
    Harvard Psychiatrist on How To Get Ahead of 99.9% of People (Starting NOW)

    enDecember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Bumble's new features and personal growthBumble enhances compatibility, initiates conversations, ensures safety, and personal growth can lead to improvements in happiness, income, and satisfaction.

      Bumble is transforming the dating experience with new features designed to enhance compatibility, initiate conversations more effectively, and ensure safety. Meanwhile, Alok Kanojia, a clinician and neuroscientist, emphasizes that anyone can become extraordinary through personal growth and development. He's observed that successful people often have unique brain patterns, but these differences can be found in seemingly average individuals as well. In education, gifted children face challenges due to the school system being geared towards helping struggling students rather than maximizing the potential of high-performing students. As a result, these children often become disengaged and uninterested in their education. Ultimately, both Bumble's updates and personal growth can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life, such as happiness, income, and overall satisfaction.

    • High IQ students face challenges as they progress through educationHigh IQ students may excel academically but can face challenges in developing essential study habits and dealing with social difficulties. Focusing on IQ and emotional intelligence (EQ) development can lead to well-rounded individuals prepared for success.

      While high IQ students may excel academically in their early years, they can face significant challenges as they progress through their education. If not adequately challenged, they may not develop essential study habits, leading to a decline in academic performance. Moreover, the prevalence of depression among high IQ individuals is significantly higher than the general population. Skipping grades or homeschooling can help address these challenges, but they come with their own social difficulties. IQ is partially genetic, but it's essential to remember that it's just one aspect of a person's abilities. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is equally, if not more, crucial for success in life. EQ encompasses self-awareness, emotional regulation, empathy, and relationship development. While IQ tests are valid when administered by professionals, they should not be the sole measure of a person's abilities. Instead, focusing on the development of both IQ and EQ can lead to well-rounded individuals prepared for success in various aspects of life.

    • Improving emotional intelligence leads to better life outcomesDeveloping emotional intelligence skills can lead to increased income and overall well-being, while cutting costs by eliminating intermediaries can also contribute to financial prosperity.

      Understanding emotional intelligence (EQ) can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life, including income and overall well-being. The discussion also highlighted the importance of cutting costs by eliminating intermediaries and purchasing products directly from suppliers, as demonstrated by Sonic Power's business model. The top 2% earners in MENSA were revealed to earn less than the top 2% of the general population, emphasizing the importance of skills like networking, self-awareness, and emotional regulation for success. By focusing on developing EQ skills, individuals can enhance their personal growth and achieve greater financial and emotional prosperity.

    • Western vs Eastern approaches to understanding the selfWestern scientific methods have limitations in addressing individual experiences and realities. Eastern practices emphasize subjective exploration for personal growth.

      Our individual experiences and realities cannot be fully understood or addressed through population-based Western scientific methods. The speaker shares his personal struggle with optimizing his life through intellectual techniques, but found that these methods didn't account for the unique challenges and complexities of the individual. He ultimately turned to Eastern practices, which focus on understanding the self from a subjective standpoint. This contrasts with Western medicine, which often relies on averages and population-based data, leading to recommendations that may not be effective for every individual. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the limitations of Western scientific approaches and the value of individualized, subjective exploration.

    • Exploring ancient practices for mental healthAncient practices like meditation can be effective for boosting charisma, willpower, and memory, while individualized solutions and modern technology like BetterHelp can also contribute to mental health and well-being.

      While Western science has made significant strides in various fields, including charisma, willpower, and memory, it has yet to discover the most effective method for boosting these abilities. On the other hand, ancient practices like meditation, which have been used for thousands of years in the East, have been found to be effective in this regard. The speaker, who was struggling academically and feeling hopeless, listened to his father's advice to travel to India in search of a solution. He arrived in India knowing nothing about the culture or language but with a sense of desperation and a willingness to try something new. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of individualized solutions and the potential benefits of ancient practices like meditation for mental health and well-being. Additionally, the speaker mentioned his experience with BetterHelp, a therapy service that has helped him understand and manage his ADHD. He emphasized the importance of mental health and the convenience of being able to communicate with a therapist through various means and at any time. Overall, the discussion underscores the value of looking beyond traditional methods and seeking out individualized solutions, whether it be through ancient practices or modern technology like BetterHelp.

    • Trust and communication in unfamiliar situationsTrusting strangers can lead to unexpected benefits, but safety should always be a priority

      Trust and communication are essential, even in unfamiliar situations. The speaker shares a story from 2003 about getting picked up at an airport in India by a stranger. Despite the language barrier and lack of modern communication methods, the speaker trusted the stranger and ended up at a yoga retreat where he participated in an unusual cleansing practice. This experience taught him that sometimes, taking a leap of faith and trusting others can lead to unexpected and beneficial outcomes. However, it's important to note that this story is a personal anecdote, and safety should always be a priority, especially when traveling to unfamiliar places.

    • Overcoming despair and finding personal growth at rock bottomDespite the challenges of hitting rock bottom, persevering and being open to new experiences can lead to profound personal growth. Seek support from others and explore practices like Kundalini tantra with caution.

      Hitting rock bottom can lead to profound personal growth, but the journey is not easy and may involve facing deep-rooted fears and feelings of shame. During his stay at an ashram, the speaker shared how he was initially filled with despair and considered leaving, but eventually formed a deep connection with another student who helped him understand himself better. This friendship and the guidance he received led him to explore practices like Kundalini tantra, which focuses on prolonging orgasm without ejaculation as a means to elevate consciousness and experience intense pleasure. However, the speaker cautions that this practice is not for everyone and should be approached with caution. Ultimately, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of persevering through difficult times and being open to new experiences and perspectives.

