
    About this Episode

    For their last show of the 2023, Ron and Ed will clean out their stacks of (business and economic related) stuff. It promises to be a fast-paced conversation that will make it hard to listen on double speed. If you have anything to add, send your email to asktsoe@verasage.com or tag us on X using @asktsoe or #asktsoe.

    Recent Episodes from The Soul of Enterprise: Business in the Knowledge Economy

    Leveraging Logic, Unleashing Magic: The Art of Subscription

    Leveraging Logic, Unleashing Magic: The Art of Subscription
    In an engaging email exchange between Ron and Reilly Newman, a Brand Scientist, Reilly shares his insights and challenges while reading the book Time's Up! He is particularly interested in applying the subscription business model to his brand creation business but faces difficulties in transitioning from a consultancy approach to a subscription-based service. Through their conversation, they explore creative solutions and strategies, including the idea of offering a brand transformation program and incorporating ongoing value into subscription packages. Join Ed and Ron as they discuss these ideas and how they apply to professional firms.

    Growth Grief - Guarding against the glitz and glamour of scale

    Growth Grief - Guarding against the glitz and glamour of scale
    Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of a cancer cell, not a sustainable business. Yet, the myth of growth and market share persists. Grow market share! You must be scalable! We are told over and over, and profits will follow. Horse hockey! as Col. Sherman T Potter would say. This week Ron and Ed will share their thoughts on why this pernicious myth does far more damage than good especially in the professional service space.

    The Future of ERP Systems: Second interview with Aaron Harris

    The Future of ERP Systems: Second interview with Aaron Harris
    What does the future hold for accounting/ERP systems? There is no one better on the planet better to answer this question than Aaron Harris, Sage's Global CTO. Aaron is responsible for Sage’s technology strategy and software architecture. He has more than 20 years of high-tech engineering experience in business applications and software development strategies. Previously a founding leader of Sage Intacct, acquired by Sage in 2017, Aaron led the company’s product vision and technology direction, establishing Sage Intacct as the innovation leader in cloud financial management solutions.

    The Time Tax: The Crime of Stealing Customers' Time

    The Time Tax: The Crime of Stealing Customers' Time
    Inspired by an article by former TSOE guest B. Joseph Pine II, and James H. Gilmore, Ed and Ron will explore how businesses--including professional firms--can stop wasting the customer's time. Strategies for helping customers save time, and invest it well will be explored.

    The Conservative Futurist: Interview with Jim Pethokoukis

    The Conservative Futurist: Interview with Jim Pethokoukis
    America was once the world’s dream factory. We turned imagination into reality, from curing polio to landing on the Moon to creating the internet. But as we moved into the late 20th century, we grew cautious, even cynical, about what the future held and our ability to shape it. Too many of us saw only the threats from rapid change. What caused this to happen? More importantly, what can we do to change it? Ron and Ed are thrilled have someone who has squarely addresse these questions. Jim Pethokoukis is the author of The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised. Jim is a senior fellow and the DeWitt Wallace Chair at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he analyzes US economic policy, writes and edits the AEIdeas blog, and hosts AEI’s Political Economy podcast. He is also a contributor to CNBC and writes the Faster, Please! newsletter on Substack.

    The Jones Act - Interview with Colin Grabow

    The Jones Act - Interview with Colin Grabow
    On this week's episode Ron and Ed welcome Colin Grabow of the CATO Institute's Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies to talk about the Jones Act (aka Merchant Marine Act of 1920) which regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports, oh, and, makes stuff more expensive for all of us while benefitting a select few. You will learn the main reason why food and other sundry items are more expensive in Hawaii and Puerto Rice; why the Northeast US imports natural gas from Russia instead of getting it from the US; and many more insanities.

    I Have a Right! Do you?

    I Have a Right! Do you?
    What does it mean to say I have a right to something? In this thought-provoking episode, Ron and Ed will delve into the distinct realms of negative and positive rights, exploring how they shape our understanding of individual liberties and societal obligations. Join us as we unravel the philosophical, practical, and even business implications of these two concepts, challenging preconceptions and fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of rights discourse.

    Best Books of 2023

    Best Books of 2023
    In the second of our annual beginning of the year episodes, Ron and Ed will recap their best books of 2023. Many listeners considers this the most expensive episode of the year as their anti-libraries tend to grow while listening. If you have a best book to share, please email us at asktsoe@verasage.com or hit us up with a X post @asktsoe.