
    Greta Thunberg Gets Caught by Rebel News & Her Response Is Bizarre | Direct Message | Rubin Report

    enJanuary 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing COVID-19 vaccines and Greta Thunberg's WEF appearanceQuestion sources, seek factual info, and hold individuals accountable, including Greta Thunberg and the WEF, for the health of democracies and personal wellbeing.

      The COVID-19 vaccines are crucial for protecting oneself and loved ones, especially as the holiday season approaches and more people become eligible, such as 5 to 11-year-olds for the Pfizer vaccine. The discussion also touched on the World Economic Forum (WEF), with a focus on Greta Thunberg's appearance and her staged arrest being exposed. Real journalism was highlighted, with Rebel Media's coverage of Greta's encounter with journalists like Ezra Levant. The importance of questioning information and holding individuals accountable, even public figures like Greta Thunberg, was emphasized. The WEF's influence on Western democracies and its potential impact on national interests was also discussed. Overall, the key takeaway is the significance of factual information, accountability, and the importance of questioning the sources of information we receive.

    • Criticizing Greta Thunberg for Hypocrisy at World Economic ForumWealthy individuals and organizations at the World Economic Forum face criticism for their carbon footprint, including Greta Thunberg, while the forum, led by elites, can impose rules disregarding national interests.

      During a discussion about the hypocrisy of wealthy individuals and organizations attending the World Economic Forum despite their advocacy for reducing carbon emissions, it was criticized that Greta Thunberg, a prominent climate activist, could have acknowledged the validity of the criticism about private jet usage at the forum. Additionally, it was pointed out that the forum, led by wealthy elites, often attempts to impose their rules on countries, disregarding national interests. The speaker expressed skepticism towards the forum's influence and encouraged individuals to prioritize their own countries' interests.

    • Media representation and corporate imagery for marginalized communitiesSupporting inclusive representation is vital, but beware of censorship and suppression of opposing viewpoints, as seen in the recent banning of a Rebel News video at the WEF.

      Representation and visibility of marginalized communities, including the LGBTQ+ community, in mainstream media and corporate imagery is crucial for promoting inclusion and understanding. However, there is a concern that the emphasis on catering to the minority may overshadow the needs and perspectives of the majority. Additionally, there is a growing trend of censorship and suppression of information and opposing viewpoints, particularly during events like the World Economic Forum. It is essential to question the intentions behind such censorship and to continue pushing for transparency and open dialogue. The recent banning of a video featuring Rebel News journalists asking Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about vaccine efficacy and safety is a prime example of this issue. It is crucial to support platforms that uphold free speech and promote the exchange of diverse perspectives.

    • Censored COVID-19 vaccine information and controversiesConcerns over censored vaccine info, Pfizer CEO's response to threats, potential side effects, and vaccine lawsuits' immunity fuel controversy, highlighting the need for transparency and open dialogue.

      There are concerns about censored information regarding COVID-19 vaccines and their potential side effects. A video featuring questions to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about when he knew the vaccines didn't stop transmission and his response to not taking it down, even with threats from YouTube and Facebook, highlights the issue. Additionally, Pfizer's immunity from vaccine lawsuits and investigations into potential side effects, such as strokes in older adults, add to the controversy. The discussion also touches on the idea that those promoting vaccines may not have had a clear understanding of the science or may have had ulterior motives. The Twitter files and the removal of related videos serve as evidence of government and tech company collusion. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of transparency and open dialogue regarding vaccine information and its implications.

    • Governments and Pharma Companies Use Scare Tactics for Mass VaccinationDespite heavy-handed tactics by governments and pharmaceutical companies, people are resisting authoritarian narratives around vaccination and pushing back against mandatory vaccination and government overreach.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, both the government and pharmaceutical companies have employed scare tactics to encourage mass vaccination. Pfizer and Moderna pushed their vaccines aggressively without mentioning side effects, while governments, like Australia's, scared the public into getting vaccinated with threats and restrictions. New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was particularly notorious for her heavy-handed approach, creating a divide between vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens. However, people are starting to resist this authoritarian narrative. Protests against mandatory vaccination and government overreach have led to the resignation of Jacinda Ardern and the expansion of alternative media outlets like Rebel News. This is a sign that the tide is turning against those trying to control individual choices under the guise of public health.

