
    About this Episode

    Hann Morris is an Assistant Professor at the School of the Environment at the University of Toronto with research interests in climate change media and communication, culture and climate politics, transnational climate movements, and authoritarianism and the climate crisis. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

    Recent Episodes from Climate Change & The Many Faces of Denial

    Turf, Truth, Trust - The Victoria Forum

    Turf, Truth, Trust - The Victoria Forum
    This is a conversation from the Victoria Forum. A collaboration between the Senate of Canada and the University of Victoria. I was asked to moderate this plenary session, "Bridging Environmental Divides: Shifting our relationship with the natural world from extractive to regenerative." This conversation analyzes our quest to shift our relationship with the natural world from extractive to regenerative by bridging environmental divides and exploring the many conversational ecosystems that come along with them. Our panel consists of Balgis Osman Elisha, Senator Rosa Galvez, Wendy Smith, and Kresse Wesling.

    You can watch all of the sessions from this 3 day event at thevictoriaforum.ca
    Heartfelt thanks to Saul Klein, Natalie Slawinski, and the organizers for permission to bring this to our campus and community radio stations.

    Roy Scranton

    Roy Scranton
    Dr. Scranton is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches creative writing and environmental humanities. Roy is an essayist, novelist, literary critic, and climate philosopher, best known for his work on war, war literature, and the Anthropocene. He is the author of five books and has written widely for publications such as the New York Times, Rolling Stone, MIT Technology Review, the Yale Review, and elsewhere. At the time of this interview, Learning to Die in the Anthropocene had just been released. One of the more sobering conversations I've had over the years and one I always return to!

    James Hogan

    James Hogan
    Marketing guru and former CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation. We talk about climate change and as well as pollution in the public square, where a toxic smog of adversarial rhetoric, propaganda, and polarization stifles discussion and debate, creating resistance to change and thwarting our ability to solve our collective problems.

    In this second edition of I'm Right and You're an Idiot , James Hoggan grapples with this critical issue, through interviews with outstanding thinkers and drawing on wisdom from highly regarded public figures. Featuring a new, radically revised prologue, afterword, and a new chapter addressing the changes in the public discourse since the 2016 United States election, his comprehensive analysis explores:

    Andrew Hoffman

    Andrew Hoffman
    Andrew J. Hoffman is a professor of sustainable enterprise at the University of Michigan. He is a leader in using organizational networks and strategic analysis to assess the implications of environmental issues for business. He has published over 16 books and over 100 articles. The last time we met in Vancouver Andy was on sabbatical and we were able to spend some time talking about his latest book How Culture Shapes the Climate Debate. Our conversation focused on culture, ideology and building social consensus on climate change.

    John Englander

    John Englander
    John Englander is an oceanographer, multi-book author, and international speaker on climate change and Sea Level Rise (SLR). Located in Boca Raton, FL, John frequently travels for both science and business. In this episode, we talk about what Vancouver is doing to get prepared. John is joined by Brad Badelt, Assistant Director, The City of Vancouver Sustainability Group.