
    Hannah Berner on Ozempic, Dating Comedians, and Facetune Ep. 33

    enMay 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Connect with home experts for projectsAngie simplifies home projects by connecting users with skilled professionals, saving time and potential mishaps. Users can compare quotes and connect instantly, making home improvements easier and stress-free.

      Angie simplifies the process of connecting with skilled professionals for home projects, saving time and potential mishaps. Angie's got 20 years of home experience and new tools to help you tackle any project, big or small, from start to finish. Whether you're looking for everyday maintenance or dream projects, Angie can help you connect with the right pro. Plus, you can compare quotes and connect instantly, making it easier than ever to get things done. So, next time you're thinking of tackling a home project on your own, remember Angie's got you covered. Instead of risking a disaster, let the experts handle it. Angie's app or website makes it simple to get started. So, whether you're scared of a collapsing shelf or just don't want the hassle, Angie's got your back.

    • Unexpected sources of creativity and growthEmbrace unexpected situations for inspiration, learn from failures, and collaborate with others to foster creativity and growth.

      Creativity and growth can come from unexpected places, even in the midst of seemingly mundane or humorous situations. The speaker, despite her experience and success in the entertainment industry, still finds inspiration and collaboration opportunities in her personal life and unexpected connections. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing failures and imperfections, as well as the value of supporting and collaborating with others. The speaker's unique perspective and experiences demonstrate that everyone has the potential to create and grow, regardless of their background or current situation.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Being a Woman in Stand-Up ComedyDespite the challenges, women can use digital platforms to build a following and find support in the comedy industry. Empowerment and focusing on one's own energy are key to successful relationships.

      Being a woman in the male-dominated stand-up comedy industry can be challenging due to the lack of safety and support at the beginning. However, platforms like TikTok and online comedy have provided a space for women to express their humor and build an audience before performing live. The speaker also shared her experiences with dating and the emotional intensity of relationships with women, emphasizing the importance of finding someone who matches her energy and intensity. Ultimately, she believes that women should focus on empowering themselves and not putting men at the center of their world, while still appreciating the unique aspects of male and female relationships.

    • The importance of communication and consent in sexual relationshipsEffective communication and mutual consent are crucial for satisfying and healthy sexual relationships. Focusing on self-care and personal growth can lead to more fulfilling connections.

      Communication and consent are key elements in a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The speaker was surprised to learn about the importance of these aspects from a woman she met, and it made her reconsider her own perspective on sex and relationships. Additionally, the speaker realized that trying to force energy or attention from others, rather than focusing on self-care and personal growth, can be counterproductive. The speaker's experiences during the pandemic led her to question her past strategies for forming relationships and ultimately led her to find a meaningful connection with someone new.

    • Navigating the complexities of growing upThe twenties are a time for seeking validation, while the thirties are about self-acceptance. Making mistakes and seeking help are essential parts of personal growth.

      Growing up and self-discovery are complex processes that involve both good and bad experiences. The speaker reflects on her own experiences in her twenties and thirties, sharing how she used to give away her food guilt to others and now texts her friends to arrange hookups. She also discusses her fear of tackling home projects on her own and the relief of hiring professionals. The speaker also shares her perspective that the twenties are a time for trying to be liked, while the thirties are about learning to like oneself. She acknowledges the challenges of this period, including making poor decisions and dealing with regrets, but also appreciates the influence of good friends and their positive influence. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the value of seeking help and support when needed.

    • Seeking shallow relationships in our twentiesAs we age, we value deeper connections and understanding, recognizing everyone's past traumas and seeking partners who complement and teach us

      Relationships in our twenties can be filled with misunderstandings, poor communication, and unhealthy dynamics. People often seek out partners with "squirrel brains" or lack of depth due to fear of being hurt or desiring power. However, as we grow older, we start to value deeper connections and understanding. It's important to recognize that everyone has their own demons and past traumas, and finding a partner who complements and teaches us can lead to growth and healthy relationships. Ultimately, the journey towards finding a meaningful connection involves self-awareness, vulnerability, and a willingness to learn and grow together.

