
    He Made The Worst Political Decision Possible (Ep 1320)

    enAugust 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Vice Presidential picks and their past actionsJoe Biden selected Kamala Harris as his running mate, but her past actions, such as accusations of racism and belief in accusers, have been scrutinized. Dan Bongino's show covers various topics, including Kamala Harris' campaign, tech tyranny, and the Epstein case. Sponsors offer pain relief solutions, while the Trump campaign weighs in on Biden's choice.

      During the campaign, Vice Presidential picks hold significant importance. In the recent news, Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris as his running mate, but her past actions, such as accusing her opponent of being racist and believing accusers against him, have been highlighted. Meanwhile, Dan Bongino's show covers various topics, including Kamala Harris' campaign, tech tyranny, and the Epstein case. Additionally, sponsors like Home Acts and Omax offer solutions for pain relief, such as Cryo Freeze, which provides instant relief through menthol and CBD. The Trump campaign also weighed in on Biden's choice, implying that Harris is a phony and Biden is not that smart. Overall, the show provides a mix of political analysis, sponsor promotions, and various news topics.

    • Facebook's fact-checking and censorship of conservative voicesFacebook's fact-checking and censorship of conservative voices is a concern for free speech advocates, with Dan Bongino arguing that it's an attempt to silence certain viewpoints and suppress free speech.

      There are concerns about censorship and suppression of free speech, particularly on social media platforms like Facebook, as the 2020 U.S. election approaches. Dan Bongino, a conservative commentator, discussed his experience with Facebook fact-checking and labeling an article as false, despite it containing a quote from Nancy Pelosi expressing her preference for Joe Biden over President Trump. Bongino argued that this was an attempt to suppress free speech and silence conservative voices. He also criticized Facebook for deleting certain accounts and using fact-checking as a backdoor way to censor content. Despite this, Bongino emphasized the importance of defending free speech in the free market and encouraged people to read the article in question and share it to "stick it to Facebook" in the Streisand effect. The discussion also touched on Joe Biden's handling of the presidency and Kamala Harris's role in the Democratic Party.

    • Social media platforms targeting and labeling Pelosi's statements as falseSocial media platforms label Pelosi's statements about Chinese preference for Biden as false, despite being true, raising concerns about free speech and election interference.

      Social media platforms, such as Facebook, have been targeting certain content, specifically those that involve Nancy Pelosi and her statements about the Chinese government's preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, even if the statements are true. These platforms have been labeling such content as false, despite it being a direct quote from Pelosi herself. This behavior raises concerns about the role of social media in shaping public discourse and the potential suppression of free speech, particularly during election seasons. The speaker in this discussion has consistently been among the top performing Facebook links in the US due to the popularity of their content, making them a frequent target for fact-checking and censorship by these platforms.

    • China reportedly prefers Trump over BidenChina allegedly favors Trump over Biden, Bongino criticizes Twitter for bias, Harris' VP pick seen as disastrous by Bongino

      According to a National Counterintelligence and Security Center report, China reportedly prefers President Trump over Joe Biden. This information was shared by Dan Bongino, who also criticized Twitter for removing a tweet from a Trump campaign team member, Nick Pasilio, who is now a communications executive for Twitter and previously worked for Kamala Harris. Bongino accused Twitter of being biased and a "liberal publisher" rather than an open platform. Meanwhile, Bongino expressed his view that Harris' selection as Biden's running mate is a disastrous pick. He did not elaborate on his reasons for this belief. Additionally, Bongino mentioned his sponsor, Ashford University, and encouraged listeners to pursue their dreams with a degree from the institution.

    • Criticism of Biden and HarrisSpeaker believes Biden's selection of Harris as VP was a poor choice due to her radical views and past comments. Harris' past campaign was criticized for her accusations against Biden, and the media's celebration was also criticized.

      The speaker believes the selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's vice presidential running mate was a poor choice due to her radical leftist views and past comments implying Biden is a racist. The speaker also criticizes Biden for being an "empty vessel" and a "chaos candidate." Harris' past presidential campaign was described as "dreadful," and the speaker highlighted two memorable moments from it: her implication that Biden is a racist and her accusation that Biden is a "groping" man. The media's celebration of Harris during these moments was also criticized. Overall, the speaker expresses a negative view of both Biden and Harris and their suitability for political office.

    • Senator Kamala Harris's standout debate performanceHarris challenged Biden on race and personal space, resonated with voters, and highlighted her readiness to lead as a strong Democratic contender, despite concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities.

      Senator Kamala Harris had a standout performance during the Democratic debate, which has catapulted her campaign and solidified her position as a strong contender for the nomination. Her direct challenge towards Joe Biden on issues of race and personal space resonated with many, leaving a lasting impact on the night. However, concerns regarding Biden's cognitive abilities and his potential inability to serve as president continue to loom over the race, making Harris's strong showing even more significant. The debate highlighted the stark contrast between the two candidates and their visions for the future of the Democratic Party. Ultimately, Harris's performance demonstrated her readiness to lead and her ability to hold her own against more established opponents.

    • Biden's Lack of Clear Political Beliefs and Harris' InfluenceDespite being the U.S. President, Biden's political stance is questioned due to incidents like forgetting Harris as VP pick and liberal politicians' comments. Harris, the most liberal Senator, may significantly influence Biden's administration.

      Joe Biden, the current U.S. President, has been described as an "empty vessel" by his political opponents, implying that he lacks clear political beliefs and is easily influenced by others. During the 2020 presidential campaign, it was reported that Biden needed a note to remind him that Kamala Harris was his pick for Vice President. This incident, along with comments from liberal politicians like Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, suggest that Biden may not have a strong grasp on his own political stance and that Harris may be the most influential figure in his administration. Furthermore, Harris has been identified as the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, raising questions about the ideological direction of the Biden administration.

    • Kamala Harris' selection as VP doesn't guarantee Black vote for DemsBlack voters are diverse individuals who don't vote as a monolith, Harris' past actions don't guarantee their support, and Democrats should avoid 'bigotry of low expectations'.

      The selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate does not guarantee a lock on the Black vote for the Democrats. The discussion highlighted Kamala Harris' past actions, such as her tweet supporting the Minnesota Freedom Fund during the riots, and criticized the idea that Black voters are monolithic and can be easily swayed based on the color of a candidate's skin. The Rasmussen poll showing Trump's approval rating at 36% amongst Black voters further emphasizes this point. The speaker also criticized the Democrats for practicing "soft, sometimes hard bigotry of low expectations," and argued that Black voters are individuals who think and vote based on their own motivations, not as a homogenous group. Ultimately, the speaker expressed skepticism that Harris' selection would significantly impact Trump's approval rating amongst Black voters.

    • Gen U-cell Summer Blowout Sale with discount and free giftsBuy Gen U-cell Joe Line treatment and classic Gen U-cell at discounted price with doubled supply and a free luxury gift.

      During the discussion, there was a promotion for the Gen U-cell Summer Blowout Sale offering a $40 discount with the promo code DAN40. Beverly shared her positive experience using the Gen U-cell Joe Line treatment and classic Gen U-cell for bags and puffiness, mentioning noticeable improvements and even her daughter commenting on her younger appearance. The promotion includes doubling the supply of both products for free and a free luxury surprise gift. The conversation then shifted to a disturbing story about photos of Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with Epstein's right-hand woman, Gileane Maxwell, suspected to involve young women. Despite the serious nature of the allegations, the story has received minimal coverage in the mainstream media. The speaker expressed frustration over the lack of media scrutiny and urged for more attention to be paid to the story.