    • Focus, time perception, and happinessFocused minds perceive time differently and lead to greater happiness. During sleep, our minds are less focused, but even then, we may not be fully conscious or in control.

      The level of focus of the mind significantly impacts our perception of time and our overall happiness. When we're highly focused, time seems to disappear, and we feel better about ourselves. Conversely, when our minds are distracted, we're more aware of the passing of time and tend to feel less happy. Our minds are not fully under our control, and during sleep, we're essentially in a state of no mind, except when we dream. The correlation between focus, time perception, and happiness was a key theme in the discussion. The group also touched upon the idea that our minds may not be fully conscious during REM sleep and that we don't have complete control over our thoughts. Ultimately, the group emphasized the importance of being present and focused to maximize our enjoyment of life and momentary experiences.

    • Reaching a state of consciousness through focused activitiesEngaging in activities that bring your mind to one pointed focus can lead to a state of consciousness that transcends the ego and brings happiness.

      Focusing the mind, whether it be through meditation, orgasm, or engaging in an activity like pickleball, leads to a state of consciousness that transcends the ego and brings happiness. This state of consciousness, often referred to as a flow state, allows individuals to become one with their experience and fully present in the moment. Orgasm, in particular, is a powerful tool for achieving this state due to its ability to induce complete focus of the mind. Tantric sex is an example of using this focused state for an extended period of time. Other activities, such as pickleball or working out, can also lead to this state of consciousness. The key is finding what brings your mind to one pointedness and fully immersing yourself in the experience.

    • Trust your personal experiencesIndividuals should trust their unique experiences and adapt solutions that resonate with them, rather than relying on universal frameworks or external experts.

      Personal growth and self-understanding are unique experiences that cannot be fully captured through academic study or external experts. The speaker's journey in India taught him that everyone's desires, thoughts, and experiences are different, and no single solution or framework can be universally applied to make people happier or fix their lives. Instead, individuals should trust their personal experiences and adapt solutions that resonate with them. This principle can be compared to medicine, where a multitude of treatments may exist, but only those that universally work are adopted by humanity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of individualized approaches and acknowledges the limitations of population-based solutions.

    • The internal journey to enlightenmentFocus on inner practices and responses for spiritual growth, not external labels or sacrifices

      The journey towards enlightenment is an internal one, and it doesn't require external sacrifices or labels like being a monk. Our uniqueness as individuals, including our mental faculties and experiences, affects our consciousness and emotions. The monk's life, with its focus on meditation and internal practices, is a metaphor for the internal journey towards enlightenment. The external trappings, such as robes and shaving one's head, do not define a sadhak, or someone pursuing spiritual discipline. Instead, it's the internal response to life's challenges that determines one's spiritual progress. The speaker's personal struggle lies in the confusion caused by conflicting messages from various sources. The book "Siddhartha" resonated with him as it emphasizes looking within for the truth, and the protagonist's quest for fulfillment mirrors the speaker's own journey.

    • The journey to enlightenment involves frustration and despairSeeking external things for happiness can lead to frustration and despair, but embracing this despair may ultimately lead to enlightenment

      The pursuit of external things for happiness may lead to frustration and despair, and true enlightenment may come from looking inward and embracing the despair that arises from the realization that material possessions cannot bring lasting happiness. This idea is supported by the historical context of enlightened beings in India, who were often kings or nobles, suggesting that those who have everything but still feel unhappy may be more likely to seek enlightenment. Conversely, those who renounce material possessions, such as the Brahmins, may never fully experience the despair necessary for enlightenment. So, the journey to enlightenment may involve a road of frustration and despair, but it is this very despair that can ultimately lead to true fulfillment.

    • The Pursuit of Material Success Doesn't Guarantee HappinessRealizing that material possessions don't bring lasting happiness, one must start questioning beliefs and values to find inner fulfillment.

      Material success and external gratification do not lead to lasting happiness. Instead, the most spiritually fulfilled individuals often start out as materialistic, only to discover that nothing in the world can truly make them happy. This realization comes after one has achieved all their desires and finds that more is not the answer. The internal work towards enlightenment begins when one recognizes this truth and starts questioning their beliefs and values. The circumstances that lead to this realization can vary, but the work is ultimately internal. The speaker encourages listeners to consider their own desires and the fleeting happiness they bring, using the example of indulging in a favorite food like In-N-Out Burger. While satisfying a desire may bring temporary happiness, it does not lead to eternal contentment. The key is to recognize this pattern and begin the journey inward.

    • Chasing after desires can lead to unhappinessFocusing on present peace can lead to true happiness, instead of constantly chasing after desires and pleasures

      Our pursuit of momentary pleasures and constant gratification of desires can lead us to a cycle of unhappiness and guilt. We become dependent on the "in and out" of satisfying our cravings, which can ultimately cause more suffering than joy. Even when we do manage to gratify our desires, the fleeting nature of the pleasure often leaves us wanting more, leading us to chase after the past and ignore the present. Instead, focusing on attaining a peaceful state of mind, such as through exercise or meditation, can lead to true and lasting happiness. It's important to remember that the anticipation of pleasure and the desire for more can often cause more suffering than the pleasure itself. So, instead of constantly chasing after the next desire, try to focus on the present moment and the peace that can be found within.

    • The Price of Instant GratificationInstant gratification can lead to missed opportunities for personal growth and long-term happiness. Instead, focus on cultivating a state of mind that brings joy and fulfillment without relying solely on external sources.

