
    Help My Dog Ate My Housemate's Dildo

    enJuly 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciating moms and modern life challengesCelebrate moms with 1 800 Flowers, save on Mother's Day bestsellers. Seek advice on modern life challenges from 'Help by Sexton My Boss' podcast and etiquette expert William Hanson.

      This Mother's Day, show appreciation to all the special moms in your life. You can do so through 1 800 Flowers, which offers handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique gifts that can be easily ordered and delivered fresh. For a limited time, save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers at 1 800flowers.com/acast. Additionally, if you're looking to start a weight loss journey, consider PlushCare, which offers online access to board certified physicians who can prescribe FDA approved weight loss medications. Take charge of your health and speak with a physician about a weight loss plan that's right for you. In the realm of modern life challenges, the podcast "Help by Sexton My Boss" discussed various topics such as creating an account on Threads, the appropriateness of running clothes, and accidentally sex-educating your boss. For those who may have found themselves in similar situations, the podcast offers advice and solutions. In other news, if you've accidentally sex-ed your boss, the etiquette expert William Hanson suggests congratulating them on their newfound knowledge. And if you're looking for a good tumbler, remember the importance of a heavy bottom and a thin rim. Overall, this Mother's Day, take the time to celebrate the special moms in your life, and don't hesitate to seek help and advice for any modern life challenges that come your way.

    • Rubber ducks, Broadchurch, and a legal issueThe speaker reminisced about their childhood memories and rubber ducks while dealing with work stress and a potential legal issue, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in simple things and staying positive.

      The speaker, in a light-hearted conversation, shared stories about their collection of rubber ducks, their worries about having a Queen Elizabeth rubber duck in their bathroom post her demise, and their fond memories of growing up in Cornwall and watching Broadchurch. They also mentioned their upcoming visitor and the cleaning frenzy that ensues when their mother comes to stay. However, they also expressed concern about a potential legal issue related to a website and a sexting incident involving their boss. Despite these worries, they tried to maintain a positive outlook and found comfort in memories and simple joys like their rubber duck collection.

    • Good manners in crowded placesLetting others pass when getting up is a polite gesture that enhances everyone's experience. Family support during milestones is heartwarming and important. Laboratories should be more transparent and accessible to the public.

      Good etiquette is important, especially in crowded places like events or sports venues. When someone needs to get up to go to the toilet or for any other reason, it's polite to stand up and let them pass. This avoids awkward encounters and makes the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that they are getting a fellowship and their mother is coming to celebrate with them at the event. It's a heartwarming gesture and a reminder of the importance of family support during significant milestones in life. Another topic touched upon was the discussion about laboratories being in the news, and the speaker agreed with the idea that they should be more transparent and accessible to the public. Overall, the conversation covered various topics, but the emphasis on good manners and family connections stood out as key takeaways.

    • Understanding individual strengths and weaknesses, dining etiquetteAcademic achievements don't guarantee practical skills, proper dining etiquette is important for social interactions

      Despite having academic achievements, some individuals may struggle with practical applications of certain skills, such as math or accounting. This was evident in the conversation where the individual expressed their difficulties with these subjects despite having earned two degrees. Another key point discussed was the proper etiquette during meals, specifically regarding when it is appropriate to use the restroom. The consensus was that it is best to go during a gap in the meal, such as after ordering dessert, to avoid interrupting the flow of the meal. The conversation also touched on the topic of buffets, with the individual expressing their preference for more formal dining experiences due to the lack of social interaction at buffets. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of understanding individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as the value of proper dining etiquette.

    • Washing new items is crucial for hygieneNew tea towels, clothes, glasses, and other items should be washed before use to maintain hygiene and prevent transferring germs.

      It's important to wash new items, including tea towels and clothes, before using them to ensure hygiene and prevent transferring germs. Grace Dent emphasized this during a conversation, sharing her experience of getting new tea towels and advising to wash them before use. She also mentioned that people might not wash their clothes every day and that dye might come off new items. The same applies to glasses, as some people prefer not to put them in the dishwasher due to potential cloudiness. An old Yorkshire phrase, "don't take your bat home," was also shared, which means getting upset or angry and taking it out on others or things. In summary, washing new items and maintaining good hygiene practices is essential to prevent the spread of germs and keep ourselves and our belongings clean.

    • The History of Corduroy: From Ancient Egypt to Modern TimesCorduroy, a versatile fabric with a rich history, originated in ancient Egypt as Fustian and evolved into a ribbed texture in Manchester in the 18th century. Initially used by working men, it gained popularity among the aristocracy in the 20th century.