    • Actions and words of influential figures can impact public opinion during crisesCritically evaluate sources of information and rely on credible sources and scientific evidence to make informed decisions during crises.

      During times of crisis or misinformation, the actions and words of celebrities and those in power can significantly influence public opinion. However, it's essential to critically evaluate the sources of information and separate fact from fiction. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some celebrities and media figures advocated for extreme measures like shaming unvaccinated individuals. Tom Hanks and Don Lemon are examples of influential figures who spread questionable information about masks, social distancing, and vaccines. It's crucial to recognize that these individuals are not experts and may not have accurate information. Instead, we should rely on credible sources and scientific evidence to make informed decisions. The hysteria and misinformation spread during the pandemic should serve as a reminder to fact-check and critically evaluate information before accepting it as truth.

    • Media Bias and Misleading CoverageCritically evaluate media coverage for potential bias and misleading information, recognizing the potential impact of framing and protection of industry figures.

      The media's handling of certain events can be biased and misleading, as seen in the discussion about Don Lemon's comments on vaccines and the coverage of protests in Atlanta. The speaker criticizes the media for protecting those who defend the industry, as seen in Don Lemon's refusal to retract his comments and Chris Cuomo's resignation. Additionally, the speaker argues that the media's framing of events, such as the Atlanta protests, can be misleading and downplay the violence and destruction caused. The speaker also expresses concern about the spread of conspiracy theories and the normalization of violence as a means of achieving justice. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating media coverage and recognizing when it may be biased or misleading.

    • Protests and Violence in Cities: Peaceful vs. ChaoticViolence, rioting, and vandalism are not justified actions, regardless of underlying cause. Democratic governments face these issues, questioning political affiliation's role.

      The events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other cities, like Atlanta and Boston, have seen both peaceful protests and violent riots following instances of police violence. The violent actions, such as burning buildings and attacking police, are not excused as peaceful protests and should be met with the full force of the law. The lack of a clear leader in these groups makes the situation more chaotic and dangerous. It's important to remember that violence, rioting, and vandalism are not justified actions, regardless of the underlying cause. Additionally, many of these cities experiencing unrest are run by democratic governments, leading some to question the connection between political affiliation and the occurrence of these events.

    • President Biden's statement on gender identity in prisonsValidating false identities could have harmful consequences, especially for vulnerable individuals. Emphasizing truth and personal responsibility is crucial.

      During a recent discussion, it was mentioned that President Biden stated in a gay conference that a person's gender identity, rather than their birth certificate, should determine which prison they are sent to. This raises concerns about the potential consequences of validating and encouraging false identities, especially in vulnerable individuals. The speaker also highlighted the example of a woman named Catherine Clark, whose activism on climate change may have contributed to her child's anxiety, and eventually, their involvement in criminal activities. The speaker emphasized the importance of standing up for truth and individual worth, as exemplified by Margaret Thatcher's response to socialist ideologies. Overall, the conversation underscored the potential dangers of promoting false narratives and the importance of fostering a culture of truth and personal responsibility.

    • Freedom to Choose and Keep Money Disliked by SocialistsMargaret Thatcher's remarks on individual freedom and Ron DeSantis's school choice initiatives highlight the ongoing tension between those who want more government control and those who advocate for personal choice and financial autonomy. Potential leaders like Nikki Haley offer hope for positive change.

