
    Grieving the Death of Our Young Child

    enSeptember 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Sharing stories of life's challenges and supportEmpathize, understand, and support each other during life's challenges. Offer help or a listening ear to those in need.

      Life presents us with various challenges, from personal relationships to family tragedies, and it's essential to show empathy, understanding, and support towards each other. During the show, we heard stories from different individuals dealing with their struggles. A brother felt guilty for not being a good brother to his sibling and vowed to make it up to him. Another brother, who recently lost his toddler in a tragic accident, shared his grief and the upcoming arrival of a new baby. A couple discussed their efforts to reignite the romance in their marriage. These stories remind us of the importance of being there for each other, showing kindness, and providing a listening ear. If you're going through a tough time, don't hesitate to reach out for help or support. And if you know someone who's struggling, offer them a helping hand or a listening ear. Together, we can navigate life's challenges and come out stronger.

    • Navigating the complex emotions during pregnancy loss and new baby arrivalEmbrace the unique experience, seek support, and remember it's okay to feel all emotions during pregnancy loss and new baby arrival.

      Navigating the complex emotions of grief and joy during a pregnancy loss and the arrival of a new baby requires letting go of rigid expectations and embracing the unique experience. The guilt and sadness felt are natural, but it's essential to remember that each situation is unique and deserves its own space for processing emotions. Seeking support from loved ones and practicing daily journaling can help in the healing process. It's crucial to understand that the arrival of a new baby during challenging times does not diminish the love or connection with previous children. Instead, it adds a layer of complexity, making it a bittersweet miracle. Remember, it's okay to feel all the emotions and lean on others for support during this transitional period.

    • Navigating Grief as a CoupleMaking space for unique experiences, checking in regularly, no set timeline, honoring loss, keeping memories alive, acknowledging sadness, and approaching grieving collaboratively.

      Grieving as a couple requires making space for each other's unique experiences and checking in regularly to support one another. It's important to remember that grief doesn't have a set timeline and can manifest differently for each person. This process is not about replacing the loss but rather honoring it as part of the family's rhythm. Keeping memories alive through photos or traditions can help in the healing journey. A crucial aspect is acknowledging and expressing sadness in front of children, allowing them to understand and process their own feelings. Overall, it's essential to approach grieving as a collaborative effort, recognizing the importance of patience, understanding, and compassion towards oneself and each other.

    • Expressing feelings during difficult timesAcknowledging and expressing feelings helps children cope, seeking professional help and resources can provide valuable support, everyone grieves differently, and it's important to be gentle with oneself during the healing process.

      It's important to acknowledge and express feelings, even during difficult times, to help children understand and cope with their emotions rather than hiding them, which could make children afraid of their feelings. Another takeaway is the value of seeking professional help and resources, such as the book "Finding Meaning" by David Kessler, to navigate through grief and difficult emotions. It's essential to remember that it's okay to ask for support and guidance during challenging times, and that everyone's journey towards healing and moving forward is unique. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone grieves differently, and there is no right or wrong way to feel or process emotions. It's crucial to be gentle with oneself and allow the healing process to unfold naturally.

    • Supporting Grief in a Healthy WayBe patient and understanding, offer support without imposing 'shoulds', celebrate small wins, reach out for help when needed, and practice open communication and mutual respect.

      Everyone experiences grief differently, and it's essential to be supportive without imposing "shoulds" on those who are grieving. If you're struggling, consider reaching out to a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist. Online platforms like BetterHelp can provide convenience and flexibility. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to deal with grief, and celebrating small wins can make a significant difference. In the case of dealing with a partner's old photos of their ex, open communication and mutual respect are crucial. Encourage your partner to address their feelings and consider creating boundaries that work for both of you.

    • Understanding a Partner's PastAccept your partner's past as part of their present and focus on the present relationship to avoid unnecessary competition or frustration.

      When entering a relationship where your partner has a significant past, it's essential to understand and accept that their history is a part of their present. In this discussion, a woman expressed concerns about her partner's ex-wife's photos still being displayed in his parents' home. Although they were high school sweethearts and had a decade-long marriage, they had divorced due to financial differences. The woman felt uneasy about the presence of these photos and feared it might impact her relationship with her partner. However, the speaker advised her to acknowledge that his ex-wife is a part of his life and let go of any competition or comparison. The woman and her partner were already engaged and planning to marry, and the speaker emphasized that she had won his heart. The presence of the ex-wife's photos might be due to his parents' lack of updating their online profiles or their sentimental attachment to their past. Ultimately, the speaker suggested that the woman focus on the present and the assurance that her partner had chosen her. She encouraged the woman to embrace the reality that her partner's past is a part of his life and not to let it cause unnecessary competition or frustration.