      Corduroy, a fabric often associated with the 1970s, has a rich history dating back to ancient Egypt. Originating from the lost city of Alfaustat, corduroy started as a hard-wearing fabric called Fustian, which was made with a linen ground and a cotton pile. The waled or ribbed texture of corduroy emerged in Manchester in the 18th century and was originally a corded version of duroy, a heavy woolen cotton cloth. Despite the misconception that corduroy is a cloth of kings, it was primarily used by working men until the 20th century when the aristocracy adopted it, distinguishing themselves with bright red colors. Corduroy is a versatile fabric that has been enjoyed by people of all social classes throughout history. If you'd like to discuss the latest sexting dilemmas or share a podcast with a friend, Help I Sext With My Boss is now available on BBC Sounds 2, making it easier than ever to listen and connect.

    • Navigating Unexpected Situations in Digital InteractionsBe honest and clear in digital communications, especially when navigating unexpected situations. Create separate groups for sensitive information and be mindful of what is shared in public or mixed-company chats.

      Honesty and clear communication are key when navigating unexpected situations in your digital interactions. Daniel encountered an issue when rematching with someone on Tinder after having surgery and being less responsive. He wondered whether he should bring up their previous conversation or start fresh. The consensus was that he should acknowledge their past interaction and explain his absence, but not make a big deal out of it. Similarly, Em faced an issue with a friend's surprise hen party being ruined when a message revealing the destination popped up on her phone during a conversation. She asked for advice on how to avoid such situations in the future. The hosts suggested creating separate groups for sensitive information and being mindful of what is shared in public or mixed-company chats. In both cases, the importance of open and clear communication was emphasized to avoid misunderstandings and potential awkwardness. Additionally, the hosts highlighted the importance of privacy and the need to be cautious about what is shared in digital spaces.

    • Discussing WhatsApp's privacy features: Disappearing messages and chat lockWhatsApp's disappearing messages ensure info visibility for a set time, while chat lock adds encryption and authentication for secure access

      Technology offers various features to ensure privacy and security in digital communications. During a conversation, Em and M discussed their experiences with WhatsApp's privacy settings, specifically the disappearing messages and chat lock features. The disappearing messages can be useful when sharing sensitive information, ensuring that the information is only visible to intended recipients for a specified period. The chat lock feature, on the other hand, provides an additional layer of security by encrypting personal chats and requiring authentication to access them. Steven, in a separate situation, shared an etiquette dilemma involving using another person's toothbrush. While opinions on the matter may vary, the takeaway remains that technology continues to evolve, providing users with tools to protect their privacy and maintain secure communications. For future hen dos or similar situations, Em was advised to consider using chat lock to secure personal group chats and maintain the element of surprise.

    • Digital Boundaries and Unwanted FollowersRespecting others' privacy and consent online is crucial. Following someone with explicit content in a professional setting can lead to negative consequences.

      Privacy and consent are important in digital spaces. The anonymous individual in the discussion faced an uncomfortable situation when a colleague followed him on Twitter with explicit content. While it's a common occurrence for some, the individual felt violated and reported the colleague to his workplace, leading to him losing his job. The conversation around the situation highlights the complexity of digital boundaries and the potential consequences of reporting such incidents. While some believe it was an overreach for the workplace to fire the colleague, others argue that following someone with explicit content in a professional setting is inappropriate. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of respecting others' privacy and consent online.

    • Discovering the Versatility of 'Spaff' and Debating Public Displays of AffectionOpen-mindedness and respect for differing viewpoints are crucial in discussions about etiquette and appropriate behavior.

      People have different opinions and experiences when it comes to etiquette and appropriate behavior in various settings. In the first letter, George raised a concern about an article that labeled his dog as posh and debated who was responsible for a missing dildo. The discussion led to the discovery of the versatility of the word "spaff," which can mean both a substance put on the face and a fit of rage. In the second letter, Ed shared an etiquette dilemma about public displays of affection and sparked a debate among friends. The discussion highlighted that while some people find PDAs acceptable in certain settings, others believe they are inappropriate. Overall, these letters demonstrate the importance of open-mindedness and respect for differing viewpoints, even when they challenge our own beliefs.

    • Cultural norms and boundaries of PDARespect cultural differences in PDA and express affection appropriately. Understand that some cultures may find PDAs uncomfortable or illegal, and be aware of potential consequences. Celebrate and give back to special moms in our lives.

      Public displays of affection (PDA) have cultural variations and boundaries. While some cultures, like the Spanish, may be more open to expressive PDAs, others may find them uncomfortable or even illegal. It's important to respect these cultural norms and be aware of the potential consequences of crossing boundaries. Additionally, the speakers discussed various ways to share personal stories and connect with others, including listening to their podcast, sending emails, or shopping for Mother's Day gifts at Whole Foods Market or 1-800-Flowers. They encouraged listeners to celebrate and give back to the special moms in their lives. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of understanding cultural differences, expressing affection appropriately, and appreciating the people who make a difference in our lives.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
    enJune 14, 2024

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Help I Sexted My Boss
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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Thank you for watching/listening!!!

    2:00         Depp/Heard Defamation Case Talk

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.