
    Grind Hard Plumbing Co on Going Viral From Their First Video, How They Got Their Name, & Strategy vs Luck

    en-usApril 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From Unconventional Platforms to Viral Success: The Grind Hard Plumbing Co. StoryThe Grind Hard Plumbing Co. found success by transforming unconventional platforms into unique vehicles, inspiring a wave of entertainment on YouTube before it was a popular trend.

      The Grind Hard Plumbing Co. YouTube channel, run by Ethan and Edwin, has been creating unique and entertaining content centered around building abstract vehicles since before it was a popular trend. With over 2 million subscribers, they've made a name for themselves by transforming unconventional platforms like jeeps and power wheels into full-grown vehicles. Their success came before the rise of weird build content on YouTube, with their earliest creations, such as the Colonel Sanders jeep, inspiring a wave of entertainment for viewers. Their content, which includes the first drivable shopping cart, even surpassed the popularity of more traditional car videos. Despite living in a secluded area, the duo continues to create and inspire with their innovative builds.

    • From snow caves to treehouses: Unconventional projects gone viralPassionate individuals can turn unconventional projects into viral successes, inspiring creativity and potential full-time careers

      Unconventional ideas and projects can gain immense popularity, as seen when a snow cave and a bicycle elevator treehouse went viral despite being uncommon and time-consuming endeavors. Ethan, who had a background in photography and filming, accidentally started his YouTube career with a snow cave video that received significant views. He then built a treehouse with a bicycle elevator, which gained even more attention and exposure, leading him to become known as a content creator. The experience of creating these projects, combined with the unexpected success, inspired him to pursue YouTube full-time. This story highlights the power of passion, creativity, and the potential for unexpected success in unconventional endeavors.

    • Unexpected success from engaging contentCreating engaging content can lead to unexpected opportunities, but not all opportunities may be worth pursuing. Stay true to your values and authenticity.

      Creating engaging content can lead to unexpected global success. The speaker's treehouse video went viral and led to various opportunities such as interviews, book appearances, and even a TV show. However, the experience of creating content for the TV show was terrible and not worth repeating. Despite the challenges, the speaker continued to create content and build treehouses for local people, leading to the construction of a impressive treehouse on a lake. It's important to note that while success can come unexpectedly, not all opportunities may be worth pursuing. The speaker's experience with the TV show serves as a reminder that it's essential to consider the value and authenticity of opportunities before accepting them. Additionally, the speaker's dedication to creating engaging content and building treehouses led to a unique and impressive body of work.

    • Exploitation in Reality TVReality TV can exploit individuals with minimal pay or none at all, but digital platforms like YouTube offer a more equitable opportunity to monetize skills and talents, provided one understands their worth and dedicates time to building a following.

      The entertainment industry, particularly reality TV, can exploit individuals who are unaware of their worth. In the past, production companies would find people in rural areas or those without a platform and offer them minimal pay or even none at all, promising fame as compensation. This practice, referred to as "Hicksploitation," was common. For instance, a man who built tree houses for a reality show in 2014 was paid very little for his time and efforts. Although the show brought him some fame, it was not enough to make a substantial living. Nowadays, platforms like YouTube offer a more equitable opportunity for individuals to monetize their skills and talents without being exploited. However, it's essential to remember that building a following takes time and dedication. The man's experience served as a valuable lesson, teaching him the importance of understanding one's worth and the potential of digital platforms for a career.

    • Exploring Passions Through Music and CreativityTwo individuals with a shared love for music and creativity have pursued various ventures, from making remixes to filming documentaries and starting businesses, all while maintaining their passion and following their dreams.

      Both individuals have a strong connection to music and creativity, with experiences ranging from making remixes on MySpace to creating YouTube videos and even attempting to promote their music. They've had various ventures, from attempting to start a lifestyle brand to filming documentaries and commercials, and even starting a wedding filming company. Despite the ups and downs, their shared passion for music and creativity has remained a constant thread throughout their lives. Additionally, they have a mutual friend who has become their filmmaker, and they've had plans to create music videos, including a rock song with a Mad Max theme and a piano on one of their trucks. Overall, their conversations showcased their shared experiences, creativity, and the importance of following their passions.

