
    Growing the artist within

    enMay 07, 2021

    About this Episode

    Please enjoy this talk between myself and another artist. And for God's sake, PAINT SOMETHING!


    Thanks so much for listening!!!

    Please checkout Henry's work on instagram


    Recent Episodes from Relative Roads

    Two Brown Dudes in a Jeep [TBDJ]

    Two Brown Dudes in a Jeep [TBDJ]

    It is becoming a regular activity to sit in a vehicle and discuss world topics/ issues with my fellow road warrior, Ricardo. So, we might as well make a whole new podcast out of it! Stay tuned for all possibities! In this particular conversation, some of the topics discussed are:

    Raising children to be good people

    Warner Bro's filming in Sacramento

    Anti religious social media posts

    Religion and how it relates to parenting


    Politics and our limited trust and understanding

    Leonardo DiCaprio sitting on Ricky's lap

    Please note, the opinions shared in this podcast are for the purpose of comic relief between two good friends. Promoting our own spiritual and mental health. It is NOT our intention to offend any particular person or people. Our goal is to share the laughter with hopes of providing audible entertainment to those willing to listen.

    Thanks for all your support! 

    A Cop & Two Truckers

    A Cop & Two Truckers

    Myself, a fellow mixer driver/ YouTuber (Ricardo Flores), and an ex-Sheriff’s deputy/ Artist (Matt Skidgel) discuss many controversies riddling society today. From childhood to child rearing as well as politics, war, and mass shootings. These opinions are based in the experiences of men sharing the roads with the community members they are desperately trying to understand and love. 

    You can find content created by these men listed here:

    Matt Skidgel’s Instagram: @mattskidgel

    Ricardo’s YouTube (Mixer Mafia): https://youtube.com/@Mixermafia23?si=dy_onGtMm4c0k7Zt

    Surviving the industry: How a trucker's life flipped upside down in an instant

    Surviving the industry: How a trucker's life flipped upside down in an instant

    Eric had an accident at the workplace that almost took his life. Nearly ripping his foot into shreds, he survives the catastrophic event only to withstand the aftermath of jobloss, divorce, and a mental breakdown. He has taken every humbling and painful step to rebuild his life and his relationships. An admirable man in the midst of a long journey of healing. 

    Music saved my life with Ray Sansom

    Music saved my life with Ray Sansom

    Local Musician Ray Sansom, helps me to understand his artistry as a self taught guitar player and singer, song writer. When faced with a life and death moment, Ray reaches deep within to discover that his love for music and desire to share his creations helped save his life. You can find Ray's work on youtube.

    Please stay tuned after the podcast conversation for the full song "Trannysouras Rex"



    John Morris Ross IV: Talking to the inner child

    John Morris Ross IV: Talking to the inner child

    John Morris Ross is a professional comedian that has been working in the industry for over 18 years. Recently, he has experienced a personal revelation. He has discovered an inner voice that requires his direct attention. His inner child. He has put a pause on his standup career to allow this spiritual awakening to take the stage. He recently posted a video on his social media sharing this profound experience with his many followers, including myself. It hit me right in the soft spot. I am certainly an advocate for self awareness in the community. John, is an example of an artist painting a picture through a self-healing story.

    Special Victims Unit

    Special Victims Unit
    An interview with an ex-law enforcement officer about life, death, self-awareness, and the beauty of a positive prospective. Matt Skidgel has had a few life experiences riding dangerously close to a self destructive end. He is an amazingly talented artist that can express his creative vision across many platforms. This open and honest conversation is exactly what you would wish for from any representative of the law or, even a member of the community. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to connect to such a beautiful soul. Please check out

    Matt's instagram page:


    Upcoming musical performance at "The Waterman Brewery" in Elk Grove 5/6/22 6:30 - 9:30pm

    Growing the artist within

    Growing the artist within

    Please enjoy this talk between myself and another artist. And for God's sake, PAINT SOMETHING!


    Thanks so much for listening!!!

    Please checkout Henry's work on instagram


    Relative Roads
    enMay 07, 2021

    Politics, People, and Freestyle rap

    Politics, People, and Freestyle rap

    Mike and Reg grab a couple instruments, play some hip hop instrumentals, and let the magic unfold! Please enjoy this feel good episode that will put a smile on your face! Thanks for listening!

    Relative Roads
    enApril 13, 2021