    • Standing up against government overreachIndividuals and organizations can challenge tyrannical government measures through organization, social media, and safe civil disobedience, inspiring change

      Individual action and organization are crucial in standing up against what some perceive as tyrannical government overreach, such as the strict lockdown measures in Melbourne, Australia. Dan Bongino, a political commentator, has been vocal about his concerns over these measures, comparing them to the Soviet Union. He encourages people to organize, use social media and other platforms, and consider safe civil disobedience to bring about change. Another example of this is the gym owners in Belmar, New Jersey, who defied New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy's lockdown orders and opened their business with safe sanitation methods. These actions serve as reminders that individuals have the power to make a difference and that collective action can lead to significant change.

    • Business owners face challenges from local authorities for reopening during pandemicBusinesses in Melbourne and New Jersey face revoked licenses, legal fees, and stricter regulations for defying lockdown orders. Small business owners like Attila's in Belmar need support to stay open and feed their families. Donations can be made through a GoFundMe campaign. Avoid post office crowds with Stamps.com for printing postage from home.

      Business owners in various places, such as Melbourne and New Jersey, are facing challenges from local authorities for wanting to reopen during the ongoing pandemic. These business owners, like Attila's in Belmar, have been met with revoked licenses and legal fees for defying lockdown orders. Meanwhile, politicians like Phil Murphy in New Jersey are pushing for stricter regulations, drawing comparisons to Soviet-style governance. The fight for small businesses to stay open and feed their families is a significant issue that affects people across the United States. To help support Attila's Belmar court relief, listeners are encouraged to donate through a GoFundMe campaign. Additionally, the spread of misinformation and protests continue to be concerns in the current climate. Stamps.com offers a solution for small businesses to keep running by printing postage from their computers and avoiding post office crowds.

    • Mailing and shipping services directly to your computerStamps.com saves time and money with discounted USPS and UPS rates, and fact-checking is essential to avoid spreading false narratives.

      Stamps.com offers significant savings in money and time by bringing mailing and shipping services directly to your computer, with discounts up to 62% on USPS and UPS rates. This convenience is particularly valuable for small businesses and individuals working from home. Additionally, the false narratives and misinformation spread by some in media and politics were highlighted in the discussion, with the example given of the Michael Brown shooting incident and the false narrative that he had his hands up when he was shot. It's important to fact-check information and not believe everything you hear or read without verifying it for yourself. In conclusion, Stamps.com is a valuable tool for saving time and money on mailing and shipping, while it's crucial to be informed and factually correct when discussing current events.

    • The 'hands up, don't shoot' narrative was debunkedDespite inaccurate stories spreading rapidly, actual evidence discredited the 'hands up, don't shoot' narrative in the Michael Brown case. Misinformation can have harmful consequences.

      The "hands up, don't shoot" narrative in the Michael Brown case was debunked by actual evidence during the Obama Justice Department's investigation. Witness testimonies that supported this narrative were discredited due to inconsistencies and fabrications. People's desire to be part of significant events can lead to inaccurate stories spreading rapidly. The tragic incident was ultimately determined to be a legitimate use of force by Officer Wilson to save his own life. Misinformation can result in harmful consequences, as seen in the Ferguson riots.

    • Politician's False Claim About Michael Brown's DeathKamala Harris continued to claim Michael Brown was murdered despite evidence to the contrary, revealing her opportunistic and phony nature. Criticized for her extreme left stance, support of socialized medicine, and trillions in new taxes, concerns grow about her and Biden's ticket.

      During a political discussion, it was pointed out that Kamala Harris continued to claim that Michael Brown was murdered, despite evidence to the contrary. This false claim was made despite Harris being aware that the Department of Justice concluded that Brown was not murdered. The speaker criticized Harris for being an opportunist and a phony, and suggested that her political stance is to the left of Bernie Sanders. The speaker also criticized Harris for her support of socialized medicine and trillions of new taxes. The speaker expressed concern that the ticket of Biden and Harris, who he referred to as an "empty vessel" and a "complete fraud," would be a disaster for America. The speaker encouraged listeners to pay attention to this ticket and to subscribe to his show for more political analysis.

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