
    Gruesome Google searches, debt ceiling standoff, Santos caught lying?

    enJanuary 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number's Customized Beds Lead in Customer Satisfaction, Politics in Turmoil, US Economy Faces Debt Ceiling CrisisSleep Number's personalized beds top JD Power's customer satisfaction list, but political lies cast doubt on trustworthiness, and the US economy may face severe consequences due to the debt ceiling

      Sleep Number prioritizes individualized sleep needs with their smart beds, offering customizable firmness, temperature, and quietness. This has earned them the top spot in customer satisfaction according to JD Power. However, recent revelations about Republican congressman George Santos have cast a shadow over truthfulness in politics. Santos has been exposed for lying about his mother's presence during the 9/11 attacks and allegedly stealing funds from a GoFundMe campaign. These deceitful actions have raised concerns about the integrity of politicians and the potential consequences for those affected. Meanwhile, the US economy faces a significant challenge as it approaches the debt ceiling, potentially leading to serious consequences if not addressed promptly.

    • Economic Challenges and Geopolitical TensionsThe debt ceiling debate in Washington, Microsoft's layoffs, and Ukraine's declaration to retake Crimea highlight economic challenges and geopolitical tensions, emphasizing the importance of responsible fiscal management and avoiding political brinkmanship to prevent negative consequences for the economy and financial markets.

      The ongoing debate in Washington over raising the debt ceiling and potential spending restrictions could lead to a default on US debt payments, which would have serious consequences for the economy and financial markets. This includes potential job losses, a shrinking 401k, higher borrowing costs, and a possible recession. The risks are significant, and if not handled carefully, could make the problem worse. Meanwhile, in the tech industry, Microsoft's decision to lay off 10,000 workers is another sign of the economic challenges facing major companies in the sector. President Zelensky's declaration that Ukraine will retake Crimea from Russia adds to the geopolitical tensions and uncertainties. Overall, these issues underscore the importance of responsible fiscal management and the potential consequences of political brinkmanship.

    • US softening stance on military aid to Ukraine, standoff with Germany over tanksThe US is preparing to provide Ukraine with more advanced military aid, including Stryker combat vehicles, as part of a $2.5 billion package. A disagreement between the US and Germany over sending Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine has escalated tensions.

      The United States is reportedly softening its stance towards providing Ukraine with more advanced military aid, including Stryker combat vehicles, as part of a $2.5 billion military aid package. This comes as the US and Germany are in a standoff over Germany's decision to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, with other European countries expressing readiness to follow suit. Meanwhile, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation, citing the demands of the job and her inability to prepare for another term. The US has consistently maintained that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, which was illegally annexed by Russia. The new military aid package is expected to significantly enhance Ukraine's mechanized capabilities, allowing them to go on the offensive and retake territory. The showdown between the US and Germany over sending tanks to Ukraine is a significant development in the ongoing conflict.

    • New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern's resilience and ongoing investigation into Anna Walsh's disappearanceJacinda Ardern faces criticism for her handling of crises but remains a notable world leader. The Walsh case involves a husband charged with his wife's murder based on online searches and DNA evidence, with no body found yet.

      New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, known for her proactive response to crises, faced backlash and criticism during her tenure, particularly regarding her handling of COVID-19 restrictions and allegations of sexism. Despite these challenges, she remains a notable world leader. Another story unfolding is the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of Anna Walsh in Massachusetts. Brian Walsh, her husband, was charged with her murder based on alleged online searches and DNA evidence, though no body has been found yet. Ardern's resilience and determination in the face of adversity and the intriguing developments in the Walsh case illustrate the complexities of modern leadership and the intrigue of ongoing investigations.

    • Newly Elected Congressman George Santos Caught in a Series of LiesNewly elected congressman George Santos has been exposed for multiple lies about his mother's presence during 9/11 and his own immigration status, raising concerns about his trustworthiness and suitability for public office, and potentially making him a target for adversaries.

      George Santos, a newly elected congressman, has been caught in a series of lies, including lying about his mother's presence in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and his own immigration status. These lies call into question his character and raise concerns about his suitability for public office. From a national security perspective, his dishonesty makes him a potential target for adversaries looking to exploit or blackmail him. These revelations come as Santos is already under investigation for financial fraud and other potential misdeeds. The consistency of his lies and his refusal to come clean about them raises serious concerns about his trustworthiness and ability to serve the public effectively. The fact that he has not been forthcoming about these issues, even after being caught, further underscores the need for accountability and transparency in government.

