
    About this Episode

    Harvey’s Avi Loeb and the Galileo Project - Galileo was born in 1564 was an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer and has been notably called the "father of observational astronomy". He invented the thermoscope and various military compasses, and used the telescope for scientific observations of celestial objects. Galileo’s work lives on today but presented in a different light by Harvard Professor and theoretical physicist, Avi Loeb. Avi Loeb joins Chrissy Newton on "Rebelliously Curious" to talk about the Galileo Project and if maybe, it might just answer the age old question, are we alone?

    Join us, as we get rebelliously curious.

    *You can also watch Chrissy Newton's interview on YouTube at The Debrief.

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    Recent Episodes from Rebelliously Curious: UFOs, Science, Space and Futurism

    Science Behind Science Fiction: Edward Lerner Explores the Interplay of Fact and Sci-fi in Culture of | RC

    Science Behind Science Fiction: Edward Lerner Explores the Interplay of Fact and Sci-fi in Culture of | RC

    Did you know that of the current top five-grossing films of all time, only Titanic is outside the science fiction genre?

    Science fiction isn't just popular; it's central to the history of film in North American culture itself. The move to narrative filmmaking, which defined cinema as we know it today, is widely associated with the work of Georges Méliès around the turn of the 20th century.

    Méliès, an illusionist, saw the potential of film for creating special effects. He experimented with this new technology through a series of fantastical tales. His most influential film, A Trip to the Moon, depicts a group of astronomers traveling to the Moon, exploring its surface, battling its inhabitants, and returning to Earth – all within 15 minutes. This short film pushed the boundaries of what was possible for the medium and shaped the future of cinema. What's remarkable is that A Trip to the Moon came out in 1902, 67 years before Neil Armstrong took one giant leap for mankind. It's a perfect example of how scientific achievements are often first imagined in the realm of fiction. 

    Edward Lerner physicist, computer scientist, science fiction and techno-thrillers novelist deconstructs the Science Behind the Fiction and the intriguing connections between scientific fact and its influence on science fiction within Western culture.

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.


    Watch the YouTube interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oq6-yjbp98

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    Winner of the Canadian Podcast Awards for Best Science Series.

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

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    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com

    Top Canadian Science Podcast: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/canadian_science_podcasts/ 

    Jeffrey J. Kripal UAP, Theology, Science, Religious Tribalism and Humanity's Place in the Cosmos | RC 58

    Jeffrey J. Kripal UAP, Theology, Science, Religious Tribalism and Humanity's Place in the Cosmos | RC 58

    The division between humanities and sciences in the study of UFOs and the exploration of the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos has become a common practice. But why? Why can't either of these fields find common ground in an area of study that no one has a definite answer to?

    Jeffrey J. Kripal, a professor who holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University, joins me in a discussion on various intersections of UAP, Theology and science. Though out of discussion we stubble into our human inherent religious tribalism. Is this hindering our progression of understanding our place in the cosmos in light of potential life elsewhere? And why in Abrahamic regions we view ETs "as us and them, and God is on our side." Meanwhile taking a deeper look at why some experiencers turn to myths and symbols of Christian demonology for answers. 

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.


    Watch the YouTube interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oq6-yjbp98

    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    Winner of the Canadian Podcast Awards for Best Science Series.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com

    Top Canadian Science Podcast: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/canadian_science_podcasts/ 

    UFO Historian David Marler Examines UAPs: Echoes of History Repeating Itself? | RC57

    UFO Historian David Marler Examines UAPs: Echoes of History Repeating Itself? | RC57

    The mystery of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) has captivated UFO historians for over 70 years. Do recent UAP developments within the government and the media mirror past events, suggesting a repetition of history? Have we failed to learn from our past mistakes? David Marler, an author, UFO historian, and the Founder of the National UFO Historical Records Center, analyzes how current UAP developments compare to historical events and examines materials recently obtained by The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in his collection.

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.

    National UFO Historical Records Center - https://nufohrc.org/

    Watch the YouTube interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oq6-yjbp98

    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    Winner of the Canadian Podcast Awards for Best Science Series.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com

    Top Canadian Science Podcast: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/canadian_science_podcasts/ 

    Jacques Vallée Examines the Simultaneous Emergence of AI and UAP | RC 56

    Jacques Vallée Examines the Simultaneous Emergence of AI and UAP | RC 56

    Nowadays, the average person and the mainstream media are intrigued by the concepts and rise of AI and UAP. Are there parallels in the simultaneous rise of these two subjects?

    Jacques Vallee, notable computer scientist, author and ufologist delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence and the unexplained. Throughout his career, Jacques has witnessed the evolution of AI and UAP research. From AI’s humble beginnings to its current state, he has seen it grow and transform into a powerful tool with both exciting possibilities and concerning implications. We'll delve into his thoughts on the current state of AI and UAPs, exploring what excites him but also concerns him about their present and future state. 

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.

    Watch the YouTube video of this interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmhzZ-_NSs&t=1s

    Read Jacques Vallée opinion piece - https://thedebrief.org/opinion-non-human-intelligence-at-the-threshold/


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

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    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/

    Biological, ethical, and social considerations of Cloning and CRISPR | RC 55

    Biological, ethical, and social considerations of Cloning and CRISPR  | RC 55

    Today, we're diving into the depths of cloning, not just as a scientific marvel, but as a gateway to broader ethical questions brought forth by advancements like cloning, CRISPR and other genetic engineering technologies. As we navigate this complex topic, we'll ponder the implications of manipulating human and possibly animal tissues. Are we on the brink of redefining what it means to be human? Should we limit our focus to human cloning, or should we expand our scope to encompass all aspects of genetic modification and enhancement?

    Join Paul Root Wolpe Ph.D., Director of the Center for Ethics at Emory University and I as we embark on a journey through the realms of science, ethics, and the very essence of life itself. Join us as we get rebelliously curious.

    Watch the YouTube video of this interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmhzZ-_NSs&t=1s


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

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    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/

    $5 Billion Plan to Address Southwest Water Shortages: Could a Pipeline Save Drought-Stricken States? | RC 54

    $5 Billion Plan to Address Southwest Water Shortages: Could a Pipeline Save Drought-Stricken States? | RC 54

    On June 4 of this year, The Washington Post penned an article with the headline, Arizona and southwest states grapple with water shortages, drought. With the understanding that the American southwest is parched.

    What are experts in the field doing to combat this issue? And is it true that all states such as Arizona are affected by water shortages?

    Sarah Porter, the head of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University, explains the ambitious $5 billion proposal by an Israeli company to transport ocean water from the Gulf of California to Arizona through a pipeline. Sarah examines the advantages and disadvantages of this plan, shedding light on the water issues in the Southwest and providing valuable perspectives on the matter. 

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.


    Watch the YouTube video of this interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmhzZ-_NSs&t=1s


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/

    Mexican Congress Unveils 'Alien' Mummies: A Deep Dive into the Anthropology of Searching for ET | RC 53

    Mexican Congress Unveils 'Alien' Mummies: A Deep Dive into the Anthropology of Searching for ET | RC 53

    ​The ideas of aliens and UFOs have played a role in shaping human culture. But what about biological aspects of anthropology in relation to the theoretical existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs? In this episode, Dr. Michael P. Masters, a Professor of Biological Anthropology at Montana Tech., shares his insights on the Mexican Congress unveiling alleged 'Alien' Mummies and explores the impact of aliens and UFOs on human culture throughout history. Along with touching on his theory that "Aliens" could be future human descendants as time travellers. 

    Join us as we get rebelliously curious.


    Watch the YouTube video of this interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmhzZ-_NSs&t=1s


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/

    Resilience in Low-Income Children: Brain's Stochasticity Spurs Unique Adaptations | RC 52

    Resilience in Low-Income Children: Brain's Stochasticity Spurs Unique Adaptations | RC 52

    With empirical data, children from low socioeconomic environments adapt to tough situations in unique ways from higher randomness in the brain. The "adaptive stochasticity hypothesis" is a fancy way of saying that in life, different situations can lead to many different outcomes, and sometimes people adapt to tough situations in unique ways. It's all about how we deal with challenges and end up in various places.

    Sofia Carozza, Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard Medical School deconstructs her team's recent paper on randomness and neurodevelopmental outcomes, and how neurodiversity and genomic differences from Ancestral trauma or intergenerational trauma held within our DMA could play a part in higher randomness in the brain. 

    Join as we get rebelliously curious.


    Read the paper here: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073...

    Watch the YouTube video of this interrview here: ://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

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    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/


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    Earth to Receive Enigmatic Alien Transmission from Mars – Can We Decode the Message? | RC51

    Earth to Receive Enigmatic Alien Transmission from Mars – Can We Decode the Message? | RC51

    How would cultures around the world react if we received a message from an ET civilization? Daniela de Paulis, an award-winning media artist and licensed radio operator who currently serves as Artist in Residence at the SETI Institute and the Green Bank Observatory, has brought together a team of international experts, including SETI researchers, space scientists, and artists, to stage her latest project, A Sign in Space. This revolutionary presentation of global theater aims to explore the process of decoding and interpreting an extraterrestrial message by engaging people from around the world. This process requires global cooperation, bridging a conversation around SETI, space research and society across multiple cultures and areas of expertise.

    Join as we get rebelliously curious.

    Watch the YouTube video of this interrview here: ://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/


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    Seth Shostak on NASA's UFO exploration, David Grusch whistleblower perspective and ET encounter protocols | RC 50

    Seth Shostak on NASA's UFO exploration, David Grusch whistleblower perspective and ET encounter protocols | RC 50

    Exploring the prospect of our first encounter with extraterrestrial life is a captivating endeavour. In this episode, guest Seth Shostak, an accomplished astronomer and author, who presently serves as the senior astronomer at the renowned SETI Institute. Together, we'll delve into the intriguing questions surrounding what first contact with ET might look like and sound like. Additionally, Seth will share his academic insights, touching upon the intriguing claims made by whistleblower David Grush and NASA's recent engagement in the study of UFOs. Seth and I discuss the possibilities and implications of contact with intelligent beings beyond our planet.

    Join as we get rebelliously curious.


    Watch the YouTube video of this interrview here: ://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 


    Follow Chrissy Newton:

    Website: https://chrissynewton.com/ 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM32gjHqMnYl_MOHZetC8Eg 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beingchrissynewton/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissynewton?lang=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeingChrissyNewton 

    Chrissy Newton's Website: https://chrissynewton.com/


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