      Socialists and those advocating for more government control dislike the idea of ordinary people having the freedom to choose where their children go to school and keeping more of their own money. This was highlighted in Margaret Thatcher's remarks decades ago and is still relevant today. The current political landscape, with governors like Ron DeSantis and Sarah Huckabee Sanders championing school choice and limiting "wokeism," is seen as a blueprint for change. Nikki Haley, a potential Republican presidential candidate, believes she could be that new leader, having successfully turned around a hurting state and representing American interests at the United Nations. The key is to have decent, capable people get involved in politics and work towards positive change, even if not everything is accomplished at once. The future will depend on the actions of individuals like DeSantis and Haley, and the outcome remains uncertain.

    • Media's disdain for DeSantis goes beyond TrumpMedia's criticism of DeSantis' policies and accomplishments makes him a formidable opponent, while their preference for Trump may be due to his TV fame. DeSantis' competence and successful governance make him a challenging adversary for the media.

      The media's disdain for Ron DeSantis goes beyond their criticism of Donald Trump. DeSantis' policies and accomplishments in Florida have drawn the ire of the media, making him a more formidable opponent in the eyes of those who seek to control the political narrative. The media's preference for Trump over DeSantis is evident, as they continue to focus on Trump despite his potential decision not to run for president again. DeSantis, on the other hand, is seen as a more challenging adversary due to his competence and successful governance. The media's attempts to define DeSantis and confuse the public are early signals of their strategy to undermine his potential presidency. Ultimately, the choice between a TV star and a competent governor will be a crucial decision for voters. In the meantime, it's important to pay attention to the media's tactics and their attempts to shape the narrative around these potential candidates.

    • The 'shining city' is a strong, free, and inclusive society built on the will and heart of its peopleStay true to values, engage in community, and overcome challenges by staying resilient and hopeful

      According to the speaker, the "shining city" represents a strong, free, and inclusive society where people of all kinds live in harmony and prosper. He believes that the foundation of this society is the will and heart of its people, and that they can overcome challenges, such as clownish politicians and foreign interference, by staying true to their values and getting involved. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of community and encourages people to engage in their own way, whether it's through activism, humor, or other means. A specific example of this was given in the form of a meme about college graduates evolving from liberal to conservative beliefs. Additionally, the speaker addressed a situation where a woman was denied membership to a women-only gym, expressing sympathy and encouraging her to use the coed facility instead. Overall, the speaker's message is one of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, and the importance of staying true to one's values and engaging in community.

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    Not For The Woke of Heart - Free Speech with Professor Jonathan Zimmerman, PhD

    Not For The Woke of Heart - Free Speech with Professor Jonathan Zimmerman, PhD

    One challenging aspect of dealing with speech is that it bridges the gap between an individual’s thoughts and their action. Now that everything is so accessible and the internet is everywhere, it’s important to analyze the kind of influence our words have on each other. 

    With so much power to connect and communicate in the palm of our hands, we are pushed to be more proactive and to hold ourselves accountable for the kind of discourse that we allow. Consequently, this also prompts us to think of the level of inclusivity that we promote in our social circles.Today, TARTLE looks into the price of putting limits on speech with Jonathan Zimmerman.


    Is It Time To Cancel Today’s Cancel Culture?

    How has cancel culture and the evolution of what it means to secure social justice, particularly in the context of social media and the internet, changed the way today’s generation navigates speech?

    “It’s funny, that when we become emotionally charged...logic seems to fly out the door and we forget the reason for why certain fundamentals were in place that, I guess, allow us to be emotionally outspoken,” Jonathan explained on the podcast. 

    Today’s cancel culture can be vicious: anybody can be publicly named and shamed for accountability, and boycotting has become a pivotal part of Gen Z’s definition of social justice. This collective action serves as an opportunity for the masses to voice their concerns to public figures — but also to participate in a greater cause from the comfort of their homes. 

    In recent times, Jonathan shared how his Trump-supporting students were afraid of opening up about their political beliefs to the rest of the class. This prompted him to implement a meet and greet from students from another college under a premise that they called “the wedding tables model.” 

