
    Guest: Internet Sensation Gary Turk

    enNovember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges in PodcastingPodcasting involves constant scheduling and coordination, which can be challenging due to exhaustion and unexpected events. However, staying positive and adaptable can lead to unexpected success, like a viral video or a great podcast guest.

      Exhaustion and unexpected events can make organizing and coordinating things challenging. The speaker in this conversation expresses their frustration with the constant back-and-forth of scheduling and the added stress of unexpected obstacles, such as a surprise guest or a car accident. They also mention the pressure of wanting to share exciting news before losing interest in it. Despite these challenges, they remain positive and excited about their upcoming podcast guest, Gary Turcombe, who they met while working on the pilot and series 1 of the show "Derek." The conversation also touches on the unexpected success of a video Gary made, which went viral and changed his life overnight. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges.

    • Realizing the need for creative fulfillment beyond industry successPursuing creative endeavors and not settling for a role that doesn't align with personal goals is crucial for a fulfilling career.

      Even being part of successful projects and gaining valuable connections in the industry may not lead to a creatively fulfilling career if one is only in a supporting role. The speaker's experience on various projects, including Derek and Comic Relief, made him realize that he wanted to create his own content instead of just working on someone else's. He started making videos with no specific plan for distribution, hoping to build a showreel and use his connections to share his work. After quitting TV and moving out of London to become a postman, he found inspiration in the freedom and independence of the job, which allowed him to make content during his free time. This experience emphasizes the importance of pursuing creative endeavors and not settling for a role that doesn't align with one's goals.

    • Unexpected opportunities from an ordinary jobStay focused on goals, seize unexpected opportunities, and observe industries from the inside to learn

      Sometimes taking a seemingly ordinary job can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of being a postman while pursuing a career in the media industry. He was amazed when he was asked to appear on BBC Breakfast, but the job required him to deliver mail every day, which left him with limited time to focus on his creative projects. Despite the challenges, he saw it as an opportunity to observe the industry from the inside and learn. He also mentions that he enjoyed the sense of anonymity that came with being a postman, as people didn't know about the creative thoughts rattling around in his head. Ultimately, he gambled on his skills and determination, and his gamble paid off when he eventually found success in the media industry. The conversation highlights the importance of staying focused on one's goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and the value of seizing unexpected opportunities.

    • Small steps towards big goalsFocusing on small steps towards your goals can lead to unexpected opportunities and progress, rather than getting discouraged by the big picture.

      Sometimes taking small steps towards your goals can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker in this conversation shared how he had dreams of making a film for years but didn't know what to make or how to start. Instead of writing a feature film script, he decided to make a short film as a stepping stone. He also shared an experience of talking to a comedian who was aiming too high and not taking small steps towards their goal. The speaker emphasized that it's important to focus on what you can do now and build from there, rather than getting discouraged by the big picture. He also mentioned that he enjoyed doing stand-up comedy and saw it as a stepping stone towards making his own content, even when he was working on TV shows. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of taking small steps towards your goals and not getting discouraged by the big picture.

    • Starting with limited resources and passionPassionately pursuing a project, even with limited resources, can lead to unexpected success.

      Determination and passion can lead to the creation of something meaningful, even with limited resources. The speaker shares how they started making videos as a way to help out friends in bands, using a cheap camera and editing on their own. They worked on the project for over a year, collecting ideas and shots without a clear story or script. They then decided to make a silent film but realized they needed audio, so they wrote a spoken word poem to narrate it. They reached out to a friend's band for music and waited months for it to be completed. The speaker's perseverance paid off when the video went viral on YouTube, demonstrating that hard work and dedication can lead to unexpected success.

    • Unexpected outcomes can lead to greater successTrust the process and be open to the unexpected in creativity, as it can lead to unexpected rewards. Even projects that seem unconventional can resonate with an audience if they speak to them on a deeper level.

      Sometimes, the unexpected outcomes of our creative projects can lead to greater success than we initially planned. The speaker in this discussion shared a story about creating a video that was meant to be a personal project, but when it was accidentally shared with a larger audience, it resonated deeply with people and even made someone cry. The speaker didn't expect this reaction and wasn't even thinking about promoting the video at the time. But once they saw the impact it had, they decided to share it more widely. This experience taught the speaker that sometimes, the best things in life and in creativity come when we least expect them. It's important to trust the process and be open to the unexpected, as it can lead to unexpected rewards. Additionally, the speaker learned that even a project that seems to go against the grain, like a video encouraging people to get off their phones, can still resonate with an audience if it speaks to them on a deeper level.