      While instant gratification can provide moments of happiness and pleasure, it often comes with a price. The problem lies not in the gratification itself, but in the cost we pay for it in the long run. For instance, using drugs like heroin can temporarily alleviate pain and problems, but the negative consequences far outweigh the benefits. Similarly, constantly seeking instant gratification can lead to missed opportunities for personal growth and long-term happiness. Instead, it's essential to find ways to cultivate a state of mind that brings joy and fulfillment without relying solely on external sources of gratification. By understanding the nature of our desires and exploring various methods to achieve a desirable state of mind, we can lead more balanced and satisfying lives.

    • Chasing Desires vs Finding PeaceInstead of solely focusing on the end goal, find joy in the process to foster a more sustainable sense of happiness.

      People are naturally wired to chase desires due to the reward system in our brains. This can be seen in various aspects of life, including the pursuit of orgasms or other sources of pleasure. However, continuously chasing these desires without considering the long-term consequences can lead to tolerance and dissatisfaction. Instead, focusing on finding peace and contentment through the process, rather than just the end goal, can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable sense of happiness. For example, Graham seems to find happiness in his work, but his friend notices a lower vibration of stress and negativity. Instead of offering solutions, the friend asks questions to encourage Graham to reflect on his values and find joy in the process, rather than just the end result.

    • Understanding someone's perspective is key to helping them growAsking questions instead of imposing beliefs can lead to more effective and lasting change

      Imposing one's beliefs on someone else may not lead to positive change, and it's essential to ask questions instead of telling them what to do. The speaker in the conversation had observed some issues in a friend's life and tried to help by sharing his insights, but the friend didn't respond well. The speaker realized that the friend needed to discover solutions for himself, and the most effective way to do that was by asking questions. The conversation underscores the importance of understanding someone's perspective and allowing them to find their own path to growth. It's crucial to recognize that everyone's experiences and journeys are unique, and forcing advice on them may not yield the desired outcome. Instead, asking thoughtful questions can help guide them towards their own realizations and ultimately lead to more significant and lasting change.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Helping OthersRecognizing that helping others stems from a mix of genuine desire, personal fulfillment, and a deeper sense of obligation can make us more effective helpers and better understand our motivations.

      Helping others can stem from a genuine desire to make a positive impact, but it also satisfies our own personal desires and sense of fulfillment. This isn't a bad thing, as it's a natural part of who we are. However, it's essential to recognize that there's more to this desire than just ego gratification. It's a deeper hunger or compulsion to help and make a difference in people's lives. This isn't about narcissism or ego, but rather a debt we feel we owe to others. By understanding this complex interplay of love, ego, and compulsion, we can become more effective helpers and better understand ourselves.

    • The Science of Karma: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern DiscoveriesModern scientific discoveries, particularly genetics, support the ancient concept of Karma which suggests that our lives are predetermined and every action has a reaction.

      The ancient concept of Karma, which posits that actions have consequences, is supported by modern scientific discoveries, particularly in the field of genetics. The theory of karma suggests that certain aspects of our lives, such as hair color and predispositions to diseases, are determined before birth. Genetics provides a scientific explanation for these predetermined traits. Additionally, the principle of cause and effect, which is a fundamental concept in both physics and the theory of karma, supports the idea that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. While the concept of karma can get mystical and hard to understand, it essentially means that everything in the universe is caused by something else. The yogis believed that the karmic chain ends when cause and effect becomes a fundamental principle of the universe. The validation of the theory of karma through modern scientific discoveries, such as genetics and Bessel van der Kolk's work on trauma, shows that what was once considered mystical is now becoming scientifically valid. However, the deeper question is why we are drawn to the concept of karma, and we may not be able to find a psychological cause for this desire. It's important to approach the exploration of karma with an open mind and a recognition that not all aspects of it have been scientifically validated yet.

    • Impact of Imagined Traumas on Mental HealthUnexplained memories of traumatic experiences, whether real or imagined, can impact mental health. Exploring the emotional energy attached to these memories can lead to healing and improvement.

      Our past experiences, whether real or imagined, can significantly impact our present mental health. The speaker shares an encounter with a patient who had vivid memories of traumatic experiences that never occurred. The therapist, intrigued by this discovery, started asking other patients about similar experiences and found that many of them had similar stories. While the existence of these memories without corresponding past events remains unexplained, the therapist suggests that working through the emotional energy attached to them can lead to healing and improvement in mental health. This discovery challenges the traditional understanding of trauma and opens up new possibilities for psychotherapy. It's important to approach such findings with a scientific mindset, considering various explanations, rather than jumping to mystical conclusions.

    • Past traumas or past lives could explain unexplained phobias according to karma theorySome phobias may have roots in past traumas or past lives, according to the theory of karma, but this is not conclusively proven.

      Our experiences and fears, including phobias, may be linked to past traumas or past lives according to the theory of karma. The neuroscientific evidence shows that we learn to fear things through traumatic experiences. However, there are some phobias that cannot be explained by psychological traumas. The theory of karma suggests that these unexplained phobias could be the result of psychological traumas from past lives. While there is some evidence for this theory, it is not conclusive. The speaker also mentioned that mental ailments like ADHD and autism could have roots in past experiences or past lives. The use of online quizzes to diagnose mental health conditions was brought up, with the speaker expressing some skepticism towards their accuracy. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged exploration and self-discovery, rather than seeking external validation or answers.

