
    Girthmaster: The Man Behind the Girth

    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights into a Porn Star's Life: Enjoyment and BalanceAdult content creator Kale Lauer, also known as 'Ben', maintains privacy and enjoys her profession without letting it negatively impact her personal life. She emphasizes the importance of personal enjoyment and balance in her work as a porn star.

      Kale Lauer, also known as "Ben," is an adult content creator who maintains a level of privacy to avoid unwanted attention. Despite the nature of her work, she enjoys her profession and ensures it doesn't negatively impact her personal life. She shared that she loves sex and finds it enjoyable both on and off camera. Regarding desensitization, she emphasized that her enjoyment of sex remains consistent, and she manages to last long enough for scenes by thinking about things that make her uncomfortable or regretful. This interview provided insights into the life of a porn star, highlighting the importance of personal enjoyment and maintaining a balance between work and personal life.

    • Understanding individual preferences in sexual experiencesRespect and understand each partner's preferences and comfort levels for satisfying experiences. Individual experiences and preferences can vary greatly.

      The length and authenticity of sexual experiences can vary greatly between individuals, particularly between men and women. For the speaker, who is a male adult film performer, the goal is to delay the sensation to ensure a satisfying performance. He believes that women typically experience a slower build-up and may prefer shorter sessions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting each partner's preferences and comfort levels. Additionally, the speaker shares that his passion extends beyond pornography and includes hobbies like sailing, reading, and spending time with friends. He also discusses his past experiences working various jobs before entering the adult film industry and expresses a preference for jobs with a strong sense of camaraderie. The speaker also shares his love for American chain restaurants, specifically Chili's and Olive Garden, and laments that these are not as prevalent in Australia. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of individual preferences, respect, and understanding in sexual experiences and beyond.

    • Similarities with a friend and financial success purchasesDespite a successful career in the adult industry and financial means, the speaker prioritizes being single and has undergone a vasectomy, identifying as happy with his current lifestyle. ADHD did not hinder his decision to get the procedure done.

      The speaker, a successful content creator in the adult industry, shares similarities with a friend, including a liking for certain books and a large stature. He has made significant purchases since gaining financial success, including a custom suit and a Cartier watch. The speaker is currently not interested in monogamous relationships and has opted for a vasectomy, but plans to have children in the future. The speaker mentioned that while vasectomies are not common in the adult industry, he encountered no issues getting the procedure done. Despite his success and lifestyle, he identifies as happy being single for now. The speaker also disclosed having ADHD but did not face any resistance from doctors regarding his decision to get a vasectomy.

    • Personal responsibility and proactive family planningThe speaker values personal responsibility and advocates for men to take on a greater role in family planning through vasectomies and other means, while also enjoying simple pleasures and prioritizing high-quality vitamins for his children.

      The speaker values personal responsibility and proactive decision-making, particularly when it comes to family planning. He underwent a vasectomy as a means of birth control, and he also advocates for men to take on this role due to their fertility every day of the month. The speaker also shared his preference for staying at home, cooking, and enjoying simple pleasures like reading and caring for plants. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of providing high-quality vitamins for his children and expressed a desire to date women with cool kids. Throughout the conversation, the speaker showcased his thoughtful and considerate nature, as well as his commitment to making informed choices for himself and his family.

    • Discovering Convenience in Vitamins and Home BuyingHiya offers discounts on children's vitamins for first-time buyers and Redfin simplifies home buying process, making daily life easier.

      Convenience and ease are key factors in people's decisions when it comes to purchasing vitamins for their children or even browsing for their dream homes. The discussion highlighted Hiya's special offer for their best-selling children's vitamins, which provides a significant discount for first-time buyers. Meanwhile, Redfin was mentioned as an app that simplifies the process of finding and buying a home, making it an invaluable tool for those constantly on the lookout for their forever home. Additionally, the conversation revealed some favorite books and authors, with David Sedaris and Dave Hill being among the recommended names for nonfiction and comedy lovers, respectively. Lastly, a surprising revelation was made when it was disclosed that one of the speakers is a celebrity from the reality TV show "Teen Mom." Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, but the underlying theme was the importance of making things easier and more convenient for people's daily lives.

    • Being open to new experiences and adapting to changeEmbrace new skills and experiences to succeed, be authentic, and address challenges with honesty and transparency.

