
    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 7

    enJuly 21, 2024
    What did the group pray for during the study session?
    Why does the writer of Hebrews mention dullness of hearing?
    How is Christ described as our great high priest?
    What is emphasized about Jesus' priesthood compared to the Old Covenant?
    What assurance do we have from Jesus' once-for-all sacrifice?

    Podcast Summary

    • Seeking God's word, Trusting in God's planDuring our study session, we learned the importance of seeking God's word and trusting in His unchanging plan through the powerful encouragement in Hebrews chapter 10, which emphasizes God's unchangeability and the strong consolation we have in our relationship with Him.

      During our study session, we began with a prayer asking for open minds and hearts to learn God's word. We also asked for guidance for our leaders and peace among nations. Despite not sticking to our initial plan of covering a chapter a week, we aim to reach the end of Hebrews chapter 10, which contains a powerful encouragement for Christians. The writer of Hebrews explains why the listeners might be dull of hearing and then returns to the topic of Christ as our great high priest. He emphasizes God's unchangeability and the strong consolation we have in our relationship with Him, which is compared to an anchor for our souls. This study session serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking God's word and trusting in His unchanging plan for us.

    • Melchizedek as a type of ChristMelchizedek, a mysterious figure in the Bible with no known genealogy, is a significant type or foreshadowing of Jesus Christ as a priest and king, emphasizing God's consistency and inspiration in His word.

      Melchizedek, an ancient figure mentioned in the Bible, is a significant type or foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. Despite his mysterious origins, as he is described as having no known father or mother and no genealogy, Melchizedek's role as a priest and king who blessed Abraham makes him an important figure in the Old Testament. His title as "king of righteousness" and "king of peace" further emphasizes his connection to Christ. The consistency of Melchizedek's presence in the Bible throughout history, from Moses' writings to the New Testament, underscores the inspiration of God's word and the significance of this seemingly minor character. Melchizedek's role as a type of Christ serves to strengthen our hope and faith in God's promises, as we look forward to the eternal presence of our high priest, Jesus.

    • Superior priesthood of MelchizedekJesus, as our high priest, is superior to the Levitical priests due to the source of His blessing and perfection, which is not tied to the earthly temple or priesthood, as illustrated by Melchizedek's priesthood

      The author of Hebrews emphasizes the superiority of Jesus as our high priest over the Levitical priests. Using the example of Melchizedek, a priest who blessed Abraham, the author highlights that even though Melchizedek was not a Levite, he was still greater and received tithes from Abraham. This illustrates that the source of blessing and perfection does not come from the Levitical priesthood but from the priesthood of Melchizedek, represented by Jesus. The author encourages the readers to recognize and appreciate this superior priesthood, emphasizing that they have a better high priest who is not bound by the limitations of the earthly temple and priesthood.

    • Priesthood and Law ChangeJesus, as a priest from the tribe of Judah, couldn't follow the old law that only allowed priests from certain tribes to officiate. The change to the priesthood and law is significant and emphasizes the importance of following God's word and understanding His changes.

      According to the text, there is a change in the priesthood and the law, as Jesus is described as a new priest in the order of Melchizedek, who was a priest from another tribe and not subject to the old law. This change is significant because it means that Jesus, being a priest from the tribe of Judah, could not have followed the old law that only allowed priests from certain tribes to officiate. The text also emphasizes the importance of following God's word and the fact that only God can change the law. The writer of Hebrews explains that Jesus is a heteros (different) priest, and we worship on the Lord's Day (Sunday) instead of the Sabbath (Saturday), which was only given to the Jewish people in the land of Canaan. Therefore, it is essential to understand and accept the changes in the priesthood and the law, as they are crucial to our faith in Jesus Christ.

    • New Covenant superior to Old CovenantThe New Covenant, through Jesus' priesthood, offers a better hope and ability to draw near to God compared to the Old Covenant with its laws and commandments.

      The New Covenant brought about by Jesus' priesthood is superior to the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant, with its laws and commandments, could not make people perfect or draw them closer to God. But through the New Covenant, we have a better hope and the ability to draw near to God. This is evidenced by the 13 instances of the word "better" in Hebrews and the fact that we can become better people by living as God intends through the power of Christ. The Old Testament, while valuable for understanding the New, cannot offer anything better than the New Covenant. Jesus' priesthood is a surety of a better covenant, as evidenced by God's oath to make him a priest and the fact that unlike the Old Testament priests, he did not die but continues to intercede for us.

    • Jesus' permanent priesthoodJesus' sacrifice is once-and-for-all, we don't need to offer daily prayers or sacrifices for forgiveness, His priesthood is unchanging, and His sacrifice provides assurance of salvation and confidence in faith

      Jesus Christ, our high priest, is permanently seated in heaven and His sacrifice is once and for all. We don't need to make sacrifices or offer up prayers for forgiveness every day, as He has made the ultimate sacrifice for us. His priesthood is unchanging, and He is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners. We can have faith and trust in His sacrifice, knowing that He is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven. This gives us confidence and should not make us want to leave our faith. The Bible's silence on certain matters speaks loudly, and we should not try to do things that are not mentioned in it. Overall, Jesus' permanent priesthood and once-for-all sacrifice provide us with the assurance of salvation and the confidence to trust in Him.

