
    Healing The Relationship with Your Parents w/ Anahata Ananda

    en-usMarch 24, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating challenging parent-child relationshipsHealing the parent-child bond can significantly enhance personal growth and overall well-being, whether by setting boundaries, addressing codependency, or remembering one's true self.

      Our relationships with our parents, whether we are parents ourselves or not, significantly impact our personal growth and development. Anahata Ananda, a shamanic healer, shared her experiences of navigating her own challenging parent-child relationships and how they led her to help others do the same. Anahata's background includes a personal struggle with depression, anxiety, and feeling disconnected from her soul's mission despite having a seemingly perfect life. She turned to shamanism and various healing practices to reclaim her life and discovered the importance of addressing the root causes of her struggles. Through her work with thousands of clients over the past 20 years, she's seen the power of healing the parent-child relationship to propel people forward in their personal growth journey. Whether it's learning to set boundaries, addressing codependency, or remembering who we truly are, the parent-child relationship is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being.

    • Impact of Parental Behavior on Children's IndependenceParental overstepping can hinder children's growth, leading to codependent relationships. Allowing mistakes fosters healthy independence. Seek advice, but establish your own path based on personal values and goals.

      The dynamic between parents and children can significantly impact a person's ability to assert their individuality and independence. Parents who overstep boundaries can hinder their children's growth, leading to codependent relationships and a reliance on their children's successes to validate their own self-worth. On the other hand, parents who allow their children to make mistakes and learn from them are fostering healthy independence. It's essential for individuals to recognize the impact of their upbringing and strive for self-awareness and self-determination, rather than seeking constant approval from their parents. While seeking advice from parents is valuable, it's crucial to establish one's own path and make decisions based on personal values and goals, rather than societal or parental expectations.

    • Seeking approval can hinder self-individuationParents should support children's authentic decisions, while children must express their truth and step away from conditional love if necessary.

      Many people, especially adults, are still seeking approval and validation from external sources, such as parents, partners, friends, or society, which can hinder their ability to fully individuate and make decisions based on their authentic selves. This dynamic can lead to conditional love and manipulation, where parents or other figures use love, money, and acceptance as leverage to control their children's choices. This can result in depression, rebellion, and a lack of self-worth for the child. It's important for parents to avoid imposing their own dreams and expectations on their children and instead support them in making decisions that align with their true selves. Additionally, children must have the courage to express their truth and step away from conditional love if necessary.

    • Expressing gratitude towards parents despite differing goalsMaintain positive relationships with parents by expressing gratitude and respectfully communicating personal decisions, even when they don't align with their expectations.

      It's essential to acknowledge and express gratitude towards parents or caregivers, even when their advice or expectations don't align with our personal goals or desires. This approach can help prevent long-term resentment and conflict. The speaker shares a personal experience of wanting to pursue a career that didn't align with her father's expectations. Instead of reacting with anger, she expressed gratitude and respectfully communicated her decision. This approach allowed her to maintain a positive relationship with her parents while following her own path. It's crucial to remember that parents or caregivers usually act from a place of love and concern, even if their advice may not be the best fit for us. By expressing appreciation and respectfully asserting our autonomy, we can maintain healthy relationships while following our unique paths in life.

    • Communicating effectively with challenging parentsLearn to communicate effectively and set clear boundaries to create healthier, loving relationships with parents, avoiding passive-aggressive behavior and shutting down.

      Effective communication and setting clear boundaries are essential skills for dealing with challenging relationships, particularly those with parents. We often lack the conscious tools to respond appropriately, leading to passive-aggressive behavior or shutting down completely. Parents may continue to parent us in ways that feel controlling or manipulative, and it's our responsibility as adults to evolve our responses. Withholding love is a dangerous tool that can convey feelings of unworthiness and deep hurt. It's important to remember that parents who use guilt, shame, and control are essentially throwing adult tantrums and using the lowest frequency motivation. By learning to communicate effectively and set clear boundaries, we can create healthier, more loving relationships with our parents.

    • Learning from life's challengesLife's challenges provide opportunities for growth and evolution, even if they may be painful at times. We cannot prevent all difficulties, but we can learn from them and support others through their experiences.