    • Republican Congressman under investigation for lying and potential campaign finance violationsRepublicans should support ethics committee's investigation into a congressman's alleged lies and potential campaign finance violations, and be prepared to replace him with a credible candidate if necessary. Unusual practices regarding handling of classified documents were also discussed.

      Scott Jennings, a newly elected Republican congressman, has been accused of lying extensively and is under investigation for potential campaign finance violations. The ethics committee is currently looking into these allegations, and if they are validated, it could lead to his removal from Congress. Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans are currently in a difficult position as they have already put Santos on two unpopular committees and may face a tough primary challenge if he is forced to resign. The advice given is for McCarthy and the Republicans to support the ethics committee's investigation and be prepared to replace Santos with a credible Republican candidate if necessary. The discussion also touched on the former president's handling of classified documents, with it being noted that keeping empty folders from such documents is an unusual practice.

    • Comparison of FBI to Gestapo and crypto mining controversyFormer President Trump's statement undermines law enforcement agencies' legitimacy, while ongoing crypto mining operations disrupt local peace and highlight the need for transparency, accountability, and ethical standards.

      Former President Trump's comparison of the FBI to the Gestapo, along with the ongoing controversy surrounding George Santos and crypto mining, highlights the polarized political climate and the lowering standards of character and integrity in American politics. The former President's statement is a concerning development, as it undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement agencies. Meanwhile, the ongoing crypto mining operations in North Carolina are causing significant noise pollution, disrupting the peace and tranquility of local communities. This issue, along with the political turmoil, underscores the need for transparency, accountability, and a renewed commitment to upholding ethical standards.

    • New Study: Intermittent Fasting Not Effective for Weight LossSize and frequency of meals impact weight more than time intervals between them, but some individuals still find success with intermittent fasting. Crypto mining operations face resistance and pushback, leading to fights for continuation.

      Intermittent fasting, a popular diet strategy involving limiting food intake to specific time windows, may not be an effective weight loss strategy according to a new study by the American Heart Association. The study found that the size and frequency of meals had a greater impact on weight gain or loss than the time interval between meals. Despite this, some individuals, including the CNN medical correspondent and cardiologist, Dr. Tara Narula, have found success with intermittent fasting. However, resistance to crypto mining operations, as seen in Murphy, North Carolina, could pose challenges to the industry's growth. In the face of opposition, companies like the one in Murphy are fighting to continue their operations, even as some communities and governments push for bans or regulations.

    • Intermittent fasting and weight lossIntermittent fasting can aid weight loss by shrinking the stomach, teaching discipline, restricting calories, and entering ketosis to burn fat.

      Intermittent fasting may not only help with weight loss by causing the stomach to shrink and teaching discipline, but it may also restrict calories and help the body enter a state of ketosis where it breaks down fat. However, the long-term sustainability and effects of intermittent fasting are still under debate. Regarding politics, President Joe Biden's reelection plan remains undeterred by the ongoing investigation into the discovery of classified documents at his Delaware home and former Washington DC office. The White House is reportedly "full steam ahead" with the announcement, despite the similarities and differences between this situation and the one involving former President Trump.

    • Debate over US debt limit and potential spending cutsCongress must act to increase US debt limit, but disagreements over spending cuts complicate negotiations, while other issues like a suspected Russian spy ship off the coast of Hawaii add complexity

      The US federal government has reached its debt limit of $31.4 trillion and Congress must act to raise it to prevent a potential debt default. The debate centers around whether spending cuts should be included in any deal, with Democrats advocating for a clean increase and Republicans pushing for fiscal restraint. Meanwhile, embattled Republican congressman George Santos has been exposed for lying about his mother being a 9/11 survivor and stealing money from a veteran. Additionally, a suspected Russian spy ship has been detected off the coast of Hawaii amid heightened tensions between the US and Russia. The Pentagon is monitoring the situation but emphasizes that such intelligence-gathering activities are not illegal in international waters.

    • New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern announces resignationDespite global recognition for her compassionate leadership during crises, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern resigned due to the emotional toll of the COVID-19 pandemic and a mass shooting.

      Leading a country is a privileged and challenging job that requires immense energy and resilience. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who gained global recognition for her compassionate responses to crises, announced her resignation due to her inability to prepare for another term. Ardern, who came to power at a time when the world needed an inclusive and empathetic leader, made significant strides in areas like climate change and social welfare. However, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of a mass shooting took a toll on her, leading her to believe that it was time to step down. Meanwhile, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated his commitment to regaining Crimea and emphasized the need for greater international support to counter Russia's aggression.

    • Trust and Betrayal in Charitable DonationsAlways do your due diligence and verify before donating to ensure transparency and accountability.

