

    enJuly 19, 2023

    About this Episode


    Happy birthday to Arlie, he has just turned 70 and has been a friend for many years.  He and is wife both are good friends and appreciated every day.

    Buddha speaks about friendship. Don't tell anyone, but one time I was in Hong Kong working and in the hotel I found a book of budha.  And it taught me a very good lesson about friendship which I have practiced since I read it over 30 years ago.

    Buddha says:

    1. A friend gives what is hard to give
    2. They do what is hard to do
    3. They endure what is hard to endure
    4. They reveal their secrets to you
    5. They keep your secrets
    6. They don't leave you in times of trouble
    7. They don't look down on you in times of loss
    8. They feed you when you are hungry
    9. They provide you shelter to you when you have no shelter
    10. They provide you with truth
    11. They will scold you when you need to be scolded

    However, it is hard to find a friend like this, so you must be a friend like this.

    So no business podcast today, not talk about politics.  I am just thinking outloud about friendship because it is part of our spiritual life.  

    Books by Michael Lodge

    For a confidential business advisory or coaching session, schedule onlin

    Do you have a business question, send it to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com 

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    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    Tell Me About Houston Texas

    I just got back from Houston Texas where I spent three days driving around the city, trying to get to know it.  I am at the cross roads of making a business decision on moving out of Greenville, SC to a busier community.  I love living in South Carolina but trying to start a new business in a small community is not easy, unless you are part of the good old boy network.  My clients are all over the United States, but zero in South Carolina because of restrictions in what I do.  I want to get back to that one on one meetings with clients.  That stimulates me more by working with clients face to face.  Zoom is great for business, but that one on one experience is so important in dealing with clients.  So I am at the decission process of making a move.  If you live in Houston, let me know how you like it and your business experience there.

    Send me an email to:  thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com

    If you would like to have a confidential business advisory / coaching / mediation session, you can schedule online at:  http://www.lodge-co.com


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