    • Passion for extreme sports unites two individualsThrough their shared love for dirt biking and parkour, two individuals overcame obstacles and started a successful online business using Shopify.

      The shared passion for extreme sports, particularly dirt biking and parkour, brought two individuals together and led to the creation of their successful online business, CVOicedV.com, using Shopify. The speakers, who grew up in different areas and missed out on their preferred riding conditions, found common ground in their love for these activities. They initially aimed to join the 12 o'clock boys motorcycle group in Florida but had to abandon the plan due to safety concerns and YouTube's crackdown on street riding content. Instead, they focused on their shared experiences and skills, which eventually led to their successful business venture. Their journey demonstrates the power of passion and perseverance in building a strong connection and achieving success.

    • Exploring opportunities for growth and discoveryFrom business tools to personal style, unexpected hobbies, and creative passions, there's always room for growth and new discoveries

      No matter what stage your business is in, you can find resources and solutions to help it grow. For example, Shopify.com/wideopen offers tools for businesses at any stage. And when it comes to personal style, you don't have to compromise comfort for looks. Mack Weldon provides performance clothing that is both comfortable and stylish. Meanwhile, sometimes unexpected hobbies or experiences can lead to meaningful connections. Our speaker met a friend through a shared interest in unicycling and slacklining, which eventually led him to the world of parkour. Lastly, pursuing creative passions can lead to unexpected opportunities. Our speaker initially planned to start a wedding video business but found himself drawn to YouTube and building a drift car. While the initial plan didn't work out, he discovered a new passion and audience. So whether it's growing a business, finding comfortable and stylish clothing, or pursuing creative endeavors, there are always opportunities to learn, connect, and discover new paths.

    • Creating a go-kart from limited resourcesCommitment and resourcefulness can lead to unique and fulfilling projects, even with limited resources.

      Commitment and resourcefulness can lead to unique and fulfilling projects. The speaker shared a story about his experience creating a go-kart from a pink Power Wheels car and a Barbie kitchen set. With limited resources and full commitment, he took apart the kitchen set and the Power Wheels to create a go-kart. Ethan helped him install a dirt bike engine instead of the planned predator engine, and they made it work with what they had on hand. This resourceful mindset came from growing up without extra money and the necessity to make things work with what was available. The speaker and Ethan continue to embrace this mentality, even with the ability to buy parts online. Their passion for repurposing and creating with limited resources remains a driving force in their projects.

    • Experiencing something new brings joy and lasting memoriesNew experiences bring happiness and create lasting memories, whether it's driving an electric car off-road or meeting a famous person like Jay Leno

      The simple joy and excitement of experiencing something new, like an electric car named Chang Lee, can bring immense happiness and create lasting memories. This was evident when the speakers shared their experiences of driving the Chang Lee off-road and the unexpected opportunity to potentially buy the business importing it to the US. The challenge of making the vehicle work and the shared enjoyment of the experience highlighted the fun and joy of the journey, much like their earlier experiences with smart cars and mini trucks. Additionally, the speakers' encounter with Jay Leno showcased how even a famous person like him could be down-to-earth and approachable, making the experience even more memorable.

    • Prioritizing passion and uniqueness leads to successFocusing on unique vision and taking risks can lead to viral success, even with a small initial audience.

      Passion and uniqueness can lead to success, even when facing challenges. The example given is of a content creator who prioritized the aesthetics of their projects over safety concerns, which paid off when their first video went viral and gained attention from various media outlets. Despite having a small audience at the start, they remained dedicated to their vision and it eventually paid off. Another key point is that sometimes, taking risks and not following the conventional path can lead to extraordinary results. The creator's decision to post their first video without any safety equipment or monetization deals, and instead focusing on the unique look of their project, ultimately led to their content reaching a wider audience and going viral.