    • Skepticism towards quizzes and preference for scientifically validated testsQuizzes may not accurately represent complex issues due to their questionable scientific validity. Opt for scientifically validated tests for reliable results.

      While quizzes can be engaging and provide intriguing results, their scientific validity is often questionable. The speaker mentioned that some quizzes are developed with rigorous scientific processes, but many are not. These quizzes may feel right to individuals due to their face validity, but they may not accurately represent the complexities of the issues they purport to measure. Additionally, the speaker touched upon the topic of autism and the potential increase in its diagnosis. They suggested that the overlapping features between the average person and someone with autism are becoming more common due to technological advancements. However, it's important to note that the validity of the quiz mentioned in the discussion was not explicitly addressed in relation to autism. Overall, the speaker encouraged skepticism towards quizzes and a preference for scientifically validated tests when dealing with complex issues.

    • The impact of technology on empathy and emotional intelligenceThe absence of empathic information in digital interactions can lead to anxiety, social awkwardness, and difficulty interpreting social signals, potentially contributing to a less empathic society.

      The absence of empathic information in our social interactions through technology can lead to anxiety, social awkwardness, and difficulty interpreting social signals. This is because the brain becomes less efficient in interpreting non-verbal cues when we communicate primarily through text or digital platforms. Over time, this can result in a society that is less empathic and emotionally aware, leading to issues like online radicalization and echo chambers. It's important to note that this does not mean we are becoming autistic, but rather that certain faculties associated with autism are being affected. Additionally, the rise of conditions like ADHD and the availability of instant gratification may also contribute to these issues. It's essential to recognize the importance of face-to-face interactions and the role they play in developing empathy and emotional intelligence.

    • Technology use and shorter attention spansIncreased technology use can lead to shorter attention spans and emotional dysregulation. Parents and caregivers should encourage activities promoting focus and emotional regulation.

      Our increasing use of technology, particularly among children, is contributing to shorter attention spans and emotional dysregulation. The prevalence of short-form content and the ease of access to technology can make it difficult for individuals to focus on long-form content or engage in activities that require sustained attention. Furthermore, people may use technology to fulfill emotional needs, leading to unhealthy patterns of use. This can have negative consequences, including decreased cognitive training and potential harm to a child's development. It's essential for parents and caregivers to be mindful of technology use and encourage activities that promote focus, attention, and emotional regulation.

    • Teach children self-control with technology instead of restricting accessParents should teach children self-control with technology rather than restricting access, allowing kids to make decisions and develop good habits.

      Instead of restricting children's access to technology, parents should teach them restraint. This approach not only helps children learn self-control but also allows them to understand the diminishing return on technology usage. It's essential to recognize that technology is here to stay and excessive restriction might lead to rebellion. Instead, parents can ask their children how much they want to use technology and monitor their fun level. By doing this, children learn to make decisions for themselves and develop good technology habits. Additionally, it's important to note that many physical ailments, including restless leg syndrome, have both mental and physical components. Understanding this connection can lead to better overall health and well-being.

    • Understanding Restless Leg Syndrome and Ayurvedic PrinciplesRLS can disrupt sleep and daily life, causing an irresistible urge to move legs. Ayurvedic principles suggest individuals with Vata dosha might be more prone, thriving in dynamic environments instead of stability and routine.

      Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) can significantly disrupt sleep and daily life due to its debilitating effects. The condition causes an irresistible urge to move one's legs, leading to discomfort and sleep interruptions. This condition can be challenging for those sharing a bed and can even wake up sleeping partners. Additionally, Ayurvedic principles suggest that individuals with Vata dosha, characterized by high energy, fidgetiness, and a tendency to get bored easily, might be more prone to RLS. Furthermore, our society's focus on stability and routine might not be the best fit for individuals with Vata dosha, as they thrive in more variable and dynamic environments. Understanding the physical and mental correlations through Ayurvedic principles can help individuals better understand their unique needs and create a more personalized approach to managing their symptoms and overall well-being.

    • Embrace individuality and create an environment that suits usFocus on understanding ourselves and creating an adaptable, open environment for optimal performance and fulfillment. Embrace individual differences and unique qualities.

      Instead of trying to shape ourselves to fit into predefined molds or environments, we should focus on understanding ourselves and creating an environment that suits our unique needs and inclinations. This approach to life allows us to optimize our performance and operate at our best. The speaker's personal experience as a Vata type, who discovered that juggling multiple tasks increased her energy and productivity, highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing our individual differences. In today's society, where there's a constant pressure to conform and be like others, it's essential to remember that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we should be adaptable and open to integrating different philosophies and approaches into our lives, based on the specific moment and context. This approach to life can lead to greater confidence, reduced anxiety, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. Additionally, the speaker's personal story about meeting his wife at summer camp and discovering their connection despite their initial differences, emphasizes the importance of being true to ourselves and embracing the unique qualities that make us who we are.

    • Monks are not defined by celibacy, but by their intent and commitment towards spiritual growthMonks are not just about celibacy, they are individuals committed to spiritual growth. Modern dating can be confusing, and dating apps may not lead to successful relationships. Stay focused on personal growth, intent, and understanding the true nature of spirituality.

      Being a monk or a spiritual aspirant is not about celibacy, but about conquering attachment and lust. The speaker shared his personal experience of being in a relationship while considering himself a monk, which led to confusion. He realized that monks are not defined by their celibacy, but by their intent and commitment towards spiritual growth. The speaker also discussed the challenges of modern dating, explaining that dating apps promise to make finding a partner easier but end up making it harder due to the overwhelming number of potential matches. He emphasized that the information collected by dating apps may not necessarily correlate with relationship success. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the importance of being a spiritual aspirant (sadhak) for monks and non-monks alike. He stated that when monks lose their focus on spiritual growth, they may face problems and even abuse. In conclusion, the speaker's insights offer valuable perspectives on relationships, spirituality, and the challenges of modern dating. He emphasizes the importance of intent, personal growth, and understanding the true nature of spirituality.

