
    Google memo, Surface PCs reliability, and fall phones preview

    enAugust 11, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Google Memo Sparks Conversation on Gender Bias and Representation in TechGoogle memo ignited debate on gender bias, unconscious biases, and diversity in tech industry. Firms focusing on eliminating biases and companies with female leadership are part of the solution.

      The tech industry is grappling with issues of gender bias and representation, as highlighted by the recent controversy surrounding a memo written by an engineer at Google. The memo, which argues that Google's diversity programs are not effective because they don't account for biological differences between men and women, has sparked a larger conversation about unconscious biases and the need for change in the industry. This is not a new issue, as similar conversations have taken place in other industries in the past. The memo's author, James Damore, has been fired from Google, and the incident has brought attention to the importance of addressing gender bias and promoting diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Companies like EverTune, which is led by a female CEO, and firms that focus on eliminating unconscious biases in the workplace are part of the solution. The conversation around this topic will continue, and it's important for all of us to be aware of the ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and equitable industry.

    • Google Memo Sparks Controversy Over Gender DifferencesThe internal memo written by a Google engineer, expressing his views on gender differences, led to his termination and sparked a major controversy, highlighting the negative impact on women in the workplace and creating a significant liability for Google.

      The internal memo written by a Google engineer, James Damore, expressing his views on gender differences and their impact on the workplace, sparked a major controversy within Google and beyond. The memo went viral internally, leading to widespread conversations and reactions, eventually resulting in Damore's termination. The memo's arguments, which appeared to be based on scientific evidence, have been called into question by experts. The incident has highlighted the negative impact of such views on women in the workplace and created a significant liability for Google. The incident also underscores the power of internal social networks and communication tools in shaping and amplifying workplace issues.

    • The flawed argument for gender and tech aptitudeAssumptions about gender and tech aptitude based on outdated studies and population-level trends are flawed. Treat individuals as unique cases and recognize the importance of diversity in the workplace.

      The ongoing debate about diversity in the tech industry and the role of unconscious biases in technology development is a complex issue. The argument that certain personality traits are inherently linked to gender and can be used to determine individual aptitude for tech roles is flawed. This argument, as presented in the memo, relies on outdated and potentially biased studies and ignores the importance of treating individuals as unique cases rather than making assumptions based on population-level trends. The memo's author also overlooks the benefits of diversity in the workplace, including increased productivity and revenue, and the potential for a successful tech company run entirely by women. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize the humanity of those creating technology and the importance of individual skills and aptitude over broad generalizations based on gender.

    • Myth of engineering being male-dominated debunkedDespite women making up significant portions of other high-stress, technical fields, there's a noticeable gender gap in software engineering and tech. Cultural factors, not biological reasons, contribute to this disparity. Creating an inclusive work environment and addressing wage gaps are crucial to mitigate legal and financial repercussions.

      The stereotype of engineering being a solitary, male-dominated field is a myth. The speaker emphasizes that there are many high-stress, technical fields where women make up a significant portion of the workforce, such as medicine and law. However, in software engineering and tech, there is a noticeable gap in gender parity, which is not due to biological reasons but rather cultural factors. The speaker also mentions the importance of creating a safe and inclusive work environment, where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions without creating chaos or toxicity. Furthermore, Google, specifically, is facing a class action lawsuit regarding the wage gap between male and female employees, highlighting the potential legal and financial repercussions of not addressing these issues. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that there are more productive ways to communicate ideas and concerns about diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

    • The Challenge of Unconscious Bias and Diversity in TechDespite efforts to increase diversity in tech, progress has been slow due to complex issues of unconscious bias and lack of representation and inclusion. Recent events at Google and other companies highlight the need for continued dialogue and action.

      The issue of unconscious bias and diversity in the tech industry continues to be a significant challenge, as evidenced by recent events at Google and other companies. The industry is under scrutiny for its lack of representation and inclusion, particularly for women and people of color. Despite efforts to increase diversity through initiatives like unconscious bias trainings, progress has been slow. The Google memo incident highlights the complex and often divisive nature of these issues, with some employees supporting the memo's author and others strongly opposing his views. The broader view is that there is a long way to go in addressing these issues, and the industry must continue to grapple with the interconnected issues of bias, representation, and inclusion. Additionally, recent scandals involving VCs being forced out of their funds due to sexual misconduct allegations further underscore the need for change.