    Students from the University of Pennsylvania would be assigned to sit in circular tables with students from Cairn University. At the center of the room, a carefully selected roster of students from the two institutions would initiate a conversation on their beliefs, which would be on opposite ends of the spectrum. This gave everyone the opportunity to experience opening up to a perceived political rival or enemy — but without the fear of being judged.

    Similarly, TARTLE  also gives people an opportunity to look beyond political affiliations. It gives people and entities around the world the platform needed to share data truthfully, anonymously, and securely about themselves so that they may find common ground over time — what it means, Alex says, to be a human being across all the 220 countries on this planet.


    The Roots of Limiting Free Speech: The Brandenburg Case

    In 1964, an officer in the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) named Clarence Brandenburg held a meeting with fellow members, in the presence of invited media representatives. 

    Here, Brandenburg made several anti-Semitic and anti-black statements; he also made several hints to the possibility of committing “revengeance” if the federal government and the Court continued “suppressing the white Caucasian race.” Finally, he declared that KKK members were set to march on Washington DC, on Independence Day.

    While Brandenburg was convicted, fined $1,000, and sentenced to one to ten years in prison, the US Supreme Court later reversed his conviction. It held that a new test, called the “imminent lawless action” test or the Brandenburg test, should be used as a metric for speech.

    This new test, which continues to be the standard used by the government to punish inflammatory speech: is composed of three elements: intent to speak, imminence of lawlessness, and likelihood of lawlessness.

    Brandenburg’s case was important in enforcing an idea Jonathan mentions in the podcast: that no right is absolute. However, if the state is pushed to limit speech in any situation, it must adhere to an absolutely clear rationale for it.


    Are Limits To Free Speech, Limits To Peace?

    Jonathan pointed out that often, there is plenty of discussion about the legal environment surrounding free speech — but not as much about the educational. With campuses touted as protected areas for speech, he calls for people to be more thoughtful about “modeling a different and a better kind of exchange in our schools.”

    In 1965, thirteen-year-old Mary Beth Tinker wore a black armband to school in protest of the United States’ involvement in Vietnam as part of a group protest. She, alongside her brother John, was one of five students that were singled out for punishment. 

    Immediately after they were suspended, Tinker reported that her family received multiple threats from the public. Despite the lack of an absolute and immediate threat to learning in the school, the lives of Tinker and her fellow students changed drastically after this simple act of defiance. Incidents like this prompt the need for people, particularly from the younger generation, to have venues where they are free to experience each other’s humanity despite differences in politics. 


    Free Speech Facilitating Self-Reflection

    Jonathan shared his realizations about his own prejudice when he came across a religious missionary while volunteering for the Peace Corps in Nepal: when you really get angry with somebody, it's because you see a part of yourself in them that you don't like.

    Furthermore, anger clouds the judgment and encourages us to lash out at the individual, instead of the problem at hand. This instinctive emotion pushes us to be aggressive and to defend ourselves against an abstract fear. 

    In the podcast, Jonathan posits that increased tolerance for others’ right to free speech — especially from those who hold views and beliefs on the opposite end of the spectrum — is an important part of the authentic human experience because it’s a learning process. Minimizing ideas that are against the ones we hold dear to us as harmful may help protect one’s ego; but it inhibits learning, and a perspective of growth.


    Closing Thoughts: Free Speech Is A Radical Value — Not A Conservative One

    In a world where information is so accessible, we are challenged to evolve beyond the instinctual and reflexive part of human nature and start seeing others as unique, complex individuals with experiences, motivations, and perspectives that are just as compelling as our own.

    Inhibitions on free speech become a crutch we grow reliant on, inhibiting our capacity for growth and leading to self-sabotage. Arguing that certain subjects should not be discussed is, according to Jonathan, also arguing that people are not capable of self-governance — which can be seen in areas and countries where censorship is a norm.

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    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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