    • The power of strategy and persistence on YouTubeSuccess on YouTube requires more than just good content and luck. Stay committed to your goals, find creative solutions to overcome obstacles, and maintain focus for long-term success.

      Success on YouTube requires more than just creating good content and getting lucky. The story of two friends who uploaded their videos from a tree house demonstrates the importance of strategy and persistence. They faced the challenge of not being able to monetize their content due to YouTube's backlog, but they found a way to make revenue through licensing their videos. This lesson is valuable for aspiring YouTubers who may be struggling to gain traction. Additionally, having a successful early video can provide motivation and direction for future content. The friends' self-employment and flexibility also allowed them to focus on their channel without financial stress. Overall, their story highlights the importance of staying committed to your goals and finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles.

    • From garage to race track: The unexpected success of Grind Hard PlumbingDetermination and humor can lead to unexpected success. Even without expertise, embracing a unique perspective and taking risks can result in achievements beyond imagination.

      Determination and a little bit of humor can lead to unexpected success. The duo behind the YouTube channel Grind Hard Plumbing started with humble beginnings, creating goofy plumbing videos in their garage. They were inspired by Ethan Klein's viral success and decided to go all in when they experienced a small taste of success. Despite not being plumbers themselves, they found joy in the process and discovered that their quirky projects were more entertaining than they initially thought. Their goofy projects ended up being more fun than they anticipated, and they even managed to get a race car with their plumbing company's logo in an official race. The experience was surreal, and they learned that sometimes, taking risks and embracing your unique perspective can lead to unforeseen achievements.

    • Understanding racing rules and experience matterExperienced racers may take risks and bend rules, while newcomers follow them strictly. Effective communication and understanding the rules can help prevent incidents and improve performance.

      Racing experience and understanding the rules can significantly impact performance. During a race, two drivers, Keaton and Ryan, had contrasting approaches. Keaton, a newcomer, followed the rules strictly, while Ryan, an experienced racer, took a more aggressive approach. This led to an incident where Ryan bumped Keaton, but later apologized. Keaton felt that everyone disregarded the rule against passing under caution, causing him to fall back in the race. He also missed an opportunity to communicate effectively with Ryan, as they didn't have intercoms or spotters. As the race progressed, Keaton gained confidence and began to understand the importance of being more aggressive. However, a crucial mistake on Ryan's part - lacking a right mirror - hindered his ability to maneuver effectively. This experience highlights the importance of experience, communication, and adherence to rules in racing.

    • From unconventional settings to remarkable successHard work, creativity, and determination can lead to success, even in unconventional settings. Platforms like YouTube democratize media and provide a global audience for unique talents and passions.

      Determination and creativity can lead to remarkable success, even in unconventional settings, as exemplified by the story of Cletus and his sold-out Freedom 500 event. Cletus's innovative use of technology, such as intercom systems and high-performance differentials, showcased his expertise and allowed him to put on an impressive show. Despite facing challenges, such as slower acceleration and competition from other racers, Cletus's focus and perseverance paid off. The democratization of media through platforms like YouTube has enabled individuals like Cletus to bypass traditional gatekeepers and build a following based on their unique talents and passions. The power of YouTube lies in its ability to provide a platform for anyone to showcase their skills and reach a global audience. Cletus's success story is a testament to the potential of hard work, creativity, and the will to pursue one's dreams.

    • Reinventing oneself and staying true to the goal of making good contentSuccess in YouTube content creation requires the ability to entertain and reinvent oneself, build a strong team, and stay true to the goal of making good content, while also understanding the challenges of maintaining consistency and avoiding burnout.