    • Challenges and imperfections in relationships show investmentFeeling uncomfortable in relationships due to challenges and imperfections can indicate a deeper, more meaningful connection, despite discomfort and the need for personal growth.

      Challenges and imperfections in a relationship can indicate that the other person cares and is invested, even if they may be uncomfortable at times. The speaker shares her experience of feeling uninterested in relationships where her partner doesn't call her out on her behavior or challenge her. She believes that this lack of challenge signifies a lack of readiness for a deeper, more meaningful connection. However, she also acknowledges that dealing with these challenges can be uncomfortable and may require personal growth. Ultimately, the speaker asserts that embracing the imperfections and challenges in a relationship can lead to a more rewarding and authentic connection.

    • The Confusing Impact of Social Media on Appearance and Self-ExpressionSocial media can lead to questionable decisions and unexpected consequences, emphasizing the importance of consent, authenticity, and community support in the digital age.

      Social media and the desire for engagement can lead individuals to make questionable decisions, even if they view it as part of their job or for entertainment purposes. The speaker in this conversation expresses her confusion and unease about the response she received after altering her appearance on FaceApp, and how society's reaction made her question if she would be asked to change her look further. She also shares her experiences with trying out different forms of content creation, such as man on the street interviews, and the unexpected consequences that came with it. Ultimately, she reflects on the importance of consent and being true to oneself in the digital age. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of community and support from peers in the creative process.

    • The complexities of comedians' lives off stageComedians' intense need for validation and attention can make it difficult for them to connect with others authentically, and their job requires self-deprecation and self-hatred, adding complexity to their personal lives

      Comedy, while entertaining and seemingly carefree on stage, can be a complex and intense world off stage. Comedians, especially successful ones, can exhibit extreme narcissistic behaviors and a constant need for attention and validation. Some comedians may turn off and become depressed or empty when not performing, while others cannot seem to stop performing and can make it difficult for others to connect with them authentically. The constant need for validation and attention can create a gray area in everyday interactions, making it challenging to distinguish between on and off stage personas. Additionally, the job of being a comedian requires a certain level of self-deprecation and self-hatred, adding another layer of complexity to their personal lives.

    • Facing Fears and Building Connections in LADespite success, the speaker grapples with insecurities and fear of failure. They push themselves to work harder and face fears through public performances. Building genuine connections in new environments like LA requires effort and resilience.

      The speaker, despite their confidence and success, experiences deep-rooted insecurities and a fear of failure. They push themselves to work harder than others and face their fears by performing in front of audiences. The speaker also acknowledges the multifaceted nature of people and the challenges of building genuine connections in new environments, such as LA. The city is seen as a place of potential and energy, but also a place where one must work hard to find real friendships and overcome adversity. The speaker's journey reflects the idea that success and personal growth require resilience and the ability to embrace the ups and downs of life.

    • Embrace the journey of pursuing your goalsFearlessly chase your dreams, learn from failures, and stay true to yourself. Criticism is inevitable, but don't let it define you. Find balance and keep pushing forward.

      Fearlessly pursuing your goals, even if you miss sometimes, is a key to success. The speaker draws a comparison between their own approach to life and Michael Jordan's basketball career, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and not being afraid of failure. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of dealing with criticism and the impact of others' opinions, but encourages taking everything in stride and not letting it define you. The conversation touches on the importance of finding balance, staying true to oneself, and learning from experiences. Ultimately, the speaker encourages embracing the journey and the ups and downs that come with it.

    • Embrace Your Authentic SelfBeing true to yourself and expressing authenticity is crucial for creativity and personal growth. Resist societal pressures and external influences to be unique and focus on personal growth.

      Being true to yourself and expressing your authenticity is crucial for creativity and personal growth. Constantly catering to others' opinions can hinder your unique identity and stifle your creativity. However, it's essential to recognize that societal pressures and external influences can be challenging to resist. The speaker shares her personal experiences of succumbing to such pressures, including getting lip fillers and comparing herself to others. She emphasizes the importance of being unique and not trying to be a carbon copy of someone else. The speaker also touches upon the negative impact of social media and the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. Ultimately, she encourages embracing your authentic self, even when it's difficult, and focusing on personal growth rather than external validation.

