
    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of accurate estimates and resource allocation in web developmentIncorrect assumptions about project resources can lead to crashes and downtime. Use effective tools like Sentry for error tracking and ensure proper planning and allocation of resources.

      Underestimating the resources required for a project or assuming incorrect numbers can lead to serious consequences, including crashing databases and shared servers. In this episode of Syntax, the hosts, Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott El Toro Loco, share their spooky development stories, including Scott's experience building a charity system that exceeded the expected number of recipients and crashed a shared database server. The importance of accurate estimates and proper resource allocation cannot be overstated. Another story shared was about an incident where a one-click Magento install on a shared server brought it down due to insufficient memory requirements. Additionally, the hosts emphasized the importance of using error handling tools like Sentry to track and log errors and exceptions, ensuring that developers are aware of issues and can address them promptly. Sentry, a sponsor of Syntax, offers a 2-month free trial for users who sign up using the coupon code "tasty treat." These stories serve as reminders of the importance of proper planning, resource allocation, and the use of effective tools to manage and address issues in web development projects.

    • Mishaps in managing digital assets and preventive measuresBackup backups regularly, test them, have off-site storage, avoid misleading function names, and understand web development basics to prevent potential disasters and maintain digital asset integrity

      Managing digital assets requires careful attention and planning to prevent potential disasters. The speaker shared personal experiences of accidentally overloading servers with database queries and losing backups due to an ex-employee's actions. These incidents resulted in significant downtime and financial losses. To prevent such occurrences, it's essential to backup backups, test them regularly, and have off-site storage. Additionally, avoid naming functions or scripts with misleading or alarming names, as they can unnecessarily alarm users or search engines. The speaker also mentioned the importance of understanding the basics of web development, such as robots.txt files, to avoid unintended consequences. In essence, being proactive and informed can help mitigate potential issues and maintain the integrity and functionality of digital assets.

    • Managing digital assets requires careful attention to detail and settingsMistakes in managing digital assets, like blocking search engines or deleting email accounts, can have significant consequences. Backups and double-checking settings can help mitigate damage. Soft deletion is another strategy to reduce accidental deletion risk.

      Managing digital assets, especially those related to online businesses, requires careful attention to detail and settings. A simple mistake, such as accidentally blocking Google from crawling a website or inadvertently deleting email accounts, can lead to significant consequences. In the first instance, an oversight in the WordPress back end led to a drop in search traffic for a website. In the second instance, an email goof-up resulted in the unintended deletion of email accounts. Both instances serve as reminders of the importance of double-checking settings and being mindful of the potential impact of seemingly minor actions. Another lesson from the discussion is the value of backups. Whether it's website data or email accounts, having a backup can help mitigate the damage caused by unintended changes or deletions. Lastly, the conversation touched upon the concept of soft deletion, where data is marked as deleted but not actually erased, to reduce the risk of accidental deletion. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of being vigilant and proactive when managing digital assets to prevent potential issues and minimize the impact of mistakes.

    • Small mistakes in software development can lead to big problemsMindful and thorough actions are crucial to prevent unintended consequences in software development, such as misaligned calendar start days leading to booking errors or accidentally deleting release branches causing data loss.

      Even small mistakes in software development can lead to significant consequences. In the first example, failing to align calendar start days led to customers booking products on the wrong days for 100,000 users. In the second instance, a developer inadvertently deleted a release branch, causing the loss of an entire release. These incidents highlight the importance of attention to detail and understanding the potential implications of actions. Furthermore, the discussion emphasized the complexity of managing calendars and booking systems, as well as the potential for data loss when merging and deleting branches in version control systems like Git. The interviewee also mentioned the potential danger of the "delete after merge" button and the importance of having a local version before deleting branches. Lastly, the anecdote about replacing boot.bat files at a young age serves as a reminder of the potential impact of seemingly insignificant actions. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being mindful and thorough in software development to avoid unintended consequences.

    • Importance of Proper Coding PracticesNeglecting coding practices can lead to significant issues, such as lack of version control and comments, single letter syntax mistakes, and even site downtime. Proper coding practices include using version control, adding comments, and having a solid foundation in the language's syntax.

      Even in today's digital world, outdated and disorganized coding practices can still cause significant issues. This was exemplified in a situation where a potential client had printed out their spaghetti code on paper due to a lack of version control and comments. Another example was the first production code update at ThinkGeek, where a single letter mistake in syntax caused the entire site to go down. These stories serve as reminders of the importance of proper coding practices and the potential consequences of neglecting them. Furthermore, the discussion also touched upon the evolution of technology and how even small mistakes can lead to major problems. For instance, the ability to take a picture of printed code and have it translated into text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Linters is now a common solution. However, this was not an option in the past, as seen in the examples given. Lastly, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the basics of coding languages and their syntax. In one instance, the confusion between "else if" and "else if space if" in PHP led to a major issue. Therefore, it's crucial for developers to have a solid foundation in the languages they work with to avoid similar mistakes.

