
    Hard Work Is the Key to Success

    en-usOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring alternatives to debt for education and career advancementConsider selling possessions, finding side jobs, or utilizing existing skills to fund goals without taking on additional debt.

      Taking on additional debt for education or career advancement may not be necessary if you're committed to finding alternative ways to fund your goals. On the Ramsey Show, Ken Coleman advised a caller considering a $13,900 coding bootcamp loan to explore other options like selling possessions, finding side jobs, or utilizing skills and degrees already acquired. The caller, Ben, had a master's degree in music education and was unable to teach in a traditional classroom setting. Instead of focusing on the perceived limitations, Ken encouraged Ben to start a music tutoring business, which could generate significant income. By exploring various avenues and staying debt-free, individuals can progress towards their goals without being weighed down by financial obligations.

    • Being unprepared for life's obstacles can lead to financial hardshipFocus on hard work and saving to avoid debt and reap a better return on effort. Be aware of brain's tendency towards scarcity to avoid unnecessary debt and overconsumption.

      Assuming a smooth path in life and taking on debt, like a master's degree, without considering potential obstacles or "flying monkeys," can lead to financial hardship. Instead, it's important to work hard and save up cash to avoid debt and reap a better return on effort. The human brain is wired for scarcity, making us sensitive to scarcity cues and driving us to acquire more. However, it's crucial to be aware of this tendency and avoid overconsumption or unnecessary debt. By focusing on work and saving, one can change their life for the better. Additionally, resources like the U.S. Concealed Carry Association's free family defense guide can help individuals be prepared for various aspects of self-defense.

    • Ancient instincts and modern technologyAwareness and altering opportunities, rewards, and repeatability can help break the 'scarcity loop' of harmful behaviors caused by ancient instincts and modern technology.

      Our ancient survival instincts, triggered by modern technology, can lead us into harmful behaviors such as overeating, materialism, and excessive use of digital media. These behaviors are driven by the "scarcity loop," which includes opportunity, unpredictable rewards, and quick repeatability. To break free from this loop and adopt an abundance mentality, becoming aware of your behaviors and observing them objectively can be a first step. Additionally, changing the opportunity (e.g., shopping in person instead of online), slowing down the quick repeatability (e.g., setting rules for purchases), or altering the rewards (e.g., focusing on experiences rather than material possessions) can help disrupt the cycle.

    • The human brain's scarcity loop and how to break itThe scarcity loop in the human brain can lead to negative patterns and cravings, but seeking out experiences in the abundance loop can promote positive habits and improve mental and physical well-being. Therapy can also help address the root causes.

      The human brain is wired for a scarcity loop, which can be seen in various aspects of life, from gambling to hunting. However, it's possible to break this cycle and thrive with enough by finding activities that provide similar excitement but also offer ancillary benefits. The abundance loop, as described in Michael Easter's book "Fix Your Craving Mindset," encourages individuals to seek out experiences that fulfill their needs while also promoting positive habits. This can lead to improved mental and physical well-being. Additionally, therapy can be a valuable tool for understanding and addressing the root causes of cravings and negative thought patterns. The book "Scarcity Brain" by Michael Easter is recommended for those looking to learn more about this concept.

    • Hitting Rock Bottom and Finding Financial FreedomRealizing personal embarrassment and accountability can lead to financial change, perseverance is key, and being on the same page with a partner is essential.

      Hitting rock bottom can serve as a catalyst for change. The speaker shares his personal story of overcoming addiction to alcohol and painkillers, and then falling into debt after getting sober. He met Dave Ramsey through a friend's recommendation and was inspired by Ramsey's message of financial freedom. The turning point came during a family vacation to Vegas when the speaker realized he had no money for incidentals and his daughter had to cover the expenses. This moment of embarrassment and accountability led him to seek out Ramsey's teachings and commit to getting out of debt. The key takeaways from his experience are accountability, perseverance, and being on the same page with his partner. It was a difficult journey, but the speaker and his wife have now celebrated 11 years of sobriety and are on the path to financial freedom.

    • Understanding Spending Habits and Teamwork Lead to Financial ProgressFocusing on personal growth, respecting each other's efforts, and reducing monthly debt payments can help achieve financial freedom.

      Respecting each other and recognizing personal growth are crucial elements in achieving financial freedom. The story of Tommy and Heather from St. Petersburg, Florida, who paid off $112,000 in debt in just two years and three months, highlights the importance of understanding the root causes of spending habits and the significance of teamwork. Their journey shows that focusing on personal growth and respecting each other's efforts can lead to significant financial progress. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of term life insurance and avoiding borrowing money to tackle debt, as interest rates are not the primary issue. Instead, finding ways to reduce monthly debt payments is the key to becoming debt-free.