    • The impact of compliments on weight lossComplimenting weight loss with intensity can make people uncomfortable, focusing on the change instead of just acknowledging the person's appearance is better.

      The way we give compliments can have a significant impact on how they are received. The speaker shares an experience of being surprised by a compliment about her weight loss and feeling uncomfortable with the intensity of the comment. She suggests that instead of focusing on the extent of the change, it's better to simply acknowledge that someone looks good. The conversation also touches on the societal pressure to conform to beauty standards, particularly in LA, and how it affects people differently based on gender. The speaker expresses her frustration with the attention she receives on her appearance and the time and energy she feels she has to put into it compared to men in her industry. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the tone and intent behind compliments and recognizing the impact they can have on others.

    • Unexpected experiences onlineNavigate online interactions with care, set boundaries, and remember genuine connections are essential.

      Social media and online presence can lead to unexpected experiences, including being "flown out" by individuals for various reasons. For some, it may be a means to travel and meet new people, while for others, it could be a source of financial gain through platforms like OnlyFans. However, these experiences can also come with unintended consequences and complex dynamics, such as dealing with individuals' quirks or mental health issues. It's essential to navigate these situations with care and set boundaries to ensure personal comfort and safety. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that online interactions should not replace genuine connections and should not compromise personal values or self-respect.

    • The unpredictable nature of the entertainment industryThe entertainment industry can be financially unstable and traumatic for newcomers, with unexpected challenges like account hacking and pressure to conform to beauty standards.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in the digital age, can be unpredictable and financially unstable for newcomers. This was exemplified in the story of a comedian who started off making money but was later traumatized when someone took advantage of her account and posted unappealing content, leading her to delete her entire account. This experience was a stark contrast to the glamour and perceived ease of success in the industry, especially in LA where appearances and image are prioritized. The comedian also shared her personal experiences with beauty standards and the pressure to conform, highlighting the challenges women face in the industry. Despite these challenges, she remains determined to pursue her passion for comedy and continue learning and growing.

    • Personal Experiences with Cosmetic Procedures: Risks and RevelationsWhile cosmetic enhancements can boost confidence, they come with risks and potential consequences. Consider mental and emotional aspects before making a decision.

      While cosmetic enhancements like lip fillers or Botox can boost confidence, they come with risks and potential consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of committing to lip fillers and the eventual need for surgery to maintain the appearance. She acknowledges the privilege associated with such procedures and the pressure to present a perfect image online. However, she also emphasizes the importance of considering the mental and emotional aspects before making a decision. The speaker's relationship with her "family" of cosmetic doctors adds a unique perspective to the experience, making it a normal part of her life. Ultimately, she encourages careful consideration and being true to oneself.

    • Staying resilient in the entertainment industryIn the entertainment industry, persistence and adaptability are crucial. Overcoming rejection and finding new opportunities can lead to success.

      Persistence and adaptability are key in the entertainment industry. The speaker shares a story about getting banned from a high-end hotel in Las Vegas due to questionable activities. Despite being unbanned and attempting to return, they were ultimately banned for life. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, the speaker continues to perform and adapt to new opportunities, moving from clubs to theater and potentially even arenas. They also discuss the importance of crowd work in comedy, as it allows for real-time interaction with the audience and can help build tension and anticipation. Ultimately, the speaker's experience demonstrates the importance of staying resilient and finding new ways to connect with audiences, even in the face of setbacks.

    • The Art of Comedy: Confidence and ConnectionComedy requires confidence, observation skills, and the ability to connect with an audience. Comedians use their experiences and observations to craft material, but performing and interacting off stage can be challenging.