    • Unexpected success from a YouTube poemAuthentic content can resonate with people and lead to unexpected success, even when creators don't actively promote it on social media.

      Creating and sharing content online, especially on platforms like YouTube, can have unexpected consequences. The speaker in this conversation shared a poem called "Look Up" on YouTube with no expectations of it going viral. He posted it on his personal Facebook page as well, but the video link was later restricted on Facebook due to competition between the platforms. The speaker spent very little time checking the views or engagement on YouTube and instead focused on reactions from his friends on Facebook. It took several days before the video gained significant attention, eventually reaching over 10 million views. It serves as a reminder that content can resonate with people in ways we can't predict and that focusing on personal connections and authenticity can lead to unexpected success.

    • Unexpected success from authentic contentCreating content without monetization or immediate success expectations can lead to unexpected reach and impact. Stay focused on your goals and keep creating authentic content.

      Creating content without the expectation of immediate success or monetization can lead to unexpected reach and impact. The speaker in this conversation didn't initially plan for their curry video to become a viral YouTube sensation. They made it as a stepping stone to create what they truly wanted to make. When they noticed the video gaining traction, they were surprised and excited, but they continued focusing on their goals rather than being consumed by the attention. Even without constant internet access, the video continued to spread through word of mouth and sharing by friends. The unexpected success gave the speaker confidence and validation, but they remained grounded and continued to create authentic content.

    • The unexpected journey of going viralGoing viral can bring unexpected emotions and opportunities, but it can also lead to a loss of control and overwhelming messages.

      Going viral can be an unexpected and overwhelming experience. The speaker in this discussion initially thought each new stage of his video's popularity would be the peak, but it continued to grow beyond his expectations. He was protected from the constant checking and potential insanity that can come with sudden exposure by being out of the country. When he started to grasp the magnitude of his video's reach, he was filled with excitement and hope for the future, despite not fully understanding the potential career opportunities or monetization options. The speaker's video received attention from famous people and regular users on social media, leading to a sense of loss of control and a whirlwind of messages and DMs. Overall, the experience of going viral was a rollercoaster of emotions and unexpected opportunities.

    • The Pressure of Going ViralGoing viral on social media can lead to an unhealthy obsession with views and likes, causing anxiety, fear, and a warped perception of success. Prioritize real-life relationships and experiences over virtual ones to maintain balance.

      The pressure of social media and the constant need for validation can have detrimental effects on mental health. The speaker shares an experience of going viral on YouTube and the intense anxiety and fear that came with it. Before going viral, the speaker had a balanced life with a band job and friends, but once they hit a million views, they were consumed by the numbers and the need for more. They describe feeling hungover and overwhelmed, unable to keep up with the influx of emails and messages. The experience warped their perception of success and led to a harmful obsession with views and likes. It's important to remember that social media is just one aspect of life and should not be the sole source of validation or happiness. It's crucial to maintain a healthy balance and prioritize real-life relationships and experiences over virtual ones.

    • Navigating the Business Side of Viral ContentSeek advice and understand contracts before signing to maximize earnings from viral content.

      Navigating the monetization of a viral video can be a complex and potentially costly process. The speaker in this conversation experienced a sudden influx of attention and offers from agencies and networks, but felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. They missed out on potential earnings during the initial stages of the video's popularity due to a lack of knowledge and advice. It's important to carefully consider the terms of any contracts or deals before signing, as they can have long-term implications. In the speaker's case, they later discovered that they could have claimed the earnings from the video's ads, but the network had claimed them instead. The experience was a valuable lesson in the importance of seeking advice and understanding the business side of viral content.

    • Reflecting on unexpected opportunitiesUnexpected opportunities can bring financial gain but also regret. Reflect and surround yourself with supportive people before making decisions.

      Unexpected opportunities can lead to significant growth, but it's important to consider the long-term consequences of our actions. The speaker shares an experience where they signed a contract without fully understanding its terms, leading to financial gain but also regret. During a six-hour car ride without Wi-Fi, they used the time to think about future possibilities and how to build on their success. This period of reflection allowed them to decompress and make decisions that ultimately led to their independence and further success. The speaker also mentions the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people and taking time to process new opportunities before acting on them.

    • Navigating the unexpected consequences of viral successBeing prepared and proactive can help maximize the opportunities and financial gains from viral success on YouTube.

