reimagine Series 2: Systems Reset, we’re seizing this moment to reimagine systems that are fit for purpose, and fit for everyone.

    In episode 2, Peter talks to global health activist Dr Joia Mukherjee about reimaging our health systems in an age of pandemics. Joia describes herself as an “ass-kicking optimist, healer, singer and lover of humanity”. She is the chief medical officer at social justice and global health non-profit Partners in Health, and much of her work explores the intersection between healthcare and racism. What does she think an equitable global health system should look like?

    Peter also catches up with Dr Paul Farmer, his guest in the very first episode of Reimagine, for an update on the long view of Covid-19 and what drove him to write his new book Fevers, Feuds and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History.

    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future. Presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Dr Joia Mukherjee (@JoiaMukherjee), chief medical officer, Partners in Health; Associate Professor, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Professor, Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

    Dr Paul Farmer, co-founder, Partners in Health.


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    Fevers, Feuds and Diamonds by Dr Paul Farmer

    Partners in Health

    Bending The Arc 

    Introduction to Global Health Delivery by Dr Joia Mukherjee

    Necropolitics, Achille Mbembe

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Redwoods In Rwanda

    Redwoods In Rwanda

    “Our actions in the next decade will determine the future of civilisation.” 

    (Indy Johar, Dark Matter Labs)


    The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown our world into disarray. Far more than a public health crisis, the pandemic has triggered an economic crisis, a social crisis, and a governance crisis. It has contributed to a long overdue reckoning on deeply rooted systemic racial injustice. Meanwhile, extreme weather events signal the increasing urgency of our unfolding climate crisis. 


    All of these challenges predated Covid-19. But the pandemic has exposed and exacerbated flaws in our systems. While we all long for a return to normality after months of loss and sacrifice, is “back to normal” really what we want?

    In Reimagine Series 2: Systems Reset, we’re seizing this moment to reimagine systems that are fit for purpose, and fit for everyone. Meet the visionaries who are revolutionising the story of who we are, and how we engage with the world. We’ll be talking about how to thrive in an entangled ecosystem, redesigning public health and economic systems, the kind of leadership we need in the 21st century, and more.

    It’s time for a declaration of interdependence.

    In the first episode of the new series, we explore what it means to think in systems. We’re going to go deep, exploring their invisible architecture, and then we’ll go long, discovering how radical long-term thinking can unlock innovation in the here and now. Peter talks to two great thinkers who say that in order to bring about change on the scale required, we first need to rethink how we see the world, and how we connect to it.

    Indy Johar is an architect and institutional innovator who is working to radically redesign our future. He is a founding director of Dark Matter Labs, an analytics and design team that is developing new working methods for system change.

    Dark Matter refers to the invisible architecture of our systems, which we tend not to notice until something goes wrong. But when systems fail, it’s usually catastrophic. That’s basically 2020 in a nutshell. Indy says our systems have errors in the deep code, and that it’s time for some reprogramming.

    Roman Krznaric is a public philosopher whose book, The Good Ancestor, offers us tools to flip the script and cultivate long-term thinking in a world beset by short termism.

    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future. Presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Indy Johar (@indy_johar)), founding director @DarkMatter_Labs

    Roman Krznaric (@romankrznaric), author of The Good Ancestor


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


    Dark Matters Lab

    Empathy Museum

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Introducing Series 2

    Introducing Series 2

    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future from the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University’s Said Business School, presented by Peter Drobac.

    Covid-19 has exposed the deep flaws in our relationship with the world and each other. We all long for a return to normality, but is “back to normal” really what we want?

    In Series 2: Systems Reset, we’re seizing this moment to reimagine systems that are fit for purpose, and fit for everyone. Meet the visionaries who are revolutionising the story of who we are, and how we engage with the world. We’ll be talking about how to thrive in an entangled ecosystem, redesigning public health and economic systems, the kind of leadership we need in the 21st century, and more.

    It’s time for a declaration of interdependence.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    What Is Social Entrepreneurship? With Sally Osberg

    What Is Social Entrepreneurship? With Sally Osberg

    If you’ve been tuning in to series 1 and want to know more about social entrepreneurship, or you’d just like to spend some time in the company of an extremely cool woman with a voracious intellect and a lot of wisdom about how change happens, then this bonus episode is just for you.

    For two decades Sally Osberg has played an outsized role in growing the field of social entrepreneurship. She was the founding president and CEO of the Skoll Foundation, one of the world’s leading organisations in this space. With Roger Martin, Sally was the author of the seminal book Getting Beyond Better: How Social Entrepreneurship Works. And she’s also an Associate Fellow at the Saïd Business School.  

    Reimagine aims to explore how change happens by getting into the minds of social entrepreneurs. And this episode is a chance to get under the hood to see how social entrepreneurship works. If you’ve been listening to Reimagine, you’ll hear a lot of familiar themes. But here, we’ll go deeper.  

    What is a social entrepreneur? Why do they matter? And what’s their special role during the era of coronavirus? 


    Sally Osberg (@SallyOsberg), author of Getting Beyond Better: How Social Entrepreneurship Works. 


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford Saïd Business School.

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Sustainability Revolution With Al Gore

    The Sustainability Revolution With Al Gore

    “We are in the early stages of a sustainability revolution. It will have the magnitude of the industrial revolution yet the speed of the digital revolution”

    In this special episode Nobel Peace Prize winner, former US vice president and one of the world’s leading climate activists shares his vision for a sustainable future – Al Gore.

    Reflecting in the context of Covid-19 from his home in Tennessee, Al talks about the lessons for the climate emergency revealed by the current pandemic and his optimism for our capacity to forge a path out of the climate crisis. A just transition with millions of green jobs and redefining value to include not just profit but people and planet are key. 

    Peter is joined by Dr Aoife Brophy Haney, lecturer in Innovation and Enterprise at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment and Saïd Business School. 


    Al Gore @algore, former US Vice President

    Dr Aoife Brophy Haney (@abhaney), Departmental Research Lecturer in Innovation and Enterprise at the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at the School of Geography and Environment and Saïd Business School.


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford Saïd Business School.


    Al Gore’s website

    The GOTO 2020 summit

    GOTO 2020 behind the scenes series

     “Coronavirus and the climate crisis are worsened by the same system”, Aoife Haney and Peter Drobac, the Independent.

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Gimme Shelter, Ending Homelessness

    Gimme Shelter, Ending Homelessness

    “I’m here to prevent the next generation of Big Issue vendors.”

    Homelessness is an example of a wicked problem – a complex, messy problem with many causes, contradictory forces, and no easy solution. Wicked problems are rooted in broken systems.

    It’s estimated that 2% of the world’s population are homeless. But many more – perhaps 1 in 5 people worldwide – may lack adequate and secure housing.

    In this episode we focus on the situation in the UK, where an unprecedented number of people are without a home or living on the streets. That number has doubled since 2010, and continues to trend upward. 

    What will it take to shift the status quo on homelessness? 

    We start with a report from the frontline of care for homeless people during the pandemic, recorded for us by Sara Emerson of Brighton charity Justlife. The coronavirus lockdown has had the short-term benefit of getting people off the streets and into temporary housing. But that’s an emergency measure, not a solution. 

    Peter digs into the roots of homelessness with Dr Elisabeth Garratt from the Sheffield Methods Institute, who leads a research project exploring people’s experiences of homelessness in Oxford. And he talks to the founder of the Big Issue, Lord John Bird, about possible solutions, and how his own lived experience of homelessness helped him to redefine how we think about the problem. 

    Reimagine is a podcast about people who are inventing the future. Presented by Oxford Answers and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. New episodes on Thursdays.


    Sara Emerson, Justlife, https://www.justlife.org.uk

    Dr Elisabeth Garratt (@eagarratt), lecturer at the Sheffield Methods Institute

    Lord John Bird (@johnbirdswords), https://www.bigissue.com


    Peter Drobac (@peterdrobac), Director of the @SkollCentre for Social Entrepreneurship, Oxford Saïd Business School


    In 2019, Saïd Business School announced a three-year partnership with Homeless Oxfordshire, a charity that provides short-term accommodation to the homeless in the county alongside high-quality support and initiatives to help them regain and maintain independence.

    Want to learn more about the show? Check out www.reimaginepodcast.com.

    Have a question for Peter? Email him at peter@reimaginepodcast.com.


    Producer/editor – Eve Streeter for Stabl

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.