    • Hardcoding Important Information Can Lead to Unexpected ConsequencesHardcoding important info can cause unintended results. Be adaptable, test thoroughly, and learn new tech to overcome unexpected challenges.

      Hardcoding important information, such as article names or product details, can lead to unexpected and unwanted consequences. The speaker shared an experience where they had hardcoded article names as "ketchup" in a meal kit startup's development environment instead of using a placeholder text like "lorem ipsum." When the system went live, it ended up selling a large amount of ketchup instead of the intended meal kits. This resulted in confusion for customers and wasted resources. Another story involved a challenging experience with a shipping integration where the developer unintentionally sent all 1,000 orders at once, leading to crashes and delays. This incident forced the developer to learn advanced concepts like promises, generators, and async await to prevent similar issues in the future. The speaker also shared an experience where they and their team were given a project deadline that was suddenly moved up, and they had to quickly learn Angular to build a better system. These experiences highlight the importance of being prepared, testing thoroughly, and being adaptable in the face of unexpected challenges. In summary, hardcoding important information can lead to unintended consequences, and being adaptable and quick to learn new technologies can help developers overcome unexpected challenges.

    • Unexpected rewards for hard workHard work and dedication can lead to unexpected rewards, but job security is uncertain, so keep excelling to avoid being let go. Share spooky stories and consider creating merchandise.

      Hard work and dedication can lead to unexpected rewards. In the discussed podcast episode, the team worked tirelessly to complete a project and were rewarded with a bottle of whiskey. However, they were reminded that their jobs were not secure and they needed to continue to excel in their field to avoid being let go. The team also encouraged listeners to share their own spooky stories and even suggested creating a Love Love Tuts merchandise line. Ultimately, the episode underscores the importance of staying focused and committed to your goals, even in the face of uncertainty. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check out the full archive on Syntax.fm and leave a review or subscribe to the podcast. And don't forget to send in your own spooky stories to wes@wesboss.com or Scott@leveluptuts.com.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
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    • 09:30 Will this work on any NextJS version?
    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

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    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

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    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

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    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    Scott and CJ dive into the world of SQLite Cloud with special guests Brian Holt and Marco Bambini. They explore why SQLite is gaining traction, its unique features, and the misconceptions surrounding its use—let’s get into it!

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
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    • 40:04 How does SQLite actually work?
    • 41:19 Questions about security.
    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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    Ep.115: 3 Common Mistakes Plastic Surgeons Make

    Ep.115: 3 Common Mistakes Plastic Surgeons Make

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    Beauty and the Biz

    3 Common Mistakes Plastic Surgeons Make

    Oftentimes the simplest of things are overlooked the most frequently, yet affect your bottom line more than you realize, so this blog post will cover 3 common mistakes plastic surgeons make in their practice.

    Mistakes in easy, day to day tasks can lead to confusion, chaos, and frustration throughout your office, and impact your plastic surgery practice in a huge way.

    It’s easy to miss what’s not working when you have your hands full and are focused on your patients’ needs, as well as managing staff and performing surgeries.

    See if you are making any of these common mistakes and then address them so your practice and profits flow better.

    MISTAKE #1: Not Having an A-Team Supporting You

    Surrounding yourself with an outstanding team may seem like a daunting task, but ultimately those working for you are vital to your success.

    You may need to evaluate your workplace and ask yourself; Are the people on your team helping or hurting your practice?

    While working as a business and marketing consultant to cosmetic practices for decades, I have seen a wide variety of behaviors that go unchecked and hurt your image. For example:

    • Staff is charming to the surgeon and disagreeable to everyone else; 

    • You think the staff is following up, taking photos, getting consents, but you find out
      it’s not happening;

    • The receptionist is not the right fit for the front desk and is losing callers, and it goes on and on.

    If you have experienced any of these common scenarios, it may be clear that you do not have the right team in place.

    If you have your doubts about who has your back and are questioning their value to your practice, try out the simple exercise of a “Daily Duties” form for one week.

    Beginning on Monday, the members of your team will write down every task they actually perform throughout the day and record the amount of time that it takes for them to complete each task.

    They’ll do this real-time so you get an accurate accounting of what they actually do – NOT what you think they do. On Friday, they will submit the completed form to you.

    By evaluating these forms, you will be able to see who on your team values their time and work by thoroughly filling out their form.

    It will also show you those who rushed through the assignment and carelessly completed the form. You will also see which team members don’t complete it at all, and therefore do not value their work, or you.

    This exercise will give you a better idea of which staff members take their jobs seriously and care about the practice as a whole, as well as those who don’t.

    It will also indicate who does what. So many times, a certain team member was doing certain tasks and when they left the practice, nobody picked up where they left off.

    Or, you have 2 or 3 different team members ordering inventory with no one person responsible so they either order too much or not at all since they assumed someone else would handle it.

