
    Going back to work after a career break

    enJanuary 05, 2017

    About this Episode

    Confident Conversations is a weekly podcast show for ambitious women about confidently balancing work and life, hosted by me, Sherry Bevan, Author, Coach & Speaker. A former Global Head of IT Service for a City law firm, I now work with ambitious women to help them get clear on the career they really want then find the confidence to do it.

    Going back to work with confidence after a career break

    This week’s episode is about going back to work after a career break and how you can do this with confidence. I invited former client Ashley Aspin to share her personal experiences.

    Ashley graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Music in 1997 and started her working life in London with a leading classical music management agency.  Two years later she took a post with the BBC Classical Music Department assisting the managing editor and working on some unique television programmes and events such as the Queen’s Jubilee Concerts at Buckingham Palace.

    Seeking a career change two years later, Ashley joined the fast-track management training scheme for Davy's Wine Bars in the City of London gaining great experience in the trade and learning about wine. She transferred these skills to recruitment in the hospitality sector and became Davy’s recruitment consultant at agency Berkeley Scott before taking a career break to bring up her young children. In 2012 she moved from London to the town of Marple, a small town in Greater Manchester on the edge of the Peak District.

    Whilst on her career break, Ashley took up several charitable causes. She volunteered for the National Childbirth Trust, as editor of the local branch newsletter; raised over £2000 for St John Ambulance by running the London Marathon and supported the local primary school by organising major fundraising events.

    She is now the HR Officer for the Laurus Trust, a newly established multi-academy trust in Cheadle Hulme, Stockport. She continues to contribute to the local community by assisting as a coach support worker for the girls teams at Marple Cricket Club which has over 90 junior members attending weekly, and of whom over a third are girls.

    In the show we discuss:

    • How to maintain the intellectual challenge during your career break
    • How volunteering helps you to acquire new skills and maintain existing ones
    • The value of your skills gained through volunteering 
    • Ashley's big worries before going back to work and how she worked through them all
    • How to find work you love that fits around family

    Ashley's top tips for ambitious women who want to go back to work after a career break AND balance work and life “Stop looking for the perfect role and think about your skillset. The perfect balance is elusive but check in with yourself on a regular basis. Be honest with yourself and decide whether or not you need to take action. Be flexible in your approach and be adaptable to what you best can match.” 

    GUEST:  Ashley Aspin
    HOSTED BY: Sherry Bevan 

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    If you want to go back to work after a career break, check out Sherry's unique offering as mentioned by Ashley: Back to Work Confidence.

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    The art of delegation is in how to get people to do what you ask without being too controlling or too hesitant. 

    Listen to today's show for top tips on how to delegate effectively. 

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    This week my theme is about being more assertive in the workplace without getting labelled as aggressive. At the same time I don’t want you to be underestimated.

    When I work with my clients, whether one-to-one or in a group, I notice that women who present as confident and assertive in the workplace .... well their LinkedIn profile tells a different story. If you want to make a bigger impact and attract the right career opportunities you need to be more assertive on LinkedIn too.

    Discover 3 smart ways that you can be more assertive on LinkedIn:

    • Maximise your LinkedIn profile summary to 'big yourself up'
    • Focus on the more senior roles not the junior ones from the past
    • Add more skills to your profile

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    CC053 Interview skills: how to wow the interviewer


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    5. How to cope with the inevitable nerves
    6. How to make an impact (for the right reasons)
    7. How and when to follow up

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    2. Set yourself up as an expert authority
    3. Get speaking opportunities
    4. Attract new clients
    5. Long-term career planning

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    CC051 How to tame your inner critic aka the imposter syndrome

    CC051 How to tame your inner critic aka the imposter syndrome

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    Often these thoughts stop us from doing our best work and making a bigger impact at work so that we can take our career to the next level. 

    Jess Baker is an independent Business Psychologist and Women's Leadership Coach. She’s worked for some impressive organisations in her career including Barclays, HSBC and Aon Consulting.

    I was intrigued by her 5 Day Tame Your Inner Critic Challenge that starts on 15 January. I invited Jess to give us the inside scoop on how to manage our inner critic so that we feel more confident.

    Jess shares three key facts to help us understand the inner critic (sometimes described as the imposter syndrome):

    • Our brain is wired to protect us and prevent us messing up
    • We can't 'stop' those inner critic thoughts
    • But often those inner critic thoughts are based on lies or false evidence

    She then goes onto share some simple yet REALLY powerful techniques to tame and disempower your inner critic.

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    • Specific tips for ambitious women who are returning to work after a period of absence e.g. a career break or redundancy
    • Top tips if you are currently drafting a new CV.

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    CC049 How to improve your promotion prospects on LinkedIn and elsewhere

    Research from LinkedIn tells us that men and women present themselves differently on LinkedIn and this affects your promotion prospects. Sad to say, it's not to the advantage of ambitious women. 

    Discover the three things you can do differently on your LinkedIn profile to improve your promotion prospects when you describe:

    • Your experience 
    • Your skills 
    • Your summary 

    And then I'll tell you what else you need to do in the workplace to improve your promotion prospects. 

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    CC048 How to survive Christmas without a crisis

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    • And more fabulous tips for keeping well at Christmas and enjoying ourselves.

    GUEST: Val Stevenson
    HOST: Sherry Bevan

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    CC047 Beating burnout in the workplace with Sarah Sparks

    In this episode I explore burnout in the workplace with Sarah Sparks. 

    Sarah is an award winning Executive Coach, Speaker and Trainer who works with senior leaders in the Corporate World helping busy professionals have career success as well as health and wellbeing, and in particular helping them work differently so they avoid damaging stress and burn-out.

    Together we discuss the signs of burnout, how to avoid burnout and whose responsibility it is to spot the signs in the workplace.

    GUEST: Sarah Sparks
    HOST: Sherry Bevan

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