    • The Science of Connection: Shared Emotional Experiences, 90-Minute Rule, and Values AlignmentSuccessful relationships require shared emotional experiences, a minimum of 90 minutes of interaction, and values alignment over time. Focus on creating emotional connections and minimizing obstacles to build meaningful relationships.

      While dating apps can provide easily collectable data such as hobbies and interests, they don't capture the essential elements that create successful relationships. The science of connection reveals that shared emotional experiences, a minimum of 90 minutes of interaction, and values alignment over time are crucial for forming bonds. The 90-minute rule could be due to various reasons, including the diminishing returns of attraction or the intrigue of leaving something to be desired. Shared emotional experiences, whether positive or negative, help create bonds, and romantic comedies often work well because they tap into our emotional wavelengths. Additionally, relationships thrive when they are free of hassles. So, focus on creating shared emotional experiences and minimizing obstacles to build meaningful connections.

    • Modern dating: Focusing on disqualifying factorsBe open-minded, authentic, and patient in modern dating. Look beyond surface-level attributes and focus on connection and human qualities.

      Modern dating has shifted from a natural, organic process to a highly filtered and criteria-driven experience. People are focusing more on disqualifying factors rather than qualifying ones, leading to a paradox of choice that can make it difficult to form meaningful connections. However, true love often emerges when we look beyond the surface and see the human behind the attributes. It's important to remember that everyone has flaws and red flags, but it's how we respond to them and the connection we feel that ultimately matters. For some people, love can strike quickly and powerfully, while for others it may take time to develop. Ultimately, it's essential to be open-minded, authentic, and patient in the dating process.

    • Infatuation vs Reality in RelationshipsInitial infatuation isn't always a deal-breaker, but getting to know someone beyond their public image and resonating with their values is crucial for forming strong bonds.

      Infatuation with an idea or image of someone, rather than the real person, can be a red flag in relationships. The speaker shares her experience of being infatuated with a podcast host before meeting him, but once she got to know the real him, her feelings deepened. However, it's important to note that initial infatuation isn't necessarily a deal-breaker. In successful relationships, there's usually one perceived "red flag," but it's how we respond to it that matters. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of getting to know someone beyond their public image and resonating with their values. The way people connect in real life, through shared experiences and understanding, is what forms strong bonds, which is something that can't be replicated on a dating app.

    • Relationships evolve over time on dating appsSuccessful relationships require ongoing effort and adaptation, not just initial attraction

      Relationships, including romantic ones, are not something that can be found fully formed on dating apps. Instead, they evolve and grow over time. Initially, there may be infatuation or attraction, but true connection comes from the work put into the relationship. People often search for a finished product on dating apps, but successful relationships require ongoing effort and adaptation. The neurochemistry that drives initial excitement fades over time, and it's essential to understand that the work begins after the initial spark. Relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, are organic and complex, and they cannot be fully captured on a dating app. Instead, they require communication, shared experiences, and a willingness to adapt and grow together.

    • Recognizing and putting effort into relationshipsAcceptance and personal growth are crucial for strong relationships. Consistently prioritize sleep, diet, exercise, and practice acceptance, surrender, and relinquishing desire for a fulfilling life.

      Relationships require effort and acceptance. While they may feel easy at the beginning, they will inevitably become harder as time goes on. However, recognizing this and putting intention into the relationship can actually make it stronger. It's important to find a balance between accepting a person for who they are and knowing when to work on personal growth. Acceptance is not a carte blanche to do whatever you want, but rather an acknowledgment of the present circumstances. This acknowledgment can lead to personal growth and improvement for the sake of the relationship. A meaningful and fulfilling life can be achieved through a consistent sleep schedule, diet, exercise, and the practice of acceptance, surrender, and relinquishing desire. These foundational elements can then be built upon by crafting an environment that supports personal growth and happiness.

    • Understanding the role of relinquishing desire and practicing surrender in personal growthTo build a solid foundation for personal growth, practice mindfulness to increase self-awareness, set standards, impose consequences, and cultivate discipline for healthy habits.

      Building a solid foundation for personal growth starts with physical health, but it's not just about following steps rigidly. Instead, it's essential to understand that relinquishing desire and practicing surrender are crucial components that enable us to take care of our physical needs, such as getting a consistent sleep schedule, proper nutrition, and regular exercise. This may seem counterintuitive, as many people struggle to find motivation to establish healthy habits. However, the key lies in setting standards for ourselves and imposing consequences when we don't follow them. To achieve this, we must first become aware of our thoughts, feelings, and desires through mindfulness practices like meditation. By increasing the quality of our awareness, we can discover the origins of our distractions and develop the discipline required to maintain healthy habits. In essence, the journey to personal growth involves a continuous cycle of awareness, intention, and action.

    • Cultivating Awareness Through Personalized PracticesExplore various meditation techniques and find what resonates with you for increased awareness, while individualized practices may be more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach.