    • Change your mindset towards debt repaymentInstead of focusing on avoiding debt, prioritize increasing income and treating debt repayment as a priority. Apply determination to find solutions.

      Instead of focusing on ways to avoid paying off debt, it's essential to find ways to increase income and pay it off. Debt is not an interest rate problem but a personal problem that requires a change in mindset. By treating debt repayment as a priority, opportunities for solutions will present themselves. Imagine having a life-threatening situation requiring a large sum of money, and you would find a way to obtain it. Applying the same determination to debt repayment can lead to success. When considering retirement savings, prioritize contributing to a 401k up to the employer match, and then consider opening a separate Roth IRA for additional savings. The key is to prioritize and find a way to make it work.

    • Consider contributing to a Roth IRA instead of company investment optionsIf unsatisfied with company investment options, consider contributing to a Roth IRA for long-term benefits. Prioritize stable income sources for financial instability.

      If you're not satisfied with your company's investment options, consider contributing the extra money towards an individual Roth IRA. However, if your options are decent, it's best to stay put and focus on increasing your contributions. The key is to have a long-term perspective and stay committed to your investment plan. The stock market can offer significant returns, but only if you're in it for the ride. For those experiencing financial instability, it's essential to prioritize finding stable sources of income, whether through multiple jobs or a new career. The stock market and investment plans require patience and commitment, and it's crucial to understand the long-term benefits before making any hasty decisions.

    • Focus on income and employment during financially challenging timesReplace lost income, secure employment, address emotional struggles, prioritize debt repayment, and build an emergency fund for financial stability

      During financially challenging times, focusing on increasing income and securing employment is more important than relying on side hustles or passive income streams. The speaker emphasized the importance of replacing lost income and building a solid career to provide financial stability. Additionally, addressing any underlying emotional struggles, such as grief or depression, can also be crucial in improving overall financial and personal well-being. While it's essential to work towards long-term financial goals like retirement savings, prioritizing debt repayment and building an emergency fund should come first.

    • Paying off a home and investing in retirement account are key actions for becoming a millionaireA 31-year-old making $130,000 can become rich by investing 15% in a 401k and paying off their home, contrary to popular belief, millionaires do both

      Becoming a millionaire involves paying off your home and investing consistently in a retirement account. According to a large study, these are the primary actions millionaires have taken to build their wealth. A 31-year-old making around $130,000 a year, for instance, could become unbelievably rich by investing 15% of their income in a 401k, even if they never do anything else. Paying off the house is also crucial because it frees up income to put towards savings and investments. Contrary to popular belief, millionaires don't typically become wealthy by never paying off their mortgages and putting all their money into investments. Instead, they do both. Additionally, for those considering going back to school, it's important to explore alternative, less expensive options like boot camps and certification programs before committing to a four-year degree.

    • Investing in education and certifications despite company costsDespite financial burden, investing in education and certifications can increase value and potentially earn back the investment and more.

      Even if a company doesn't cover the cost of additional education or certifications, it's worth pursuing as a way to increase value and potentially earn back the investment and more. Debt should be paid off first before making such an investment, but the potential benefits can outweigh the costs. The speaker's personal experience of paying off $67,912 of debt in six years and then investing in education to advance in her career serves as an inspiring example. Additionally, it's important to research and find legitimate programs to ensure a worthwhile investment.

    • Young man's commitment to managing debt leads to financial freedomStaying committed to a financial plan, even during tough times, can lead to financial freedom. View money as a blessing and budget to understand income and expenses.

      Staying committed to a financial plan, even during challenging times, can lead to financial freedom. This was the experience of a young man who started managing his debt seriously in 2017, after previously being unmotivated. He attributes his success to his faith, which helped him view money as a blessing to be stewarded rather than something he owned, and to budgeting, which gave him a clear understanding of his income and expenses. He encourages others in his generation to do the same, emphasizing the importance of self-denial and looking to the future. He also shares that the current resumption of student loan payments may be stressful for some, but it presents an opportunity to take control of finances and reduce anxiety.

    • The Power of a Clear Goal and Support SystemSetting a clear goal and having a supportive network can significantly accelerate one's journey towards financial freedom or career change.

      Having a clear goal and positive support system can significantly accelerate one's journey towards financial freedom. Abby from Maryland's story of paying off $68,000 in debt in six years, with the last three years being particularly productive, highlights the power of having a determined mindset and a supportive network. Psychology studies show that setting a deadline can be a strong motivator, and having someone to lean on during difficult times can make all the difference. For those considering a career change, it's essential to identify a goal and seek out a supportive network to help navigate the transition. In Jeffrey's case, feeling unsupported by his current district may have led him to consider leaving teaching, but with a clear goal and the right resources, he may be able to find a fulfilling career outside of the classroom.

