
    Good Bot, Bad Bot | Part V: Dating Bots

    en-usDecember 09, 2022
    What are three benefits of shopping at Kroger?
    What did Julia discover about Aiden on Reductress.com?
    How does Keyes improve its AI messaging app?
    What concerns are raised by using fake accounts in apps?
    What role does the AI Cyrano de Bergerac bot play in dating?

    • Shopping and Online Dating: The Importance of AuthenticityAuthentic experiences, whether shopping or dating, lead to genuine connections and satisfaction.

      Shopping at Kroger offers a vast selection of delicious options, everyday low prices, and additional savings opportunities, making it a worthwhile experience for customers. Meanwhile, on the topic of online dating, a seemingly attractive match named Aiden on Tinder failed to leave a lasting impression on Julia due to a generic opening message. However, the encounter took an unexpected turn when Julia came across a satirical article on Reductress.com featuring a photo of Aiden, revealing that he was likely a bot. These two seemingly unrelated experiences highlight the importance of authenticity and genuine connection, whether it's in the grocery aisle or the digital dating world.

    • New type of bot, 'AI Cyrano de Bergerac', uses NLP to write romantic messages for usersRomance scams cost over $1 billion in 5 years, new bot 'AI Cyrano' makes it harder to distinguish real from automated interactions, stay informed and cautious when online dating

      Romance scams have cost consumers over $1 billion in the last 5 years, making it the most reported fraud category to the Federal Trade Commission. While we're all aware of fake dating profiles and catfishing, a new type of bot, named "AI Cyrano de Bergerac," has emerged. This bot uses natural language processing to write romantic messages for users, making it harder to distinguish between real and automated interactions. Taylor Margo, the CEO of Keys AI, introduced an AI coach for dating and relationships that suggests personalized openers and banter to help users initiate and maintain conversations. This technology, while helpful, also raises concerns about the authenticity of online interactions and the potential for further exploitation. It's crucial to stay informed and be cautious when engaging in online dating, as the lines between real and automated interactions continue to blur.

    • Creating a Connection App with OpenAI's GPT 3Taylor, inspired by personal experiences, quit his job to create Keys, a connection app using OpenAI's GPT 3 technology to generate content and help users build meaningful connections on dating platforms.

      The Keyes app, created by Taylor, is designed to help users build connections and keep conversations going on dating platforms. Taylor, who has a background in Silicon Valley and spent years using dating apps, found that these platforms often left him feeling lonely and disconnected. He believed that communication and connection were essential, but his mentors at his law firm didn't share the same view. After a crisis of faith, Taylor quit his job, invested in a Ukrainian development team, and created Keys. The app uses OpenAI's GPT 3 technology, which allows it to generate its own content, including flirty messages and pick-up lines. The app's goal is to make users better connectors rather than just better communicators. Taylor's personal experiences with loneliness and the importance of connection inspired him to create Keys and help others navigate the sometimes challenging world of online dating.

    • Leveraging User Interactions to Improve AI TechnologyKeyes, an AI-powered messaging app, uses user interactions to continuously learn and improve, generating 1 million touchpoints monthly and refining responses based on user data. Ethical concerns arise from using fake accounts for product development, but transparency and user feedback are planned solutions.

      Keyes, an AI-powered messaging app, relies on user interactions to continuously learn and improve. With around 15,000 monthly active users, the app generates approximately 1,000,000 touchpoints per month. Users send an average of 4 to 8 AI-generated messages per conversation, providing valuable data for the algorithm's development. The app's founders, Taylor and his team, use this data to refine the AI's responses, improving the user experience. Additionally, the team uses fake accounts for product development, interacting with users to gather data and improve the app. However, ethical concerns arise regarding the use of these fake accounts and the potential impact on users' time and emotions. The team plans to address these concerns by being transparent about the use of fake accounts and gathering user feedback. Overall, Keyes demonstrates the importance of user interactions in the development and improvement of AI technology.

    • The Role of Technology in Romantic ConnectionsWhile technology can enhance communication and appearance in dating, it also raises questions about authenticity and potential misrepresentation.

