
    Girls That Startup: Why We Should Talk about Our Success in Business

    enJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Stock market news implicationsUnderstanding how stock market news affects your portfolio is as important as staying informed about it. Use tools like Moby to help interpret the news.

      Staying informed about stock market news is crucial for investors, but understanding how the news impacts your portfolio is equally important. A helpful tool for this is Moby, an investing education app that provides updates on market news and breaks down the implications for your portfolio. Additionally, Maya, a seven-figure business owner, shared her perspective on success in business, acknowledging the cultural belief of Nuzad, which discourages sharing wins too early due to potential judgment or jealousy. However, she emphasized the importance of being authentic and sharing successes to inspire and motivate others. So, keep learning and stay informed with the right tools, and don't be afraid to share your achievements with the right mindset.

    • Sharing SuccessesOpenly discussing achievements can help accelerate success and make it more comfortable for everyone to do the same. Breaking the taboo around talking about success can inspire others to keep striving for greatness.

      It's important to share our successes and not shy away from them, even if it goes against cultural norms. The fear of jinxing our good fortune or being seen as arrogant can hold us back. However, openly discussing our achievements can help accelerate success and make it more comfortable for everyone to do the same. As the proverb Khaori Takuma Rekordirawana Kipuna Kereka from Thiao Maori suggests, being humble and hardworking are important, but so is acknowledging and celebrating our accomplishments. Let's break the taboo around talking about success and inspire each other to keep striving for greatness.

    • Defining SuccessSuccess can evolve as a business grows and changes, and it's important to celebrate achievements and recognize progress while staying open to new definitions and goals.

      Success can evolve as a business grows and changes. When Sim first started GTI, she saw success as having a side project that she loved, was creative in, made an impact, and brought in some extra money. As her business grew and she received recognition like the Cartier Women's Initiative Award, her definition of success expanded. It's important to celebrate these successes and recognize the progress made, while also staying open to new definitions and goals. Confidence in celebrating achievements is a key component to continued growth and development.

    • Unexpected career growth from side projectsStarting a side project with the intention of helping others can lead to unexpected career growth and a shift in personal goals and definition of success.

      Starting a side project with the intention of helping others can unexpectedly grow into a full-time career and bring about a shift in personal goals and definition of success. The speaker, who started a podcast to help women invest and grow their money, initially saw it as a side hustle. However, as it gained traction, she realized she could dedicate her life to it and make a significant impact. Initially, she sought vanity metrics like Forbes 30 under 30, a seven-figure business, and a big team, but later discovered that true success for her was the freedom and usefulness that came with her growing business. This experience shows that unexpected growth and shifts in goals can occur when we pursue our passions and aim to make a positive impact on others.

    • Personal definition of successPeople find fulfillment in various aspects of life beyond financial success, including making a positive impact on others and having flexibility to live life on their own terms.

      For this individual, financial success no longer brings them the same level of joy as it once did. Instead, they find fulfillment in making a positive impact on others and having the flexibility to live life on their own terms. Success, for them, is measured by the number of lives they touch and the heartfelt messages they receive. It's important to remember that everyone's definition of success is unique and can change throughout life. For some, it may be financial wealth, while for others, it could be personal growth, relationships, or making a difference in the world. If you're feeling unsure about your own definition of success, take some time to reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. And remember, it's okay to adjust your definition as you grow and evolve.

    • Defining SuccessUnderstanding and aligning your definition of success with your values brings true happiness, and regularly evaluating and adjusting it is essential for fulfillment.

      Having a clear vision of what success means to you is essential for achieving fulfillment and avoiding feelings of disappointment or emptiness. The speaker shared her personal goals, which include helping women, leading a healthier lifestyle, financial freedom, and finding fulfillment in her work. She emphasized the importance of understanding that everyone's definition of health and success is unique and subjective. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having freedom of time and flexibility in one's schedule to truly enjoy the fruits of one's labor. Reflecting on her past experiences, she cautioned that reaching what one thinks is success without feeling fulfilled can lead to a negative mental state. Therefore, it's crucial to regularly evaluate and adjust one's definition of success to ensure it aligns with one's values and brings true happiness.

    • Redefining SuccessAchieving financial success doesn't guarantee happiness, and shifting focus from profits to making a positive impact can lead to greater fulfillment.

      Success, as defined by financial gains or accolades, may not guarantee happiness. The speaker, Sim, shared her personal experience of achieving significant milestones in her business within a short time but still feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. She emphasized the importance of recognizing that people may be dealing with internal struggles despite external appearances of success. Sim's turning point came when a friend advised her to shift her goals from being profit-oriented to focusing on making an impact. This change in perspective helped her find contentment and purpose beyond financial gains. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of redefining success and seeking happiness through making a positive impact rather than solely relying on financial achievements.

    • Measuring Success by ImpactShifting focus from revenue to impact can lead to growth and personal fulfillment, as success is not just about numbers but the value provided to people.

      Shifting the focus of success from revenue to impact can lead to easier growth in a business. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of dealing with imposter syndrome and fear of not being good enough, which led her to believe that her success was a fluke and that she would not be able to continue it. However, she came to realize that success should be measured by the change and value she was providing to people, rather than just the numbers. This change in perception not only made her feel better about herself but also allowed her to focus on making a genuine impact, which in turn led to growth and potential revenue. It's important to remember that success is not just about the size of the community or vanity metrics, but rather the number of lives you are able to positively affect.

    • Personal definition of successDefine success based on personal values and happiness, not societal or business norms. Key elements may include freedom of time, flexibility, and meaningful work.

      It's essential to define what success means to us personally, rather than focusing solely on societal or business definitions. By writing down our unique reasons for success and what makes us happier or more fulfilled, we may discover that freedom of time, flexibility, and meaningful work are the keys to our individual success. This exercise can lead to a refreshing shift in perspective and help us align our definition of success with our values and ethics. If you're growing your business and unsure how to measure success, take the time to reflect on what success means to you.

    • Podcast reviewsLeaving positive reviews for educational podcasts can help spread valuable information to a wider audience, but always remember the advice provided is for educational purposes only and not for making investment decisions without research.

      Listening to educational podcasts like Girls That Invest and leaving positive reviews can help spread valuable information to a wider audience. This is a simple yet effective way to contribute to the success of the podcast and potentially benefit others. However, it's important to remember that the advice provided on the podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon to make investment or financial decisions without doing thorough research and due diligence. At Girls That Invest, we strive to provide general information to empower and educate our listeners, but we do not offer personalized investing advice.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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