    Here’s MISTAKE #2: Not using the resources you already have to attract more patients

    Let’s consider the value of just one of your patients and how they can grow your practice for you.

    On average, a typical cosmetic patient has approximately 200 people such as friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, hair stylists, gym buddies, etc. in their circle of influence.

    Now imagine that your patient refers them to you, and in turn these new patients refer those in their circle of influence and so on.  Your patient database and revenues would grow exponentially with the compounding effect.

    The way to get these word-of-mouth referrals is to set up systems that happen automatically as part of your processes so your patients know you value them and their referrals.

    A great example of this process can be as easy as taking photos of your patients once they are healed and making them readily available to them so they can show off your work to their friends.

    In my book “Your Aesthetic Practice/What Your Patients Are Saying, I asked patients about their before/after photos and here’s what they said:

    • 82% stated they wanted their before/after photos 
    • 76% stated they would have shown them to others, if only they were made available to them

    But to succeed with this, it’s all in the presentation.

    The best time to provide a patient with their photos is at their post-op appointment when they are healed and happy. This is the time when they will be most excited about their results.

    Presented them with A handwritten note thanking them for their trust in you, along with their photos, can speak volumes!

    Be sure to include your name, telephone number, and website in the notecard so their friends can contact you to book their own consultation with you.

    This simple process can be used for both surgical and non-surgical procedures alike.

    Another simple, yet effective process to grow your practice is with the use of gift certificates.

    So many practices offer them, but it seems to be an unspoken secret in your office. How do you change that?

    The best way to market your gift certificates is at checkout with an eye-catching gorgeous display and customized gift bags.

    A sign that reads “Need a Quick Gift?” is sure to grab the attention of those busy patients standing with their wallets out and credit cards in hand.

    Not only does this increase your revenue for the day, but it also introduces a new patient to your practice and it’s convenient for patients needing a quick gift their family and friends will love. 

    And common MISTAKE #3 is Not having a clear patient attraction plan in place

    Something to always remember is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” By failing to plan how you acquire new patients, you are setting yourself up to lose would-be patients to your competition.

    Acquiring these new patients is so much more than just one email, one social media post, one Google ad. It requires a persistent plan that keeps your name in front of your current patients, as well as new perspective patients online looking for cosmetic rejuvenation.

    Because in today’s noisy world, you need up to 31 points of contact to get someone’s attention so you need to be everywhere your preferred prospective cosmetic patients are.

    You need lots of poles in the pond working together. So, in addition to your Website, SEO and google ads, put together a plan that includes lots of other strategies such as:

    • Themed emails
    • Fun social media posts
    • Website banners leading to opt-in pages to collect their name, email & cell phone
    • In-house signage and
    • Texting

    And, once you create your new patient attraction plan, be sure to assign tasks to each team member to ensure things get executed.

    This way, you allow your staff to focus on practice-building in a fun and engaging way, so they feel more part of your success.

    Here’s an example, choose a theme for each month, as well as a marketing plan like this:

    January’s Theme – “Show Off a New You This Year”

    Now make a list of tasks and who is responsible. For example:

    • Google ads for Tummy Tuck and Mommy Makeover (Web Company)
    • Website spotlights with videos explaining Tummy Tuck and Mommy Makeover (Surgeon)
    • Email to Patient List with January tummy tuck special (assigned to Karen) 
    • Social Media Posts – 2x per week (assigned to Sandy) 
    • In-house Signage (assigned to Sue)
    • Add more MM B/A Photos and testimonials to Website (assigned to Ken) 
    • Write a blog post (assigned to Sophia) 
    • Text certain patients your tummy tuck special (assigned to Karen) 

    Now everyone on your team has clarity and focus for January. Just do that every month and see how much better your results are when the plan is clear.

    Once you fix these all-too-common mistakes that are seen throughout plastic surgery offices, you will find that your practice is running more smoothly and effectively.

    If you could use some help fine tuning your practice to run on all cylinders, let’s talk. I can show you how other successful practices handled the roadblocks in their way and are now set up to succeed.

    Just leave me a message at www.catherinemaley.com and I’ll get back to you.

    Ok, that’s it for this week and I hope you got a lot of value from this.

    If so, please subscribe to Beautyy and the biz and share it with your staff and colleagues.

    If you want to talk more about your specific situation, just leave me a message at www.CatherineMaley.com or DM me on Instagram.

    And, if you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to Beauty and the Biz and leave me a review since that helps me reach a larger audience.

    Thanks so much and talk soon!



    Robert Singer, MD FACS- Former Pres. of The Aesthetic Society ➡️

    Grant Stevens, MD FACS-Former ASAPS Pres. ➡️

    E. Gaylon McCollough, MD FACS- Former Pres. of AAFPRS, ABFPRS, AACS ➡️ 

    ​✔️ STAY UPDATED! ✔️
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