
    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable alternatives to expensive phone plans and outdated technologyMint Mobile offers unlimited talk, text, and data for $15 a month, and Maybelline's Lifter Plump gloss provides a discounted price with a heated sensation and instant plumping effect.

      There are more affordable and better alternatives to expensive phone plans and outdated technology. Mint Mobile offers wireless plans with unlimited talk, text, and data for just $15 a month for a limited time. Additionally, Maybelline's newest lip plumping gloss, Lifter Plump, is available for a discounted price with a heated sensation and instant plumping effect. The podcast hosts discussed their "hills I will die on," and the importance of enjoying life despite its challenges. They also shared some old news and discovered that the TikTok series of a girl saying one letter of the alphabet in each new video had finished, but they couldn't remember the last letter or the username.

    • Creative chaos on TikTok and finding joy in unique experiencesPeople can find passion and dedication in unexpected forms of media and technology, even if others may not understand or agree.

      Social media platforms like TikTok can offer unique and entertaining experiences through creative content, even if it may seem chaotic at first. A user named Moldoga gained popularity by singing "What A Wonderful World" one letter at a time, focusing on consonants first. Her videos have become a months-long journey for some viewers, with each one becoming increasingly unhinged in a hilarious way. Despite some challenges, such as latency and lag, the user finds joy in using Google Stadia, a gaming platform that allows streaming games without the need for a console or physical media. The user defends their stance on Stadia, emphasizing its convenience and minimal lag due to the controller's direct pipeline to the server. This discussion serves as a reminder that people can find passion and dedication in various forms of media and technology, even if others may not understand or agree.

    • A user's unwavering preference for Google Stadia's controllerOne user values Stadia for its controller, despite limitations, and holds strong opinions on steaks.

      Despite the limitations and criticisms towards Google Stadia, such as the lack of support on certain devices like iPads and the complexities in using it on non-supported browsers, one individual strongly defends his preference for Stadia due to his love for its controller, which he finds to be the best he's ever used. He wishes for more convenience in using Stadia on a tablet, but acknowledges the technical challenges that prevent it from being a viable option for him. This preference for Stadia, despite its limitations, is a hill he is willing to die on. Additionally, he expressed his strong opinion on steaks, stating that they should never be well-done.

    • Misunderstandings from language misuseBeing precise with language matters and avoiding common mistakes like 'I could care less' vs 'I couldn't care less' can prevent misunderstandings.

      Language matters and misusing words can lead to misunderstandings. The discussion touched upon the misuse of the phrase "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less." The speakers agreed that this common mistake can be frustrating and it's important to clarify the correct usage. Additionally, the episode featured sponsor messages for Mint Mobile, offering affordable wireless plans, and eBay Motors, emphasizing the vast selection of car parts available. Rocket Money was also mentioned as a personal finance app that helps manage subscriptions and save money. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of accuracy and clarity in communication, whether it's about language or finances.

    • Language associations and personal perspectivesIndividuals perceive and connect words differently, highlighting the subjective nature of language. Personal experiences and perspectives shape our understanding and interpretation of words and media.

      Language can be subjective and open to interpretation, even for seemingly straightforward terms. During a conversation, it was revealed that the speaker had an unusual association with the word "custard," finding it distasteful due to its supposed connection to the words "cuss" and "turd." This opinion was met with surprise and disagreement, highlighting the varied ways individuals perceive and connect words. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the arbitrary nature of language and how our brains can create unexpected associations. The speaker also expressed strong opinions about video games like Dark Souls, considering their narrative approach as lacking and preferring a more explicit storyline. These opinions, while controversial, underscored the importance of personal perspectives and the diverse ways individuals engage with language and various forms of media. Overall, the conversation served as a reminder that language and our interpretations of it are not always universal, and it's essential to respect and understand the unique perspectives of others.

    • A speaker shares their dislike for complex game stories and loreSome gamers prefer straightforward narratives over hidden lore and complex stories, finding the challenge of uncovering the story detracts from their enjoyment.