      Life is full of unexpected challenges, much like trying to keep up with learning toddlers. We cannot protect ourselves or others from every potential harm, but we can learn from each experience. Whether it's learning to walk, managing relationships, or navigating financial situations, we all face obstacles. Some falls may be painful, but they are opportunities for growth and evolution. As parents, we cannot shield our children from every potential injury, but we can provide them with the space to learn and grow from their experiences. Similarly, we cannot prevent others from making mistakes or going through difficult times, but we can offer them support and understanding. Ultimately, every experience, good or bad, is a valuable lesson in life's classroom.

    • Allow loved ones to learn from their experiencesProvide a safe environment, offer support, and maintain emotional boundaries to help loved ones learn from their experiences and grow.

      As parents, or those in caring relationships, it's essential to give children or loved ones the freedom to learn from their experiences, even if those experiences involve pain or failure. By providing a safe environment and offering support when needed, we can help them grow and develop into their full potential. It's crucial not to insert ourselves between them and their lessons, as the most valuable lessons in life often come from the hardest experiences. Instead, we should maintain emotional boundaries and offer compassionate support from the sidelines. This approach allows us to be present and loving while also allowing our loved ones to experience the consequences of their choices and learn from them.

    • Enabling constant avoidance hinders growthEncourage loved ones to learn and make mistakes, offering guidance instead of answers, builds confidence, resilience, and better decision-making skills

      While it may come from a place of love, enabling someone to constantly avoid learning and facing challenges can hinder their growth in the long run. An example given was observing siblings in second grade, where one relied on the other to complete math assignments, resulting in unequal learning outcomes. It's essential to give loved ones the space to learn and make mistakes, as this is how they truly grow and develop essential skills. Instead of providing the answers, offering guidance and advice can be more beneficial. By doing so, we help them build confidence and resilience, ultimately leading to better decision-making and financial management. It's crucial to remember that everyone's learning journey is unique, and it's essential to let them experience the consequences of their choices while offering support and encouragement.

    • Coaching for growth through questioning and self-discoveryEffective coaching empowers individuals to develop skills by asking questions and encouraging self-discovery, fostering growth and confidence.

      Effective coaching involves helping someone develop their skills by asking questions and encouraging self-discovery, rather than providing answers. This approach allows the individual to grow and build confidence, ultimately becoming less reliant on the coach. The football player analogy illustrates this concept, as the most growth occurs during the final, challenging rep. Coaches, parents, or loved ones should aim for an equitable relationship where both parties contribute and the coachee is self-sourcing ideas and solutions. By not being attached to validation or acknowledgement, the coach can truly support another leader's development.

    • Recognize when seeking validation or trying to solve others' problems out of control or ego gratificationInstead of imposing solutions, hold space, be neutral witnesses, and provide tools and support for others' growth.

      As leaders, parents, teachers, and partners, it's essential to recognize when we're seeking validation or trying to solve others' problems out of a desire for control or ego gratification. Instead, we should aim to hold space for others' processes, be neutral witnesses, and provide tools and support without imposing our solutions. This approach allows individuals to grow and evolve, and for relationships to evolve as well. As parents, it's crucial to remember that our children are their own unique individuals, not extensions of ourselves, and our role is to steward their growth until they can stand on their own. Ultimately, the goal is to foster independence and mutual respect, allowing us to grow and learn together.

    • Parents may not understand personal growthIndividuals should focus on self-discovery and follow their path, free from parental expectations and limitations.

      Individuals should not expect their parents to validate or understand their personal growth and evolution. It is the responsibility of the individual to know themselves and follow their path, free from the expectations and limitations of their parents. Parents have their own journey and generation-specific programming, and it is not the child's responsibility to drag them into personal development or spiritual awakening. Unconditional love and freedom can be achieved by releasing expectations on both sides and allowing each person to walk their own journey. This can lead to personal growth and the ability to claim one's path, even if it means individuating from parental acceptance or judgment. It's important to remember that parents have earned the right to make their own decisions, just as the individual has the right to make theirs.

