
    Hasty Treat - JavaScript Event Buzzwords — Sync, Concurrent, Defer, Blocking, Workers

    enJuly 05, 2021
    What is the main focus of the Syntax episode?
    How does Century.io assist developers with error tracking?
    What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous writing?
    What problem does render blocking create for web performance?
    How are concurrent and parallel processing different in JavaScript?

    Podcast Summary

    • JavaScript Buzzwords: Synchronous vs Asynchronous, Multithreaded, Concurrent, Parallel, Consecutive, Waterfall, Callback Blocking, Async, Defer, and LazyUnderstanding JavaScript buzzwords like synchronous, asynchronous, multithreaded, concurrent, parallel, consecutive, waterfall, callback blocking, async, defer, and lazy can improve your web development skills by clarifying how code is executed and processed.

      During this episode of Syntax, Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott, El Toroloco, discussed some JavaScript terms that can be confusing for developers of all levels. They referred to these terms as "buzzwords" or "jargon," and they acknowledged that understanding their meanings can be challenging. The episode was sponsored by two companies: Century.io and FreshBooks. Century.io was praised for its error tracking feature, which allows developers to filter, save, mark as resolved or ignored, and assign errors to specific team members. The team encouraged using the coupon code "tasty treat" for a discount when signing up. FreshBooks was highlighted for its cloud-based accounting solution, which ensures that important information is not lost even if a computer crashes or data is not backed up. FreshBooks offers a 30-day free trial with no credit card required. The team then delved into explaining various JavaScript terms. Synchronous and asynchronous refer to the order in which code is executed. Multithreaded, concurrent, and parallel describe how code is processed. Consecutive and waterfall indicate the sequence of tasks. Callback blocking, async, defer, and lazy are related to how functions are invoked. Overall, the episode aimed to clarify these terms and make web development more accessible for developers.

    • Understanding JavaScript's Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Threading ConceptsJavaScript uses both synchronous and asynchronous processes. Synchronous processes are executed one after another, while asynchronous processes allow multiple tasks to run concurrently. JavaScript has been single-threaded but recent advancements like Web Workers enable handling complex tasks.

      JavaScript uses both synchronous and asynchronous processes to execute code. Synchronous processes are executed one after another, with each step completing before the next one begins. This is like doing tasks one at a time, where you finish one before starting the next. Asynchronous processes, on the other hand, allow multiple tasks to run concurrently. This is like doing multiple things at once, such as listening to music, preparing an email, and watching a YouTube video. Most JavaScript operations are asynchronous, but developers can use tools like callbacks or the await keyword to make asynchronous functions behave synchronously for better flow control. Another important concept is threads, which deal with how the CPU processes information. Multithreaded languages allow you to spin off parallel processes, enabling multiple tasks to run at the same time. However, JavaScript has been single-threaded for a long time, meaning that there is only one main thread. This was also the case for web browsers, where each tab ran on the same thread. This single-threaded nature of JavaScript can make it challenging for handling complex tasks, but recent advancements, such as Web Workers, have started to change that. Understanding the difference between synchronous, asynchronous, and threads is crucial for effective JavaScript development. By knowing when to use each, you can write more efficient and performant code.

    • Understanding JavaScript's one process and blocking conceptsOne process per tab system improves browser performance, while blocking can negatively impact it. JavaScript's non-blocking nature makes it suitable for server-side apps, and render blocking can slow down page loading. Placing script tags near the closing body tag helps mitigate render blocking.

      The evolution of modern browsers led to the implementation of a one process or one thread per tab system, which improved browser performance by preventing one tab from monopolizing system resources. This concept is essential in understanding how JavaScript handles multithreading through web workers. Web workers enable background processing, allowing the page to remain responsive even during heavy computations. Another crucial concept is the idea of blocking in JavaScript. Blocking refers to the halting of other page elements from running, which can negatively impact page performance and user experience. Most JavaScript operations are non-blocking, making it an attractive choice for creating server-side applications. Render blocking is a specific type of blocking that occurs when a script tag is placed in the head of an HTML document. This practice can prevent the page's content from being downloaded and parsed, resulting in a slower loading time for the user. To mitigate this issue, developers often place script tags just before the closing body tag. In summary, understanding the one process per tab system and the concept of blocking in JavaScript is essential for optimizing web application performance and delivering an enjoyable user experience.

    • Understanding synchronous vs asynchronous file writing in Node.jsSynchronous file writing blocks the rest of the code, potentially slowing down the server. Asynchronous file writing allows the rest of the code to continue running while the file is being written in the background. JavaScript is concurrent by nature, handling multiple tasks concurrently but processing them sequentially.