    • Google's handling of workplace discrimination and harassmentGoogle, like other tech companies, must balance free speech with diversity and the law while addressing persistent issues of discrimination and harassment in the industry

      The tech industry's handling of workplace discrimination and harassment is a persistent issue that requires ongoing attention and dialogue. The recent controversy surrounding a controversial memo at Google is just one example of many. The industry's focus on innovation and progress can't come at the expense of addressing these issues. The debate around free speech versus diversity and the role of corporations in giving voice to controversial ideas adds complexity to the conversation. It's crucial to maintain a focus on the specific issues at hand and avoid letting the debate devolve into broader cultural debates. Google, as a corporation, must balance the right to free expression with diversity and the law. The ongoing nature of this issue necessitates a nuanced and thoughtful approach to coverage and dialogue.

    • Addressing tech industry discrimination requires a systematic approachListen to affected individuals, understand root causes, and communicate effectively to address discrimination in tech industry

      Addressing issues of discrimination and underrepresentation in the tech industry requires a systematic approach similar to how tech companies approach fixing bugs in their products. Instead of just discussing solutions or writing memos, it's crucial to listen to those affected and understand the root causes of the problem. The assumption of societal and cultural perfection before considering marginal differences is essential to promoting diversity. Google, currently embroiled in a controversy regarding an employee's memo expressing discriminatory views, faces a challenge in addressing this issue while maintaining a cohesive workforce. They must communicate effectively with employees who share the controversial views and find a way to address the underlying problem. The ongoing debate surrounding this issue is likely to continue, with potential cultural war backlash and political involvement.

    • Google's Controversial Decision and Microsoft Surface RecommendationsGoogle's dismissal of an engineer for expressing controversial views and Consumer Reports' reversal of Microsoft Surface PC recommendations highlight the complexities of tech product evaluations and workplace ethics.

      The controversy surrounding Google's decision to fire an engineer for expressing controversial views, as well as Consumer Reports' recommendation against Microsoft Surface PCs, highlights the complexities and nuances of tech product recommendations and workplace ethics. A survey conducted on the Blind app showed a split opinion among Google employees regarding the engineer's dismissal. Google cannot afford to lose a large number of employees, but the situation is a difficult one. Meanwhile, Consumer Reports pulled their recommendation of Microsoft Surface PCs based on data from older models. The Verge had recently named the new Surface Laptop as the best laptop to buy, leading to conflicting recommendations. It's important to note that these stories are not written in a vacuum, and there are debates surrounding the merits of Windows versus Mac, and the design choices of the Surface laptop. Ultimately, these controversies underscore the importance of considering multiple perspectives and nuanced information when making decisions in the tech industry.

    • Microsoft's New Surface Pro: Building on Past ChallengesThe new Surface Pro faces controversy due to its past models' issues and lacks major experimental components, while potential iPhone 8 changes could bring new functionalities and risks.

      The Surface Book and Surface Pro 4, released by Microsoft in the past, had their fair share of issues, particularly with the integration of Intel Skylake processors and the detachable hinge design. These problems make it challenging to judge the new Surface Pro based on the past models. The new Surface Pro, while having some improvements like the Alcantara fabric and a more difficult-to-replace design, is essentially a standard laptop with no major experimental components. Consumer Reports' decision to withdraw their recommendation for the new Surface Pro has been met with controversy, with some seeing it as an attempt to provoke a response from Microsoft and its community. Meanwhile, leaks about the iPhone 8 have revealed potential changes to the home button area, including a hidden indicator, no API to change color, and tab bars extending under the screen. These changes could lead to new functionalities, such as the ability to pay for things in third-party apps and automatically silencing notifications with a glance. The removal of Touch ID and implementation of facial recognition is a significant gamble for Apple, as it needs to ensure the new security method is as secure and fast as Touch ID to avoid a negative reaction from users.

    • Apple's Face ID: Risks and UncertaintiesApple's Face ID offers convenience but raises concerns about accuracy, security, and user experience in various situations

      Apple's decision to replace the traditional fingerprint sensor with Face ID comes with potential risks and uncertainties. While keeping biometric data securely in the secure enclave is likely, the ease of use and security of the new feature are still questionable. There are concerns about the accuracy of Face ID in various lighting conditions and the possibility of spoofing the system with a 3D model of a face. Additionally, the interaction of unlocking the phone with Face ID might be confusing and inconvenient, especially in public places like grocery stores. The reward of having a phone that is magically and invisibly unlocked when it's the user and not unlocked by anyone else is intriguing, but the risks and uncertainties associated with Face ID make it a gamble. It remains to be seen how Apple will address these concerns and ensure a seamless and secure user experience.