      In order to succeed and keep up with the competition, one must be open to learning new skills and adapting to changing circumstances. The speaker in this conversation, who has found success in the adult film industry, shares how he was initially hesitant to take dance classes to improve his performance, but later reconsidered. He also shares how he carefully and gradually revealed his career change to his family, acknowledging their concerns and addressing them honestly. The conversation also touches on the importance of authenticity and the potential for unexpected encounters in life, such as recognizing an acquaintance in an unexpected context. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being open to new experiences, being true to oneself, and addressing challenges with honesty and transparency.

    • The difference between porn sex and private life for porn starsPorn stars enjoy the excitement of performing in porn while prioritizing consent, safety, and intimacy in their personal lives.

      The experience of sex in porn and in private life is vastly different for porn stars. While porn sex is often about putting on a show and performing various exciting positions for the camera, private sex life is more intimate and personal. Porn stars enjoy both aspects and find ways to separate them mentally. They also prioritize consent, safety, and preparation in their professional life, including regular STD testing. During a typical workday, they film multiple scenes for platforms like OnlyFans and ensure a comfortable and convenient setup for themselves and their partners. Despite the challenges and demands of the job, they find ways to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives.

    • Regular STI testing is mandatory in adult film industryRigorous testing every 2 weeks ensures safety, new STIs emerging, women's additional considerations, maintaining professional boundaries, Lume's whole body deodorant boosts confidence

      Regular STI testing is crucial in the adult film industry, with tests required every two weeks for industry workers. This rigorous testing regimen ensures the safety of performers and production crews. STIs can affect various parts of the body, including orifices that may not be immediately apparent, and new STIs like Mycoplasma genitalium are emerging. Women have additional considerations, including vaginal swabs for testing. While it may seem daunting, the importance of pleasure and authenticity in adult content creation makes testing an essential part of the job for many performers. Despite the potential for romantic entanglements, maintaining professional boundaries is key for most performers. Lume's whole body deodorant is a game changer, allowing performers to feel confident and fresh every day.

    • Effective deodorant solution and weight loss program comparisonLumi deodorant provides long-lasting odor control with mandelic acid, while Noom offers personalized weight loss plans without restrictive diets.

      Lumi deodorant offers effective odor control for up to 72 hours using mandelic acid, earning it over 300,000 five-star reviews. New customers can save 15% on their first purchase using the code Barely Famous. Lumi's starter pack includes various free products and free shipping, resulting in over 40% off. Noom, on the other hand, is a weight loss program that builds personalized plans based on individual needs and dietary restrictions. It's psychologically and biologically based, doesn't restrict food choices, and feels more sustainable. The discussion also revealed that people in the adult film industry enjoy having sex, which is not just a part of their job but a personal preference. Lumi and Noom offer unique solutions to common problems, making them valuable options for consumers.

    • Adult content generates revenue for social media platformsSocial media platforms earn money from adult content through increased user engagement and ad revenue, while creators use these platforms to promote their work and reach larger audiences.

      Social media platforms like Twitter generate significant revenue from adult content, despite not directly selling it. This content attracts users who spend more time on the platform, leading to increased ad revenue. Content creators use these platforms as a marketing tool to promote their work and reach larger audiences. The most extreme sex scenes can range from high-production shoots with big names in the industry to more intimate, spontaneous moments. Content creators invest in equipment and locations for filming, with the biggest expenses often being the locations themselves. Some creators prefer specific categories or themes for their content, while others keep their interests more vanilla. Overall, the adult content industry is a business that requires investment and careful planning to produce high-quality content and reach a large audience.

    • Navigating Online Identity and Monetization in Adult EntertainmentThe adult entertainment industry presents unique challenges for online identity and monetization, with creators balancing their desire for privacy and authenticity with the demands of their audience and the industry.

      The internet's early reputation as a platform for podcasting was overshadowed by its significant role in the porn industry. This was a surprising revelation during the conversation, as one participant shared his experiences with an influx of DMs and the challenges of maintaining a regular persona online. Despite having a successful porn career, he expressed a desire to be seen as a regular guy and not just a porn star. Another interesting point discussed was the monetization of content, with the creator owning all his work and releasing previously filmed scenes during his time off. The conversation also touched upon the possibility of acting opportunities, with the participant expressing openness to exploring this avenue. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of navigating online identity and monetization in the adult entertainment industry.

