
    About this Episode

    Various studies have concluded that consistent expression of gratitude can have a positive impact on our brain and overall health.  Have you struggled with being grateful?  Is there someone in your life who is constantly ungrateful?  We discuss this and more with Dr. Joannie DeBrito.  Joannie is a licensed mental health professional and frequent contributor to Focus on the Family. 

    Recent Episodes from WBGL Community Matters

    Deeper Still: Find Healing and Hope

    Deeper Still: Find Healing and Hope

    Many women and men suffer from the pain of abortion.  Laurie Haynes is the Director of Post Abortion Support at Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center.  She shares some of her personal journey and the freedom she discovered through caring community.  Deeper Still is a retreat designed for women and men who may be dealing with pain of past abortion decisions.  Find out how you can receive hope and support through this up-coming retreat.

    Mental Health: Help For Our Teens

    Mental Health: Help For Our Teens

    In recent years there has been a downward spiral of mental health, specifically in teens and around 49.5 percent have been affected.  How do we identify this in our home?  How do we help them and get the resources we need?  Listen as we discuss this important issue with Dr. Joannie Debrito, a counselor with Focus on the Family.  

    College Countdown: Essential Tips for Parents and Students

    College Countdown: Essential Tips for Parents and Students

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    A Wealth Mindset: Dodging Financial Pitfalls and Building Prosperity

    A Wealth Mindset: Dodging Financial Pitfalls and Building Prosperity

    Wes Rowlands is a recognized and successful author, businessman, speaker and entrepreneur.  He shares his story of being raised by a single mother and the great gifts she gave to him as a single, lower income parent. Wes gives insight on how to create a path to avoid "wealth killers" while also making good decisions that help one to move forward financially. 

    Finding Forever Homes For Furry Friends

    Finding Forever Homes For Furry Friends

    Today we welcome back Mary Tiefenbrunn, Executive Director of the Champaign County Humane Society.  In this episode, we shine a light on what Humane Societies are facing currently, with many being at full capacity for dogs.  We explore the reasons behind this, the challenges that come with this issue and the great opportunities for those who may be looking to adopt a dog or cat.

    Rebuilding Lives: A Transformative Journey of Homelessness to Hope

    Rebuilding Lives: A Transformative Journey of Homelessness to Hope

    Melissa Courtwright and Cedar King discuss the important work of C-U at Home, as they equip people who have little to no support to find success and a new beginning.  They also share about the exciting oppurtinity ahead to raise support for their important work through One Winter Night - an evening which will provide greater empathy and awareness for the needs in our communities.  

    Hope and Healing: Merci's Refuge

    Hope and Healing: Merci's Refuge

    In this episode, we talk with Emily Gulliford, Program Director for Merci's Refuge.  We explore the journey of resilience that women find through healing, counselling care and supportive community, centered in God's Word.  Listen as we uncover the strength that arises from vulnerability and the empowering embrace of God's love through Merci's Refuge.