    • Apple HomePod leaks: Insights into potential features and hardware designsRecent leaks reveal potential 4K Apple TV with Dolby Vision and centralization of Apple's operating system within the HomePod

      The recent leaks surrounding Apple's HomePod firmware and potential hardware designs have led to much speculation and confusion. While the firmware leaks are authenticated and provide insight into potential features, such as a 4K Apple TV with Dolby Vision, the validity of hardware leaks cannot be verified. Some believe Apple may be crowdsourcing design ideas through the HomePod, but this is purely speculation. The excitement surrounding the potential 4K Apple TV with Dolby Vision stems from the lack of external devices capable of streaming this advanced HDR format. Overall, Apple's centralization around its operating system, with everything from design to features being developed within the HomePod firmware, is a unique aspect of the company.

    • Essential Phone faces launch delays amidst increasing competitionEssential Phone, with its bezel-less design and modularity, faces delays in launch despite competition. Essential aims to position the phone as more than just an Android device, part of their larger ecosystem vision. Recent investment from Alexa Fund won't expedite launch, but strong launch crucial for brand image.

      The Essential Phone, which was initially anticipated to be released within a month, is facing delays in its launch. The phone, which boasts unique features like a bezel-less design and modularity, is running out of shine due to increasing competition. Essential wants consumers to view the phone as more than just another Android device, but as a high-quality hardware and software example for their planned essential home ecosystem. The company recently received a significant investment from the Alexa Fund, but this is unlikely to impact the phone's delay. Essential's focus seems to be on their vision of "ambient computing" and the future beyond traditional mobile devices. While the delay might not significantly impact their larger goals, a strong launch for the Essential Phone would be beneficial for their brand image.

    • Google Pixel and Competitors: The Anticipated Tech ReleasesThe tech industry is eagerly awaiting the release of the new Google Pixel and potential competitors, with price and unique features as possible differentiators. Debate continues over the leadership of Andy Rubin and Rick Osterloh in hardware development.

      The upcoming tech releases, including the new Google Pixel and potential competitors, are generating a lot of buzz and anticipation. The discussion also touched upon the history between key figures in the tech industry, such as Andy Rubin and Rick Osterloh, and their potential impact on hardware development. While the specifics of the new devices are not yet clear, it seems that price and potential unique features may be key differentiators. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the debate over which executive, Rubin or Osterloh, would be better suited to lead Google's hardware efforts. Overall, the tech landscape is poised for some exciting developments, and the industry waits with bated breath for the official announcements. It's important to note that the information shared in the discussion is based on leaks and assumptions, and the actual specifications, pricing, and release dates of the new devices may differ from what was discussed.

    • Comparing Old and New SmartphonesOld smartphones, like the Nexus 6P, have large bodies compared to their screens. Newer models, such as the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, offer sleeker designs and more efficient alternatives.

      Technology is constantly evolving, and what was once considered large or inconvenient is now being surpassed by sleeker, more efficient alternatives. The discussion revolved around the comparison of old smartphones, like the Nexus 6P, to newer models, such as the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. The speakers expressed their amazement at how ridiculous it was to use phones with such large bodies relative to their screens. There was a suggestion that people might turn to iPads as an alternative to Android phones. The topic then shifted to the trend of pod-based systems, such as the Keurig for frozen yogurt. Despite the convenience of these pod systems, they often come with hefty prices and long wait times. The speakers also discussed their podcast, "Embarrassed to Ask," where they explore various topics and answer listener questions. The show features interviews with industry leaders and covers topics such as technology, food, and home improvement.

    • The Verge is launching a new podcast 'Why Did You Push That Button?', exploring motivations in tech industryThe Verge is expanding podcast lineup with new shows, including 'Why Did You Push That Button?' to explore motivations in tech industry, and encourages listeners to engage on Twitter, covering important stories like Google Memo controversy and diversity issues.

      The Verge is expanding its podcast lineup with new shows, including "Why Did You Push That Button?". This concept, which may still be under consideration by the show's hosts, aims to explore the motivations behind various actions in the tech industry. The Verge also encourages listeners to engage with them on Twitter, and they are committed to covering important industry stories, such as the Google Memo controversy and diversity issues, which they believe are crucial for companies and aspiring entrepreneurs to consider from the outset. So, stay tuned for these new podcasts and continue the conversation on Twitter.

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    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    170: Crafting Solutions To Conflict

    Conflict is an ever-present aspect of human interaction that shapes relationships, communities, and nations. As a result of its inherent nature, it can lead to tensions, misunderstandings, and heated arguments, leading to hurt feelings and fractured relationships. Conflict resolution, however, empowers individuals to communicate effectively, understand diverse perspectives, and work collaboratively to resolve issues, fostering a harmonious environment that supports personal growth and strengthens relationships.