    • The Authenticity of Female Squirting DebateClear communication and understanding are crucial when filming squirting scenes to avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing situations. Proper hydration may play a role, but everyone's body is unique.

      There is ongoing debate in the adult film industry regarding the authenticity and nature of female squirting or ejaculation. Some believe it's purely pee, while others argue it's a separate fluid. Filming such scenes can present challenges, and miscommunication or misunderstandings can lead to embarrassing situations. It's essential to approach these scenes with openness, understanding, and clear communication to ensure a positive experience for all involved. Additionally, there seems to be a common belief that proper hydration plays a role in the occurrence of squirting. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone's body is different, and it's crucial to approach adult content creation with respect, professionalism, and a sense of humor.

    • First Impressions: Size Matters - Online vs. Real LifePresenting oneself accurately, whether through photos or messages, is crucial for making good first impressions. Angles, lighting, and effort can significantly alter perceptions.

      First impressions can be misleading, and the importance of presenting oneself accurately, whether it's through a photo or a message, cannot be overstated. The discussion revolved around the comparison of a wine bottle's size in a photo versus in real life, drawing parallels to sending inaccurate or misleading images, particularly dick pics. The group agreed that angles and lighting can significantly alter perceptions, and taking the time and effort to present oneself accurately is essential. Additionally, they touched upon the idea of creating a tool to help men provide more accurate depictions, such as a measurement guide or a smaller reference object. The conversation also included a suggestion for a unique Father's Day gift - creating a personalized song through Songfinch. The overall message is that taking the time to make a good first impression and presenting oneself accurately can lead to better connections and stronger relationships.

    • The Interconnected Worlds of Comedy and PornComedians and porn stars have mutual connections and some porn stars have ventured into stand-up comedy.

      The worlds of comedy and porn may be more interconnected than one might initially think. During the conversation, it was revealed that there is a significant amount of overlap between the two industries, with many comedians and porn stars having mutual connections and even appearing on each other's podcasts. Additionally, some porn stars have even ventured into stand-up comedy. The speaker shared personal experiences of working with porn stars on his podcasts and meeting famous comedians like Anna Kendrick. The conversation also touched upon the unexpected nature of the criminal case of a former high-ranking police official who was suspected of kidnapping and demanded a ransom for the safe return of a 12-year-old boy in 1995. The speaker expressed his disappointment that justice was never truly served in the case. To create your own original song, visit songfinch.com/barelyfamous. After purchasing, you'll receive a free Spotify streaming of your song, which is a $50 value. Don't forget to share your song with us at songfinch.com/BarelyFamous.

    • Exploring the Unique World of Adult EntertainmentIndividuals find freedom, self-empowerment, and unique experiences in adult entertainment. Mental health impacts vary, with some thriving and others struggling.

      The adult entertainment industry can provide individuals with a sense of freedom and self-empowerment, but it's important to have clear expectations and a strong understanding of what one is getting into. The industry is unique in that there is no nepotism and everyone is there by choice, having taken a chance on themselves for a better life. However, mental health can be impacted differently for each person, depending on individual circumstances and mindset. Some find great success and personal growth, while others may struggle. Overall, it's a strange and often misunderstood profession where people come from various backgrounds and experiences, and everyone is learning and growing together.

    • Setting expectations and giving consent in sexual encounters, online or offlineCommunicate openly about sexual health and expectations to ensure a consensual and enjoyable experience

      Communication and consent are crucial elements in any sexual encounter, even when it comes to sharing explicit content online. The speaker, who goes by the name Girthmaster, emphasizes the importance of setting expectations and giving potential partners a heads-up about what they can expect. He shares that he's had instances where people have been surprised or overwhelmed by his size, leading him to create a spiel and even consider having them sign a waiver. While this may be an extreme example, the principle remains the same for any sexual encounter, online or offline. Moreover, the speaker encourages men to be open about getting tested and taking care of their sexual health. He also suggests that the porn industry's approach to consent and preparation could be a learning curveball for regular men. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, setting expectations, and taking care of one's sexual health.

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    Barely Famous
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    Barely Famous
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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
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