
    Hasty Treat - Spicy Takeout - PHP Is Good and We’re Just Re-Creating It

    enOctober 04, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Evolution of Web Development: Old Techniques Resurface in New LanguagesStay informed, adapt to new technologies, and recognize the value of the past in web development to succeed.

      The web development landscape is evolving, and we're seeing a resurgence of techniques and technologies that were once popular with languages like PHP, now being recreated in JavaScript. Scott and Wes, the hosts of the Syntax podcast, discussed this topic in their latest episode, jokingly referring to it as a "spicy takeout." They shared their thoughts on the current state of web development, with Scott expressing his recent spicy opinions on React and Svelte. During the episode, they also shared their sponsors, FreshBooks and LogRocket. FreshBooks is a cloud accounting solution for small businesses and freelancers, allowing users to log invoices, send them to clients, and manage expenses. LogRocket, on the other hand, is an error and exception handling service that provides video replay of user sessions, helping developers debug issues more efficiently. As they discussed the evolution of web development, they highlighted the importance of adapting to new technologies and tools while also recognizing the value of the past. They encouraged developers to stay informed and open-minded, as the landscape is constantly changing. In essence, the takeaway is that web development is an ever-evolving field, and it's essential for developers to stay informed, adapt to new technologies, and recognize the value of the past. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and tools is crucial for success.

    • Effective Debugging with LogRocket and the Relevance of PHPLogRocket is a powerful debugging tool that offers insights into user behavior and troubleshoots issues in real-time. PHP and JavaScript share similarities, and PHP continues to be relevant in modern web development.

      LogRocket is a powerful debugging tool that offers features such as a scrubbable video of user interactions, error logs, network requests, and user information. This tool is particularly useful for developers who want to gain insights into user behavior and troubleshoot issues in real-time. The speaker, Wes Bos, also shared his perspective on why PHP, despite its criticisms, continues to be relevant in modern web development. He argued that PHP and JavaScript share similarities, such as the ability to mix template and logic in the same file, and that developers are essentially recreating the best parts of PHP in JavaScript. Bos also mentioned that he has not written PHP code in a long time but appreciates its value. He encouraged listeners to check out LogRocket and offered a 14-day free trial at logrocket.com/forward/syntax. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of effective debugging tools and the ongoing evolution of web development technologies.

    • Blurred lines between logic and templating in PHPSome argue for separation, others find mixing logic and templating in PHP more natural and efficient. PHP's invocation-based nature simplifies testing and deployment, and its vast standard library saves time and effort.

      The blurred lines between logic and templating in programming languages like PHP can be a source of controversy and confusion. While some argue that keeping these elements separate is a best practice, others find it more natural and efficient to mix them. This was a topic of debate around a decade ago, and while some saw it as a departure from established programming principles, others saw it as a logical extension for ease and efficiency. Another key point discussed was the invocation-based nature of PHP, which makes it similar to serverless architecture. Each request in PHP has its own scope, and the script runs independently without the need for starting or stopping a server. This makes testing and deployment more straightforward. Lastly, the massive standard library in PHP was highlighted as a significant advantage. From formatting dates to hashing MD5, resizing images, and even audio bindings, PHP offers a wide range of built-in functionalities that can save developers time and effort.

    • PHP and JavaScript Similarities and Differences in Web DevelopmentBoth PHP and JavaScript have unique strengths and similarities in web development, including URL-based routing, server-rendered components, and accessing input variables. However, there are differences to consider, such as naming conventions and security concerns.

      Both PHP and JavaScript have their unique strengths when it comes to web development. While PHP offers an exhaustive list of bindings for various functionalities, JavaScript is starting to match that with a growing standard library. This means developers can rely less on utility libraries for smaller tasks. Another similarity is the URL-based routing, where the script associated with a specific URL is executed. This approach is becoming more popular, but it also comes with security concerns as it could potentially expose unwanted functionality. Another notable trend is the shift towards server-rendered components, with frameworks like Ruby on Rails' Hotwire, React, and SvelteKit embracing this approach. Additionally, accessing GET and POST input variables directly within scripts is becoming more common in frameworks like Next.js and SvelteKit. Despite these similarities, there are differences, such as naming conventions and security concerns, that developers must consider when choosing between these technologies. Overall, understanding these trends and their implications can help developers make informed decisions about which tools to use for their web development projects.