    In this episode, join Cindy Watson. Together, in this journey of exploration, we delve into the profound expertise of Jane Beddall, the visionary founder of Dovetail Resolutions. Armed with certifications as a synergy conflict management coach, a transformative mediator, a facilitator, and a consultant, Jane has dedicated her life's work to understanding the essence of conflicts and unlocking the secrets to harmonious resolution.


    Join us as we uncover the power of empathy, effective communication, and collaborative problem-solving, learning from the wisdom of one of the leading minds in the field. Together, we shall unveil the artistry behind "Crafting Solutions to Conflict" and embrace a future where discord can be transformed into a catalyst for growth and unity.


    In this episode, you will learn:

    • What are some of the root causes of most conflicts?

    • Steps or process for conflict resolution

    • How to manage egos

    • What role does creativity play in conflict resolution?

    • The key reasons why negotiations fail

    • The key  skills to becoming a great negotiator

    • And many more!


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    If you’re looking to up-level your negotiation skills, I have everything from online to group to my signature one-on-one mastermind & VIP experiences available to help you better leverage your innate power to get more of what you want and deserve in life.

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    092: Power of Preparation in Negotiations

    092: Power of Preparation in Negotiations

    If you’re looking to up-level your negotiation abilities, and if you’re like most people, you’d go looking for tips on negotiation tactics. In fact, the most important element of effective negotiation is preparation. Sadly, it’s typically the most over-looked element in the process. The cost for that oversight is high.


    In this episode, you’ll first explore the perils of failing to properly prepare for negotiation. Let’s uncover why preparation is important and the pitfalls of ignoring the process. Then we’ll turn to some simple solid strategies you can use to boost your preparation effectiveness.


    Preparation is power in a negotiation. In fact, some experts suggest that preparation accounts for 45% of ones’ success in bargaining. Preparation first involves preparing yourself – doing the inner work necessary to be able to show up as the best version of yourself. Also be sure to consider the other party. Prepare for how to best deal with each individual negotiation counter-part. Once you’ve mastered that, then turn to the process of the negotiation and how you can best utilize process for best outcomes. Then comes the preparation for the substance or matter of the negotiation.


    Negotiation at its heart is about the art of influence and persuasion. Preparation enhances your ability to do both. Your success in negotiation largely depends on the quality of your preparation.


    And remember, all of life is a negotiation so you can apply these models to great effect in both your personal and professional life.


    Cindy shares her signature trilogy of simple models as an essential part of the preparation process for all your negotiations (both personal and professional).


    NO F.E.A.R. Negotiating model.


    When you approach your negotiations without Fear, Ego, Attachment, or Reactivity (F.E.A.R), you’ll have more control, ease, clarity, confidence and perspective – all of which will help you keep your eye on the outcome to increase your chances of getting what you want, or more. 


    5 W’s to Effective Negotiating.


    We’re taught to implement the 5 W’s in investigative endeavours, yet most people don’t invoke those 5 little words – who, what, where, when & why – in their negotiations. That’s a mistake. Those who consider the 5 W’s with intention set themselves apart and get better results.


    A.R.E. F.I.T. model.


    I created this simple mnemonic to help you remember the key skills you’ll want to bring to the negotiating table with intention. A.R.E. F.I.T. Just think, you ARE FIT to be a great negotiator.


    What are the 6 secret ingredients to launch your negotiating prowess?


    A Assertiveness

    R Rapport-building

    E Empathy

    F Flexibility

    I Intuition

    T Trust



    Your success in negotiation largely depends on the quality of your preparation. These new models are additional tools in your toolkit. Apply them in your personal and professional life. The more you practice the easier it will become and the faster you’ll be able to do them. They will become habit.


    And remember, all of life is a negotiation so you can apply these models to great effect in both your personal and professional life. Following this preparation template will get you better outcomes, better buy-in, better relationships and longer-lasting agreements.


