
    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 8

    enJuly 28, 2024
    What is the role of Christ as High Priest?
    How does the new covenant differ from the old?
    What is emphasized about Christ's intercession in Hebrews?
    How does Christ's sacrifice purify believers from sin?
    What symbolizes the relationship between God and the faithful?

    Podcast Summary

    • Christ as High PriestChrist's role as our High Priest is essential for approaching God and having a superior relationship with Him, as highlighted in Hebrews where He is described as a perfect High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, who intercedes for us in heaven

      Having Christ as our High Priest is essential for us to approach God and have a superior relationship with Him. This is highlighted in the book of Hebrews, where we learn that Christ is a perfect High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, who entered heaven to make intercession for us. Without Him, we cannot worship God. The importance of Christ's role as our High Priest is emphasized throughout the text, as we learn that what we have in Him is better than anything else, and that we can approach God confidently because of what Christ has done for us. Additionally, the true tabernacle, where Christ is seated, is contrasted with the earthly tabernacle, emphasizing the importance of Christ's presence in the divine realm.

    • Heavenly PriesthoodJesus serves as a priest in heaven, offering real sacrifices for our sins, while Old Testament priests and their temple were mere copies and shadows of the heavenly things.

      Jesus, though not able to be a priest on earth due to His lineage, serves as a priest in heaven. The Old Testament priests and their temple were only copies and shadows of the heavenly things, and Jesus, being the true substance, offers the real sacrifices for our sins. The earthly tabernacle and temple were magnificent, but nothing compared to the heavenly counterparts. Our spiritual reality is the true substance, while the physical world is a mere representation. This concept is beautifully illustrated in C.S. Lewis' idea of heaven, where the spiritual beings are the real entities, and the physical world is just a shadow of the true reality.

    • New Covenant vs Old CovenantThe New Covenant offers a personal, internal relationship with God through better promises, while the Old Covenant was based on formalities and obsolete laws.

      The writer of Hebrews invites us to enter into a heavenly tabernacle through a new and better covenant established by Christ. This new covenant is different from the old one because it is based on better promises and is written on our hearts, making it a personal and internal relationship with God. The old covenant was not sufficient due to the people's disobedience and breaking of the agreement with God. In the new covenant, we can enter without going through a formal coming-of-age ceremony and God will be merciful to our unrighteousness, remembering our sins no more. The old covenant has become obsolete and is ready to vanish.

    • Old Covenant vs New Covenant ForgivenessGod forgave sins under both the old and new covenants, but the old covenant forgiveness was based on God's promise and knowledge of Christ's coming sacrifice, while the new covenant forgiveness is based on faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for all believers.

      Both under the old and new covenants, God forgave sins. However, the old covenant sins were forgiven because of God's promise and knowledge of Christ's coming sacrifice. The old covenant is no longer in effect, and as Christians, we should have confidence in Christ's forgiveness and intercession for us. We should not feel inferior or less than others, as Christ's sacrifice was not only for us but also for those who lived before us. Romans 3:21-22 explains that God's righteousness is revealed through faith in Jesus Christ, and all who believe are justified freely by His grace.

    • Old vs New CovenantThe new covenant in Hebrews 9 supersedes the old covenant's rituals and sacrifices with Christ's sacrifice, providing eternal redemption and cleansing of the soul

      The speaker is emphasizing the superiority of the new covenant in Hebrews 9 over the old covenant's ordinances and rituals. He explains that these old practices, such as sacrifices and purifications, were necessary under the old covenant but are no longer relevant for believers in Christ. Instead, through Christ's sacrifice, we are purified from our sins and have eternal redemption. The speaker encourages readers to focus on verses 11-15, where Christ is described as the high priest of the good things to come and the one who entered the true tabernacle to cleanse our consciences from dead works. The old practices were only able to cleanse the body and not the soul, but Christ's sacrifice takes away all sins and makes us suitable to serve the living God.

    • Eternal redemptionAs Christians, we have the assurance of eternal redemption through Jesus Christ, and we should confidently approach God knowing that our salvation is secure

      As Christians, we have the assurance of eternal redemption through Jesus Christ. We do not need to rely on last-minute prayers or actions to secure our salvation. The blood of Jesus cleanses us continuously, and we have a perfect High Priest who intercedes for us. This eternal redemption is unique to Christianity and sets it apart from other world religions. We should approach God confidently and boldly, knowing that Christ has guaranteed it for us. If we sin, we should make it right, but we should not lose sight of the eternal redemption we have in Christ. This is the message of the book.

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    "Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?" by Hiram Kemp

    "Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?" by Hiram Kemp

    September 15, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?

    Introduction: 1. There are many ____________ about why ____________ came to __________. 2. The Old ________________ told us he was _____________, but few can properly put   together the ______________ why he ____________. 3. Every ____________ wants to __________ Jesus to be the ____________ of their   ___________ and _____________ their _____________. 4. The gospels give several ____________ statements as to why _____________ came  to ______________. I. ____________ the ___________ (Mark 1:38) II. ____________ & __________ the ___________ (Luke 19:10) III. ____________ Sinners to ______________ (Luke 5:31-32) IV. __________ the ____________ Life (John 10:10) V. ___________ & _____________ (Matthew 20:26-28) VI. ____________ Witness to the _________ (John 18:37) VII. Do __________ Will (John 6:38) Conclusion: 1. We sing the song about why _________ came, but the _________ help us to   __________ the ____________. 2. Jesus came to _________ on _________ for a __________.


    Duration 37:01

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 3

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 3

    September 15, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    Daniel: Sovereignty of God

    Key Verses: 1:8; 2:20-22; 2:44; 2:47; 4:25

    Key Chapter: 2 - God reveals Neb. dream to Daniel. Also 9, the vision of the 70 weeks.

    Theme of the book: God rules in the kingdoms of men - 4:25

    Daniel (God is my judge) wrote this book near the close of his life in 533BC. One of the first group of captives led away in 606BC when he was 18 years old. Daniel displays unswerving loyalty to God in the early chapter of the book. No blemish ins found in his character. Ezekiel speaks of him as "greatly beloved" (Ezek. 14:14, 20). Is Daniel found in Hebrews 11?

    Daniel is a book contrasting godless kingdoms and the Kingdom of God, see chapter 2 and 7 where they appear as the image (2) and as 4 vicious beasts (7).

    Daniel's prayer - 9:1-19

    We are introduced to the 4 great world powers that would lead to the coming Messiah. 

    • Babylonian - 625-536 BC
    • Medo-Persian - 536-330 BC
    • Greek - Under Alexander the Great
    • Roman

    New teachings in Daniel no found in other prophetic books:

    • Angels - 3:25; 6:22; 9:21; 10:5; 12:1
    • Resurrection of the dead - 12:1-4

    Lessons from Daniel:

    • His character
    • spiritual courage
    • miracles
    • never ending kingdom
    • inspiration

    Boanthropy - chapter 4


    Duration 43:39

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    "We are Part of a Family" by Neal Pollard

    "We are Part of a Family" by Neal Pollard

    September 8, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    We are Part of a Family 

    • That has been born again. - Matt. 1:21
      • into a special family of God.
      • This is a spiritual family, not physical - Titus 3:5; Acts 2:38
    • Whose love knows no end. - 1 Peter 1:18-25; 2:1-2
      • We have a sincere love for one another.
    • That is on its way home. - Heb. 10:32-34.
      • The early Christians were suffering for the cause of Christ, but they would ultimately be rewarded. - Heb. 6:19
    • God's family - the most important family of all! - Heb. 2:9-11; 13:1

    Duration 29:04

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 2

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 2

    September 8, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    Daniel: Sovereignty of God

    Key Verses: 1:8; 2:20-22; 2:44; 2:47; 4:25

    Key Chapter: 2 - God reveals Neb. dream to Daniel. Also 9, the vision of the 70 weeks.

    Theme of the book: God rules in the kingdoms of men - 4:25

    Daniel (God is my judge) wrote this book near the close of his life in 533BC. One of the first group of captives led away in 606BC when he was 18 years old. Daniel displays unswerving loyalty to God in the early chapter of the book. No blemish ins found in his character. Ezekiel speaks of him as "greatly beloved" (Ezek. 14:14, 20). Is Daniel found in Hebrews 11?

    Daniel is a book contrasting godless kingdoms and the Kingdom of God, see chapter 2 and 7 where they appear as the image (2) and as 4 vicious beasts (7).

    Daniel's prayer - 9:1-19

    We are introduced to the 4 great world powers that would lead to the coming Messiah. 

    • Babylonian - 625-536 BC
    • Medo-Persian - 536-330 BC
    • Greek - Under Alexander the Great
    • Roman

    New teachings in Daniel no found in other prophetic books:

    • Angels - 3:25; 6:22; 9:21; 10:5; 12:1
    • Resurrection of the dead - 12:1-4

    Lessons from Daniel:

    • His character
    • spiritual courage
    • miracles
    • never ending kingdom
    • inspiration

    Boanthropy - chapter 4


    Duration 42:34

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    "How great is our God" by Neal Pollard

    "How great is our God" by Neal Pollard

    September 8, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    "How Great is our God" (Isaiah40) (Psalms 95:3) Neal Pollard

    • He is tender (1-11). God is gentle. His glory is visible to all. His word endures forever. 
      • He comforts (1). God is concerned with his people. - Isiah 40:3; Luke 3:4-6; Matt. 11:28-30.
      • He smoothes (4). God can make our way easier. God wants to smooth our path.
      • He gives good news (9), through his people. 
      • He rewards (10). God wants to reward us positively. - 2 Peter 3:9, Matt. 16:27, Rev. 20:12
      • What is my view of God? - Gen. 3:8-10, 15.
      • He shepherds. God carries, leads, nurtures, and tends us. - John 10:11
    • His infinite presence. He is transcendent - (12-27). God exists outside of the realm of time. God has no beginning and no end. God is not bound by time.
      • God has infinite presence. His is everywhere, all at once. Omnipresent. There is no place where God is excluded.
      • God has an infinite knowledge. Deut 29:29; Matt. 6:8; John 2:25; Luke 16:15; John 6:64.
      • God has infinite power - Isaiah 40:15-27; Matt. 10:28
    • He is tireless - (28-31). He is never weary, never grows tired. This means that God is always there, waiting for us. God gives strength to the weary. v31 - While we grow weak, God never does. - Matt. 16:26; Eph. 3:20

    Duration 33:10

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    "The Path to Prosperity" by Hiram Kemp

    "The Path to Prosperity" by Hiram Kemp

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    The Path to Prosperity (2 Chronicles 26:5) Hiram Kemp

    • Seek the Lord wholeheartedly - (2 Chr. 26:4-5)
    • Receive God's Help - (2 Chr. 26:6-7)
      • Emotional Healing (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 42:8)
      • Personal Growth (2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 5:22-23)
      • Relationships (Psalm 111:10; James 1:5)
      • Health and Wellness (1 Timothy 4:8)
      • Decisions and Growth (Psalm 143:8)
    • Find your passion & Flourish (2 Chr. 26:8-10)
    • Invest in Others (2 Chr. 26:11-15)
    • Humbly accept correction (2 Chr. 26:16-20)

    Duration 36:15

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Church Discipline: A Biblical Portrait of Discipline and Our Responsibility" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    "Church Discipline: A Biblical Portrait of Discipline and Our Responsibility" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    A Biblical Portrait of Discipline Hiram Kemp I. The ________________ for _______________ (1 Cor. 5:4-5; 2 Thess. 3:6) II. Tough ______________ in _______________ (Hebrews 12:5-6; Rev. 3:19) III. The ________________ to _______________ (2 Tim. 1:7, 2:3-7) IV. The ________________ to _______________ (Hebrews 12:7-11)

    Our Responsibility In Church Discipline Neal Pollard I. _____________Them And _____________Them II. Cease Christian _____________________ III. Don’t Regard Them As __________, But _________ Them As ____________ IV. Be Ready To _____________ If The ________________ A. ___________ The Person And __________ The Past, If They ____________ B. ________ Them And ________ Your ________ For Them, If They _________ Conclusion: A. Many Have Insufficient _________ For The __________ As God’s _________


    Duration 43:27

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 1

    "Daniel: Sovereignty of God" by Phil Hartnady Part 1

    September 1, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    Daniel: Sovereignty of God

    Key Verses: 1:8; 2:20-22; 2:44; 2:47; 4:25

    Key Chapter: 2 - God reveals Neb. dream to Daniel. Also 9, the vision of the 70 weeks.

    Theme of the book: God rules in the kingdoms of men - 4:25

    Daniel (God is my judge) wrote this book near the close of his life in 533BC. One of the first group of captives led away in 606BC when he was 18 years old. Daniel displays unswerving loyalty to God in the early chapter of the book. No blemish ins found in his character. Ezekiel speaks of him as "greatly beloved" (Ezek. 14:14, 20). Is Daniel found in Hebrews 11?

    Daniel is a book contrasting godless kingdoms and the Kingdom of God, see chapter 2 and 7 where they appear as the image (2) and as 4 vicious beasts (7).

    Daniel's prayer - 9:1-19

    We are introduced to the 4 great world powers that would lead to the coming Messiah. 

    • Babylonian - 625-536 BC
    • Medo-Persian - 536-330 BC
    • Greek - Under Alexander the Great
    • Roman

    New teachings in Daniel no found in other prophetic books:

    • Angels - 3:25; 6:22; 9:21; 10:5; 12:1
    • Resurrection of the dead - 12:1-4

    Lessons from Daniel:

    • His character
    • spiritual courage
    • miracles
    • never ending kingdom
    • inspiration

    Boanthropy - chapter 4


    Duration 33:24

    Lehman Ave Church of Christ
    enSeptember 01, 2024

    "Things We Must Not Forget" by Hiram Kemp

    "Things We Must Not Forget" by Hiram Kemp

    August 25, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    Things We Must Not Forget - Hiram Kemp

    • The Goodness of God - (Deut. 6:12, 8:11-19)
      • How to never forget his goodness
        • Remember his marvelous works - (Psa. 105:5)
        • Tell others of his goodness - (Psa. 107:2, Isa. 63:7)
        • Know promises to bless are as true as promises to curse - (Jer. 32:42)
        • Give God the credit he is due - (2 Cor. 9:15)
        • Observe the Lord's Supper sincerely - (1 Cor. 11:26-29)
        • Stand in awe not in entitlement - (2 Sam. 7:18)
      • The Word of God - (James 1:25)
      • Showing Hospitality - (Hebrews 13:2)
      • Those Who Have Helped You - (Genesis 40:23, 41:9)
      • Warnings About False Teachers - (Acts 20:29-31)
      • The Gospel - (1 Timothy 2:8)
      • Life Without Christ - (Ephesians 2:11-13)

    Duration 42:31

    "4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable" by Neal Pollard

    "4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable" by Neal Pollard

    August 25, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable (Mark 13:28-31) Neal Pollard Introduction A. The Gospel Of __________ Was Written During A ___________ Time in the Roman  Empire (About _____________ AD) B. In the Midst of Mark 13, There Is a Parable About a Budding _______________ Tree I. THE __________________ AND _____________________ OF THE PARABLE (1-27) A. Jesus Lays Out The ________________ Signs (7-8, 22) B. In the New Testament, the _________ Of ________ Is The ______ Army (Lk24:15) C. ____________ Would No Longer Be a Place of Unique ____________ Significance II. THE _________________ OF THE PARABLE (28-31) A. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Learn Its Lesson") B. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Near" Refers To ________) C. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Truly") III. THE _________________ Of the Parable (28-31) A. God Made Us with the ________________ To Draw Deductions and He Holds Us   _____________________ To Do So (28) 1. When we look at ______________ or when we examine _________________ (28) B. God Expects Us to Be _________ __________ (29) C. Some Things Are __________, But Some Things Are ___________ (30-31) D. God's Faithfulness to Keep His ______ Can Be An _________ Or A _________ (31) Conclusion A. This Parable Is About Preparing for God's ______________


    Duration 33:04