
    Golden Age of Scammers: An Interview with Evan Ratliff

    enAugust 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Art of Scamming: A Case Study of Gilbert ChikweGilbert Chikwe's elaborate scams were about more than just money, they created an imaginary world where his marks became a part of the story, enabling him to evade the law and gain a hero status among some.

      Learning from this episode of "Scamfluencers" is the artistry and complexity of successful scams. Hosts Saatchi Cole and Sarah Hagie, along with their guest Evan Ratliff, discussed the extraordinary case of con artist Gilbert Chikwe, who managed to scam millions from some of the world's most powerful individuals by creating intricate, irresistible stories that drew people in. Chikwe's scams were not just about money but also about creating an imaginary world where his marks played a role, becoming a part of the story and adopting new personas. This artful deception allowed Chikwe to evade the law and even gain a hero status among some. Evan Ratliff, the host of Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios' production "Persona," shared his long-standing fascination with Chikwe's story, which he first discovered through a French article 17 years ago. Despite not being fluent in French, Evan was drawn to the article's intrigue and spent years unraveling the elaborate web of lies and manipulation that Chikwe had woven. The story of Gilbert Chikwe serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the human susceptibility to being deceived by captivating narratives. Join Wondery Plus to listen to "Scamfluencers" early and ad-free. The show will return with a new season starting August 29th on Wondery Plus and September 5th on the public feed.

    • The ease of manipulation in a scamA scam artist can easily manipulate someone into handing over significant cash under false pretenses, highlighting the importance of persistence and navigating complex situations to uncover the truth.

      Power and intrigue of a well-executed scam, as exemplified by a story of a woman being scammed into handing over a large sum of money in a Parisian cafe bathroom. The detail that stuck with the journalist, Manavjee, was the ease with which someone could manipulate another person into handing over significant cash under false pretenses. Despite the disadvantage of dealing with multiple languages in the reporting process, including French, Turkish, Ukrainian, Polish, and Hebrew, Manavjee was able to get the gist of the information with the help of translators and technology. The core question that drove Manavjee's investigation was understanding the mechanics of the scam, but the process led him to uncover a larger, more complex story. The experience highlights the importance of persistence and the ability to navigate complex situations to uncover the truth.

    • The Sheik Lee case: A complex and intriguing mysteryThe Sheik Lee case involved a man impersonating high-ranking officials and CEOs to scam people, but the investigation revealed a more complex and multifaceted story with unexpected twists.

      The Sheik Lee case presented a complex and intriguing mystery about how one man was able to impersonate high-ranking officials and CEOs, and then use that deception to scam people out of large sums of money. The reporting process raised many questions, such as how he managed to convince people, how the scams spread around the world, and even whether he was the true mastermind behind the infamous Le Drian scam. Despite extensive research and access to police documentation, many aspects of the story remained a mystery, particularly the identity of the person behind the Le Drian scam. The appeal of the story for the reporter was the complexity and nuance that went beyond the surface-level similarities of scam stories, and the unexpected twists that emerged during the reporting process. Ultimately, the investigation revealed that the Sheik Lee case was far more complex and multifaceted than initially imagined.

    • Perception vs Reality in Scam CasesThe narrative of a scam case by authorities or media doesn't always match the actual investigation findings. Uncovering the full story involves getting people to talk, especially victims who may be embarrassed or reluctant.

      The perception of a scam or criminal case, as presented by authorities or media, may not always align with the actual investigation findings. In the case of Gilbert Schickley, the prosecution's narrative of him being a mastermind genius behind a large-scale scam did not match the police investigation's results. Additionally, big time scams often involve complex money laundering schemes using shell companies, and the victims, who are wealthy and prestigious individuals, may also use such companies to hide their money. The biggest challenge in uncovering the full story of such scams is getting people to talk, especially the victims who are embarrassed about losing their money. Despite persistent efforts, many victims ignored or refused to speak with investigators. Interestingly, some investigators in France were also reluctant to discuss the case, adding to the mystery.

    • Unraveling the French Deception: A Complex InvestigationThe French deception investigation, involving the Tiger Dossier, required extensive effort to sift through irrelevant information and uncover evidence against suspects. Some individuals had more evidence against them than others but were not charged, and the process raised questions about the French court system and reputation's role in justice.

      The investigation into the French deception involved a vast amount of documents, known as the Tiger Dossier, which required extensive effort to sift through. The documents contained a great deal of irrelevant information, and much of the evidence against suspects turned out to be dead ends. However, the investigation revealed that some individuals, such as Sammy Twill and his brother, had more evidence against them than others, but were not charged. Despite the time and resources invested in the investigation, there is still much to uncover, and the story continues to be fascinating to those involved. The investigation also raised questions about how the French court system handles high-profile cases and the role reputation plays in the justice system. The process of investigating such a complex case involved meticulous work and a great deal of patience, as not every lead turned out to be fruitful.

    • Exploring the Fascination with Scams in Our Modern WorldListen to the Scamfluencers podcast for intriguing stories about scams and the human capacity for manipulation and gullibility. Sign up for a free trial of Audible for exclusive thrillers or Shopify to start a business.