    • Accepting a divorced man's pastAvoid comparing yourself to his ex-wife and focus on the present to build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

      When entering a relationship with a divorced man, it's essential to acknowledge and accept his past. Comparing yourself to his ex-wife and competing with her will only lead to unnecessary tension and misery for both parties. Instead, focus on the present and the unique qualities your partner brings to the relationship. It may be helpful to identify and let go of any feelings of competition by writing them down and mailing them to a trusted friend as a symbol of moving forward. By doing so, you can create a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling relationship.

    • Embrace awkwardness and set boundariesTo reduce anxiety and improve relationships, lean into awkward situations, set clear boundaries, and practice self-care.

      When dealing with anxiety or awkward situations, it's important to lean into them instead of avoiding them. This can be done through progressive desensitization, starting with small exposures and gradually becoming more comfortable. In the context of relationships, it's essential to maintain boundaries and not treat your partner like a coworker or business partner. Previously, clear delineations between work and home life may have helped maintain this distinction, but working from home has blurred these lines. An example given was a software engineer who felt he was treating his wife more like a colleague than a spouse. To avoid this, it's crucial to establish routines, maintain open communication, and create physical and emotional separation when possible. Additionally, avoiding social media, such as your loved one's parents' Facebook pages, can help reduce anxiety and exposure to potentially upsetting content. Overall, embracing awkwardness, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care can lead to a more peaceful, non-anxious life.

    • Balancing Work and Home Life During the PandemicClear communication, setting boundaries, and creating opportunities for mystery and desire are crucial for maintaining a healthy and romantic relationship during the pandemic, despite the challenges of blurred boundaries and limited personal space.

      The lack of separation between work and home life during the pandemic has blurred boundaries and created new challenges for maintaining a healthy and romantic relationship. The husband's forgetting to communicate with his wife about work meetings at home was a simple mistake, but it highlighted the need for clear communication and separation between work and family time. The wife's role as a homemaker and homeschooling mother leaves little time for personal space and mystery, which can negatively impact desire and intimacy in a long-term marriage. The pandemic has made it difficult for many people to return to the office and regain that separation, adding to the complexity of balancing work and family life. It's essential to recognize the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and creating opportunities for mystery and desire in a relationship, even in the midst of the challenges presented by the pandemic.

    • Rebuilding Relationships During Challenging TimesCouples should focus on desires, communicate openly, and build something new together to reconnect during tough times.

      Couples need to prioritize their relationship and practice desire in their marriage, especially during challenging times like a pandemic. The speaker suggests that couples should view their current situation as an opportunity to rebuild their relationship, similar to rebuilding something new after it has been destroyed. This process involves excavating the past, communicating openly, and building something new together. Couples should focus on their desires and find ways to incorporate them into their daily life, rather than mourning what was lost. This approach can lead to excitement and a renewed sense of connection in the relationship. Additionally, taking time for each other, even if it's just a walk around the block or a simple conversation, can help improve both partners' mental and emotional well-being.

    • Focus on building something new instead of dwelling on the pastAcknowledge the current situation, reflect on the past, and build something new and exciting in relationships during times of change

      Instead of trying to recreate the past in relationships or situations, it's essential to focus on building something new and exciting. This can be particularly important during times of change, such as working from home or dealing with family dynamics. By acknowledging the current situation and involving all parties in the process, couples can create a new rhythm and move forward together. It's important to reflect on the past but not dwell on it, as change is inevitable. The recommendation is to take a weekend retreat to dig into the current situation, lament what was, and build something awesome moving forward. This new approach can lead to a stronger and more resilient relationship, one that can adapt to the changing rhythm of life.

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    Season 8 of Coming Back premieres January 1, 2020!

    In the meantime...

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    3. Purchase a copy of my latest book, Permission to Grieve! http://www.shelbyforsythia.com/permission-to-grieve
    4. Set sail on the 2020 Bereavement Cruise: http://comingbackcruise.com

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    To ask a question or leave a comment for a future show, email shelby@shelbyforsythia.com.

    Because even through grief, we are growing. http://www.shelbyforsythia.com/

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