    • Evolving and transforming gaps left by parentsRespect parents' choices, celebrate given puzzle pieces, forgive, allow, and accept to upgrade and evolve limiting beliefs, explore past, release old patterns, connect with nature and higher self, rewrite stories, step into true potential.

      While we may not have received complete puzzle pieces from our parents, it's our personal responsibility to evolve and transform the gaps. We can respect their right to make choices, even if we don't agree with them. We should celebrate the puzzle pieces they did give us and learn from the ones they didn't. By forgiving, allowing, and accepting, we can upgrade and evolve those pieces into something that fits better for us. As a shamanic healer, I help people do just that. Through various healing practices, we can explore our past, release old patterns, and transform limiting beliefs. By connecting with nature and our higher selves, we can rewrite our stories and create a new, healthier orientation to work, money, relationships, and success. In Sedona, I offer transformative experiences that allow individuals to tap into the healing energy of the land and reconnect with their inner wisdom. Through this journey, we can evolve beyond the limitations of our past and step into our true potential.

    • Unlocking inner power through shamanic healing in SedonaShamanic healing in Sedona helps individuals reconnect with their inner knowing and live thriving lives by unveiling layers of disempowerment.

      We all have the ability to access our inner divine guidance and personal power, but often we get stuck in patterns of disempowerment and seek validation and answers externally. A shamanic healer can help guide individuals in unveiling the layers that are in the way, allowing us to return to our core selves and live thriving lives. Sedona, with its spiritual energy, is a popular destination for those seeking this kind of transformation. Whether through private sessions, retreats, or online courses, the goal is to unlock our greatest joys in life by reconnecting with our inner knowing. So, if you're planning a trip to Sedona, it's recommended to book your healing sessions well in advance.

    • Sedona: A Transformative Destination for Healing and Personal GrowthSedona's energy vortexes enhance healing and personal growth. Shama Jelik offers tools for examining life, bridging gaps, and improving relationships through guided visualizations, mindset maps, and a podcast.

      Sedona, Arizona, serves as a powerful destination for healing and soul awakening. Its energy vortexes amplify the healing experience and support personal growth. Shama Jelik, a quantum leap coach, encourages individuals to examine their lives, questioning if they are truly happy and providing tools to bridge the gap between their current situation and desired goals. Shama's offerings include guided visualizations, mindset maps, and a podcast, Shama Jelik Healing with Anahata. Additionally, focusing on relationships, particularly with parents, can significantly impact overall well-being and ability to form healthy connections in various aspects of life. Shama emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, offering a Conscious Relationships course for those seeking deeper exploration. Overall, Sedona and Shama Jelik's work provide a transformative space for individuals to reconnect with their inner selves and improve their relationships.

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    The Mindset Mentor
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    The Mindset Mentor
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 14, 2024

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    “ Focusing on perfection, as an entrepreneur, will kill your business.. ”

    - Dr.Aaron LeBauer

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    • Testing your conversions


    40:29 - Aaron and Bedros gives us insight on how his ability to solve problems, has outshined conventional knowledge on paper

    47:20 - Bedros asks Aaron to give us access to one of his best highest converting funnels for us to take notes on 

    48:20 - Aaron gives closing remarks answering the question : What stops people from making forward progress on their business?


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    Connect with Aaron LeBauer here :

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    Return Of The Roach w/ Josh Potter | Your Mom's House Ep. 708

    Return Of The Roach w/ Josh Potter | Your Mom's House Ep. 708
    It's an instant classic episode of YMH with Tim Segura and Christine P! We start off hot with some J stuff, wild movies that couldn't be made today, and Christina wonders if she could take a ho year on a military ship for a year. We review a medical quack's tweet about Pig Norm Summerton, give an update on the Enny VS Ryan basketball game, and hair transplants. Then we welcome friendly neighborhood comedian, podcaster and cockroach, Josh Potter! We discuss best strategies for Only Fans, some cool dating tips from a cool guy, weight loss motivation, Lady Gaga, and Josh reveals that someone finally made him come! We introduce Potter to Blind Bob and learn more about the blind community and finish up with some TikTok curations from Christina! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com/ https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices