
    Podcast Summary

    • Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Versatile Career in EntertainmentJoseph Gordon-Levitt is a versatile artist known for acting in complex movies, directing, producing, and writing, with notable roles in 'The Chicago 7,' 'Dark Knight,' and 'Pinocchio.' His work in 'Inception' and 'Looper' left a lasting impression on audiences with their thought-provoking themes.

      Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a versatile artist who has made a significant impact in various areas of the entertainment industry, from acting in mind-bending movies like "Inception" and "Looper," to directing, producing, and writing. His roles in films like "The Chicago 7," "Dark Knight," and the recent animated "Pinocchio" have left audiences with unforgettable experiences. It's fascinating that he has portrayed two famous individuals, Philippe Petit and Edward Snowden, who have been guests on StarTalk. The movies "Inception" and "Looper," directed by Rian Johnson, have left a lasting impression on viewers, particularly those with a strong geek interest, due to their complex and thought-provoking themes. Overall, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's diverse body of work showcases his talent and versatility in the entertainment industry.

    • Encountering Future Self in LooperLooper explores the intriguing concept of encountering and interacting with one's future self, challenging established time travel rules and raising thought-provoking questions about identity and time.

      Key takeaway from our discussion about the movie "Looper" is that the concept of encountering and interacting with one's future self raises intriguing questions about the rules of time travel. Although there are scientific theories suggesting the possibility of time travel, there is no definitive solution to the grandfather paradox, which arises when one goes back in time and prevents an event from happening that would have led to their existence. In "Looper," the characters meet and have conversations with their future selves, which seems to challenge the established time travel rules. Although this scenario is not allowed according to current understanding, it is an intriguing concept that pushes the boundaries of science fiction and challenges our thinking about time and identity. The movie leaves it up to the audience to ponder the implications of such an encounter.

    • Looper doesn't need to follow strict scientific rules for its storyLooper effectively uses time travel as a narrative device, exploring themes of aging, past reckoning, and moral dilemmas, without requiring a full explanation of scientific mechanics.

      "Looper," despite being categorized as a science fiction story, doesn't necessarily need to adhere strictly to scientific rules for its narrative to be effective. The film explores themes of aging, reckoning with the past, and moral dilemmas, and the use of time travel as a device adds to the storytelling without requiring a full explanation of the scientific mechanics behind it. As the speaker points out, in the world of entertainment, labels like "science fiction" or "fantasy" are often used interchangeably, and the focus should be on the story itself rather than the scientific accuracy. The speaker also shares an example from "The Blues Brothers" to illustrate that sometimes, a simple explanation or a leap of faith can be more satisfying than a lengthy scientific explanation. Ultimately, "Looper" is a brilliant work of fiction that explores deeper human themes, and the lack of a pedantic explanation for its time travel mechanics doesn't detract from the overall experience.

    • Our perception of time in dreams can differ from objective realityThe brain's plasticity allows for subjective time perception in dreams, which can be longer or shorter than objective reality

      Our perception of time in dreams can be subjective and different from objective reality. During the conversation on StarTalk, actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt discussed his experience with dreams and the concept of time in Inception. He shared that he once had a lucid dream while filming the movie, and although his memory of the dream is vague, he recalled having a notion about sleeping and waking up. He also mentioned an experience with the psychedelic drug DMT, where his subjective experience seemed to last much longer than objective time. While this is anecdotal, it raises the question of the brain's plasticity regarding time perception in dreams. Although the experts may not have definitive answers yet, these experiences suggest that the subjective experience of time in dreams can be different from the objective reality.

    • Exploring the nature of dreams and realityDreams can be influenced by thoughts and experiences, and people use objects or methods to distinguish them from reality

      Our dreams can be influenced by our thoughts and experiences, even if we don't fully control them. The speaker in this conversation had a dream that felt real, but as he explored it, he discovered it was a dream, and he tried using a "totem" or object to help determine reality. In the movie Inception, characters use spinning tops as their personal totems to distinguish dreams from reality. The speaker also mentioned other methods people use to determine if they're dreaming, such as trying to read a book or look at a clock. Ultimately, the dream world operates under different rules than the real world, and our minds create the physics of our dreams. This conversation highlights the intriguing and sometimes confusing nature of dreams and the importance of being aware of the tools we can use to navigate them.

    • Art and storytelling often borrow from the pastThe focus on authenticity and collaboration in art, storytelling, and science leads to new discoveries and innovations.

      Originality is a complex concept and often a myth in art and storytelling. The works we know and love are often adaptations or influenced by what came before. For instance, Pinocchio's Jiminy Cricket doesn't die in the original story, but Disney portrayed it differently. Similarly, Shakespeare didn't write the first version of Romeo and Juliet, and Judy Garland wasn't in the original Wizard of Oz. The artist's honesty and heartfelt approach are more important than claiming originality. The same concept applies to science and technology, where discoveries are often built on the work of others. The scientific community's focus on collaboration and driving at the truth is admirable, even if the results aren't always immediate or perfect. HitRecord Media, founded by Joseph Gordon Levitt and his brother, is an online community that embodies this collaborative spirit, allowing artists to create and share their work together.

    • Empowering artists through self-expression and collaborationArtists should learn production skills and not solely rely on opportunities, instead create their own platform for self-expression and collaboration.

      Artists, especially actors, should not solely rely on others for opportunities to express their creativity. The speaker's personal experience of being unable to secure roles despite his talent led him to create HitRecord as a platform for self-expression and collaboration with others. He encourages aspiring artists to learn various aspects of production and not just wait for opportunities to come their way. The media landscape is changing, and artists can now have more control over how their work is presented. The speaker's brother's involvement and tragic death added an emotional connection to the project. Overall, HitRecord represents a powerful message of self-empowerment and creativity in the face of adversity.

    • Unlocking Creativity for AllBelief that creativity is not limited to a select few, encouragement of collaboration and learning, and mission to teach and empower those who may not have discovered their creative selves yet.

      Creativity is not limited to a select few, but rather an inherent ability that can be unlocked in anyone. This was the belief of the late founder of HitRecord, who started the community as a way to help people discover and express their creativity. He saw potential in those who didn't consider themselves artists and encouraged collaboration and learning. This mission resonated with Josie, who also values teaching and empowering those who may not have discovered their creative selves yet. Their shared passion led them to work together on MasterClass, where they bring their expertise in community building and content creation to teach creative skills to a wider audience. This partnership magnifies the impact of both organizations and continues the legacy of inclusivity and creativity that HitRecord was founded on.

    • The role of luck and teachers in shaping livesLuck plays a significant role in life outcomes, and the value of teachers in shaping our futures is often undervalued. Personal curiosity and effective communication can enhance our understanding of subjects like science.

      Life's outcomes can be heavily influenced by luck, and the speaker's exploration of this idea led him to write a show about a teacher, which can be found on Apple TV Plus. The speaker admires teachers and believes they are undervalued. He wished he could wave a magic wand and make them well-compensated. The speaker's parents played a significant role in his education by ensuring he attended a normal school while pursuing his acting career. He had a good science teacher, Miss Antasian, but felt limited by the traditional learning methods. He came to appreciate science better in later life through his own curiosity and the efforts of communicators who share scientific knowledge with the wider world. The speaker's reflections on the role of luck in his life and the importance of teachers led him to create this show.

    • Exploring the Debate of Free Will vs. DeterminismNeuroscientists suggest our brains make decisions before consciousness, but quantum physics introduces probabilities, leaving the debate of free will vs. determinism open.

      Curiosity is a vital aspect of being a lifelong learner, and it's essential to maintain this curiosity even as we grow older and face various responsibilities. Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist and host of the MasterClass and StarTalk podcasts, emphasizes the importance of curiosity and encourages people to explore their questions about the universe. One such question that often arises is the age-old debate about free will versus determinism. According to neuroscientists, our brains may have already made decisions before we become consciously aware of them. However, quantum physics introduces the probabilistic nature of reality, which challenges the deterministic view and suggests that our thoughts and actions might not be entirely predetermined. Ultimately, whether we have free will or not, the sensation of having control over our lives can be valuable. This decade marks the centennial anniversary of the discovery of many quantum physics principles, and it's essential to appreciate their significance and the wonders of the universe they reveal.

    • Exploring the Impact of Quantum Physics on SocietyQuantum physics challenges our understanding of free will but opens up exciting possibilities for future technologies. Embrace the geek culture and the commercialization of quantum physics for its potential benefits.

      The quantum realm is now an integral part of modern IT, and its impact on our society continues to grow. While it may challenge our understanding of free will, it also opens up exciting possibilities for future technologies. As actor, writer, and producer Joseph Gordon-Levitt shared during our conversation, it's essential to embrace the geek culture that celebrates the importance of science and technology in our lives. The commercialization of quantum physics may have taken decades, but its potential benefits are worth the wait. As Neil deGrasse Tyson reminded us, we live in a world where science and pop culture intersect, and it's a beautiful thing to be a part of it. So keep looking up, and stay curious!

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    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: 

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