    Also make sure to join our Women on purpose community at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Womenonpurposecommunity/

    Follow Cindy:
    WEBSITE https://www.womenonpurpose.ca/
    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/womenonpurposecoaching/
    LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/thecindywatson/
    CLUBHOUSE: @HERsuasion
    TWITTER https://twitter.com/WomenOnPurpose1

    Ever Been Called Too Emotional? We Should Talk About Second Generation Gender Bias with TEDx Speaker, Amy Kalokerinos

    Ever Been Called Too Emotional? We Should Talk About Second Generation Gender Bias with TEDx Speaker, Amy Kalokerinos

    Amy Kalokerinos has often been referred to as the AK-47 of the startup world, and she brings it HOME with her talk on second generation gender bias. The Two Jess(es) discuss the massive disparity around the descriptors used for women (often negative) in the work place, and the descriptors used for men (often the positive counterpart to the words describing women) with Amy. Together, TTJ(es) learn how to 'flip the script' in a world where women are STILL referred to as bossy, bitchy, too emotional,  aggressive, and hormonal, just to name a few. Amy defines second generation gender bias, and sheds light onto the discrepancies that heavily affect women all day, every day. 

    Meet Amy!
    Known throughout the start-up world as “AK-47,” Amy Kalokerinos is a hired gun frequently brought in by entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and investors to accelerate product development, sales, marketing, business development, and cross-border strategic optimization.

    Just Dance

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    088: Negotiating Boundaries and Negotiating Past Burnout

    088: Negotiating Boundaries and Negotiating Past Burnout

    Do you have trouble setting boundaries in your life?

    Do you feel like you might be suffering from burnout?

    This episode is a must!

    Join Cindy Watson as she interviews Jennifer Bassman, burnout and boundary expert & strategist.


    You’ll uncover:

    • Healthy boundaries – what are they and why are they so important
    • How to break through conditioning that stops you from stepping into your power
    • Hot tips on how to create boundaries without feeling guilty
    • How to develop easy boundary wins
    • Why burnout is more prevalent today
    • How to identify the signs that you’re approaching burnout
    • What you can do to stop burnout
    • Busting myths & misconceptions about burnout and recovery
    • Top tips on how you can negotiate past burnout


    Free gift for our listeners:

    7 Solutions to Social Media Burnouthttps://jennifer-jenniferbassman-com.ck.page/socialmediaburnout

    Learn more about Jennifer at: 

    My website: www.JenniferBassman.com

    Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/jenniferbassman

    Stop Being A Doormat is available on Amazon.: Stop Being A Doormat


    Also make sure to join our Women on purpose community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/Womenonpurposecommunity/

    Follow Cindy:
    WEBSITE https://www.womenonpurpose.ca/
    INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/womenonpurposecoaching/
    LINKEDIN https://www.linkedin.com/in/thecindywatson/
    CLUBHOUSE: @HERsuasion
    TWITTER https://twitter.com/WomenOnPurpose1

    YouTube: http://bit.ly/WomenonPurposeYT

    179: Negotiating Past Concentration Camp Internment

    179: Negotiating Past Concentration Camp Internment

    In honoring Remembrance Day, we are reminded of the profound importance of remembering and learning from history's most poignant chapters. 


    Among these chapters lies the story of those who endured the unthinkable during World War II, particularly the Japanese American internment camps. In this conversation, we explore internment, heroism, and the enduring quest for justice, guided by John Suzuki's remarkable narrative.


    In this exclusive interview, join Cindy Watson as she sits down with the multi-talented John Suzuki, an author, speaker, storyteller, M.C., and more. They will delve into the compelling topic of "Negotiating Past Concentration Camp Internment," with a special focus on John's book, "American Grit: From a Japanese American Concentration Camp Rises an American War Hero." Stay tuned for an insightful conversation that explores the resilience and determination of individuals in the face of adversity.


    In this episode, you will learn:

    • Why is the story important today?

    • What are some ways that people can negotiate with themselves to move past their circumstances?

    • How do you lean more into love and get away from that fear?

    • To what extent does it help us navigate through the polarization and divisiveness that we're witnessing worldwide today?

    • How to negotiate in a world of abundance and scarcity

    • The three careers (Learn, Earn, and Return)

    • And many more!


    Learn more about John Suzuki:




    Check out his book: American Grit: From a Japanese American Concentration Camp Rises an American War Hero



    If you’re looking to up-level your negotiation skills, I have everything from online to group to my signature one-on-one mastermind & VIP experiences available to help you better leverage your innate power to get more of what you want and deserve in life.

    Check out our website at www.artofFeminineNegotiation.com if that sounds interesting to you.

    Get Cindy’s book here:





    Barnes and Noble



    Website: www.womenonpurpose.ca

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/womenonpurposecommunity/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenonpurposecoaching/

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/thecindywatson

    Show: https://www.womenonpurpose.ca/media/podcast-2/

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/womenonpurpose1


    Email:  cindy@womenonpurpose.ca