    • Explore alternative teaching opportunitiesTeachers can find fulfillment outside the traditional classroom setting by pursuing corporate training, HR work, management roles, or volunteering in non-traditional settings.

      If you're a teacher who feels unfulfilled in the traditional classroom setting, consider exploring other opportunities where you can use your teaching skills and passion. You may find a good fit in corporate training, HR work, or management and leadership roles. The private sector values the talents and experiences that teachers bring to the table. Additionally, volunteering to teach in non-traditional settings, such as youth groups or summer camps, can provide an outlet for your giftings. Remember, teaching goes beyond the classroom, and your unique abilities and love for instructing, influencing, and inspiring others can make a positive impact in various industries and communities.

    • Taking Control of Your FinancesDevelop a plan to pay off debts, consider income-generating opportunities, build relationships, and leverage credentials to grow a sustainable business.

      Having a clear understanding of your financial situation and making informed decisions based on that is crucial for achieving peace of mind and financial freedom. The speaker, Jane, shared her experience of feeling weighed down by her mortgage debt and rental properties, despite making a significant income. Ken Coleman encouraged her to develop a plan to pay off her debts and consider maximizing her potential income through a small business idea, such as teaching piano lessons. He also emphasized the importance of building relationships and leveraging her credentials to grow her business. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of taking control of your finances, making smart decisions, and utilizing your resources to create a sustainable and fulfilling career.

    • Beware the Financial Risks of Relying on Debt for Real EstateAvoid relying solely on borrowed money to build a real estate portfolio. Instead, aim for a debt-free portfolio by paying off existing debt and using cash for future investments. Be cautious of quick wealth strategies with zero or low down payments, as they can lead to financial instability.

      Relying solely on borrowed money to build a real estate portfolio can lead to significant financial risk. The speaker shares his personal experience of amassing debt during his early days in real estate and emphasizes the importance of aiming for a debt-free portfolio. He advises paying off existing debt and using cash for future investments. The speaker also cautions against the allure of quick wealth through zero or low down payment real estate strategies, which can lead to financial instability. Instead, he advocates for building wealth through cash flow and equity positions, rather than relying on debt.

    • Effective budgeting and career advancementCreate a budget with an app like EveryDollar, communicate with potential employers about job delays, consider staying put or pursuing a new leadership role, and participate in the Ramsey Show annual listener survey for a chance to win a $500 gift card.

      Effective budgeting is essential for managing your money and keeping more of it. An app like EveryDollar can help you create a budget and ensure every dollar you earn knows exactly where to go. Meanwhile, in the world of work, if you're facing a wait for a new opportunity, it might be worth the patience. Communicate with your potential employer about your situation and consider the reasons for the delay. If you can't get a firm commitment, evaluate whether staying put or pursuing a new leadership role is the best move for you and your family. Remember, every situation is unique, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. And lastly, don't forget to participate in the Ramsey Show annual listener survey for a chance to win a $500 gift card. Your feedback is valuable!

    • Considering the impact of waiting for a new job opportunityA three-month wait for a new position isn't unreasonable, but clarity and transparency are crucial. Keep moving forward, stay patient, and maintain a positive attitude, even if you encounter obstacles.

      While waiting for a new job opportunity with a reasonable timeline, it's important to consider the potential impact on your current situation and future prospects. The speaker emphasizes that a three-month wait for a new position isn't unreasonable, especially when it comes to filling an essential role, such as a teacher. However, it's crucial to ensure both parties provide clarity and transparency throughout the process. Additionally, it's essential not to give up on your career goals just because of temporary setbacks or delays. The dream job may not always be perfect, and challenges and conflicts are inevitable. Instead, keep moving forward, stay patient, and maintain a positive attitude. Remember, the dream job is about using your strengths and passions to produce meaningful results, even if you encounter obstacles along the way.

    • Couple pays off 55,000 in debt in 6 monthsWith dedication, accountability, and a solid plan, anyone can become debt-free even if they have a large amount of debt

      Anyone, even newlyweds, can become debt-free with determination, accountability, and a solid plan. As shared by Andrew and Emily from Weatherford, Texas, they paid off 55,000 in debt within six months by selling their truck, staying committed, and following the principles of Financial Peace University. Their story demonstrates that giving up temporary comforts can lead to long-term financial freedom. If you're struggling with debt, consider joining a FPU class at your church or visiting fpu.com/lead to become a coordinator and help others find their way to financial peace.

