
    Hasty Treat - Developing Better Habits

    enSeptember 30, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Improving focus through intentional habitsMinimize distractions with Alfred tasks, prioritize error management with Sentry, and maintain focus with intentional habits and systems.

      Developing good habits as a developer can significantly improve productivity and overall work quality. In this episode of Syntax, Scott Jelinski and Wes Bos discussed their personal experiences with building habits and shared strategies for creating effective routines. One habit Scott has been working on is improving focus by minimizing distractions. He uses an Alfred task to quit all unnecessary applications when working on a specific project. Wes, who recently returned from a conference, emphasized the importance of using tools like Sentry to efficiently manage errors and exceptions in production software. They also discussed the value of being mindful of distractions and setting up systems to help maintain focus. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of intentionality and dedication in developing and sticking to productive habits.

    • Improving focus and productivity through habits and minimizing distractionsUsing efficient workflows, quitting and reopening apps, tracking daily habits, and prioritizing tasks can help improve focus and productivity.

      Developing good habits and minimizing distractions can significantly improve focus and productivity. The speaker discussed using an Alfred command to quit and reopen specific applications while recording, which has made his workflow more efficient. He also shared his struggle with developing the habit of daily flossing, which he overcame by using an app to keep track of his progress. The speaker emphasized the importance of making small changes each day to establish new habits, such as scheduling time efficiently and prioritizing tasks. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of simple yet effective strategies for enhancing focus and productivity.

    • Effective time management habitsScheduling tasks and reducing context switching can lead to a more productive and efficient use of time.

      Effective time management is crucial for productivity and success. The speaker shared two habits that they've identified as areas for improvement: getting stuck on insignificant tasks and mindless context switching. To combat wasting time on trivial matters, they've started scheduling their day with a calendar, allocating specific blocks of time for different tasks. This not only makes their day more structured but also requires self-discipline to stick to the schedule. The second habit they're working on is reducing mindless context switching, such as aimlessly browsing social media or marketplaces. To overcome this, they plan to replace it with a more productive habit, like focusing on a single task at a time or taking short breaks throughout the day. Another area they're addressing is reducing overall screen time. By intentionally leaving their phone or other devices in certain places, they hope to minimize distractions and increase focus. These habits, when practiced consistently, can lead to a more productive and efficient use of time.

    • Creating meaningful moments through mindful practicesLimiting screen time and incorporating authentic music, photo displays, and digital picture frames can enhance family bonding and create present moments.

      Limiting screen time and incorporating mindful practices can enhance family bonding and present moments. The speaker shared their experience of leaving their phone in specific spots and reducing TV time for their child, Landon. They also introduced playing authentic music during meals instead of having the TV on as background noise. A recent addition to their routine is using Google Photos as a slideshow on their TV during breakfast, which keeps the kids engaged and encourages reminiscing. Additionally, they use Google Home devices as digital picture frames, allowing Landon to interact with the photos. These changes have helped the family break their habit of constant screen usage and create more meaningful moments together.

    • Make habits trackable for better progressUse habit tracking apps like Done or Loop Habit Tracker to make habits visible, monitor progress, and receive reminders for consistent practice.

      Building habits is an essential part of personal growth and productivity, but our brains can sometimes make it challenging. A key strategy to overcome this is to make habits trackable. This can be done through the use of habit tracking apps, such as Done or Loop Habit Tracker. These apps allow you to quantify your habits and monitor your progress through clear visual indicators. The simplicity and effectiveness of these apps make them powerful tools for building and maintaining new habits. By using a habit tracking app, you can gain clarity on what needs to be done, and the satisfaction of seeing progress can help keep you motivated. Additionally, the apps can provide reminders and notifications to help ensure consistency. So, if you're looking to build new habits, consider making them trackable with the help of a habit tracking app.

    • Find a simple and quantifiable habit tracking methodUse a clean interface habit tracker or calendar to make tracking habits easy and consistent. Start with small, achievable goals and seek accountability through sharing progress with others or setting up reminders.

      When it comes to tracking and developing new habits, it's essential to find a method that is both quantifiable and simple enough for you to stick with consistently. The user in the discussion shares her experience with an RPG-style habit tracking app, which she found to be too complex for her needs. As a result, she didn't use it regularly and didn't see the progress she desired. Instead, she suggests using a simple and easy-to-use tool, such as a calendar or a habit tracker app with a clean interface. Another crucial factor in developing habits is making them small and achievable. Setting lofty goals can be discouraging, and it's essential to start with manageable tasks. For instance, instead of aiming to learn a new programming language from scratch, try focusing on learning a new concept or building a simple project each day. Lastly, accountability plays a significant role in developing and sticking to new habits. Sharing your goals and progress with a friend or family member can help keep you motivated and on track. Additionally, setting up reminders or notifications can serve as gentle nudges to help you stay focused on your habits.

