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    Glenn Aparicio Parry – Original Politics

    Aired Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST

    As I’ve shared on Destination Unlimited before, I was a child of the 1950’s and a product of the dramatic cultural changes of the 60’s and 70’s. Our generation had a vision of hope where all people would share in the dream and the promise of America with equality, humanity and compassion. Somewhere along the way, our vision blurred, our efforts lost focus, the dream turned into a nightmare and the promise was unfulfilled. Now we see bitter political partisanship, heated clashes over immigration, the climate crisis, income inequality, sexism, racism and gun violence. Our country was plagued with these problems long before COVID-19 hit. Is the United States headed for a second Civil War? Is our democracy facing the threat of extinction?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Glenn Aparicio Parry, sees the current state of turmoil, not as a harbinger of doom but as a sign of our potential for renewal. He foresees a political evolution that ultimately returns America to wholeness through our true sacred purpose: unity in diversity. Glenn Aparicio Parry is a writer, educational consultant, international speaker, and entrepreneur with a vision to reform thinking and education into a coherent, cohesive whole. From 1999-2011, he organized and participated in the groundbreaking Language of Spirit Conferences, bringing together Native and Western scientists in dialogue. The founder and past president of the SEED Institute, he currently runs a think tank and regularly moderates dialogues. He is the author of the Nautilus award-winning Original Thinking: A Radical Revisioning of Time, Humanity and Nature. He lives in northern New Mexico. His website is https://originalthinking.us/ and he joins me this week to discuss his groundbreaking and hopeful new book, ORIGINAL POLITICS: Making America Sacred Again.

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    Recent Episodes from Destination Unlimited with Victor Fuhrman

    Constance Victoria Briggs - Earth’s Galactic History and Its Extraterrestrial Connection

    Constance Victoria Briggs - Earth’s Galactic History and Its Extraterrestrial Connection
    Air Date - 06 March 2024

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    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Constance Victoria Briggs, is an author, researcher, and public speaker specializing in these questions and other cosmic mysteries. Her books include The Encyclopedia of Angels, The Encyclopedia of God, Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries, and The Moon's Galactic History. She has been featured on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory, The Leak Project, Earth Ancients, Broadcast Team Alpha, Forbidden Knowledge, Spaced Out Radio, and others. She joins me this week to share her path and latest book, Earth’s Galactic History and Its Extraterrestrial Connection.

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    Carole J. Obley - Wisdom From the Spirit World

    Carole J. Obley - Wisdom From the Spirit World
    Air Date - 28 February 2024

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    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Carole J. Obley, is the author of Embracing the Ties That Bind, I'm Still with You, and Soul to Soul Connections. She has communicated with souls who have crossed into the spirit world through thousands of private and group sessions. Carole has earned a reputation as a master evidential medium. Heartfelt and compassionate in her approach, Carole is also well known for her practical, down-to-earth guidance and insight into life issues, such as relationships, career, and finance. She has been a frequent guest on national broadcasts, including Coast to Coast AM. Her website is https://soulvisions.net/, and she joins me this week to share her path and book, Wisdom From the Spirit World: Life Teachings on Love, Forgiveness, Purpose and Finding Peace.

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    Carina Marshall - Discover & Use Your Greatest Superpower

    Carina Marshall - Discover & Use Your Greatest Superpower
    Air Date - 21 February 2024

    If we live in a vibrational universe where everything is energy. How may we learn to embrace “vibrational living” and tap into our personal superpowers for a conscious and fulfilling life?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Vibrational Coach Carina Marshall, asked this question on her own personal journey and recognized 16 metaphysical tools that will help us achieve this. Carina Marshall is a vibrational transformation coach, passionate about serving others on the deepest level through promoting "vibrational living." She is a certified Master Life Coach (MLC), Life & Spiritual Mentor (LSM), and meditation teacher, having practiced Kriya Yoga for decades. Her website is https://unlimitedself.us/, and she joins me to share her path and book Discover & Use Your Greatest Superpower: Metaphysics, Spirituality, & Bubble Gum!

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Matt Kahn - All for Love

    Matt Kahn - All for Love
    Air Date - 14 February 2024

    As a child, Matt Kahn dreamed of being an author someday. After an out-of-body experience at age eight and several profound spiritual awakenings, Matt developed an other-worldly connection to his intuition, allowing him to become a profoundly powerful empathic healer.

    But then, a back injury changed his path from personal trainer to healer and accelerated his abilities as he solidified his mission to become a spiritual teacher. Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises Love That, Everything Is Here To Help You, and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into over a dozen languages. His website is https://mattkahn.org/, and he joins me this week to share his amazing path and his OmTimes Ommie Award-winning book, All for Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Letao Wang – Oracle of the Mythic Heroes

    Letao Wang – Oracle of the Mythic Heroes
    Air Date - 07 February 2024

    Much like the legendary heroes and heroines of Greek and Roman mythology, we, too, experience love, hate, failure, and challenges along our way to enlightenment. Though no hero’s journey is perfect, we have the power to rise again in cosmic alignment with our inner hero.

