
    About this Episode

    The purpose of this episode is to explore hope and encouragement in difficult times of loss and determine how to best mend our broken hearts. Humans tend to run from suffering but we are designed for impact and connection. Allowing ourselves to have grief and to feel sadness is key when we experience a loss. To regain our energy and transcend a disappointment, we need to do the inner work and process our thoughts to calm our minds. Preparing ourselves for the person we will be on the other side of grief is a healthy part of the grieving process.

    To unpeel integral parts of the process, Positive Psychology podcast host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two grief specialists who wrote books about their journeys through grief. Dr. Gail Gross encourages embracing grief as part of a healthy healing process, and Gary Roe shares the physical, mental, and emotional ways grief may leak out even when we are unaware of it. 

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