      The ability to entertain and reinvent oneself consistently is key to success in the competitive world of YouTube content creation. The speaker expresses admiration for a fellow creator's ability to entertain despite not adhering to the expected content, and the importance of evolving and building a strong team to sustain long-term success. The speaker reflects on their own journey, sharing how they reinvented their channel with longer videos and crazier projects, aiming for relatability and paying off in increased viewership. They also discuss the importance of having a team and the challenges of figuring things out on their own in the early stages. The conversation highlights the importance of staying true to the goal of making good content, while also acknowledging the challenges of maintaining consistency and avoiding burnout. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting realistic expectations and understanding that sometimes, deadlines may not be met due to the unpredictable nature of creative projects.

    • Sharing the journey of problem-solvingAuthenticity in content creation resonates with audiences, but requires significant time and skill investment. Sharing the process can lead to a loyal following.

      Transparency and authenticity in content creation can resonate deeply with audiences. The process of figuring out problems and sharing mistakes can be more engaging than a polished, perfect final product. However, the complexity and time investment required to create such content should not be underestimated. Building a project from scratch often necessitates various skill sets and extensive hours of work. Additionally, dealing with criticism and skepticism from experts can be challenging. Despite these challenges, maintaining a positive attitude and sharing the journey can lead to a loyal and engaged audience.

    • Planning to Attend Sturgis Rally with Unique Bikes, Unsure of ReceptionGroup plans to attend Sturgis Rally with unconventional bikes, facing potential teasing or disapproval, considering modifications or trailering to fit in, excited for camaraderie and inspiration.

      The group is planning to attend the Sturgis motorcycle rally with their unique motorcycle builds, despite some concerns about how they might be received. Will is working on a Honda Ruckus with a 1,000cc engine swap, while others are considering Harleys or trikes. They're unsure if Will's bike would be well-received at Sturgis, as it's not a typical Harley-dominated event, and they might face some teasing or disapproval from hardcore Harley riders. They're considering trailering the bikes or modifying them to be more suitable for the event, such as half-tracking the R6 or using a snowmobile track on a Harley. They acknowledge the competitive nature of YouTube but also appreciate the camaraderie and inspiration that comes from building and sharing projects with friends. Despite the uncertainties, they're excited about the experience and looking forward to meeting other motorcycle enthusiasts at Sturgis.

    • Building on each other's ideasInspiration from others is essential for creativity and innovation, but it's crucial to add value and put a unique spin on ideas to avoid being a copycat. Structured routines and personal development can help maintain long-term sustainability.

      Creativity and innovation often involve building upon the ideas of others. It's a common occurrence in various fields, including art and technology. As the conversation revealed, both parties have taken inspiration from each other's work, leading to new projects and creations. However, it's essential to strike a balance between being inspired and avoiding being a copycat. Austin Kleon, an artist, emphasizes the importance of stealing ideas as long as one adds value and puts a unique spin on them. Additionally, having a structured routine and allowing time for personal development can help prevent burnout and maintain long-term sustainability. Ultimately, the drive to create and innovate is a relentless force that pushes individuals to constantly push boundaries and explore new possibilities.

    • Creating content can lead to mental health issuesCreating content under pressure can lead to burnout and mental health challenges. Acknowledge these issues and prioritize self-care.

      Creating content, especially in a high-pressure environment, can lead to burnout and mental health issues. The speaker personally experienced this and attributes it to a combination of creative work and a long-distance relationship. They also mention the constant pressure to one-up oneself and the non-stop exposure to comments and criticism. While it's important to make the content sustainable, the inherent nature of trying to expand exponentially can make it challenging. Creative differences between collaborators can also add to the stress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health and acknowledges that the work they do is not the best for it. They also share that even small projects can be taxing due to the responsibility of delivering a good product to a large audience.

    • Balancing education and entertainment in teamworkEffective teamwork requires mutual understanding, compromise, and respect for each other's unique strengths and perspectives, leading to successful and entertaining projects.