      The fascination with scams in our modern world stems from a combination of identification with the manipulative con artist and schadenfreude towards the gullible victim. With advancements in technology, scammers can now reach across borders and cultures, making their schemes even more intriguing. This golden age of scams provides a unique opportunity to explore larger societal issues, as well as the human capacity for manipulation and gullibility. As listeners of the Scamfluencers podcast, we can't help but be drawn to these stories and the complex emotions they evoke. If you're intrigued by scams and want to explore more, consider trying Audible's new collection of exclusive thrillers, like "First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston. As an Audible member, you can choose one title a month to keep, including the latest bestsellers and new releases. Sign up for a free 30-day trial at audible.com/scampod or text "scampod" to 505100. Additionally, if you're looking to start a business, consider Shopify as your no-excuses business partner. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at shopify.com/scampod.

    • The Allure and Consequences of ScamsScammers can gain attention and power, but their manipulative abilities and devastating impact on victims can lead to their downfall.

      Scams, particularly those targeting businesses and the wealthy, can elevate their perpetrators to folk hero status. However, this attention can ultimately lead to their downfall. Scammers' manipulative abilities and the devastating impact of their schemes on victims, even if it's not their money, are often overlooked. The intersection of scammers and influence, fueled by the internet, can be a fatal flaw for some scammers as they become addicted to the attention and power they gain, making them vulnerable to exposure. The investigation reveals the compelling nature of scams, drawing viewers in with their allure, only to reveal the devastating consequences for victims.

    • Scams driven by more than just moneyScammers manipulate trusting individuals for reasons beyond financial gain, and reporters may develop empathy towards them despite their deceitful actions.

      Scams are not primarily driven by money for the scammers. While money may be a factor at the beginning, the compulsions that lead scammers to continue their activities are often not satisfied by wealth alone. Victims of scams are not necessarily gullible, but rather trusting individuals who are manipulated by the scammer's talents in creating conditions that cause them to ignore their initial instincts. The genius of a good scam lies in this manipulation. As for the reporters, they may develop empathy or even fondness for the scammers as they report on their stories, recognizing the performative aspects of their schemes.

    • Understanding the Human Side of ScamsEmpathy is crucial when dealing with individuals involved in scams, as they are complex human beings with intriguing backstories, even if they've committed criminal acts.

      It's important to have empathy for people, even those who have committed criminal acts. This was emphasized in the discussion about a Romanian man named Lucian, who was involved in a scam against his will but still showed remarkable complexity and creativity. Similarly, the Nigerian Instagram influencer, Hush Puppy, who was accused of running a business email compromise scam, had an intriguing online persona that captivated millions. These stories demonstrate that individuals involved in scams are human beings with intricate backstories, and it's essential to recognize both their flaws and their fascinating qualities. The author, who wrote extensively about Hush Puppy for Bloomberg, was drawn to his story because of the unique combination of his public persona and the alleged criminal activities. Business email compromise scams, which are the largest cyber scams in the world, can be mundane, but the human element adds intrigue and complexity.

    • Blurred Lines: Influencers and CriminalsSuccessful influencers may engage in illegal activities, while some go to extreme lengths for attention, demonstrating the blurred lines between authenticity and deception, and the risks and rewards of recognition.

      The lines between influencer and criminal can be blurred, and the power of social media can lead to unexpected consequences. The Hush Puppies story showcases an influencer who was successful in his craft, but also involved in a money laundering operation. Meanwhile, Evan's scam performance for a Wired article demonstrated the lengths people will go to for attention, even if it means faking their own death. Both stories highlight the extent of people's desire for connection and recognition, and the risks and rewards that come with it. Additionally, Evan's experience of going underground taught him the importance of managing money and abandoning old identities to avoid detection. These experiences have influenced his understanding of people trying to evade investigations and have shaped his approach to reporting stories.

    • Exploring the Digital World: Opportunities and Challenges for JournalistsJournalists can use digital platforms to access new sources of information but must be cautious of scams and fraud in the crypto environment and other areas.

      Vast opportunities for investigation and discovery in our increasingly digital world. Reporters, like Evan, can now use digital platforms, such as LinkedIn, to find people and information that were previously difficult to access. However, this digital trail also presents challenges and risks, particularly in the context of scams and fraud. For instance, the crypto environment has seen an unprecedented number of scams emerge in a short period of time. As we continue to navigate this digital landscape, it's crucial to stay informed and be aware of potential scams. Overall, the ease of access to information online offers both advantages and disadvantages, and it's essential to use these tools responsibly and ethically.

    • A Team of Dedicated Professionals Produce Mixing PodcastThe Mixing podcast is produced by a team of experienced professionals from Pineapple Street, Amazon Music, and Wondery, including Raj Makhijaw, Jenna Weiss Berman, Mac Slinski, Eliza Mills, Stephanie Walkney, Candice Munriquez Ren, Sergio Enriquez, Morgan Jones, Marsha Louie, and Aaron O'Flaherty.

      The production of "Mixing," a podcast by Hannis Brown, involves a team of dedicated professionals. The head of sound and engineering is Raj Makhijaw, and the executive producers are Jenna Weiss Berman and Mac Slinski from Pineapple Street, along with Eliza Mills and Stephanie Walkney from Amazon Music and Wondery. The managing producer is Candice Munriquez Ren, and the audio engineer is Sergio Enriquez. Additionally, Morgan Jones, Marsha Louie, and Aaron O'Flaherty serve as executive producers for Amazon Music and Wondery. This team collaborates to create high-quality podcast content for listeners.

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