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Letao Wang, has combined these legendary characters, his personal mastery of astrology, a profound understanding of cosmic laws, and his intuitive skills to create “The Healing Kingdom.” Letao Wang had been confused about life when one fateful meeting with a spiritual counselor in Australia changed everything. Since opening his professional practice in Hong Kong, he has helped many with financial, family, and relationship problems through spiritual counseling. His website is http://thehealingkingdom.com/, and he joins me this week to share his path. He published a divination deck and book, Oracle of the Mythic Heroes.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Gloria Hass – My Journey As A Grey Hybrid

    Gloria Hass – My Journey As A Grey Hybrid
    Air Date - 31 January 2024

    Do you ever have the sense that Earth is not your true home, that perhaps you are a visitor or even a volunteer who chose to be born here for a special purpose?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Gloria Hass, has experienced multi-dimensional contact since she was a child. This contact includes interactions with over twenty extraterrestrial beings and the understanding that she is a Grey Hybrid. Gloria Hass is a Visionary Starseed, natural born clairvoyant, healer, and has mediumistic abilities, along with having many gifts including remote viewing, remote touching, hearing conversations, seeing and communicating with Spirit, as well as very detailed visions and dreams with messages. She is the author of more than thirty books including the 2023 Amazon best-seller, My Journey As A Grey Hybrid. She joins me this week to share her amazing path and experiences.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Phill Webster – Letting Glow

    Phill Webster – Letting Glow
    Air Date - 24 January 2024

    Is there a way to take a practical approach to demystifying the mystical, enabling us to implement ancient esoteric truths in our daily lives?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Phill Webster, took a personal journey through grief into mediumship, and the study of ancient and modern metaphysics. Phill Webster is a writer, actor, and spiritual teacher. After living abroad for 20 years, he returned to the UK and ventured into acting. After losing his mother in 2021, he realized that he had been dismissing spiritual calls to action his entire life. His website is https://phillwebster.com/ and he joins me this week to share his story and his new #1 book on Amazon’s Hot Releases Chart, Letting Glow.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Douglas Hodgson – Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil

    Douglas Hodgson – Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil
    Air Date - 10 January 2024

    What may humanity learn from the Near-Death Experience that transcends the historical, scientific, medical, religious, and philosophical aspects of the NDE?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Douglas Hodgson, studied and collated more than 500 NDE accounts, identifying the common observations and insights drawn from them. Douglas Hodgson is a former Dean and Law professor currently residing in Perth, Western Australia. He undertook postgraduate legal study at the University of London before embarking on a 35-year career in higher education in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as a teacher, researcher, scholar, human rights advocate, and university administrator. After retiring from his academic career, he studied comparative religions and spiritual traditions, which sparked his interest in the NDE. He joins me this week to share his new, groundbreaking book on NDE’s, Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil: What Humanity Can Learn from the Near Death Experience.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Rev. James Parker – The Wealth Spark

    Rev. James Parker – The Wealth Spark
    Air Date - 03 January 2023

    In 2024, how may we shift limiting beliefs, create a strong supportive network, and create a framework of inner well-being to flourish?

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Rev. James Parker, says we can achieve this both financially and spiritually with “Wealth Mindset.” Rev. Parker is the senior minister and CEO of Unity Chicago in Illinois. He has an extensive entrepreneurial and leadership background across multiple industries, including telecommunications, construction, real estate, business consulting and development, and restaurant and hospitality. A respected leader and inspirational change-maker, Rev. Parker elegantly interweaves profound spiritual insights with practical financial wisdom. His website is https://www.thewealthsparkbook.com/, and he joins me this week to share his path. He just published an inspirational book, The Wealth Spark: Igniting Your Path to Abundance and Success.

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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    Nancy Thames – Time For Disclosure

    Nancy Thames – Time For Disclosure
    Air Date - 20 December 2023

    Many of us have had contact with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. For some, the experience was frightening and traumatic. For others, it was a pleasant learning experience and almost “familial.”

    My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Nancy Thames, has experienced the latter since childhood. Nancy, a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of extraterrestrial beings, has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. Her journey, marked by personal struggles, transformed profoundly through her continuous extraterrestrial encounters. She founded and hosts the Facebook Site, “Time For Disclosure/We Have Never Been Alone/We Are the Disclosure!” Her website is https://timefordisclosure.com/, and she joins me this week to share her path and profound contact experiences!

    Connect with Victor Fuhrman at http://victorthevoice.com/

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