
    Hasty Treat - Updating / Restarting Long-Running Web Apps

    enOctober 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the importance of tools like LogRocket for debugging web applicationsLogRocket provides a video replay of user interactions, network data, and console logs to help developers diagnose and fix bugs in real-time, saving time and frustration

      As web applications become more complex with persistent data and advanced features, maintaining and updating them can be a challenge. This is where tools like LogRocket come in handy. LogRocket is a service that provides a video replay of user interactions along with network data and console logs, making it easier to diagnose and fix bugs in real-time. Wes Boss and Scott Zelensky discussed this topic on their Syntax podcast, emphasizing the importance of having a tool like LogRocket in your development toolkit. By providing a visual representation of user interactions, LogRocket can save developers time and frustration, allowing them to quickly identify and address issues. The podcast also mentioned that LogRocket is offering a free 14-day trial for Syntax listeners, so be sure to check it out if you're looking for a more efficient way to debug your web applications.

    • Waiting for users to update can cause old bugs to reappearUsing development tools with real-time updates ensures all users have the latest code, eliminating the need to wait for manual updates and reducing the risk of old bugs reappearing.

      When releasing a new version of an app, not all users may immediately update to the new code. Some users may continue using the old version due to various reasons, such as being in the middle of a course or simply forgetting to refresh the page. This can lead to the old bugs reappearing, requiring the developer to wait for all users to update before the new version takes effect. The speaker in this discussion encountered this issue and sought advice on Twitter. He shared that when using the platform Meteor for development, new deployments automatically push updates live via WebSockets, providing hot reloads to users in real-time. This feature ensures that all users are always running the latest code, eliminating the need to wait for users to manually update. This discussion highlights the importance of considering user behavior and utilizing development tools that can efficiently deliver updates to all users.

    • Updating code unexpectedly and user experienceWhile unexpected code changes can be frustrating, platforms like Notion effectively handle this by notifying users and encouraging them to refresh. Developers can consider implementing solutions like tracking asset or commit hashes to prompt users to refresh.

      While it may be frustrating for users when the code in front of them changes unexpectedly, it's a common issue in web development and can even be an opportunity to introduce new features. The speaker mentions Notion as an example of a platform that effectively uses this approach by notifying users of updates and encouraging them to refresh the page. However, the speaker acknowledges that this solution might not be feasible for everyone. The speaker also shares that they had experienced an issue where a browser didn't support a certain feature, and the solution suggested by a developer was to update the user's computer. The speaker finds it ironic that the problem they are currently facing as developers is getting users to refresh the page, considering how much easier it is to update a web application compared to downloading and installing a new software on a computer. The speaker then plans to discuss some potential solutions to this issue, including doing nothing and hoping users refresh the page, or implementing a system to keep track of asset or commit hashes to prompt users to refresh when a new version is available.

    • Notifying Users of New App VersionsDevelopers can use toast messages, manual refreshes, or server pulls to notify users of new app versions. Consider user context and activity level when deciding which method to use.

      Developers can implement a system for notifying users of new app versions through various methods, such as toast messages or manual refreshes. These notifications can be triggered by a server pulling an assets.JSON file or through WebSockets, alerting the code when a new version is available. A toast message is a pop-up notification in the bottom right corner of the screen, which can be used to inform users of a new version and prompt them to refresh the page. However, this method may not be ideal if users are in the middle of an action or if they have a video playing. Instead, developers can consider waiting for a period of inactivity or a loss of focus before refreshing the page for the user. This approach is more suitable for applications where users are less likely to be actively engaged, such as news or informational sites. Overall, implementing a user-friendly and efficient method for notifying users of new app versions is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience and ensuring that users have access to the latest features and improvements.

    • Checking for updates before rendering a linkCreate a custom link component to periodically check for updates and render a regular HTML anchor link if an update is available, ensuring a seamless update experience

      Instead of refreshing a webpage to check for updates, it's possible to create a custom link component that checks for updates before rendering the link. This component can periodically check the backend for a new version or use a timer to determine if the application has been reloaded recently. If an update is available, the component can render a regular HTML anchor link instead of a push state link provided by a library like React Router. This approach allows for seamless updates without requiring a full page reload or visually changing the user experience. This solution was suggested during a discussion on handling updates in web applications built using frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular.

    • Implementing hot reloading in web appsUse history API, service workers, or built-in hot reloading features in frameworks for seamless updates and reduced page reloads

      There are several effective methods to implement hot reloading in web applications for a seamless user experience. The first method involves utilizing the history API to load new applications as users interact with your site, allowing the next URL change to load the updated app. This method requires minimal custom code. Another approach is to use service workers, which can cache and check for updates to your scripts in the background, providing an event when a new version is available. This method also simplifies the process as service workers handle the checking and alerting. Additionally, some frameworks like Meteor and VuePress offer built-in hot reloading capabilities. In Meteor's case, it even sends data along with the code updates. These methods can significantly improve the development process by allowing real-time updates and reducing the need for full page reloads. However, it's important to consider the specific use case and choose the method that best fits your application's needs.

    • Using design elements to remind users to updateEffectively remind users to update by changing design elements, like icon colors, but avoid overuse to prevent annoyance.

      Developers can use simple design elements, like changing the color of an icon, to remind users to update their applications or websites. This approach, as discussed in the podcast, is used effectively by Google Chrome. However, it's important to note that at some point, users may start ignoring these reminders. Therefore, it's essential to strike a balance between reminding users frequently enough to ensure they have the latest version, but not so often that they become annoyed and ignore the notifications altogether. The podcast also touched upon the fact that this method can be applied to various platforms, not just apps, and that it requires minimal skill to implement. Overall, this is a simple yet effective way to keep users engaged and ensure they have the most up-to-date version of your application or website.

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