      Effective teamwork in a creative project involves finding a balance between the desire to educate and entertain, and the importance of mutual understanding and compromise. The team members, despite having different perspectives and creative approaches, understand that decisions are made with the team's best intent in mind. Differences in opinion can lead to new ideas, and the newest team member can sometimes act as a tiebreaker or bring a fresh perspective to the project. However, there may be instances where ideas are not approved by all team members, and in such cases, the team makes a group decision on whether or not to pursue the idea. The team also acknowledges the importance of each member's unique strengths and energy, and how they contribute to the overall project. In their case, Will's goofy and resourceful nature often leads to ideas that may be more wasteful or less resourceful than Ethan would prefer, but these ideas can result in fun and unique builds. Ultimately, the team's mutual understanding and respect for each other's contributions leads to successful and entertaining projects.

    • Execution is key to bringing projects to fruition despite setbacksRecognize setbacks and challenges are inevitable, stay committed to execution, and refine ideas to achieve remarkable outcomes.

      While inspiration is crucial for starting a project, execution is equally important for bringing it to fruition. The speaker's experience building an amphibious go kart with a friend illustrates this point. At first, they were both excited and motivated, but when faced with challenges, one partner became demotivated and stressed, leading to poor execution and a disappointing outcome. However, even from this failure, they learned valuable lessons and eventually created a successful project, a fishing raft houseboat, by focusing on execution and refining their ideas. It's essential to recognize that setbacks and challenges are inevitable in any project, but with perseverance and a commitment to execution, even the most seemingly disastrous projects can lead to something remarkable.

    • Consideration and Caution in ActivitiesIndividuals prioritize being considerate and cautious to avoid causing inconvenience or trouble for others, even sacrificing fun experiences. Grind Hard Plumbing name originated from a friend's tattoo and avoidance of SEO challenges.

      The individuals in this discussion prioritize being considerate and cautious when engaging in their activities, especially when it comes to potentially impacting others or their property. They strive to avoid causing inconvenience or trouble for people, even if it means sacrificing some fun experiences. The name "Grind Hard Plumbing" came from a friend's tattoo and the desire to avoid the SEO challenges associated with that name for their entertainment channel. They also shared their experiences with the challenges of being recognized as a legitimate business by authorities despite being registered as an entertainment company.

    • Unexpected challenges for businesses: Insurance misconceptions and farm animalsBusinesses must be prepared for unexpected issues, like denied insurance coverage due to online content or farm animals during a move, and be mindful of how external entities perceive their online presence.

      Running a business, even one as seemingly unrelated to entertainment as a plumbing company, can come with unexpected challenges. For instance, securing proper insurance can be a significant hurdle, especially when the business's online presence includes content that may be misconstrued by insurers. In this case, a plumbing company's TikTok presence led to confusion and denied insurance coverage. Additionally, the unexpected presence of farm animals during a house move led to the loss of home insurance. These incidents serve as a reminder that businesses must be prepared for the unexpected and be mindful of how their online presence may be perceived by external entities like insurers.

    • Success through combining passions and experiencesCombining love for adventure and various experiences can lead to great success. Stay dedicated and have a positive attitude.

      Passion and a willingness to try new things can lead to great success. This was evident in the conversation between the guests on Grind Hard Plumbing Co, who have built an awesome channel and business by combining their love for adventure and various experiences. It's important to remember that success often comes from putting different elements together and using them in unique ways. The guests also highlighted the importance of having a good sense of humor and being open to new experiences, even if they may seem unconventional at first. Overall, the conversation was a reminder that with dedication and a positive attitude, anything is possible. Don't forget to subscribe to Grind Hard Plumbing Co for more interesting content!

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    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch

    CboysTV Reacts To Guy Getting Arrested In Their Merch
    In todays episode Ben addresses his drug allegations, our hostile work environment exposed, Evan gets yelled at by an Angry Russian Truck Driver, and we accidentally leave Evan and Micah behind in florida and their stories dont line up of what actually happened, flying to detroit with 75k cash, AI lip dubbing, voiceovers and a bear is prowling Ryans neighborhood. All that and much more in this episode hope yall enjoy. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Download the Zocdoc app for free at https://www.zoccdoc.com/wideopen Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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