      Trust is essential when it comes to donating money for charitable causes. In this case, a New Jersey veteran named Rich Ostoff trusted George Santos, a congressman, to help raise funds for his dying dog's surgery. However, Santos allegedly misused the donations, leaving Ostoff feeling betrayed and distraught. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and accountability when handling charitable funds, and the potential consequences of misplaced trust. It's a reminder that due diligence and verification are crucial steps before donating to any cause or individual.

    • The Importance of Transparency and Accountability in Charitable GivingFraudsters can deceive even those with good intentions, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and due diligence when donating to charities.

      Trust is essential, especially in charitable organizations. Michael's story serves as a reminder of how deceit and fraud can harm individuals and communities, particularly those who are vulnerable. George Santos, who presented himself as a helper and a friend, was exposed as a fraudster who took donations meant for a dying veteran's dog and used them for his own gain. Michael's experience shows that even those who have done good deeds in the past are capable of committing fraud. The incident highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and due diligence in charitable giving. It also underscores the emotional toll that such deception can have on people, leaving them feeling betrayed and distrustful.

    • The Power of Human Kindness and SupportDespite adversity, kindness and support from strangers can restore faith and hope. New study suggests prolonged colonoscopy intervals for some individuals.

      Despite facing adversity and hardship, the power of human kindness and support can help restore faith and hope. The speaker, who experienced the loss of her service dog and the lack of response from the dog's owner, was touched by the outpouring of support from strangers. Meanwhile, Buffalo Bills safety Demar Hamlin continues to inspire positivity as he recovers from a cardiac arrest, with his team and even tennis star Jessica Figuila showing their support. A new study also suggests that the recommended interval for colonoscopies could be prolonged from every 10 years to every 12 years for some individuals based on the results of this study.

    • Debate over debt ceiling: Clean bill vs spending cutsCongress must act promptly to prevent potential economic instability by reaching an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, which has happened 78 times since 1960.

      The debate over raising the nation's borrowing cap has major economic implications, and both parties must come to an agreement to ensure financial stability. The White House wants a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling, while Republicans demand spending cuts. The Treasury Department has warned that extraordinary measures will only buy some time, potentially just a few months. Director of the White House National Economic Council, Brian Deese, emphasized the importance of keeping the economic progress going and avoiding chaos by raising the debt ceiling, which has happened 78 times since 1960. The deadline is today, and the uncertainty beyond June is a cause for concern. The key message is that Congress needs to act promptly to prevent potential economic instability.

    • Debate over raising US debt ceilingThe debt ceiling increase is crucial for US and global economic stability, focusing on economic progress and recovery, without conditions, to avoid negative consequences like US debt downgrade and higher borrowing costs.

      The current debate in Washington revolves around raising the debt ceiling to meet the obligations the country has already made. This is not about new initiatives or negotiations, but rather an essential step to maintain US and global economic stability. The White House's position is clear: the debt limit increase should happen without conditions, focusing on economic progress and recovery. The uncertainty surrounding the debt ceiling can lead to negative consequences, including a downgrade of US debt and higher borrowing costs. The economic recovery and progress made over the last few years are at stake, and the focus should be on continuing this momentum. The investigation ongoing in the West Wing is not affecting the administration's focus on economic issues. The new season of "Game Theory with BoMahony Jones" explores the concept of player empowerment in the NBA and its impact on LeBron James' legacy.

    • Player Empowerment in Sports: Misunderstood EvolutionLeBron James' move to Miami marked a new era of player control in the NBA, while the NFL balances social justice initiatives with potential backlash.

      The concept of player empowerment in sports, particularly in the NBA, has evolved over time and has been misunderstood. The example of LeBron James' move to Miami was seen as a revolutionary act, but it was more about a player taking control of his career in an industry where free agency was relatively new. The NFL, on the other hand, is more "woke" than people realize, with initiatives like encouraging voter registration and keeping social justice imagery on the field. However, the NFL may not want too much attention on these efforts for fear of offending certain groups. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of player empowerment and social justice initiatives in professional sports.

    • Political Lies and International TensionsDespite the NFL's efforts towards social justice, recent political events show the importance of fact-checking and accountability for lies and deceit in politics and international relations.