      Technology, specifically dating app bots, can both deceive and assist in the realm of romantic connections. While some individuals may use bots to enhance their communication skills or appear more desirable, others may be unknowingly interacting with fake profiles. However, the use of such technology raises questions about authenticity and the potential for misrepresentation. On a different note, the Beyond All Repair podcast discusses the complexities of unsolved murders and the impact of misconceptions on investigations. Researchers like Katie Kaduto study online dating habits to understand why individuals continue to use these platforms despite potential pitfalls. Ultimately, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of technology in our personal lives and relationships.

    • AI in dating apps: Convenience vs Ethical ConcernsAI in dating apps like Keys can improve communication skills and reduce guesswork, but raises ethical concerns regarding authenticity and transparency. Users must consider benefits and risks before deciding to use.

      While the use of AI in dating apps like Keys can provide convenience and efficiency, it also raises ethical concerns regarding authenticity and transparency. Some users appreciate the app's ability to help them craft messages and reduce the guesswork in online communication. However, others worry that it may lead to misrepresentation and undermine the genuine connection-building process that is a crucial aspect of dating. The debate continues on whether the benefits of using AI outweigh the potential risks, and whether users should be transparent about their use of such tools with their dating partners. Taylor Margo, the CEO of Keys AI, argues that the app can serve as a communication coach, helping users improve their communication skills and build better relationships. Ultimately, the decision to use AI in dating apps is a personal one, and it's essential to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a choice.

    • AI in Modern Dating: Benefits and Ethical ImplicationsAI is transforming the dating landscape, offering communication assistance and potential benefits for those with social anxiety, but also raising ethical concerns about transparency and authenticity.

      AI is increasingly playing a role in modern dating, with apps like Keys.ai using generative AI to help users improve their communication skills and boost their chances of successful matches. However, the use of such tools raises important questions about transparency and disclosure in relationships. Some may find the use of AI in dating to be beneficial, especially for those with social anxiety or communication difficulties. Others may view it as a potential hindrance, leading to a loss of authenticity or intimacy. As AI continues to integrate into our lives, it will be essential to consider the ethical implications of its use in dating and other areas. The future of AI in dating may involve larger companies like Match Group incorporating these tools into their existing platforms, making their use more normalized. Ultimately, it's crucial to examine both the potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI in dating and to approach the issue with an open and thoughtful mindset.

    • The role of AI in future dating and relationshipsAI may assist in communication and suggest in-person meetings, but the human element will still be crucial in dating and relationships.

      The future of dating and relationships might involve more assistance from AI and technology, but the human element will still be crucial. Taylor, the founder of a dating app, sees his main competitors as mindfulness and therapy apps that help people improve connections and relationships. He envisions a future where AI coaches assist in communication and eventually suggest when it's time for in-person meetings. However, he expresses concerns about people relying too heavily on bots and fewer humans interacting in person. Despite this, not everyone will embrace technology for dating, and some may prefer traditional methods. Julia, a real-life online dater, is open to the idea of AI coaching, but it wouldn't necessarily be a deal-breaker for her. Overall, while technology may play a larger role in dating, the human touch will remain essential.

    • Exploring the use of AI in dating apps and ethical questions raised by human-like botsAI is used in dating apps to facilitate genuine interactions, but the line between human and bot is blurring, raising ethical concerns about authenticity and intentions.

      Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in dating apps to help users connect in person, as some people prefer genuine interactions over endless online conversations. However, the line between human and bot is becoming increasingly blurred, raising ethical questions about the authenticity and intentions of these AI-assisted interactions. In the final episode of the series, "Good Bot, Bad Bot," the topic of human-like bots will be further explored. While technology aims to improve our chances in the "game" of love, it also poses new challenges. If you have a unique story from the world of technology and human connections, share it with Endless Thread at endlessthread@wbur.org. This episode was brought to you by Nora Sacks, Ben Brock Johnson, Emily Jankowski, Paul Vykus, Megan Cattell, Amory Sivertson, Dean Russell, Quincy Walters, and Grace.

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