
    HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Best of The Dan Bongino Show - 07/06/2023

    enJuly 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Henry Repeating Arms offers over 200 models with excellent craftsmanship and a wide range of calibers and finishes.Henry Repeating Arms provides a diverse selection of American-made firearms with top-notch craftsmanship and various caliber and finish options.

      Henry Repeating Arms is a top choice for those seeking a new rifle or shotgun, with over 200 models available, excellent craftsmanship, and a wide range of calibers and finishes. The company, known for its American-made products and lifetime warranty, offers affordable and high-end options. Meanwhile, in the news, a legal precedent from a case involving former President Bill Clinton's classified information in his sock drawer could significantly impact the ongoing dispute over classified documents found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. This precedent, which established that there is no provision in the Presidential Records Act to seize records from a former president, could potentially weaken the government's case against Trump.

    • President's Discretion Over Presidential RecordsThe president has extensive control over what is considered personal or official records and can declassify or destroy them during their time in office. This precedent raises concerns for ongoing investigations involving the handling of records by current and former presidents.

      A president's discretion over what constitutes personal versus official records, as well as their ability to declassify or destroy records, is extensive and solely within their discretion during their time in office. This was highlighted in a 2012 decision by a federal judge, which was never appealed, stating that the president is entrusted with the management and disposal of presidential records. The decision not to segregate personal materials from presidential records is made by the president, and it would be difficult for the court to conclude that Congress intended the president to have less authority over his personal records. This precedent has significant implications for ongoing investigations involving the handling of records by current and former presidents. The comparison is drawn to the "collusion model," where a crime is invented, followed by the use of process crimes to charge individuals associated with the accused for discussing the non-existent crime. The current situation involves accusations against a president for a crime without legal basis, and when he doesn't cooperate, obstruction of justice charges are leveled against him. This is a concerning development that raises questions about the rule of law and the potential for political manipulation.

    • Allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son Hunter in UkraineRecordings suggest Biden tried to prevent investigations into his family's dealings, raising ethical concerns

      There are allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and Ukraine, which include discussions about firing a prosecutor investigating the family's dealings and concerns about the financial system in Ukraine. These allegations are supported by recordings of Biden's conversations with the Ukrainian president. The recordings suggest that Biden was trying to prevent the release of information that could lead to investigations into financial transactions and potential bribes. The authenticity of these recordings is not disputed. These allegations, if proven true, could raise concerns about Biden's ethical behavior and his ability to lead effectively. It's important for voters to consider these allegations and demand transparency and accountability from all political figures.

    • Frustration with political extremes and addressing corruption and trans ideologySpeaker expresses concern over political corruption and trans ideology, encourages open discussion to prevent societal repeats of past mistakes.

      The speaker expresses frustration with both political extremes and the importance of addressing corruption and trans ideology. They believe that some people are unwilling to acknowledge the wrongdoings of political figures like Joe Biden, despite compelling evidence. The speaker also expresses concern over the trans ideology and its potential to alienate individuals and undermine the concept of gender. They believe that this ideology is a sign of the end times and a result of the assault on masculinity. The speaker encourages open discussion and acknowledgement of these issues to prevent society from repeating past mistakes.

    • Historical pattern of promoting androgyny and devaluing masculinity in late-stage culturesTotalitarian regimes deliberately weaken populations by promoting androgyny and devaluing masculinity to make them easier to control

      The deconstruction of masculinity and the promotion of androgyny are not accidental but deliberate tactics used by totalitarian regimes to weaken populations and make them easier to control. Yuri Bezmenov, a former Soviet propagandist, discussed this in a video, which the speaker regrets not sharing earlier. He explained that historically, the promotion of androgyny and the devaluation of masculinity have been observed in the late stages of cultures on the verge of collapse, such as ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. These regimes seek to create a population that feels disconnected from its past and unsure of its values, making it easier to be manipulated and controlled. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding this historical pattern and recognizing the potential threat it poses to contemporary society.

    • A potential counterculture revolution and return to traditional valuesHistorical patterns may repeat, leading to a potential counterculture revolution. Understanding the root causes of societal issues is crucial to finding solutions and avoiding past mistakes.

      History often repeats itself, and the current state of societal issues, including the attack on traditional values and the demasculinization of men, may lead to a counterculture revolution. RFK Jr. warns that this could result in a return to strong leadership and traditional values, potentially leading to good times. However, past historical examples of hyper-masculinity may not be the outcome. Tucker Carlson's discussion of Ukraine and the involvement of the swamp in funding various factions in the conflict highlights the financial gains made by those involved in the conflict, and RFK Jr. believes that this involvement began in 2014 when the US supported a coup against the democratically elected Ukrainian government, leading to a civil war and tensions with Russia. Ultimately, understanding the root causes of current conflicts and societal issues is crucial to finding solutions and avoiding repeating past mistakes.

    • Politics, Corruption, and Health in Ukraine and BeyondDisagreement over corruption in Ukrainian politics, involvement of influential figures like Biden and Soros, criticism of Dr. Peter Hotez for evasiveness on vaccine debate, and belief in vaccine durability and increasing acceptance.