      Going viral on a platform like YouTube can bring unexpected success and opportunities, but it also comes with pressure and the need to capitalize on that momentum. The speaker in this conversation wished there was guidance available on how to navigate this newfound fame and monetize it effectively. He also expressed regret for not exploring other avenues, such as film festivals, instead of focusing solely on YouTube. Despite the long-term success of his viral video, including its use in educational curriculums around the world, he felt that he missed out on potential financial gains and opportunities for growth. Overall, the experience taught him the importance of being prepared and proactive in managing the unexpected consequences of viral success.

    • Unexpected success from unpolished workSuccess doesn't always require perfection. Intention and emotion behind the work can be just as meaningful as the final product.

      Sometimes, the raw and unpolished creations can unexpectedly resonate with people and leave a lasting impact. The speaker, who wrote a poem in 24 hours without editing, was surprised when it gained attention and was used for educational purposes. However, the experience brought up feelings of imposter syndrome when he was asked to speak about it around the world. Having supportive people around him, like Brett Goldstein, helped him navigate these feelings and continue creating. It's important to remember that success doesn't always require perfection and that the intention and emotion behind the work can be just as meaningful as the final product.

    • Pressure to meet external expectations can stifle creativityFocusing on authenticity and creativity, even if it means fewer views, can lead to greater success in the long run.

      Creativity can be stifled when we focus too much on meeting external expectations and optimizing for algorithms. The speaker shared their experience of feeling pressured to post regularly on YouTube to maintain engagement and subscribers, but this approach left them feeling unfulfilled and unable to create content that resonated deeply with their audience. They eventually decided to take a break from posting and focus on creating content that felt authentic to them, even if it meant fewer views or engagement in the short term. This decision ultimately led to the creation of a popular and meaningful video, which shows that prioritizing authenticity and creativity over external validation can lead to greater success in the long run.

    • From YouTube to Corporate Training, Finding BalanceExploring new opportunities can lead to unexpected paths, but staying true to your values is crucial to maintain creative focus and balance.

      The speaker's experience on YouTube led him to explore new opportunities, but he eventually grew disillusioned with the competitive and superficial nature of the entertainment industry. He found himself in a cycle of endless meetings and lost focus on his creative goals. Ultimately, he decided to walk away and return to creating content that resonated with him, even if it meant a smaller audience. Now, he creates spoken word training videos for large corporations, finding a balance between creativity and financial stability. His experience serves as a reminder that pursuing one's passions can lead to unexpected opportunities, but it's essential to stay true to one's values and not get lost in the competitive landscape.

    • Embracing the unknown and staying open to new opportunitiesEven in unexpected success, stay true to oneself and continue exploring new creative avenues. Embrace imperfections and remember that they can lead to growth and new opportunities.

      Even in the midst of unexpected success and personal growth, it's important to stay true to oneself and continue exploring new creative avenues. The speaker shares how he started a company during the pandemic and experienced unexpected success, but felt forgotten and disconnected from his audience. To reconnect, he plans to create a series of disposable, heartfelt videos on social media, inspired by the little hidden things in life. He reflects on his past experiences and realizes that if he could go back in time, he would have uploaded a video he made 10 years ago, despite its imperfections, as it led him to where he is today. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing the unknown and staying open to new opportunities, even when starting from the bottom.

    • Embracing uncertainty and finding the right tools for creative projectsBelieving in your abilities, focusing on what you have, adapting to new opportunities, and embracing uncertainty can lead to successful creative projects. Utilizing helpful apps and resources can boost confidence and motivation.

      Having the right tools and resources can significantly boost confidence and motivation to pursue creative projects, even if the initial hurdle is still overcoming self-doubt and mental health challenges. The speaker's experience with Lookup and the opportunities it brought led him to realize the importance of believing in one's abilities and focusing on what one has rather than what one lacks. He also highlighted the importance of adapting to new opportunities and not being too beholden to past successes or failures. The speaker's journey was filled with unexpected twists and turns, but ultimately, it was about learning to embrace the uncertainty and enjoy the ride. The power of apps and technology in our daily lives was another theme that emerged, as the speaker shared his appreciation for various tools that helped him save money, improve fitness, and connect with people.

    • The Frustration of Unrecognized IdeasIdeas can be valuable but their success is unpredictable, acknowledge their worth and remain positive in the face of uncertainty.

      Ideas can be both a blessing and a curse. In the conversation, the speaker expresses frustration over not receiving credit for an idea that later went viral. He humorously laments about the situation but ultimately accepts it as part of the creative process. The conversation also touches upon the fleeting nature of viral content and the indifference of the speaker towards its success or failure. Despite the setback, the speaker remains positive and wishes the next endeavor good luck. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the value of ideas and the unpredictability of their outcome.

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    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.



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