
    Podcast Summary

    • Applying Marie Kondo's tidying up method to codeRefine old and new code for better readability, maintainability, and efficiency. Delete unused imports, refactor code, ensure proper indentation, use descriptive variable names, and keep code DRY.

      Just as it's important to keep our physical spaces tidy and organized, it's equally important to maintain clean and efficient code. In this episode of Syntax, hosts Scott Tolinski and Wes Bos discussed the benefits of reviewing and refining old and new code. They emphasized the importance of making code better for yourself and your team. Scott introduced Century.io, a tool that helps developers track errors, exceptions, and bugs. Century integrates with various platforms like GitHub, Heroku, Slack, and more, making it easier to manage and address issues. He particularly appreciated the integration with GitHub, which allows for the creation of GitHub issues directly from Sentry. Drawing inspiration from Marie Kondo's "Tidying Up" Netflix special and book, the hosts applied the Japanese method to code organization. They shared tips for improving code quality during spare hours, such as: 1. Deleting unused imports and files. 2. Refactoring code for better readability and maintainability. 3. Ensuring proper indentation and spacing. 4. Using descriptive variable names. 5. Keeping code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). By following these tips, developers can create a cleaner, more efficient codebase that is easier to navigate and maintain. Scott encouraged listeners to check out Century.io and use the coupon code "tastytreat" for a free 2-month trial.

    • Remove Unused Code for a Leaner CodebaseRegularly review and delete commented-out code and unused CSS to keep your application lean and efficient. Tools like PurgeCSS can help automate the process.

      Keeping unnecessary code in your application, whether it's commented out or unused CSS, can clutter your codebase and make it harder to maintain. It's essential to regularly review and remove any unused or unneeded code to keep your application lean and efficient. During the discussion, the speakers highlighted the issue of commented-out code. It's a common occurrence to keep a block of code commented out, thinking that you might need it later. However, in reality, that code often sits unused, taking up space and potentially causing confusion for other developers. The solution is simple: delete the commented-out code and make a descriptive commit explaining what was removed. Another area of focus was unused CSS. Over time, CSS rules can accumulate, even if they're not being used in the application. This excess CSS can add unnecessary weight to your application and potentially impact performance. To address this issue, it's recommended to regularly review your CSS and remove any rules that are not being used. Tools like PurgeCSS can help automate this process by analyzing your code and removing unused CSS. In summary, regularly removing unused and unneeded code is a crucial aspect of maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. By keeping your codebase lean, you'll make it easier for yourself and other developers to work on the project, improve performance, and reduce potential confusion.

    • Optimize Unused CSS and JavaScript for Better Website PerformanceRegularly identify and remove unused CSS and JavaScript to reduce bundle size, improve website loading times, and maintain a lean and efficient codebase.

      Optimizing unused CSS and JavaScript in web development projects can significantly improve website performance and reduce unnecessary data transfer for users. Unused CSS and JavaScript can accumulate over time, especially in larger projects with multiple developers, making it essential to identify and remove them regularly. Tools like Chrome DevTools, extensions, and libraries can help identify unused CSS and JavaScript. However, manually checking for unused elements and thanking them for their service, as in the Marie Kondo method, can also be an amusing yet effective way to ensure a clean codebase. Using JavaScript modules, CSS modules, and importing CSS files correctly can help prevent unused elements from making it into the final build. By removing unnecessary code, developers can reduce the overall bundle size and improve website loading times. Additionally, unused functions and other JavaScript code can also contribute to larger bundle sizes. Developers should regularly review their code and remove any unused functions or unnecessary code to maintain a lean and efficient codebase. The longer unused code remains in a project, the more difficult it becomes to remove, so it's essential to address it early on. Regularly cleaning up unused code not only benefits users by reducing data transfer but also makes development more efficient and enjoyable.

    • Refactor and organize codebase for better structure and understandingRefactor and organize code for improved project structure and ease of navigation. Create index files for imports, separate functions based on functionality, and maintain tests to ensure stability during changes.

      As your project grows, it's essential to refactor and organize your codebase into a system that works best for you and your team. This might involve moving functions into different files and folders, evaluating the structure of your project, and breaking out components into new files when necessary. Having tests and a process to ensure you're not breaking anything is crucial during these changes. Additionally, consider using index files for importing and exporting related files as named imports. Remember, it's your project, and the goal is to create a system that makes your codebase easier to find, navigate, and understand. Furthermore, be mindful of when to create new components or files based on the functionality of the code. For instance, if you have a collection of functions that operate on different objects, it might make more sense to separate them into files based on those objects. Overall, the key is to continually assess and adjust your codebase to ensure it remains efficient and effective for your project's needs.