      The speaker in this conversation has a strong opinion against games with complex stories and lore that require extensive research outside of the game itself. They prefer games with clear and straightforward narratives, and find the hidden, cryptic storytelling methods in games like Bloodborne to be frustrating and unappealing. They acknowledge that some people may find the hidden lore intriguing, but for them, the challenge of uncovering the story detracts from their enjoyment of the game. They also express a personal preference for different types of games, such as first-person shooters, and do not believe their dislike of the mechanics of a game equates to it being a bad game.

    • Speaker finds certain video games unengaging due to lack of in-game storytelling and character interactionThe speaker finds games with extensive lore, silent protagonists, and limited character interaction unengaging, feeling disconnected from the character and requiring excessive time investment to understand.

      The speaker finds certain video games, particularly those with extensive lore and silent protagonists, unengaging due to the lack of in-game storytelling and character interaction. They believe that these elements make the games inaccessible to new players and require an excessive investment of time to fully understand. The speaker expresses frustration with silent protagonists, as they often feel disconnected from the character and annoyed by secondary characters interrupting their dialogue. Despite their criticisms, the speaker acknowledges that some games with these elements can still be good, but they have personally not enjoyed them.

    • Dislikes in Video Games: Silent Protagonists and Repetitive StoriesSome gamers strongly dislike certain video game elements like silent protagonists and repetitive stories, with specific franchises like Destiny and Pokemon being common targets.

      Some people get frustrated with certain video game elements, such as silent protagonists or repetitive stories, and may have strong opinions about specific games or franchises. For instance, the speaker expresses annoyance towards games where the protagonist is silent but can make noises, citing examples from Destiny and Pokemon. They also dislike the addition of new Pokemon and the repetitive nature of the games' stories. Despite some agreement on the repetitive nature of certain games, the speaker's strong dislike for specific elements and franchises sets them apart. Overall, the discussion highlights the subjective nature of video game preferences and the intensity of some gamers' feelings towards certain elements.

    • Respecting Different Opinions in Gaming CommunityPeople have diverse preferences in gaming, and it's essential to respect others' opinions, even when they differ from our own. Pokemon and Warhammer 40k were discussed, with criticisms and defenses for each. Ultimately, everyone should enjoy their entertainment and respect others' rights to do the same.

      People have different preferences when it comes to entertainment, and it's important to respect others' opinions even if they don't align with our own. The discussion touched upon the topic of video games, specifically Pokemon and Warhammer 40k. The criticisms towards Pokemon games were valid, as some fans felt that the games had become repetitive with incremental changes and the introduction of new, sometimes stupid-looking Pokemon. However, others saw merit in the franchise, appreciating the fantastical reality it presented. On the other hand, Warhammer 40k was criticized for having too much lore and being too complex, but some fans defended it, acknowledging its vast universe and intricate details. The conversation also touched upon the collecting aspect of video games, with one person expressing confusion over the obsession with card collecting in Pokemon. Despite the differences in opinions, it's crucial to remember that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, and there's room for all types of fans in the gaming community. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy the entertainment we consume and respect others' right to do the same.

    • Collecting as a Gambler's MentalityCollecting can be addictive and costly if driven by a gambler's mentality, but it brings joy when done with genuine interest and appreciation.

      Collecting, especially when it turns into hoarding or investing without any personal use or enjoyment, can be compared to a gambler's mentality. The thrill of acquiring rare items, even if they are not used or displayed, can lead to an addiction and significant financial investment. However, if collecting is done with a genuine interest and appreciation for the items, having a large collection can bring joy and satisfaction. It's essential to understand the motivation behind collecting and ensure it remains a hobby rather than an expensive addiction.

    • Discussing the unhealthy aspects of collectibles and opening packs, and sharing controversial opinions on the Distractible subredditCollecting and opening packs can be addictive and unhealthy, leading to excessive time and money spent with little return. Engage in respectful discussions on the Distractible subreddit, focusing on upvotes for disagreements.

      The culture of collectibles and opening packs, such as Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh, can be compared to a form of gambling and can be unhealthy for individuals when they spend excessive time and money on it with little return. The hosts discussed their own hills they would die on, encouraging listeners to share their controversial opinions on the Distractible subreddit. The hosts emphasized that upvotes, not downvotes, should be used for disagreements. The hosts also shared their experiences of growing up and dealing with bullying from both the nerd and athlete communities, expressing their disdain for the use of the term "sports ball" and similar expressions when referring to the Super Bowl. They felt that this language was unnecessary and childish, and equated it to the bullying behavior they experienced in the past. The hosts encouraged listeners to respect each other's opinions and engage in constructive discussions, while also acknowledging that certain topics, such as conspiracy theories and racism, are not welcome in these discussions.