    • Building wealth through contentmentPrioritize contentment over material possessions to achieve financial freedom and generosity

      Young couples, like Andrew and Emily, can build wealth and get out of debt by making intentional financial decisions early in their marriage. They prioritized contentment over material possessions, allowing them to sell their truck and live in a smaller home while paying off their debt quickly. This decision not only set them on the path to financial freedom but also positioned them to be generously giving to others. The most powerful wealth-building tool is contentment, which allows individuals to find happiness in any living situation and make sacrifices for long-term gain. As Psalms 128.2 states, "You will eat the fruit of your labor. Blessings and prosperity will be yours."

    • Transparency, Communication, and Commitment in Finances and RelationshipsPrioritize transparency, communication, and commitment when managing finances and relationships. Combining finances before marriage can lead to tension and unfair burdens, so consider either separating finances or getting married immediately. View giving to your church or practicing generosity as an act of worship and a way to cultivate a generous spirit.

      When it comes to managing finances and relationships, it's essential to prioritize transparency, communication, and commitment. Cloud McDonald emphasized that combining finances before marriage can be risky and potentially lead to tension and unfair burdens. Instead, he suggested focusing on either separating finances or getting married immediately. Moreover, when it comes to giving to your church or practicing generosity, it's important to view it as an act of worship and a way to cultivate a generous spirit, rather than a rule or a shaming mechanism. By putting God and generosity in the budget, we can learn the rhythm of giving and become better stewards of our resources.

    • Embrace generosity for a happier lifeGenerosity brings joy, improves relationships, reduces depression, and can change character, but remember to give wisely and with the right motivations, and God doesn't need our money.

      Generosity is a key to a happier, healthier life. It's not about giving out of guilt or obligation, but rather as a way of living that brings joy to both the giver and the receiver. Generosity can improve relationships, reduce depression, and even change one's character. However, it's important to remember that God doesn't need our money and that combining finances with someone you're not married to can lead to trouble. Ultimately, the path to financial peace is through a daily walk with Christ. So, embrace generosity, but do so wisely and with the right motivations. And if you're looking for guidance on your financial journey, check out RamseySolutions.com for resources and support.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Major Financial Hurdles Facing Millennials and How to Overcome Them

    Major Financial Hurdles Facing Millennials and How to Overcome Them

    Those born in the 1980s and on are facing some unique financial challenges – student loans, income inequality, and the question of social security. #MYDM takes a look at the many factors affecting the pockets of the Millennial generation, and how we might be able to win despite a really bad hand of cards.

    Ben & Malcolm also take a look at the most imbalanced places in the United States when it comes to income inequality.

    Pick your platform. Listen to this episode now!

    Hosts: @mydm1 and @malcolmonmoney
    Music: @beatsbybeemen

    Speak you mind! Leave us a review or send us an email at info@manageyourdamnmoney.com.

    Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.)

    Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.)

    The the 15th episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we talk to Bob Lai, the blogger behind tawcan.com on the Financial Independence Retire Early or F.I.R.E. He dispels myths to describe how to quit the daily grind and live life (and retirement) the way you want to.


    Questions Asked:

    0:51  Tell me a little bit about yourself.

     2:13  Can you explain what the Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement is?

     9:20  Who is F.I.R.E. for?

     11:32  If you’re interested in following the F.I.R.E. movement, what are the first steps that you should take?

     12:25  Is it akin to penny pinching?

     16:45  I understand that tracking is extremely important in the F.I.R.E. movement.  How much are you saving in terms of percentage as a F.I.R.E. follower?

     17:54  Is investing the primary source of passive income for followers of the F.I.R.E. movement?

     23:39  How do you prepare for large purchases like cars or even funding your children’s education?

     27:01  Is it easier to follow F.I.R.E. here in Canada than in the U.S?

     29:22  Let’s talk about your blog. There are a lot of great topics that apply to everyone regardless of whether they are following the Financial Independence Retire Early movement.

     35:03  What are your three best tips that you can impart to our readers, not only achieve Financial Independence Retire early but also to achieve the retirement they deserve?

    3. Financial Opportunities for Teachers

    3. Financial Opportunities for Teachers

    In this episode, Christy and Rachel talk about the unique financial opportunities available to teachers and the built-in aspects of our profession that we can use to reach our financial goals. We dive into our summer schedules, pay scales, pensions, retirement accounts, certifications and job security to examine the aspects of our profession that help build our momentum toward our financial goals. Our hope is to offer some encouragement that, while teachers deserve to make more money, that doesn't mean we are exempt from being able to build wealth with the right information and tools.

    Want to ask a question or share a money win? Email us at teacherstalkmoney@gmail.com!

    Find more from Rachel:


    @TeachersTalkMoney on instagram

    Find more from Christy:


    @FinanciallyFitTeacher on instagram