    Recent Episodes from Lehman Ave Church of Christ

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    "The Path to Prosperity" by Hiram Kemp

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    The Path to Prosperity (2 Chronicles 26:5) Hiram Kemp

    • Seek the Lord wholeheartedly - (2 Chr. 26:4-5)
    • Receive God's Help - (2 Chr. 26:6-7)
      • Emotional Healing (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 42:8)
      • Personal Growth (2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 5:22-23)
      • Relationships (Psalm 111:10; James 1:5)
      • Health and Wellness (1 Timothy 4:8)
      • Decisions and Growth (Psalm 143:8)
    • Find your passion & Flourish (2 Chr. 26:8-10)
    • Invest in Others (2 Chr. 26:11-15)
    • Humbly accept correction (2 Chr. 26:16-20)

    Duration 36:15

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    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Church Discipline: A Biblical Portrait of Discipline and Our Responsibility" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    "Church Discipline: A Biblical Portrait of Discipline and Our Responsibility" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    A Biblical Portrait of Discipline Hiram Kemp I. The ________________ for _______________ (1 Cor. 5:4-5; 2 Thess. 3:6) II. Tough ______________ in _______________ (Hebrews 12:5-6; Rev. 3:19) III. The ________________ to _______________ (2 Tim. 1:7, 2:3-7) IV. The ________________ to _______________ (Hebrews 12:7-11)

    Our Responsibility In Church Discipline Neal Pollard I. _____________Them And _____________Them II. Cease Christian _____________________ III. Don’t Regard Them As __________, But _________ Them As ____________ IV. Be Ready To _____________ If The ________________ A. ___________ The Person And __________ The Past, If They ____________ B. ________ Them And ________ Your ________ For Them, If They _________ Conclusion: A. Many Have Insufficient _________ For The __________ As God’s _________


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    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 1

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 1

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    Daniel: Sovereignty of God

    Key Verses: 1:8; 2:20-22; 2:44; 2:47; 4:25

    Key Chapter: 2 - God reveals Neb. dream to Daniel. Also 9, the vision of the 70 weeks.

    Theme of the book: God rules in the kingdoms of men - 4:25

    Daniel (God is my judge) wrote this book near the close of his life in 533BC. One of the first group of captives led away in 606BC when he was 18 years old. Daniel displays unswerving loyalty to God in the early chapter of the book. No blemish ins found in his character. Ezekiel speaks of him as "greatly beloved" (Ezek. 14:14, 20). Is Daniel found in Hebrews 11?

    Daniel is a book contrasting godless kingdoms and the Kingdom of God, see chapter 2 and 7 where they appear as the image (2) and as 4 vicious beasts (7).

    Daniel's prayer - 9:1-19

    We are introduced to the 4 great world powers that would lead to the coming Messiah. 

    • Babylonian - 625-536 BC
    • Medo-Persian - 536-330 BC
    • Greek - Under Alexander the Great
    • Roman

    New teachings in Daniel no found in other prophetic books:

    • Angels - 3:25; 6:22; 9:21; 10:5; 12:1
    • Resurrection of the dead - 12:1-4

    Lessons from Daniel:

    • His character
    • spiritual courage
    • miracles
    • never ending kingdom
    • inspiration

    Boanthropy - chapter 4


    Duration 33:24

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Things We Must Not Forget" by Hiram Kemp

    "Things We Must Not Forget" by Hiram Kemp

    August 25, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    Things We Must Not Forget - Hiram Kemp

    • The Goodness of God - (Deut. 6:12, 8:11-19)
      • How to never forget his goodness
        • Remember his marvelous works - (Psa. 105:5)
        • Tell others of his goodness - (Psa. 107:2, Isa. 63:7)
        • Know promises to bless are as true as promises to curse - (Jer. 32:42)
        • Give God the credit he is due - (2 Cor. 9:15)
        • Observe the Lord's Supper sincerely - (1 Cor. 11:26-29)
        • Stand in awe not in entitlement - (2 Sam. 7:18)
      • The Word of God - (James 1:25)
      • Showing Hospitality - (Hebrews 13:2)
      • Those Who Have Helped You - (Genesis 40:23, 41:9)
      • Warnings About False Teachers - (Acts 20:29-31)
      • The Gospel - (1 Timothy 2:8)
      • Life Without Christ - (Ephesians 2:11-13)

    Duration 42:31

    "4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable" by Neal Pollard

    "4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable" by Neal Pollard

    August 25, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable (Mark 13:28-31) Neal Pollard Introduction A. The Gospel Of __________ Was Written During A ___________ Time in the Roman  Empire (About _____________ AD) B. In the Midst of Mark 13, There Is a Parable About a Budding _______________ Tree I. THE __________________ AND _____________________ OF THE PARABLE (1-27) A. Jesus Lays Out The ________________ Signs (7-8, 22) B. In the New Testament, the _________ Of ________ Is The ______ Army (Lk24:15) C. ____________ Would No Longer Be a Place of Unique ____________ Significance II. THE _________________ OF THE PARABLE (28-31) A. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Learn Its Lesson") B. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Near" Refers To ________) C. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Truly") III. THE _________________ Of the Parable (28-31) A. God Made Us with the ________________ To Draw Deductions and He Holds Us   _____________________ To Do So (28) 1. When we look at ______________ or when we examine _________________ (28) B. God Expects Us to Be _________ __________ (29) C. Some Things Are __________, But Some Things Are ___________ (30-31) D. God's Faithfulness to Keep His ______ Can Be An _________ Or A _________ (31) Conclusion A. This Parable Is About Preparing for God's ______________


    Duration 33:04

    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 12

    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 12

    August 25, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.



    • Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
    • Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
      • Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
      • The Source of his Message is divine
      • Because of who he is (1:2-3)
        • He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
        • He is Creator (2; 11:3)
        • He is Deity (1:3)
        • Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
        • He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
        • He is Sustainer (1:3)
      • Because of what He's Done (1:3)
      • Because of where He is (1:3)
      • He is reigning with God
      • Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
        • The ancient world held angels in high regard!
        • Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
        • The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
          • Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
          • Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
          • As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
        • Jesus has received a better name than the angels
          • The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
          • Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
          • Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
        • The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
          • Psalm 104:4
          • Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
          • Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
        • The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
          • Psalm 110:1
        • The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
          • Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
        • There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
          • Drifting (2:1)
          • Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
          • The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
        • It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
        • Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
        • He helps us:
          • He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
          • He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
          • He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
          • He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)


    Duration 42:42



    "The Family Nature of The Church" by Neal Pollard

    "The Family Nature of The Church" by Neal Pollard

    August 18, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    The Family Nature of The Church (Col. 3:12-17)

    Neal Pollard

    • "Family" - (Acts 17:26)
    • "Household" - (1 Timothy 3:15)
    • We must have a heart for one another - (12-13)
    • There are five qualities of this heart
      • Compassion
      • Kindness
      • Humility
      • Gentleness
      • Patience
    • There are two consequences of this heart
      • It bears with one another
      • It forgives one another
    • There is one big motivation for having this kind of heart
    • We must have love for one another - (14)
    • We must have peace with one another - (15)
      • This peace must come from Christ
      • This peace must rule our hearts
      • This peace called us in one body
    • We must have a guide for our dealings with one another - (16-17)
    • We have a guide for how to let the word of Christ dwell in us - (16)
      • How do we do so?
      • What do we do to do so?
      • To whom do we do so?
    • We have a guide for what to do in word or deed
    • Families are always working to build a stronger relationship


    Duration 33:22

    "When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It?" by Neal Pollard

    "When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It?" by Neal Pollard

    August 18, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It? Neal Pollard Introduction A. There Are At Least _______ Verbs Translated "Lose _________" Or "______   _______________" B. When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It? I. _____________ (Luke 18:1) II. ________ ON YOUR ____________ (2 Cor. 4:1) III. _______ THE ________ (2 Cor. 4:16) IV. DO ___________ (Gal. 6:9-10) V. RECOGNIZE YOUR ________ IN THE __________ (Eph. 3:8-13) VI. ________ YOUR _____________ (2 Th. 3:13) VII. CONSIDER ___________ (Heb. 12:3)



    Duration 33:38

    Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 11

    Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 11

    August 18, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.



    • Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
    • Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
      • Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
      • The Source of his Message is divine
      • Because of who he is (1:2-3)
        • He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
        • He is Creator (2; 11:3)
        • He is Deity (1:3)
        • Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
        • He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
        • He is Sustainer (1:3)
      • Because of what He's Done (1:3)
      • Because of where He is (1:3)
      • He is reigning with God
      • Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
        • The ancient world held angels in high regard!
        • Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
        • The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
          • Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
          • Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
          • As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
        • Jesus has received a better name than the angels
          • The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
          • Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
          • Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
        • The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
          • Psalm 104:4
          • Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
          • Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
        • The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
          • Psalm 110:1
        • The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
          • Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
        • There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
          • Drifting (2:1)
          • Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
          • The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
        • It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
        • Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
        • He helps us:
          • He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
          • He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
          • He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
          • He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)


    Duration 45:20



    "7 Things Christians Should Say This Week" by Hiram Kemp

    "7 Things Christians Should Say This Week" by Hiram Kemp

    August 11, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


     7 Things Christians Should Say This Week - Hiram Kemp

    • I Love you - (3 John 1)
      • “We try to be reasonable about what we believe. What I believe is not reasonable at all. It’s hilariously impossible.”   – Madeline L’Engle 
    • I'm praying for you - (Romans 1:9-10)
    • Pray for me - (1 Thess. 5:25)
    • Can we study? - (Acts 8:30-31)
      • Open Mouth
      • Open Bible
      • Open Mind
    • Come and see - (John 1:46; 4:29)
    • I'm sorry - (Psalm 38:8; James 5:16)
    • Amen - (2 Cor. 1:20)
      • “In short, God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knew.”

        - Tim Keller, Prayer and Intimacy with God

    Duration 33:26