    • Bullying through mockery and put-downs hurtsMockery and put-downs, regardless of target, can be painful and alienating. Embrace respect and understanding for all interests.

      Mockery and put-downs, regardless of the object of derision - be it sports or "nerdy" pursuits - can be hurtful and alienating. The speaker, who grew up with friends on both sides of this divide, expresses their disdain for such behavior, noting that it feels like bullying and is equally painful. They emphasize that everyone should be allowed to enjoy their interests without facing derision or mockery. The speaker also touches upon the idea that such behavior is often not directed at individuals but rather at the interest itself, and that it can feel like an unwelcome imposition when people express disdain for something one enjoys. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for respect and understanding, and a recognition that everyone has the right to pursue their passions without facing mockery or derision.

    • Personal connections and strong emotionsStrong emotions can be triggered by challenges to personal cultural attachments, leading to defensiveness and annoyance. The Office's perceived comedic greatness is subjective, with some finding it awkward and uncomfortable.

      Strong emotions can be triggered when personal connections to certain cultures or experiences are challenged, whether it's sports or nerd culture. The speaker's deep attachment to both sides makes it difficult to accept the negative attitudes towards them, leading to feelings of annoyance and defensiveness. Another takeaway is the speaker's disagreement with the overhyped perception of The Office as a comedic masterpiece, finding much of it awkward and uncomfortable rather than funny. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges that The Office has its moments and is not entirely dismissive of its merits. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of personal experiences and attachments in shaping opinions and reactions.

    • Bullying in The Office and Dragon Ball ZDespite enjoying certain aspects of The Office and Dragon Ball Z, the speaker dislikes Jim's behavior towards Dwight and finds Vegeta more interesting due to his complex character development, but is not compelled to watch all episodes of these shows.

      The character Jim from The Office is hated by the speaker due to his bullying behavior towards Dwight, despite Jim being perceived as cool or charming by some viewers. This dynamic reminds the speaker of her own experiences with bullying. The speaker also expresses her preference for the character Vegeta over Goku in Dragon Ball Z, seeing Vegeta as more interesting due to his complex character development. Despite enjoying some episodes of The Office and Dragon Ball Z, the speaker does not feel compelled to watch all of these shows and finds other characters or aspects more engaging.

    • Disappointment with Goku's consistent wins overshadowing VegetaFans debated the fairness of Dragon Ball Z's narrative, expressing frustration towards Goku's constant victories and the impact on Vegeta's character development.

      The discussion revolved around the frustration of the speakers towards the repetitive pattern in Dragon Ball Z stories, where the main character, Goku, always wins in the end, often overshadowing other characters like Vegeta. They expressed their disappointment in how Vegeta's victories are often undone, allowing Goku to regain the spotlight. This led to a heated debate about the fairness of the narrative and the characters' development. Despite their disagreements, they encouraged respectful dialogue and acknowledged that everyone has their own "hill to die on" regarding their opinions. The episode ended with a lighthearted tally of points earned during the discussion, with Bob taking the lead. The speakers also shared some personal opinions, such as Wade's disdain for fans ruining enjoyable experiences and Bob's love for soft serve ice cream. Overall, the conversation showcased passionate fans engaging in a lively debate about their favorite series.

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    20 Easy Questions

    20 Easy Questions
    Bob successfully destroys Mark and Wade's egos with trivia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 24, 2024

    The Room Where It Happened

    The Room Where It Happened
    The guys finally return back to the place where it all began. (With special guest star: Momiplier) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    We Should Buy A Movie Theater!

    We Should Buy A Movie Theater!
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    The Inaugural Boat Episode

    The Inaugural Boat Episode
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    Shotgun Roulette

    Shotgun Roulette
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    Two Truths And A Lie

    Two Truths And A Lie
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    My Body Betrayed Me

    My Body Betrayed Me
    Wade attempts to lower the self esteems of Mark and Bob. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Naming 100 Women

    Naming 100 Women
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