      JavaScript's fs.writeFile function can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous writing blocks the rest of the code from executing until the file is written, which could potentially slow down your server if dealing with large files or numerous requests. Asynchronous writing, on the other hand, allows the rest of the code to continue running while the file is being written in the background. Another important concept discussed was the difference between concurrent and parallel. Using a sandwich shop metaphor, concurrent is like having one line for customers where they serve one person at a time, while parallel is having separate lines for different tasks to be executed simultaneously. JavaScript is concurrent by nature, meaning it can start and stop tasks concurrently, but the actual processing happens sequentially. Understanding these concepts can help improve the performance and efficiency of your JavaScript applications.

    • Understanding Concurrent and Consecutive Processing in Asynchronous FunctionsConcurrent processes run at the same time and handle in order of return, while consecutive processes complete one before the other. Both can be synchronous or asynchronous. Callbacks, an older method, can lead to complex flow control issues known as 'callback hell' and are less commonly used in favor of promises and async/await.

      There are different ways to handle asynchronous functions in programming, and two common methods are concurrent and consecutive. Concurrent processes are executed at the same time but are handled in the order they return. This is different from consecutive or waterfall processes, where one process is completed before the next one begins. Both methods can be asynchronous or synchronous. Callbacks, a third method, are functions that execute after other functions have finished. They were popular before the widespread use of promises and async/await, but they can still be found in older code and in certain use cases like streaming data or APIs. While callbacks are not deprecated, they are less commonly used due to issues with complex flow control, which is known as "callback hell." Instead, modern programming favors promises and async/await for handling asynchronous functions.

    • Managing Asynchronous Tasks with Bluebird Q and Sync JSBluebird Q manages concurrent tasks with promises, improving readability over callbacks. Sync JS simplifies asynchronous code with synchronous promises, making it more intuitive for complex tasks.

      Both Bluebird Q and sync JS libraries are useful for managing asynchronous tasks in JavaScript, but they serve different purposes. Bluebird Q, which is based on promises, allows running a specified number of tasks concurrently and automatically picking the next task once the previous one is completed. It's an improvement over callbacks as it eliminates the need for nested callbacks and makes the code more readable. However, with the advent of async/await, Bluebird Q is less frequently used. On the other hand, sync JS is a library that uses synchronous promises, allowing developers to write asynchronous code as if it were synchronous. This approach simplifies the code and makes it more intuitive, especially for complex tasks involving multiple asynchronous operations. Another important topic discussed was the script tag async attribute. When using this attribute, the browser waits until the entire page is loaded before executing the script. This is beneficial for scripts that don't need to be executed immediately, as it ensures that the page loads first and doesn't get blocked by the script. Overall, understanding these libraries and their use cases can help developers write more efficient and effective JavaScript code.

    • Impact of async and defer on script loadingAsync scripts load and execute after HTML, while defer scripts download and run after HTML loading. Defer is useful when waiting for specific DOM elements, and scripts in the head can impact page load times. Google Analytics uses an async script and lazy loading is another technique to improve page load times.

      Both async and defer attributes in script tags have different impacts on how scripts are loaded in the browser. Async scripts are downloaded and executed once they finish loading, while defer scripts are downloaded but wait until the entire HTML is loaded before they run. Defer is often preferred when you need to wait for specific DOM elements to be present before running the script. Additionally, scripts in the head or header can block page loading, so it's important to be careful with their order. Google Analytics, for example, uses an async script that doesn't block page loading but doesn't wait for DOM content to load either. Instead, it uses a data layer array to store data before being loaded. Lazy loading is another technique to load scripts or other resources later, improving page load times.

    • Delay loading of heavy contentLazy loading improves website performance and user experience by delaying the loading of non-essential content, such as images or JavaScript components, until they are needed.

      Lazy loading is a technique used to delay the loading of heavy or non-essential content, such as images or JavaScript components, until they are needed by the user. This helps to improve website performance and user experience by reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded initially. Lazy loading is particularly useful for media-heavy or JavaScript-heavy websites, where large files could otherwise slow down the page load time. Apple is an example of a company that effectively uses lazy loading to deliver rich media and functionality without blocking the entire website during loading. By prioritizing the minimum necessary content for initial page load and then loading additional content as needed, websites can provide a faster and more seamless user experience.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:11 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
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    • 02:30 Scott’s Hack Week project.
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    • 14:47 Other end goals.
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    Sanity - Sponsor

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