      The discussion revolves around the complex political situation in Ukraine and the involvement of various influential figures, including Joe Biden and George Soros. The speakers agree that there has been corruption and lobbying for various sides, leading to a "piggy bank" situation where everyone benefits financially. Another topic touched upon is the COVID-19 vaccine, with mentions of Dr. Peter Hotez and his stance on the issue. The speakers criticize Hotez for being evasive and not engaging in debates about the vaccine, despite making bold statements. They argue that vaccine immunity is likely more durable than natural immunity and that acceptance of the vaccine is increasing as people see its benefits. Overall, the conversation highlights issues of corruption, politics, and health, with disagreements and debates surrounding key figures and topics.

    • Focusing on substance over appearanceWhen evaluating opinions or advice, focus on the evidence and logic presented, rather than superficial factors such as appearance or credentials.

      While expertise and education are important, they do not automatically make someone's opinions or advice valid. During a discussion, a guest on a podcast was criticized for not providing sufficient scientific evidence to support his views on the vaccine. The host, who was advocating for the vaccine, mocked the guest for not wearing a lab coat and a bow tie, suggesting that these external factors make someone more credible. However, it was later revealed that the guest did have degrees and was an expert in his field. The host then admitted his mistake and apologized. This incident highlights the importance of focusing on the substance of the argument rather than superficial factors such as appearance. It is crucial to evaluate the evidence and logic presented, regardless of the speaker's credentials or appearance.

    • Discussing the importance of micronutrients and vitamins despite a junk food dietConsider expert advice and scientific evidence over personal experiences when it comes to health, as micronutrients and vitamins are crucial for overall well-being and often lacking in unhealthy diets.

      While some people may prioritize indulging in unhealthy foods regularly, it's important to consider the potential long-term health consequences. The discussion highlights a doctor who frequently eats junk food and dismisses the need for vitamins, despite a large body of evidence linking poor diet to various diseases. Joe Rogan, known for his advocacy for healthy living, educates the doctor on the importance of micronutrients and vitamins, which are often lacking in unhealthy diets. It's crucial to listen to experts and consider their advice, especially when it comes to matters of health. Personal experiences and anecdotes should be weighed against scientific evidence and professional guidance.

    • Rep. Gaetz raises concerns over ATF's gun record practices and potential abuses of powerRep. Gaetz criticized the ATF for potentially breaking the law to add individuals to a list, warned against using 'public health emergency' to infringe on gun rights, and intended to use new House rules to defund those at the ATF who break the law.

      During a recent congressional hearing, Representative Matt Gaetz raised concerns about the ATF potentially breaking the law by obtaining gun records to add individuals to a list and make them felons. Gaetz also criticized the use of the term "public health emergency" in relation to guns, warning of potential abuses of power. Additionally, Gaetz mentioned his disagreement with Representative Cori Bush's stance on defunding the police and her characterization of gun violence as a public health emergency. The hearing touched on the ATF's actions regarding gun records and an arm brace ban. Gaetz expressed his intention to use new House rules to offer amendments to zero out the salaries of those at the ATF who break the law. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding vaccine mandates during the previous public health emergency.

    • New regulations on arm braces for firearms raise concerns about Second Amendment rights and small business ownersNew regulations could make gun owners felons and potentially compile a list of gun owners, sparking fears of constitutional freedoms erosion

      There are concerns about potential infringements on Second Amendment rights and small business owners due to new regulations regarding arm braces for firearms. These regulations, which are being applied retroactively, could result in gun owners becoming felons if they don't comply. Additionally, there are fears that the government is compiling a list of gun owners, which could be used for future gun confiscations. Congressman Jim Jordan and others have spoken out against these developments, urging legislative action to protect gun rights. The situation raises concerns about the potential misuse of power and the erosion of constitutional freedoms.

    • New Biden Rule Could Make Legal Gun Accessories IllegalThe Biden administration is proposing a new rule that could retroactively make certain gun accessories, like arm braces, illegal, potentially impacting millions and setting a dangerous precedent for further gun control measures.

      The Biden administration and gun control advocacy groups are proposing a new rule that could retroactively make it illegal to own certain firearm accessories, such as arm braces, which were previously purchased legally. This could potentially impact many individuals who have been advocating for their Second Amendment rights for decades. The concern is that if this rule is allowed to stand, it could set a dangerous precedent for further gun control measures. The administration's justification for this rule is that these accessories can be used to make firearms function like short-barreled rifles, which are subject to stricter regulations. However, gun rights advocates argue that this is an unconstitutional overreach and could criminalize otherwise law-abiding citizens. The potential consequences of this rule are far-reaching and could have significant implications for the future of gun ownership in the United States.

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    *The views and opinions of guests do not reflect the opinions of Phil Rabalais, Andrew Bobo, or the Matter of Facts Podcast*

    Andrew invites fellow Michigander Trek from MDFI to come talk about the tragedy at MSU and what has the anti-gunners frothing at the mouth now. 



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    Intro and Outro Music by Phil Rabalais
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    #1000 - Joey Diaz & Tom Segura

    #1000 - Joey Diaz & Tom Segura
    Joey “CoCo” Diaz is a Cuban-American stand up comedian and actor. Joey also hosts his own podcast called “The Church of What’s Happening Now” available on Spotify. Tom Segura is a stand-up comedian, and hosts his own podcast with his wife, Christina Pazsitzky called "Your Mom's House" on Spotify.