    • Accessing query params in SveltekitIn Sveltekit, you can access query params from a store or the load function and interpolate variables directly into your code for convenience.

      In Sveltekit, you can access query params from a store or the load function. Variable interpolation is also a major convenience in JavaScript, allowing you to interpolate variables wherever you want in your code instead of concatenating strings. All-in-one frameworks like Laravel have been popular for years, offering templating, auth, and database access in one place. While it's possible to write SQL statements directly in templates, it's not common practice due to security concerns. Despite the advantages of PHP, some developers continue to prefer JavaScript for its simplicity and the fact that it requires less context-switching between client and server environments. The reasons why people dislike PHP can vary widely, from personal biases to practical considerations. Ultimately, the choice between PHP and JavaScript depends on the specific needs and preferences of the developer or development team.

    • PHP: Love or Hate, Depends on Experience and ContextPerceptions of PHP are shaped by personal experiences and context. While it had challenges historically, modern versions and frameworks like Laravel have improved its reputation.

      The perception of PHP, both positive and negative, is shaped by personal experiences and the specific context in which one has worked with it. Some developers may dislike PHP due to past difficulties or bad experiences, while others appreciate its features and the community surrounding it. Historically, PHP had its challenges, such as security vulnerabilities and inconsistent APIs. However, modern versions, like PHP 7 and PHP 8, have addressed many of these issues. For instance, PHP 8 introduces full typing, which was previously a criticism. Moreover, the Laravel framework, built on PHP, has a strong community of developers who are passionate about the technology. They don't push their preferences aggressively, making it an attractive choice for many developers. The dislike for PHP might also stem from the early web era when it was extensively used, and its quirks and vulnerabilities were more prevalent. However, as the technology has evolved, so have the opinions about it. In summary, the love or hate relationship with PHP is a complex one, influenced by individual experiences, the specific context, and the evolution of the technology itself.

    • PHP vs JavaScript: Choosing the Right Tool for the JobJavaScript's flexibility and client-side rendering make it popular for modern apps, while PHP's server-side rendering and shared dependencies have their merits. Both have their place, and the choice depends on the specific use case.

      While PHP has its merits, such as the ability to share dependencies and server render components, JavaScript has become the preferred choice for building modern applications due to its flexibility and ability to run in the browser. The speaker emphasizes the benefits of client-side rendering and routing, which allow for easy page transitions and animations without having to reload the entire page. They also mention the importance of sharing types between the server and client and the growing trend of using JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js for server-side rendering. The speaker shares their personal preference for JavaScript and acknowledges that everyone's app is different, with various use cases for both PHP and JavaScript. They also express some reservations about the performance of Hotwire, a new technology for building modern web applications, but invite correction if they are mistaken. Overall, the conversation highlights the ongoing debate between PHP and JavaScript and the importance of choosing the right tool for the job.

    • Experience with Hey Email ServiceDespite appreciating Hey's mission to simplify email, the speaker found the requirement of creating a new email address a turnoff and shared skepticism towards the idea, concluding that there may be challenges in convincing users to adopt a new email platform.

      The speaker shared his experience of trying out Hey email service but ultimately decided against continuing to use it after his free trial expired. He appreciated the concept behind Hey's mission to simplify email management, but he found the idea of having to create a new email address for it less appealing. He made an analogy to using Google Inbox but requiring a separate email account for it, expressing his skepticism towards the idea. The speaker concluded the discussion by thanking the listeners for tuning in and encouraging them to share their thoughts with the Syntax FM team. Overall, the speaker's feedback suggests that while Hey's mission to improve email management is admirable, there may be challenges in convincing users to adopt a new email platform, especially if it requires significant changes to their existing email setup.

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