      Comedy, whether it's on stage or in everyday life, requires confidence and the ability to read people and situations. Comedians often use their own experiences and observations to craft their material, and the writing process involves categorizing and developing ideas. However, performing comedy can be intimidating, and some comedians may struggle with interpersonal interactions off stage. Additionally, the pressure to constantly be funny can lead to expectations and misunderstandings when interacting with fans. Ultimately, comedy is a unique art form that requires a combination of talent, confidence, and the ability to connect with an audience.

    • The Power of AuthenticityStaying true to oneself leads to success and genuine connections. Authenticity shines through in content creation and personal branding, resonating with fans and building trust. Despite challenges, it's crucial to maintain authenticity and not perform for the sake of it.

      Authenticity and being true to oneself can lead to success, whether it's in creating content or building a personal brand. The speaker shares her experience of meeting fans who feel they know her from her online persona, and how she appreciates those who are naturally funny and authentic on camera. She also discusses the challenges of maintaining authenticity while networking and dealing with misunderstandings, such as being mistaken for having a sex podcast. Despite these challenges, she emphasizes the importance of staying true to herself and not performing for the sake of it. Additionally, she shares her amusing experience of attending a tequila launch event and inadvertently creating a misunderstanding about her podcast's content. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity and the potential rewards of staying true to oneself, even in unexpected situations.

    • Staying true to oneself and creating authentic contentCreating unique content and building a genuine fan base is more valuable than relying on brands for financial success. Embrace your talents and stay true to yourself, even if it means taking risks and facing potential rejection. Authenticity resonates with audiences and leads to long-term success.

      Creating authentic content and building a genuine fan base is more valuable than relying on brands for financial success. The speaker shares her experience of choosing to focus on her unique voice and audience rather than pursuing opportunities that didn't align with her identity. She also discusses the challenges of monetization and the importance of staying true to oneself, even if it means taking risks and facing potential rejection. Additionally, the speaker expresses her belief that everyone has unique talents and should embrace them, even if they don't fit traditional expectations or industries. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and creating content that resonates with an authentic audience.

    • Discovering and Connecting with Authentic GuestsAuthentic connections and simplifying tasks through expert help enrich podcast experiences

      The hosts of the podcast value authenticity and connection over high-profile guests. They shared their experience of discovering and connecting with Hannah, and how much it meant to them to have her on their show. They also emphasized the importance of simplifying home projects and finding skilled professionals to help, as illustrated by their desire to have Angie's assistance for a bike project in Milwaukee. The hosts' enthusiasm for Hannah and their shared experiences showcased the power of genuine connections and the value of simplifying tasks through expert help.

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    In today's episode of the Cancel Podcast, we explore a wide range of topics, from quirky jobs to ideal lives, and a dramatic cat-related incident.  We dive into into personal experiences, including escapades in Las Vegas and the complexities of receiving gifts and flirtations.  Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart.  Go to https://liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Draft Kings: New players, start by playing just $5 to get $50 in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code CANCELLED. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit www.1800gambler.net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21 plus. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. $5 in wagers required. Max $50 in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in 168 hours. See casino.draftkings.com/get50 for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa! https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa!


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    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

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    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by Paige again! We talk about influencer culture and AI relationships. Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift battle it out. Then We are joined by Trevi and reminisce on some stories of the past! Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer. Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by Paige again! We talk about influencer culture and AI relationships. Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift battle it out. Then We are joined by Trevi and reminisce on some stories of the past!


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    Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/

    Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau

    Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol

    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber

    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

    Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A

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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast comes from the beautiful island of Maui. And are joined by Makoa Ho the Prince of Hawaii and share the lore on how he and Tana became friends. Mood: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code CANCELLED. Lemme Say This: Follow Lemme Say This on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch [new] episodes on YouTube or listen to Lemme Say This ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast comes from the beautiful island of Maui. And are joined by Makoa Ho the Prince of Hawaii and share the lore on how he and Tana became friends.


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    Lemme Say This:

    Follow Lemme Say This on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch [new] episodes on YouTube or listen to Lemme Say This ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

    Liquid Death:

    You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. 

    Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/

    Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau

    Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol

    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber

    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

    Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A

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    On this episode of the Cancelled podcast Tana tells us how she had a horrible experience at LAX. Brooke discusses future plastic surgery she has planned and more! Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer.  Draft Kings: New players, start by playing just $5 to get $50 in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code CANCELLED. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit WWW.1800gambler.net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. $5 in wagers required. Max. $50 in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in 168 hours. See casino.draftkings.com/get50 for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Adam and Eve: https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA  Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  DONATE WITH US Operation Olive Branch Aid For Palestinian Families  https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch Save the Children https://support.savethechildren.org/site/Donation2?df_id=5850&5850.donation=form1&cid=Paid_Search:Google_Paid:Emer_Middle_East:Nonbrand:121223&s_kwcid=AL!9048!3!692198497108!e!!g!!palestine%20charity&gad_source=1&gclsrc=aw.ds Palestine Children’s Relief Fund https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/general MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) https://www.map.org.uk/?form=FUNFXHDCJPK British Red Cross https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/whats-happening-in-gaza-humanitarian-crisis-grows BBC History of the Israel Gaza Conflict https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Matt Rife Exposes His Love Life... Dropouts #150

    Matt Rife Exposes His Love Life... Dropouts #150

    Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online. Go to https://www.squarespace.com/dropouts for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, use OFFER CODE: DROPOUTS to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain This week we have comedian, Matt Rife! We talk about everything from how Matt got started, cancelable comedy to girls, our big shark tank ideas and even the paranormal! ooo Spooky! This is a funny one, we hope you guys enjoy! GET TICKETS TO OUR LIVE SHOW! https://www.flapperscomedy.com/shows/the-dropouts-podcast-live-show/68719/ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON! https://patreon.com/dropoutspod Follow Matt! https://www.instagram.com/mattrife/ Watch his latest special, "Matthew Steven Rife" here! https://youtu.be/1AwsR1iqsuE Keep up with us! Zach: https://www.instagram.com/zachjustice/ Jared: https://www.instagram.com/jarebearmusic/ Email us with your questions, ideas, and videos! dropoutsadvice@gmail.com

    E307 CNCO - Dating, Insecurities, & Boundaries

    E307 CNCO - Dating, Insecurities, & Boundaries

    Today we are joined by CNCO. CNCO is a Multi-platinum and Latin Grammy nominated boy band racing up the charts and they are opening up and sharing more about their lives with us like they never have before. The guys sit with Nick to discuss losing a member of their band, heart break, relationship boundaries, sliding into DM’s, trying to find love, what they are looking for in girl, insecurities, and being a family that can lean on each other no matter what comes their way. 

    “We created a family here … ”

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    Ronny Chieng & Esther Povitsky Live in Toronto at JFL42

    Ronny Chieng & Esther Povitsky Live in Toronto at JFL42
    Santino sits down at JFL42 in Toronto with Ronny Chieng (The Daily Show & Crazy Rich Asians) and Esther Povitsky (Alone Together & Dollface) to a live audience. We talk about how Canadians treat Americans, playing the game of hollywood and we all play the most intense game of would you rather. TICKETS AT http://www.andrewsantino.com/ STAND UP DATES NOV 8-9 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE NOV 10 HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA NOV 15-16 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA NOV 21-23 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA DECEMBER 6-7 BREA, CALIFORNIA JAN 9-11 EDMONTON, AB, CANADA JAN 16-18 DENVER, COLORADO FOLLOW ME ON INSTA https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ FOLLOW WHISKEY GINGER PODCAST ON INSTA https://instagram.com/whiskeygingerpodcast/ FOLLOW RONNY CHIENG ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ronnychieng/?hl=en FOLLOW LITTLE ESTHER ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/esthermonster/?hl=en KEEP YOUR DING DONG CLEAN AND GO TO: https://www.manscaped.com USE PROMO CODE WHISKEY GET A EARTHY CONSCIOUS NIGHTS SLEEP WITH BUFFY GO TO https://buffy.co USE PROMO CODE WHISKEY Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices