
    Hedge Funds Explained: Why Hedge Funds Aren’t Really Hedged

    enFebruary 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the complexities of starting a hedge fundStarting a hedge fund involves more than managing investments, requiring financial, legal, and accounting expertise, and catering to high net worth individuals in an evolving industry

      While starting a hedge fund might seem glamorous, it involves more than just managing investments. It requires a solid understanding of what a hedge fund is, the structure of these institutions, and the challenges involved. Hedge funds were originally designed to help investors diversify their portfolios by using complex investment strategies. However, they have evolved into exclusive financial institutions catering to high net worth individuals. Starting a hedge fund requires not only financial knowledge but also legal and accounting expertise. Moreover, the industry is facing declining popularity, but opportunities still exist for those willing to put in the effort and resources. Listen to NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast for more insights on making informed financial decisions.

    • Hedge funds offer protection against market risks for the super richThe super rich can use hedge funds to mitigate market risks through strategies like short selling, allowing them to bet on specific companies while also protecting against broader market downturns.

      For some individuals, particularly the super rich, investing in the broader market through mutual funds or index funds may not provide sufficient protection against market risks. These individuals may already be exposed to market risks through their own businesses and cannot afford the additional risk of market downturns impacting their investment portfolios. Hedge funds offer a solution by allowing investors to hedge against market risks through strategies like short selling. By simultaneously buying stocks in a company that is expected to perform well and selling short stocks in a company that is expected to perform poorly, investors can mitigate the impact of market volatility on their portfolios. In essence, hedge funds provide a way for investors to bet on specific companies or industries while also protecting against broader market risks.

    • Hedge funds manage different types of riskInvestors can profit from market downturns through hedge funds' short positions, but setting up and managing these funds involves complex structures and potential tax evasion.

      Hedge funds don't eliminate risk entirely but instead expose investors to different types of risk. For instance, in a market downturn, while some stocks may decline less than others, a well-timed short position can result in profits. In the example given, an investor might lose money on their Samsung shares but make a 17% profit from their short position on Apple. This strategy, however, is not without its complexities and potential risks. Setting up a hedge fund involves establishing a partnership in the United States and making yourself the managing partner, as well as creating an insurance company in a tax haven like Bermuda. The insurance company acts as a conduit to avoid paying taxes on profits by treating them as insurance premiums. The funds are then invested in various opportunities, including hedge funds. The actual structure is more intricate and requires legal expertise. Overall, while the specific investments and strategies employed by hedge funds can vary, the way they are structured remains an essential aspect of their operations.

    • Hedge Fund Managers' Earnings: 2% Management Fee and 20% Performance FeeHedge fund managers earn income via their own investments and charging fees, with a 2% management fee and 20% performance fee on profits. Controversial 'carried interest' allows lower tax rate on profits.

      Hedge fund managers earn money through both investing their own funds and charging fees from other investors. The fees, known as the "2 and 20," consist of a 2% management fee on assets under management and a 20% performance fee on profits exceeding a benchmark. This setup allows hedge fund managers to earn substantial income, even after paying taxes, by claiming the hedge fund's assets as their own revenue and paying lower capital gains tax instead of income tax. This "carried interest principle" has been a subject of controversy, as it allows hedge fund managers to pay a lower tax rate than many other workers. Hedge funds have evolved over time and now offer diverse investment strategies, including high-frequency trading, cryptocurrency, and developing nation funds. Despite the ethical concerns, the potential for significant profits continues to attract investors.

    • Hedge funds may not offer significant returns above market averagesDespite high fees, hedge funds' average returns are similar to market returns, making them less attractive for most investors. Their complex structure and high minimum investments further limit accessibility.

      Hedge funds, once seen as a sophisticated and exclusive investment option, may not offer significant returns above market averages after fees are taken into account. The average return of the largest 100 hedge funds in America is almost identical to market returns. Moreover, hedge funds have lost their original purpose of stabilizing a portfolio as they are no longer independent of the market. Additionally, the complex structure and high minimum investment requirements make hedge funds inaccessible for most investors. These factors make starting and running a hedge fund a challenging and costly business. However, for those with a dream of becoming a successful hedge fund manager, the path is clear. But for the average investor, it may be more beneficial to invest directly in the market.

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    The Co-Sponsor for this Episode is B.E.T. A business platform that gives you all the information and tools you need to advance your business as well as the understanding of how to run your business most effectively and profitably.

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    The Co-Sponsor for this episode is CRM Engine.

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    Bruno Manh began his Telecommunications career working for Digitel in France. In four years the company grew from 250,000 customers to 12 million customers. Bruno managed 200 technical and administrative professionals working for him.

    The team developed and implemented Call Centers using the tool available at the time.

    The company moved to California, acquiring assets and products from Universal studios like video games like World of Warcraft. Then, along with some friends Bruno pooled resources to acquire tools to develop call centers which included Voice Over IP (VOIP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Automated Call Distribution Systems (ACDs) and Computer Telephone Integration (CTIs)

    Bruno offers to startups a basic method for getting into the investor network.

    Attend events that are organized by named organizations like Google attended by technical professionals, universities and people who have ideas and want to test their ideas with industry experts.

    For startups, exposing themselves to others who can be helpful to the startup is about bringing something useful to the table. What can you bring that will be considered useful to the technical community?

    It is not about selling your product or service. It is about discovery about what already exists, listening to the stories of the process of development, sharing the startup experience and asking relevant questions about the startup process

    If travel is not an option, join business groups like Chambers of Commerce, Business Networking groups and meetups where many technical professionals are learning about others in the market, how they are growing and offering insights and ideas that can be useful to people starting out, or at an advanced level of growth.

    Some startups have reached the stage of scaling their businesses. Meeting people like themselves is a step to consider in the development of business growth. Express your experience and ask for feedback, engage in conversation about how others developed their growth.

    Ask for suggestions on how to improve your growth process as well.


    Voice Over IP


    Customer Relationship Management Systems


    Automated Call Distribution Systems


    Computer Telephone Integration Systems


    French American Chamber of Commerce

    German American Chamber of Commerce


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