      Meditation is more than just following techniques; it's about cultivating awareness. While techniques like chanting Om can help, they may not work for everyone. Instead, focusing on observing internal experiences, such as vibrations in the body, can increase awareness. The key is to find what works best for each individual. The importance of individualized practices was emphasized, as masters tailored techniques to their disciples, but modern teaching often lacks this personal touch. Awareness can also be raised through psychotherapy, where asking questions can help individuals become more in tune with their emotions and behaviors. Ultimately, the goal is to understand and change our behaviors from within, rather than relying on willpower alone.

    • 51% of people with major depressive disorder may not have recurring episodes after treatmentOver half of people with major depressive disorder may not have recurring depressive episodes after completing treatment, but this is not a definitive number and ongoing support may be beneficial for some.

      While there is no definitive cure for depression, approximately 51% of people with major depressive disorder who complete a course of treatment do not experience depressive episodes five years later. This percentage is based on clinical experience and data from studies. It's important to note that this is not a definitive number, but a trend observed in the field. Additionally, the plurality of people with major depressive disorder have only one episode, and some may benefit from ongoing support. If you're interested in learning more about mental health and wellness, particularly for gamers, you can check out Dr. K's organization, Healthy Gamer, on their website, YouTube channel, or Twitch stream. Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it's important to reach out for help and support.

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    “This Keeps 99% Single!” Dating Expert Exposes The Truth on Divorce, Love, and Cheating.mp4
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    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 30, 2024

    “How To Go From $0 to Millionaire” Leila Hormozi’s Guide To NOT Being Broke

    “How To Go From $0 to Millionaire” Leila Hormozi’s Guide To NOT Being Broke
    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED   Range Rover Sport: Start designing your Range Rover Sport today at https://www.LandRoverUSA.com Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard   FOLLOW LEILA HORMOZI: https://www.instagram.com/leilahormozi NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Time Stamps : 0:00 - Intro 1:07 - How Leila overcame a troublesome childhood to become successful 8:08 - What was it like to be arrested? 9:11 - How she escaped the bad path she was on. 12:13 - Can you reprogram your fears to motivate yourself? 15:37 - Why Leila doesn't speak to her mother. 26:01 - How she healed by using logic 30:03 - How can you change your life if you feel stuck? 32:49 - How has studying behavioral psychology contributed to where you are today? 38:52 - How to stop overthinking 41:11 - Leila's 6 life cheat codes 46:27 - How to beat procrastination 48:10 - If you started over, what is the fastest way to make $1,000,000 50:27 - Body positivity movement 56:55 - Current food trends and how they contribute to the obesity epidemic 01:05:26 - Fitness and diet dogma 01:10:05 - Can anyone make it in sales? 01:13:00 - Will AI take over sales? 01:21:30 - Why does Leila want to make $1,000,000,000 01:25:27 - Who is your biggest mentor? 01:28:16 - How does a billionaire act differently from a normal person? 01:31:40 - How are you able to work so much without burning out? 01:38:22 - Thoughts on the current state of the economy 01:42:16 - Managing remote workers 01:43:21 - What is Acquisition.com? 01:47:39 - Thoughts on having children? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 23, 2024

    Justin Waller: The Ultimate Guide to Being High-Value, Rich, and Successful

    Justin Waller: The Ultimate Guide to Being High-Value, Rich, and Successful
    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard https://www.instagram.com/justinwinwaller7/ https://x.com/Waller7J NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:10 - The Best Way To Cold Approach Women 6:50 - Justin Waller’s Background 7:32 - Getting BANNED From YouTube 14:40 - Earning Confidence vs Building Confidence 19:46 - Stop Watching Videos, Start Doing. 28:58 - Has The Entrepreneurial “Grindset” Gone Too Far? 32:20 - How People In Their 20’s & 30’s Are Getting SCREWED 40:25 - Fake Happiness vs Real Happiness 49:51 - “Be Frugal With Things You Don’t Care About & Extravagant With Things You Do” 1:00:23 - High Value vs Low Value Men 1:05:28 - The Disadvantages Of Being Attractive 1:08:32 - The Ultimate Guide To Having Relationships With Women 1:19:18 - The Viral “Break Up Song” W/ The Tate Brothers 1:27:26 - How To Get Out Of “The Friend Zone” & Get Back W/ An Ex 1:32:33 - How To Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You 1:47:42 - Bro Code 1:53:37 - Fasting & Getting A 6 Pack 2:04:01 - Justin Waller’s Gym Routine 2:10:49 - How “Failing” Is The Real Key To Success 2:14:20 - How To Handle Your Emotions As A Man 2:19:18 - Story: Justin Waller’s Dog Passing Away 2:25:07 - The Importance Of Religion 2:26:40 - Justin Waller Breaks Down His Businesses 2:29:31- How Much Does Justin Work? 2:38:48 - Justin On Online Hate 2:40:47 - The Time Justin Met Donald & Baron Trump 2:47:54 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 16, 2024

    “Time Is Running Out!” Peter Schiff on Buying Bitcoin, Dumping Gold, & Getting Rich!

    “Time Is Running Out!” Peter Schiff on Buying Bitcoin, Dumping Gold, & Getting Rich!

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard FOLLOW PETER SCHIFF: https://schiffgold.com/ https://x.com/PeterSchiff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjuLiLHdFxYtFmWlbTGQRQ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Peter’s Viral Street Interviews - 0:41 What Nobody Is Listening To - 7:35 The Upcoming Housing Market Collapse - 9:44 Renting is Better Than Owning - 16:18 Homes Are A TERRIBLE Investment - 22:43 Will Home Prices Go Down? - 26:02 Why Peter is Against US stocks - 26:50 Why People Spend Money - 33:35 The US Dollar as a "Reserve Currency” - 36:39 China- 41:04 How to Actually FIX the US economy - 45:09 The Lady Who Got RICH Off Social Security - 48:47 How To Help People Who CAN’T Help Themselves - 53:36 Bankruptcy - 59:12 Bitcoin As A Retirement Investment - 1:01:46 What is Bitcoin ACTUALLY worth? - 1:06:46 What it Would Take for Bitcoin to Drop to $100 - 1:09:42 Is Bitcoin a Threat to Gold? - 1:14:44 Is it YOUR FAULT if You're Poor In America? - 1:20:48 What SHOULD the Government Be Responsible For? - 1:24:24 Flat Rate vs Consumption Tax - 1:28:51 $0 Minimum Wage - 1:31:12 Peter’s Advice for Young People - 1:43:52 Peter on Elon Musk's Compensation Package Being Revoked - 1:48:35 Closing Thoughts - 1:49:56 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 09, 2024

    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership Babbel: Visit https://www.Babbel.com/ICH to get up to 60% OFF & learn a new language Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich https://x.com/saylor https://www.hope.com/ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: Intro - 0:00 Michael Saylor’s Background (Starting MicroStrategy) - 1:55 Why Michael Bought $250M in Bitcoin During COVID - 4:25 How To Spot "New Trends" Before They Happen - 19:04 Michael Saylor’s Thoughts On AI - 24:53 Why Your View on Money & Economics Is "Defective" - 36:31 Inflation, War & Collapsing Currencies - 42:20 What Is Bitcoin & Why Is It So Useful? - 55:09 The Biggest Pros & Cons of Bitcoin - 1:02:51 BTC vs ETH - 1:08:50 The Human Condition, Power & Bitcoin’s Place In It All - 1:16:57 The Problem w/ Fiat Money - 1:23:48 How the Government Will Start to Regulate Crypto - 1:37:05 Is It Too Late to Buy Bitcoin? - 1:47:29 The Longevity of Bitcoin - 1:54:57 How Bitcoin Mining Will ALWAYS Have Value - 2:24:02 How Michael Learned All This - 2:34:53 How to Not Take on Too Much at Once - 2:48:05 How It Feels to Lose $6,000,000,000 in a Day - 3:00:11 Closing Thoughts - 3:18:41 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 02, 2024

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED https://www.instagram.com/kevinolearytv NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Why You Shouldn't Become An Entrepreneur - 0:50 Why "Watch Insurance" Is A Scam - 6:14 The BEST First Watch To Get - 11:08 The Most Overrated Watch - 15:38 Why Kevin Fired His Own Mother - 16:59 Kevin O’Leary Explains The Value Of Time - 20:29 What Body Language Tells You About A Person - 28:23 Kevin O'Leary's BEST Shark Tank Investments - 34:08 Why A Morning Routine Is Crucial - 38:11 Pitching A Product VS Pitching Yourself - 50:36 Kevin O'Leary On TikTok Being Chinese Spyware - 54:33 What Is The Role Of The Government? - 58:07 Is Being Poor Your Fault? - 1:02:03 Why The Tax Rate Should Be Flat - 1:06:22 Why California's $20 Minimum Wage Is A Huge Mistake - 1:10:00 Will AI take over the US job market? - 1:10:48 Kevin’s Dating Advice To Jack - 1:15:00 Why Kevin LOVES Business Of Death & Divorce - 1:27:56 Something Most People Don't Know About Kevin O'Leary - 1:30:42 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 27, 2024

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Follow Don Lemon: YouTube @TheDonLemonShow Twitter / X: https://x.com/donlemon/ Instagram:   / donlemonofficial   Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Does Mainstream Media Divide People On Purpose? - 1:37 How Self-Reporting "Neutral Networks" Are A Big Problem - 8:43 Why CNN Is The "Most Trusted News Source" - 12:04 Why Don Was Fired From CNN - 15:48 Don Lemon on "X" As A News Source - 17:59 Do Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes? - 22:48 Should There Be Billionaires? - 24:16 Is Don Lemon A Patriot? - 25:41 Is Social Media Moderation A Violation Of Free Speech? - 26:06 Don Explains His Disagreement W/ Elon Musk On "Free speech" - 32:46 Should People Listen To The News? - 38:55 Don Lemon Explains Why “The Elon Musk Interview" Went Well - 40:10 How Don ALMOST Signed A Contract W/ Elon Musk - 44:53 How Don Prepped For The Elon Musk Interview- 57:44 Don Explains The Dangers Of Echo Chambers - 1:04:29 How Tucker Carlson Could’ve Interviewed Putin Better - 1:10:26 Common Misunderstandings About Don Lemon - 1:12:00 Don Clarifies His Controversial Comment: "White Men Are the Biggest Terror Threat" - 1:16:30 Rapid Fire Questions About “The Republican Party” - 1:19:28 Closing Remarks - 1:22:32 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 21, 2024