    • Maintaining and improving code qualityRefactor old code, organize files, simplify complexity, consider impact on self and others, and focus on creating a codebase that sparks joy and is a pleasure to work on.

      Maintaining and improving the quality of your codebase is crucial for efficiency and enjoyment. The process of organizing and breaking down related and unrelated parts of your code into appropriate files is a valuable skill. Refactoring old code using techniques like map, filter, and reduce can simplify complexity and reduce lines of code. Additionally, it's essential to consider the impact of your code on yourself and other developers. Keeping your codebase clean, understandable, and enjoyable to work on can lead to increased productivity and satisfaction. Refactoring and simplifying code not only makes your codebase more manageable but also reduces the risk of encountering unexpected issues. Remember, the goal is to avoid opening files that instill fear or dread, and instead focus on creating a codebase that sparks joy and is a pleasure to work on.

    • Document your code effectively with comments and toolsEffectively document code with comments and tools like Prettier, ESLint for consistency and accessibility.

      Effective coding involves adding meaningful comments to your code and using tools like Prettier and ESLint to maintain code formatting and accessibility. Comments in code are essential for documenting your thought process and explaining edge cases or unconventional choices. They help both the author and other developers understand the logic behind the code. A good commenting system, such as the one offered by the Code Obsessive extension for Visual Studio Code, can make your comments more visible and easier to understand with different color-coding for various types of comments. Moreover, using tools like Prettier and ESLint can help maintain a clean and consistent codebase. These tools can automatically format your code and check for accessibility issues, making your codebase more readable and easier to navigate. When adding these tools to a project, it's generally best to format the entire project in one commit to ensure consistency across all files. By incorporating these practices, you can create a well-documented and easily maintainable codebase that sparks joy and makes development a more enjoyable experience.

    • Maintaining code formatting and CSS stylesRegularly address formatting issues and ESLint errors file by file, refine CSS systems periodically, and adopt object-oriented CSS approaches for better management.

      Consistently maintaining code formatting and CSS styles is crucial for an efficient and effective codebase. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing formatting issues and ESLint errors file by file, rather than in bulk, to ensure better understanding of coding decisions and continuous improvement of personal ESLint settings. Regarding CSS, the speaker suggests periodically reevaluating and refining the system to keep file sizes small and code functioning optimally. Object-oriented CSS approaches, such as those advocated by Nicole Sullivan, can also be beneficial in organizing and managing complex CSS systems. Overall, investing time in these practices leads to a more manageable and high-performing codebase.

    • Keep your code clean and organized for a better coding experienceApplying OOCSS principles and regularly evaluating code can lead to a more enjoyable and productive coding environment

      Clean and well-organized code is essential for an enjoyable and productive work environment, as discussed by Nicole Sullivan in her 2009 article on Object-Oriented CSS. Sullivan's pioneering work laid the foundation for modern CSS methodologies like BEM. By applying these principles to our own code, we can create a more spacious and enjoyable coding environment, much like Marie Kondo's "spark joy" philosophy. This not only makes our work more enjoyable but also increases efficiency. It's important to regularly evaluate and improve our code, as cluttered and disorganized code can make the coding process feel confining and less enjoyable. So, take a cue from Sullivan and Kondo, and strive to keep your code as clean and organized as possible. For more insights on this topic, check out Nicole Sullivan's work on CSS. And remember, a little organization can go a long way in making your coding experience more enjoyable and productive.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    • Targeted audience for ESLint rules 
    • Security-focused ESLint rules
    • ESLint auto-fix
    • Daryl's Christmas wish
    • Recommended approach for those who are not using TypeScript yet
      Spell Checker for VS Code

    Sid's Info:

    Jesse's Info:

    Other links:

    Got questions? Have your own tool you’d like to share? Have a suggestion for a future episode? Contact Daryl and Scott at cast@xrmtoolbox.com. Follow us on LinkedIn and @XrmToolCast for updates on future episodes.

    Do you want to see us too? Subscribe to our YouTube channel to view the last episodes. Don't forget to rate and leave a review for this show at Podchaser.

    Your hosts:
    Daryl LaBar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daryllabar | @ddlabar
    Scott Durow: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdurow | @ScottDurow

    Editor: Linn Zaw Win: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linnzawwin  | @LinnZawWin

    Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

    enSeptember 11, 2022

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session replayer and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at https://logrocket.com/syntax.

    Show Notes


    • Typescript and Types


    • Jest and Testing


    • Exceptions & Error Tracking


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