      The NFL's efforts towards social justice may not be widely known, and there have been several instances of deceit and fabrication in politics recently. George Santos, a Republican congressman from New York, has been caught in multiple lies, including about his mother's presence during the 9/11 attacks and stealing money from a GoFundMe account. Former President Trump was also caught in a lie regarding a woman accusing him of sexual assault. On the international front, tensions are rising between Ukraine and Russia over the fate of Ukraine and the weapons it is receiving. President Zelensky of Ukraine has declared that Ukraine will retake Crimea, which was illegally annexed by Russia nearly a decade ago. These events highlight the importance of fact-checking and holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Tensions Between Ukraine and Russia, Military Aid, and Legal DevelopmentsThe US and Germany consider military aid for Ukraine, but Germany hasn't given final approval. Ex-President Trump misidentified a woman in a photo during a deposition, potentially impacting his defense. Prosecutors may file charges in the Rust movie set shooting case.

      The situation between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate, with both sides making demands and seeking support from international allies. The US and Germany are considering providing military aid to Ukraine, specifically in the form of tanks, but Germany has yet to give the final approval. Meanwhile, former President Trump made a mistake in identifying a woman in a photo during a recent deposition, which could potentially impact his defense in a defamation lawsuit brought against him by E. Jean Carroll. Additionally, prosecutors are expected to announce whether criminal charges will be filed in connection to the 2021 Rust movie set shooting, where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed by a prop gun.

    • New Mexico film set shooting: Three individuals under investigationThree individuals, including the armorer, assistant director, and actor, are under investigation for their roles in the fatal shooting on the New Mexico film set of 'Rust'.

      The investigation into the fatal shooting on the New Mexico film set of "Rust" is ongoing, with potential charges for three individuals: Hannah Gutierrez Reed (armorer), Dave Halls (assistant director), and Alec Baldwin (actor). The district attorney is considering felony charges, such as involuntary manslaughter, but will base her decision on the law and evidence, not external pressure. The incident has captured national attention, with protests in France over proposed retirement age increases, and President Biden facing scrutiny over classified documents found at his private home and office. Experts note that classified document "spillage" – the unintended presence of classified materials outside of secure areas – is relatively common and usually results from simple mistakes. Most cases are handled internally, with minimal consequences, but more severe breaches can lead to penalties such as loss of security clearance or termination.

    • Handling Classified Information: Complex and Dependent on IntentFormer congressman Adam Kinzinger shares his experience handling classified info, noting controlled environments make accidents rare, but intent plays a role in investigations.

      The handling of classified information is a complex issue with no clear-cut rules. There are millions of classified documents, not all of which are sensitive, and the decision to investigate and prosecute mishandling depends on the specific case and the intent of the individual involved. Former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger, a CNN senior political commentator, shared his perspective based on his experience handling classified information in Congress and the military. He noted that controlled environments like SCIFs make it difficult to accidentally take classified documents out, and he had never seen a situation where an intelligence officer left a folder behind containing classified documents. However, former presidents, such as Trump, have claimed to have kept empty folders marked as containing classified information as keepsakes. The investigation into the handling of classified documents by former presidents is ongoing, and the role of intent in these cases remains a significant factor.

    • Political trustworthiness under scrutiny: George Santos and Ron DeSantisAllegations of lies and theft against George Santos and Florida's ban on an AP African American Studies course raise questions about transparency, honesty, and accountability in politics. The inconsistent reactions to these situations based on political affiliations emphasize the importance of equal treatment and upholding the law.

      There are concerns about security and trustworthiness, whether it's regarding classified information or political figures. In the case of George Santos, a New York Republican congressman, there are allegations of lying about his past and even stealing money from a veteran. These allegations have led to questions about the Republican Party's handling of the situation and their commitment to truth and accountability. Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has banned an Advanced Placement African American Studies course, citing concerns that it promotes critical race theory and violates state law. These events highlight the importance of transparency, honesty, and upholding the law in public life. The inconsistent reactions to similar situations based on political affiliations also underscore the need for equal treatment and accountability for all.

    • Florida Board of Education debates AP course pilot program over Critical Race Theory concernsThe debate over a pilot program in AP courses and Critical Race Theory raises concerns about how race is being taught in schools, with some fearing it may violate the law or negatively impact children's self-esteem, while others argue it's about critical thinking skills.

      The Florida Board of Education has raised concerns over a pilot program in AP courses, which some believe is related to Critical Race Theory (CRT). The program, which hasn't been made publicly available, has sparked debate about how children are being taught about race in schools. Critics argue that CRT teaches white children to feel bad about being white and black children that they are naturally oppressed. However, it's important to note that CRT is a specific legal theory used in law schools and colleges, and the AP classes aim to teach critical thinking skills. The ongoing debate has put educators in a difficult position, with some fearing they may break the law by saying the wrong thing. The rising cost of eggs, which doubled last month compared to a year ago, is also impacting restaurants, adding to their inflation and worker shortage woes. Chef Bobby Flay, a restaurateur and Food Network personality, will discuss this issue further.