    • Using a kitchen safe to limit distractions and replace bad habitsConsider using a kitchen safe or other methods to limit distractions and replace bad habits with productive activities. Have a list of alternative tasks to keep focused and improve overall well-being.

      Finding ways to limit distractions and replace bad habits with good ones can significantly improve productivity and overall well-being. The speaker shared her experience with using a kitchen safe, called a kSafe, to keep herself away from her phone for set periods of time. This gadget, which locks and can only be opened after a specified time, helps her stay present and focused when needed. However, it's essential to consider the potential consequences, such as emergencies, before using it. Another strategy she mentioned was replacing a bad habit, like constantly checking Twitter, with a good one, such as designing a sticker or replying to emails. By having a list of alternative activities, she can take short breaks and return to her work with renewed energy and focus.

    • Understanding the reason behind a habit and finding a sustainable replacementIdentifying the root cause of a habit and replacing it with a healthier alternative that is enjoyable and sustainable can lead to significant improvements in one's life. Celebrate wins with small rewards, maintain a streak, set achievable goals, and use self-imposed constraints to maintain progress.

      Identifying and understanding the reason behind a habit, and replacing it with a healthier alternative, can lead to significant improvements in one's life. Using the example of replacing a pop habit with green tea and water, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a replacement that is enjoyable and sustainable. Additionally, celebrating wins productively is crucial to maintaining progress. Instead of indulging in unhealthy treats or behaviors, one should find small rewards or treats that don't hinder progress. Keeping a streak alive, setting achievable goals, and using self-imposed constraints are other effective strategies for maintaining healthy habits. Overall, the key is to approach habit-forming and habit-breaking with a mindset of sustainability and productivity.

    • Tips for Building Good HabitsTo build good habits, take action by tracking progress, replacing old habits, and consistently making the effort. Resources like 'Atomic Habits' and 'Power of Habit' can provide valuable insights.

      Building good habits requires action. According to the speaker, there are numerous resources, such as the books "Atomic Habits" and "Power of Habit," that provide valuable insights into habit formation. However, the key is not just to think or talk about making a change, but to actually make the effort and follow through. This involves tracking progress, replacing old habits, and consistently making the movement towards your goal. The speaker emphasizes that while it may not be easy, the habits you want to develop are not impossible to achieve. If you have any recommendations for books, techniques, or apps that have helped you build good habits, share them with the community. Remember, the most important thing is to take action and not just think about making a change.

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    Sick Picks

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    Why is Minimalism so Important? 


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    When you live your life with clear intent, you'll discover that the pursuit of happiness you dream of is not only possible, it's absolute. 


    Kinky Links From the Episode

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    Sweet-Ass Affirmations: Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind

    Shownotes & Other Podcast Episodes

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    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY


    Be inDISTRACTable!

    Nir Eyal writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Nir previously taught as a Lecturer in Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford.

    Nir co-founded and sold two tech companies in 2003 and was dubbed by The M.I.T. Technology Review as, “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology.”

    He is the author of two bestselling books, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life.

    Indistractable received critical acclaim, being named one of the Best Business and Leadership Books of the Year by Amazon and one of the Best Personal Development Books of the Year by Audible. The Globe and Mail called Indistractable, “the best business book of 2019.”

    In addition to blogging at NirAndFar.com, Nir’s writing has been featured in The New York Times, The Harvard Business Review, Time Magazine, and Psychology Today.

    Nir is also an active investor in habit-forming technologies. Some of his past investments include Eventbrite (NYSE:EB), Anchor.fm (acquired by Spotify), Kahoot! (KAHOOT-ME.OL), Canva, Refresh.io (acquired by LinkedIn), Product Hunt, Marco Polo, Presence Learning, 7 Cups, Pana, Byte Foods, FocusMate, Shadow, Dynamicare, Wise App, and Cutback Coach.

    Nir attended The Stanford Graduate School of Business and Emory University.


    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode—as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode—at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.  

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    ✔ How To Stay The Course Even When It’s Hard

    ✔ Adjustments You Can Make To Accommodate Other Activities

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    To access resources and links from this episode, click on Show Notes.

    Oh and whenever you’re ready, here are four great ways to improve your time management and elevate your productivity:

    #1 Grab my FREE mini training Take Back Your Time!

    #2  Get instant on-demand access to my Conquer Your Email Masterclass

    #3  Sign up for my Time Management Made Simple program waitlist [coming soon!]

    #4 Book a Discovery Call to see if 1:1 coaching is a right fit for you and your business.

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    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition

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