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis    / @insidetruecrime   NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 The First Fraud Mathew Cox Ever Committed - 3:24 Matt’s Secret To Staying Calm Under Pressure - 12:34 Exploring Matt Cox's History with Fraud - 18:00 How Much Money Matt Was Making From His First Scam - 24:14 Matthew Starts His Own Fraudulent Brokerage - 30:16 Getting Caught By The FBI (Wearing A Wire) - 48:03 Why Criminals ALWAYS Turn In Their Accomplice - 58:52 Matt Cox On Cheating and His CRAZY Ex Wife - 1:06:51 Making Synthetic Identities & Buying Houses W/ Them - 1:11:16 How To Make A Living After 13 Years In Prison - 1:46:07 How Matthew’s Henchmen Started Getting Arrested - 1:55:31 What It's Like To Be "On The Run" - 2:06:43 Matt Almost Gets Caught At The Bank - 2:16:58 Why Matt Started Stealing Homeless People’s Identities - 2:23:42 Matt’s Scheme Begins To Unravel - 2:28:23 Running From The Secret Service & Fleeing To Tennessee - 2:53:33 Matt’s Big Mistake: A New Girlfriend - 2:56:42 Matt Gets Caught - 3:06:38 The Lawyer In Prison Who Stole $200 Million From The Federal... - 3:36:14 Matt Cox On Meeting His Ex Wife - 4:01:24 Why It’s Easier To Commit Worse Crimes After You’ve Done One - 4:08:47 The Real Story Behind The Movie "Catch Me If You Can" - 4:13:14 How The Fraud Matt Cox Committed Could've Been Stopped - 4:15:21 Matt Cox Teaches Jack How To Get A Girlfriend - 4:18:23 Closing Thoughts - 4:25:50 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 14, 2024

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Ahrefs: Sign up for Ahrefs Free Webmaster Tool at https://www.ahrefs.com/awt Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Subscribe to @mikhaila Mikhaila Peterson Here Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Intro - 0:00 What It Is Like Growing Up With Jordan Peterson As Your Father - 1:20 Don't Listen To Stupid Rules - 5:51 How Jordan's VIRAL Argument Impacted The Peterson Family - 7:27 Why Mikhaila ONLY Eats Steak - 12:31 How Mikhaila Knew She Was Depressed - 13:22 Can Depression Be Solved For Anybody? - 16:12 How Diet Cured Mikhaila's Depression - 17:31 Mikhaila Explains 'The Lion Diet' - 20:54 The Ideal Diet For The Average Person - 41:06 How Mikhaila Prepares Her Steaks - 42:12 Mikhaila's Thoughts On Veganism - 42:54 Why Mikhaila & Jordan Are So Controversial - 43:41 Mikhaila On 'The Sunday Times' Hit Piece & Negative Media - 49:38 Why Billionaires Support Media Publications - 52:40 Why Mikhaila Has ZERO TRUST For The Medical System - 59:11 Depression vs Deep Sadness - 1:04:45 How The "Trans Issue" Has Gotten Out Of Hand - 1:07:57 The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children - 1:10:36 Mikhaila's Relationship W/ God & Religion - 1:13:58 Mikhaila On Her Dad - Jordan Peterson - 1:21:56 Does Mikhaila Feel Like She Is Living In Her Father's Shadow? - 1:23:49 Is Modern Dating Screwed? - 1:27:11 Why Mikhaila Got Married After ONLY 3 Months - 1:35:14 The Advantages Of Working With Your Spouse - 1:40:53 What Divorce Taught Mikhaila - 1:44:01 Is It Good To Be Brutally Honest? - 1:49:08 Closing Thoughts - 1:59:03 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Prolon: Go to https://prolonlife.com/ich for 10% off their 5-day nutrition program https://www.youtube.com/@FlashShelton https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-elderly-remove-their-squatters NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Why Flash Started Hunting Squatters 5:12 - The Type Of Person Who “Squats” 8:56 - How Flash Got Squatters Out Of His Mom’s House 12:41 - How Much It Costs to Remove A Squatter 17:25 - The ONE WAY To Stop Squatters 23:28 - The Common Ways Squatters Are Taking Homes Right Now 26:33 - It’s ILLEGAL For Homeowners To Do This… 28:55 - The Commonalities Between People Who Squat 31:16 - How Flash Gets Squatters To Leave 37:05 - What Flash CAN vs CAN’T Do To Get Rid Of Squatters 40:12 - How This Old Woman’s Caregiver Ruined Her Life 42:58 - The Adam Fleishman Squatter Story *SUPER SAD* 52:20 - Why Suing A Squatter Is Nearly Impossible 56:12 - How YOU Can Protect Your Property From Squatters 59:42 - Flash’s Thoughts On Florida Taking A Stand Against Squatting 1:03:36 - How Do Squatters Pick A House? 1:09:01 - Why Lease Agreements Aren’t Treated Like Contracts 1:14:06 - ‘Getting Rid Of Squatters’: How Flash’s Business Works 1:19:17 - The Hardest Squatter Flash Has Ever Tried To Remove 1:24:52 - Backlash Flash Has Received For Removing Squatters 1:27:33 - Squatter In Hollywood Hills EXPLOITS AirBnB 1:32:10 - The CRAZIEST Squatter Situation Flash Has Dealt With 1:36:14 - The Person Trying To SCAM Flash For $100,000?! 1:46:09 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    59. Are Emotional Reactions Good or Bad?

    Even though an emotional reaction is neither good nor bad, at the end of the day, it is an energy drainer, leaving you feeling depleted afterward. Worse yet, these situations often lead to conflict with others, leaving you even more exhausted and drained.

    Negative thoughts rush into your head and occupy your mind for hours, for days—maybe even for weeks. Sometimes you can’t easily shake them off or let them go, and with little energy left for anyone or anything else, you feel stuck and lost, blaming the situation and other people for your unhappiness.

    Upon closer look, though, these situations and people seem to repeat in your life. When the cycle of emotional reactions and depletion of your energy continues, you start to feel more stuck, lost, and confused.

    Join the conversation between Elizabeth and Arda to learn more about the reasons behind your emotional reactions and what to do when you find yourself in reactive state of judging others.