    • Egg prices impact restaurant industry and dining experiencesEgg price hikes can lead to menu adjustments, but the demand for dining out remains strong despite economic factors and inflation.

      The price and scarcity of eggs, much like other food commodities, can significantly impact the restaurant industry and consumers' dining experiences. Eggs are used extensively in various dishes, from breakfast items to baking, and their price increase can lead to menu adjustments, such as smaller portion sizes or fewer offerings. While there may be some weakening in the dining sector due to economic factors and inflation, the demand for dining out remains strong, and restaurants continue to be packed. The energy in the industry remains positive, despite some adjustments in consumer behavior.

    • Revival of canceled TV shows and honoring Adam SandlerThe pandemic has led to a trend of reviving canceled TV shows and honoring Adam Sandler, but the reception to these revivals often falls short of the original's success, and there's confusion surrounding the terminology of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, which Sandler recently received.

      The pandemic has significantly changed the way we live, work, and socialize, including our dining habits and fashion choices. Another notable trend is the revival of canceled TV shows, with at least 35 such series currently on air or streaming. However, the reception to these revivals often falls short of the original's success, raising the question of who is driving this trend and whether the nostalgia factor is enough to satisfy viewers. Additionally, the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor recently announced its 24th version, this time honoring Adam Sandler. The award, which recognizes individuals who've had an impact on American society, has a long list of past recipients, many of whom share similarities with Sandler. Despite the confusion surrounding the terminology of the award, it is indeed an award, not a prize, as there is typically no monetary involvement.

    • Allowing comedians to push boundariesHistory shows that controversial comedy can become groundbreaking, as seen with Tina Fey and Adam Sandler. Reflect on the importance of comedy in promoting freedom and reflecting cultural context.

      We should allow comedians to push boundaries and be comedians, as history has shown that what may be considered offensive or controversial in the present can be seen as groundbreaking or even harmless in the future. Tina Fey and Adam Sandler are just two examples of comedians who have faced criticism for their work but have gone on to make significant contributions to comedy. As CNN prepares to air a speech from Sandler on March 26, we can reflect on the importance of comedy in promoting freedom and reflecting the cultural context of its time. Additionally, Sleep Number is promoting their smart beds, which are designed to embrace individual sleep needs and preferences, with discounts available for a limited time.

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    • Nigel believes that people disrupt things to challenge the status quo. Disruption is often needed to change things for the better, Nigel thinks things haven’t been disrupted nearly enough in the world yet.
    • It is plain for all to see that there are a lot of differing and polarising views on coronavirus. Nigel Farage thinks governments haven’t been honest enough from the start and it’s something we can learn to live with going forward. He is not prepared for his liberties to be taken away from him again so will not obey any further lockdowns.
    • There is a big difference of mindset between a corporate business and the entrepreneur. The government may understand big business somewhat but they certainly don’t have a clue about small businesses and entrepreneurs. Nigel’s experience of working with the political class has shown him that there is a massive disconnect between the UK government and businesses.
    • It was inevitable that Brexit was going to cause massive changes, there was always going to be winners and losers. However, Nigel thinks there are countless upsides to small business owners and entrepreneurs that the government still hasn’t utilised.
    • Tax and Welfare need reforming drastically. Past governments have de-skilled the British population and have also turned what should be a safety net, into a very large welfare state. It has changed young people’s mindsets and there is a lack of aspiration among the younger generations especially.
    • Nigel would love to run for Prime Minister but with the current UK system this is just not possible. He thinks that the UK political system needs a complete overhaul and bringing into the 21st century, starting with removing the first past to post system and the house of lords.
    • Nigel believes that Boris Johnson has a very clever act and it has got him very far in his political career. However, he thinks the mood of the public after many lies and most recently, the revealing of all of the covid parties in government, will very likely be the end to it.
    • The de-platforming and silencing of conservative voices across social media platforms is worrying to Nigel. He thinks it’s the medias way of trying to gain back control.



     “You’re not doing it because you’re trying to cheese everyone else off, you’re doing it actually because you think the status quo as it is needs shaking up”

    “Not one of them has ever worked in a small business, not one of them has ever set one up”

    “There is a complete disconnect with the world of entrepreneurship, of the world of business”

    “I’m an old style free-marketer, I believe in a safety net for those that can’t look after themselves, of course I do”

    “Our democracy needs to be brought into the 21st century”

    “There is a limit to free speech, there always has been, but I think the limit on conservative voices is bad”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com